Article Information
- August 11, 2020.
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Author Information
- The PRIEST Research Group (details in Appendix 1),
- Steve Goodacre1,*,
- Ben Thomas2,
- Ellen Lee3,
- Laura Sutton4,
- Amanda Loban5,
- Simon Waterhouse6,
- Richard Simmonds7,
- Katie Biggs8,
- Carl Marincowitz9,
- Jose Schutter10,
- Sarah Connelly11,
- Elena Sheldon12,
- Jamie Hall13,
- Emma Young14,
- Andrew Bentley15,
- Kirsty Challen16,
- Chris Fitzimmons17,
- Tim Harris18,
- Fiona Lecky19,
- Andrew Lee20,
- Ian Maconochie21 and
- Darren Walter22
- 1Professor of Emergency Medicine, University of Sheffield, s.goodacre{at}
- 2Study Manager, University of Sheffield, b.d.thomas{at}
- 3Statistician, University of Sheffield, e.lee{at}
- 4Statistician/Research Associate, University of Sheffield, l.j.sutton{at}
- 5Head of Data Management, University of Sheffield, a.loban{at}
- 6Lead Data Specialist, University of Sheffield, s.waterhouse{at}
- 7Data Management/Information Systems Officer, University of Sheffield, r.p.simmonds{at}
- 8Assistant Director, University of Sheffield, c.e.biggs{at}
- 9Clinical Lecturer in Emergency Medicine, University of Sheffield, c.marincowitz{at}
- 10Research Assistant, University of Sheffield, j.schutter{at}
- 11Research Assistant, University of Sheffield, s.l.connelly{at}
- 12Research Assistant, University of Sheffield, e.m.sheldon{at}
- 13Research Assistant, University of Sheffield, jamie.hall{at}
- 14Research Assistant, University of Sheffield, e.l.young{at}
- 15Consultant in ICM & Respiratory Medicine, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Wythenshawe Hospital,{at}
- 16Consultant in Emergency Medicine, Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, kirsty.challen{at}
- 17Consultant in Paediatric Emergency Medicine, Sheffield Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, c.fitzsimmons{at}
- 18Professor of Emergency Medicine, Barts Health NHS Trust, Tim.Harris{at}
- 19Clinical Professor in Emergency Medicine, University of Sheffield, f.e.lecky{at}
- 20Reader of Global Public Health, University of Sheffield, andrew.lee{at}
- 21Consultant in Paediatric Emergency Medicine, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, I.maconochie{at}
- 22Consultant in Emergency Medicine, Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust,{at}
- ↵*Corresponding author: Steve Goodacre, School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR), University of Sheffield, Regent Court, Regent Street, Sheffield, S10 1UL, s.goodacre{at}, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0803-8444