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A cohort study to evaluate the effect of combination Vitamin D, Magnesium and Vitamin B12 (DMB) on progression to severe outcome in older COVID-19 patients
Chuen Wen Tan, Liam Pock Ho, Shirin Kalimuddin, Benjamin Pei Zhi Cherng, Yii Ean Teh, Siew Yee Thien, Hei Man Wong, Paul Jie Wen Tern, Manju Chandran, Jason Wai Mun Chay, Chandramouli Nagarajan, Rehena Sultana, Jenny Guek Hong Low, Heng Joo Ng
Now published in Nutrition doi: 10.1016/j.nut.2020.111017
Chuen Wen Tan
1Department of Hematology, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore
3Department of Pathology, Sengkang General Hospital, Singapore
Liam Pock Ho
1Department of Hematology, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore
2Department of Clinical Pathology, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore
3Department of Pathology, Sengkang General Hospital, Singapore
Shirin Kalimuddin
4Department of Infectious Diseases, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore
5Programme in Emerging Infectious Diseases, Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore
Benjamin Pei Zhi Cherng
4Department of Infectious Diseases, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore
Yii Ean Teh
4Department of Infectious Diseases, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore
Siew Yee Thien
4Department of Infectious Diseases, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore
Hei Man Wong
4Department of Infectious Diseases, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore
Paul Jie Wen Tern
4Department of Infectious Diseases, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore
Manju Chandran
6Department of Endocrinology, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore
Jason Wai Mun Chay
2Department of Clinical Pathology, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore
3Department of Pathology, Sengkang General Hospital, Singapore
Chandramouli Nagarajan
1Department of Hematology, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore
Rehena Sultana
7Centre for Quantitative Medicine, Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore
Jenny Guek Hong Low
4Department of Infectious Diseases, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore
5Programme in Emerging Infectious Diseases, Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore
Heng Joo Ng
1Department of Hematology, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore

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Posted June 10, 2020.
A cohort study to evaluate the effect of combination Vitamin D, Magnesium and Vitamin B12 (DMB) on progression to severe outcome in older COVID-19 patients
Chuen Wen Tan, Liam Pock Ho, Shirin Kalimuddin, Benjamin Pei Zhi Cherng, Yii Ean Teh, Siew Yee Thien, Hei Man Wong, Paul Jie Wen Tern, Manju Chandran, Jason Wai Mun Chay, Chandramouli Nagarajan, Rehena Sultana, Jenny Guek Hong Low, Heng Joo Ng
medRxiv 2020.06.01.20112334; doi:
Now published in Nutrition doi: 10.1016/j.nut.2020.111017
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