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Therapeutic effectiveness of interferon alpha 2b treatment for COVID-19 patient recovery
R Pereda, D González, HB Rivero, JC Rivero, A Pérez, LR López, N Mezquia, R Venegas, Julio Raul Betancourt, RE Domínguez
Now published in Journal of Interferon & Cytokine Research doi: 10.1089/jir.2020.0188
R Pereda
1Intensive Medicine Department, Medical College of Havana. 23 Street 202, Vedado, Plaza de la Revolución, ZIP code 10400. Havana, Cuba
D González
2Internal Medicine Department, Pedro Kouri Institute. Avenida Novia del Mediodía, KM 6 ½, La Lisa, ZIP code 11400, Havana, Cuba
HB Rivero
3Internal Medicine Department, Enrique Cabrera General Hospital. Calzada de Aldabó 11117, Altahabana, Arroyo Naranjo, ZIP code 10800, Havana, Cuba
JC Rivero
4Intensive Medicine Department, Miguel Enríquez Surgical Clinical Hospital. Ramón Pinto 202, 10 de octubre, ZIP code 10700, Havana, Cuba
A Pérez
5Intensive Medicine Department, Enrique Cabrera General Hospital. Calzada de Aldabó 11117 Corner E, Altahabana, Arroyo Naranjo, ZIP code 10800, Havana, Cuba
LR López
6Intensive Medicine Department, Juan Manuel Marquez Pediatric Hospital. Avenida 31, Marianao, ZIP code 11400, Havana, Cuba
N Mezquia
4Intensive Medicine Department, Miguel Enríquez Surgical Clinical Hospital. Ramón Pinto 202, 10 de octubre, ZIP code 10700, Havana, Cuba
R Venegas
7Intensive Medicine Department, Luis Díaz Soto Central Military Hospital. Ave Monumental km 2½ Eastern Havana, ZIP code 19130, Havana, Cuba
Julio Raul Betancourt
8Intensive Medicine Department, Manuel Piti Fajardo Surgical Clinical Military Hospital. New Abel Santa María, Santa Clara, ZIP code 50100, Villa Clara, Cuba
RE Domínguez
9Intensive Medicine Department, Octavio de la Concepcion y la Pedraja Military Hospital. Cornelio Porro Street 52, Camagüey, ZIP code 70200, Camagüey, Cuba

Data Availability
Data presented are from patient medical records provided by the Cuban Ministry of Public Health, in accordance with the policies established for an investigation in a pandemic scenario
Posted August 04, 2020.
Therapeutic effectiveness of interferon alpha 2b treatment for COVID-19 patient recovery
R Pereda, D González, HB Rivero, JC Rivero, A Pérez, LR López, N Mezquia, R Venegas, Julio Raul Betancourt, RE Domínguez
medRxiv 2020.07.28.20157974; doi:
Now published in Journal of Interferon & Cytokine Research doi: 10.1089/jir.2020.0188
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