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Prepared and highly committed despite the risk of COVID-19 infection: A cross-sectional survey of primary care physicians’ concerns and coping strategies in Singapore
Jerrald Lau, David Hsien-Yung Tan, Gretel Jianlin Wong, Yii-Jen Lew, Ying-Xian Chua, Lian-Leng Low, Han-Kwee Ho, Thiam-Soo Kwek, Sue-Anne Ee-Shiow Toh, Ker-Kan Tan
Now published in BMC Family Practice doi: 10.1186/s12875-021-01370-7
Jerrald Lau
1Jerrald LAU – Conceptualisation, project administration, methodology, formal analysis, writing (original draft, review & editing), ()
9Sue-Anne Ee-Shiow TOH – Funding acquisition, writing (review & editing), ()
MPHDavid Hsien-Yung Tan
3Gretel Jianlin WONG – Project administration, methodology, data curation, writing (review & editing), ()
4Yii-Jen LEW – Conceptualisation, methodology, resources, writing (review & editing), ()
FCFP(S)Gretel Jianlin Wong
1Jerrald LAU – Conceptualisation, project administration, methodology, formal analysis, writing (original draft, review & editing), ()
9Sue-Anne Ee-Shiow TOH – Funding acquisition, writing (review & editing), ()
BSc(Biomed Sc)Yii-Jen Lew
3Gretel Jianlin WONG – Project administration, methodology, data curation, writing (review & editing), ()
MMed(FM)Ying-Xian Chua
3Gretel Jianlin WONG – Project administration, methodology, data curation, writing (review & editing), ()
MMed(FM)Lian-Leng Low
4Yii-Jen LEW – Conceptualisation, methodology, resources, writing (review & editing), ()
5Ying-Xian CHUA – Methodology, resources, writing (review & editing), ()
6Lian-Leng LOW – Methodology, resources, writing (review & editing), ()
FCFP(S)Han-Kwee Ho
7Han-Kwee HO – Conceptualisation, resources, writing (review & editing), ()
PhDThiam-Soo Kwek
8Thiam-Soo KWEK – Resources, writing (review & editing), ()
GDFMSue-Anne Ee-Shiow Toh
2David Hsien-Yung TAN – Conceptualisation, project administration, methodology, resources, writing (review & editing), ()
9Sue-Anne Ee-Shiow TOH – Funding acquisition, writing (review & editing), ()
MDKer-Kan Tan
2David Hsien-Yung TAN – Conceptualisation, project administration, methodology, resources, writing (review & editing), ()
9Sue-Anne Ee-Shiow TOH – Funding acquisition, writing (review & editing), ()
Posted May 10, 2020.
Prepared and highly committed despite the risk of COVID-19 infection: A cross-sectional survey of primary care physicians’ concerns and coping strategies in Singapore
Jerrald Lau, David Hsien-Yung Tan, Gretel Jianlin Wong, Yii-Jen Lew, Ying-Xian Chua, Lian-Leng Low, Han-Kwee Ho, Thiam-Soo Kwek, Sue-Anne Ee-Shiow Toh, Ker-Kan Tan
medRxiv 2020.05.06.20093757; doi:
Now published in BMC Family Practice doi: 10.1186/s12875-021-01370-7
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