Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) is responsible for the death of millions of people annually around the world, which makes predictive analyses of AMI mortality risk necessary. Rich clinical data in electronic health records (EHR) makes such predictive modeling possible. However, missing values in EHR data is a major issue. Also, the interpretability of predictive models in medicine and healthcare is vital for medical professionals. Therefore, this study examines the impact of imputing missing values in EHR data on the performance and interpretations of predictive models. Our experiments showed a small standard deviation in root mean squared error of different runs of imputation under similar method does not necessarily imply small standard deviation in prediction models’ performance and interpretation. Our findings reveal that the imputation method and the level of missingness impact not only the predictive models’ performance but also the interpretation of the models in terms of feature importance.
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) remain the leading cause of death worldwide.1 Based on a recent report from the European Heart Network,2 CVDs cause 3.9 million deaths in Europe every year. In 2012, there were 17.5 million deaths from CVDs worldwide with 7.4 million deaths because of coronary heart disease and 6.7 million deaths due to heart attack.3 CVDs cause a heavy social and economic toll on the nations as well as governments.4 Among various CVDs, acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is the most severe form of coronary artery disease and a fatal CVD responsible for the death of millions of people annually around the world.5 Thus, predictive analyses for AMI mortality risk are important for early interventions and procedures.
The wide adoption and implementation of electronic health records (EHR) systems in the United States is the result of a government initiative6 leading to a large amount of clinical data accumulated in digital forms.7 These data are a rich source of patient information for predictive analytics in healthcare.8 Predictive analytics in healthcare and clinical decision-support is not a new topic.9 Nevertheless, in recent years, there is an increasing demand of using routinely collected real-world data (RWD) such as EHRs, administrative claims, and billing data to generate real-world evidence (RWE) that informs medical care.10 On the other hand, the emergence and efficient implementation14 of state-of-the-art machine learning11 and deep learning methods,12 as well as powerful computing infrastructure make predictive analytics using EHR data more possible than ever.
However, using EHR data for predictive analytics with machine learning and deep learning methods is still challenging. One major issue is the quality of EHR data due to incompleteness.15 The existence of missing values in EHR data is due to various reasons including human error, lack of documentation (e.g., the medical expert did not document an evaluation result), or lack of collection (e.g., the medical expert did not perform an evaluation).16 Thus, a significant body of studies has attempted to approach this challenge by imputing missing values, rather than eliminating records with missing data.17 Mean imputation is a common approach for imputing missing values in EHR data mainly due to its ease of implementation.18 Researchers have used multiple imputation by chained equations (MICE)19 or its variations to deal with missing values in EHR data.16,20 Other imputation methods based on predictive modeling using machine learning methods are also popular approaches such as MissForest21 and K-nearest neighbors (KNN)-based imputation.22 A few recent studies have also used deep learning methods such as generative adversarial networks (GANs)23 and autoencoders for missing value imputation in EHR data.22
On the other hand, predictive analyses using complex machine learning methods (e.g., deep learning), which yield superior prediction accuracy, usually result in black-box models that are not easily interpretable by the end-users. Despite their promising performance, using such complex predictive models in healthcare and clinical decision-making process is quite challenging. Medical professionals need to understand the rationale behind the predictive models’ prediction,24 thus, prefer less complex models such as logistic regression for clinical decision-making.12 Researchers in the field have taken different approaches to address the interpretability of machine learning models, for instance, feature interaction and importance,25,26 attention mechanism,27,28 data dimensionality reduction,29,30 knowledge distillation and rule extraction.31,32 However, there are still some fundamental issues that need to be addressed in this regards such as fidelity of the post-hoc interpretation methods to the reference model, evaluation of the interpretation methods, and design biases due to focusing on the intuition of researchers rather than real end-users’ (medical professionals in this context) needs. In this study, we consider the interpretation of the predictive models as using feature coefficients and importance of intrinsically interpretable models. Further, although missingness has been recognized as a major kind of the data quality issues of EHR for secondary reuse,33 how different imputation methods would affect interpretations of machine learning models based on EHR data has not been explored.
Thus, inspired by the importance of predictive modeling in medicine, the challenge of missing values in EHR, and the necessity for building interpretable models in medicine, in this study, we examine the impact of imputation methods on EHR data of AMI patients in ICU on the produced interpretations of several predictive models in terms of feature importance. We use a complete dataset without missing values as the baseline and introduce different levels of missingness (i.e., from 10% to 50%) through simulations. Then, we apply different statistical and machine learning-based imputation methods including mean (mode for two binary variables), MICE, MissForest, and a KNN-based method, as well as Generative Adversarial Imputation Networks (GAIN)23 - a novel imputation method based on neural networks. We build less complex machine learning models that are intrinsically interpretable and preferred by medical experts, such as logistic regression, linear support vector machine (SVM), and decision tree. We compared these models’ performances and interpretations. Further, we build predictive models based on DeepConsensus34 to experiment if the consensus mechanism would reduce the variance in the performance of predictive models based on slightly different imputed datasets. Our goal is to investigate the impact of imputation methods on not only the performance of the resulting models, but also the interpretation results. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate how imputation methods might impact derived interpretations of predictive models on EHR data. Figure 1 demonstrates the workflow of this study.
Missingness mechanisms
Since there might be various reasons for a value to be missing in a dataset, there are three main categories of missingness mechanism, including missing completely at random (MCAR), missing at random (MAR), and not missing at random (NMAR). MCAR means the missingness mechanism is not dependent on the outcome variable or any other variables of the dataset. MAR means the missingness did not happen at random. In other words, the missingness is dependent on one or more variables in the dataset. NMAR, the most difficult condition to model for, means the missingness is dependent on the actual value of the missing data.35 Characterizing the missingness mechanism in EHR data can be an indicator of choosing an appropriate imputation method. This impact has been explored previously.22 In this study, we focused on exploring the impact of imputation methods on models’ performance and derived interpretation. We simulated random missingness on the complete dataset. Any value in the data was as likely to be missing as any other value. Thus, the missingness mechanism in this study was MCAR.
The Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care (MIMIC-III) database is an integration of de-identified and comprehensive EHR data of patients admitted to the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts.36 This dataset is freely available and contains patient information spanning over more than a decade. MIMIC-III is widely used in different academic and industrial research. Considering the importance of studying the mortality risk in cardiovascular diseases, especially AMI, in this study, we focused on patients with AMI and post myocardial syndrome (PMS). Thus, the International Classification of Diseases, 9th revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) codes considered for this study are 410.0 to 411.0. For each admission, we aggregated the laboratory and chart values and considered the average value of each of the 19 numerical features. We also considered two categorical features with few missing values including gender and initial emergency room diagnosis of AMI. Since our purpose for this study was to examine how the ranking of feature importance would change under different imputation methods and level of missingness, we did not consider longitudinal structure of features. Also, because we compared deep learning-based models with conventional machine learning-based models, we chose to include consistent features throughout the whole experiments. Further, because we should have had a reference to compare the ranking of features under different imputation methods and levels of missingness, we excluded features with more than 50% missing values and applied listwise deletion to the rest of the original dataset. The resulting complete dataset has 3054 observations and 21 features. The binary outcome was dead or not dead within one year after admission. Features description and summary statistics are reported in Table 1.
Imputation Methods
In this study, we evaluated five different imputation methods, including (1) mean value imputation, (2) MICE, (3) K-nearest neighbors (KNN)-based, (4) MissForest, and (5) GAIN. For implementation purposes, we used available packages in R to implement methods (1) to (4). The implementation code of GAIN in Python is made available by its authors on GitHub (https://github.com/jsyoon0823/GAIN). The performance of different imputation methods was compared using root mean squared error (RMSE). The details of these methods are described as follows.
Mean value imputation
The easiest to implement and most conventional approach to impute missing values in EHR data is mean value imputation. However, this simplicity might result in ignoring the underlying statistical information in data and introduce unintentional biases in the subsequent analyses.16
MICE is one of the most popular methods for imputing missing values in EHR data. The main reason resides in its ability to impute different types of variables that might be present in the EHR data. Using MICE, each variable with missing observations is regressed on all the remaining variables in the dataset. The missing values are replaced with the predicted value, and this imputation process is repeated sequentially until all missing values are imputed.
KNN is a machine learning method that can be used for imputing missing values in EHR data.22 In this approach, missing values are replaced with the mean value of k most similar complete observations. A distance function (e.g., Euclidean) is used to measure this similarity.
MissForest is a promising imputation method for missing values in EHR data.21 In this method, first, mean imputation (or any other imputation method) is performed as an initial guess for the missing values. Then, variables in the dataset are sorted based on the amount of missing values they have with the one with fewest missing values ordered first. Further, for each variable x, a random forest 37 model is fitted on all other variables’ observed values and the outcome variable being the observed values of variable x. Then, the trained model is used to predict the missing values of x. This process is repeated until a stopping criterion is met.
Recently, GAIN, a neural network-based imputation method was introduced for missing value imputation. This imputation method is based on the generative adversarial networks (GAN)23 framework. In the framework, corresponding to a minimax two-player game, two models are trained simultaneously, a generative model and a discriminative model. The generative model captures the data distribution while the discriminative model estimates the probability of a sample being from the training data or from the generative model. The objective of the generative model is to make the discriminative model make more mistakes. In GAN, the generative and discriminative models are defined based on multilayer perceptron (feedforward neural networks). GAIN is an imputing GAN framework in which the goal of the generative model is to accurately impute the missing values in data, while the goal of the discriminative model is to predict the probability of a value being from the original dataset or from the generative model (observed or imputed component). The objective of the discriminative model in GAIN is to minimize the error loss (on guessing if the elements in the generative model’s output are produced by the generative model or from the original data) while the generative model’s goal is to maximize discriminative model’s mistakes. The authors of GAIN have reported superior imputation performance of GAIN in comparison to autoencoders and other statistical and conventional machine learning-based imputation methods.
Suppose a d-dimensional space χ= χ1 ×…× χd and X as a random variable X=(X1,…, Xd) taking values in x and a mask vector M=(M1,…, Md) as another random variable that takes 0 if the value in X is missing and 1 if it is not missing. A new space is defined for each i ∈{1, …d}as , where * represents an unobserved value. is the partial observation of X that takes the corresponding value of X if M is 1 and * otherwise. We inputted the missing data to GAIN and got the imputed datasets as output using Equation 1 and 2, where is the vector of imputed values, G is the generator function, is the vector obtained by partial observations and replacing missing values with the values of , Z is a d-dimensional noise which is independent of all the other variables, and ⨀is element-wise multiplication. In (1) G function takes , M, and Z as input and outputs . Then in (2), is obtained by replacing each * with the corresponding value from .
Predictive Modeling
To compare the prediction performance and feature importance ranking of different prediction models with different level of missingness, we performed predictive analyses using three popular machine learning methods in predictive modeling with EHR data,38 namely logistic regression, SVM, and decision tree. Further, we captured feature coefficients and importance in each model to compare to the same in the reference model of its own kind. For comparison, we used Pearson correlation coefficients. Higher correlations mean closer results (in terms of feature importance) to the reference model based on the complete dataset. Also, we built a deep learning model (i.e., DeepConsensus) to investigate if it can reduce variance. The binary prediction task was patient mortality within one year after admission. The dataset is divided to separate training and testing sets at the ratio of 0.9 to 0.1 respectively. The dataset is imbalanced with 65 (negative class) to 35 (positive class) ratio. For implementation purposes we used Python programming language with Tensorflow, NumPy, Pandas, and Sklearn packages. We give a brief description of DeepConsensus in the following.
The main idea behind DeepConsensus is that since different deep neural networks tend to classify training samples accurately, they generate similar linear regions. Thus, these models should behave similarly on classifying training samples. Such behavior enables multiple models to agree with each other on classifying valid inputs and filtering out adversarial examples, while individual models are sensitive to those examples. Using consensus among different models helps to capture the underlying structure of data. It is shown that consensus helps to differentiate extrinsically classified samples (i.e., classified under extrinsic factors such as randomness of weight initialization) from consistently classified samples (i.e., samples that are classified in the same class with high probability by multiple models). Thus, such consensus mechanism among multiple models can reduce the variance caused by extrinsic factors. The effectiveness of this method is demonstrated in the reference paper.34
Imputation Performance
We compared five different imputation methods including MICE, MissForest, KNN-based, Mean (mode for binary variables), and GAIN, on 10% to 50% missing datasets. We ran each experiment 10 times and computed the average RMSE along with its standard deviation. The results are reported in Table 2.
Averaging the RMSE of different imputation methods across all different levels of missing values, GAIN showed the best performance. MissForest was the second-best performing imputation method following GAIN showing only 0.01276 difference in RMSE on average. Mean came next, showing quite monotonic behavior across all datasets with different amount of missing values. KNN-based and MICE showed similar performance reporting the highest RSME (worst performance).
Prediction Performance
Next, we based our experiments on the datasets imputed with the best performing imputation methods GAIN and MissForest. First, we built the reference models that served as the benchmark for our comparisons (models based on the complete dataset). Then, we built models based on datasets with varying percentage of missingness that are imputed using GAIN and MissForest (through 300 experiments = 5 levels of missingness * 2 imputation methods* 3 ML methods * 10 runs each). The performance of these models based on GAIN imputed datasets and MissForest imputed datasets in terms of area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) are depicted in Figure 2. AUROC is a classification performance measure that illustrates how models perform in terms of discriminating between the classes. The performance of SVM and logistic regression models based on MissForest imputed datasets (Figure 2) showed lower variance in comparison to the same models based on GAIN imputed datasets. The variance in decision tree models based on the datasets imputed by both GAIN and MissForest is relatively high, making those models’ performance unstable even under low levels of missingness.
By increasing the number of missing values in the datasets from 10% to 50%, models based on the datasets imputed by MissForest showed a more stable behavior in comparison to GAIN across all models. A closer look at SVM performance (based on AUROC) from 10% to 50% missing values imputed by MissForest showed an increase of standard deviation from 0.00375523 to 0.01062501 with an average of 0.00674935. This measure was 0.00277818 to 0.0253859 for GAIN with an average of 0.01441592. Also, a big jump in standard deviation was not observed in case of MissForest until 40% of missingness. This jump occurred at 20% of missingness in case of GAIN. The standard deviation of AUROC of multiple runs for logistic regression models based on GAIN showed an increasing trend from 0.00561881to 0.01919611 with the average of 0.0101355. However, in case of MissForest, the trend is increasing from 10% to 30% and then decreasing from 30% to 50% with an average of 0.00619782. We hypothesized that the variance among models on the same missing level of missing data that is imputed with the same method 10 times can be reduced by using the consensus mechanism among multiple models. Applying DeepConsensus on the complete dataset (baseline) showed a significant increase of performance as expected: from 0.7212 AUROC in logistic regression and 0.7137 in SVM to 0.8095 in DeepConsensus. Further, we narrowed down our experiments to 10 datasets that were the result of imputing 10% missingness (lowest missing rate) 10 times with MissForest (imputation method with less variance on machine learning models). The average AUROC across 10 experiments showed an increase of performance to 0.7908 (from 0.67505 in SVM and 0.68307 in logistic regression). However, the variance in performance still persists at 0.034460858.
Feature Importance Ranking Comparison
Pearson correlation analyses (feature importance of each model with feature importance of corresponding baseline model) are reported in Table 3. These results showed a generally lower performance for decision tree models across all datasets. Focusing on SVM and logistic regression with higher performance, averaging coefficients as a result of 10 runs for each level of missingness showed a correlation coefficient of more than 0.99 with statistically significant results on the imputed datasets of 10% missing value with GAIN and MissForest. However, this trend on models based on an increasing level of missingness on average showed a decreasing correlation with the baseline model across all machine learning methods and imputation methods. A further principal component analysis (PCA) on the complete dataset showed that a linear model based on 30% missing values could capture between 90.130% (14 features) and 92.824% (15 features) of the statistical information in this dataset.
Comparing the imputation methods’ RMSE performance reported in Table 2 might imply that (1) GAIN performs better than MissForest, and (2) the standard deviation between different runs of the same method on the same dataset with missing values is small. However, our experiments showed that choosing the best imputation method might not always be a straightforward process. Although GAIN surpassed all imputation methods in terms of RMSE on all datasets, MissForest imputation yielded more stable results (smaller standard deviation on average) at the presence of gradually increasing missing values. Also, comparing the performance of models based on datasets with different percentage of missingness reveals the fact that higher performance does not necessarily indicate more similar interpretations to the reference model. We observed that, on average a relatively small standard deviation of RMSE across all levels of missingness yielded a bigger standard deviation in models’ performance and a lower correlation of feature importance between baseline models and the models based on imputed datasets. Also, the dilemma of bias/variance is well understood regarding neural networks which are hyperparameterized.39 Training neural networks requires a larger number of training samples to achieve acceptable performance and less variance. Thus, although using consensus of deep models did not resolve the issue of variance in this study, we hypothesize that using a bigger dataset (with more samples and more features) could potentially yield a more stable consensus of deep learning models and result in less variance.
These observations might not be generalizable to other datasets or imputation methods. There is no universally optimal approach for missing data imputation or predictive modeling using EHR data. However, these experiments showed that the way we approach missing values in EHR data impacts not only the model performance but also the interpretations of the models’ predictions. In real-world predictive analyses of EHR data, it is usually not possible to obtain a dataset with no missing values. However, in cases where the interpretations of predictive models matter, in order to choose the best imputation method, just relying on RMSE or model performance measures might not be sufficient. In these cases, we suggest to run extensive experiments on a smaller complete-case version of the dataset first, evaluate the impact of different imputation methods on the interpretations in comparison to the complete-case, and then apply the best performing method on the original dataset with missing values. In cases where it is not possible to have the complete-case dataset, researchers should be aware of this potential impact, use different imputation methods for predictive modeling, and discuss the resulting interpretations with medical experts or compare to the medical knowledge when choosing the imputation method that yields the most reasonable interpretations. Also, more in-depth analyses of data with methods such as PCA can be used to investigate the redundancy in datasets and determine the maximal allowed missing value rate.
Limitations and Future Opportunities
A potential limitation of this study was the relatively small and imbalanced dataset (65:35). Although the findings in this study are robust, future studies could be done on datasets with more balance and more samples to investigate how these results would change. Another limitation was using snapshot of features instead of longitudinal structure. The focus of this study was to examine how different imputation methods can potentially impact the resulting performance and interpretations of different predictive models. Thus, we had to be consistent in terms of the data representation to models and the number of features we used across all experiments. Future studies could be conducted on longitudinal features and investigating the impact of imputation methods on the resulting interpretations. However, modeling and interpreting longitudinal EHR data is inherently challenging due to different granularity of different variables. Another limitation to this study was the fact that the missingness mechanism of data was MCAR. However, in real-world EHR data this might not be the case. Investigating the impact of imputation methods, especially on the models’ interpretations, under MAR and NMAR in comparison to MCAR can provide a broader view and understanding of the underlying challenges with regards to EHR data imputation. Another limitation of this study is that it is an empirical study rather than a theoretical study. We encourage future theoretical studies on investigating the possible impacts of missing value imputation on the models’ interpretations.
In this study, we simulated 5 levels of missingness (10% to 50%) on a complete EHR dataset of 21 features for 3054 patients with AMI from MIMIC-III database. We examined different statistical and machine learning-based imputation methods such as mean, MICE, MissForest, and KNN-based, as well as GAIN-a novel imputation method based on GAN. Our experiments showed that GAIN and MissForest yielded best performance in terms of RMSE and small standard deviations across all levels of missingness. However, further predictive modeling (using machine learning and deep learning methods) based on each of these datasets revealed the fact that the variance in their performance (in terms of AUROC) gradually grows with more missingness. Also, Pearson correlation analyses showed that the similarity of feature importance of models based on the imputed datasets to the feature importance of baseline models gradually decreases, a trend that could not initially be inferred by just looking at the performance of imputation and predictive modeling in terms of RMSE and AUROC respectively.
Data Availability
The data are available upon request.
This study was supported in part by the National Institute on Aging (NIA) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) under Award Number R21AG061431; and the University of Florida Clinical and Translational Science Institute, which is supported in part by the NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences under award number UL1TR001427. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the NIH.