Article Information
- May 2, 2020.
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Author Information
- Aniruddh P. Patel, MD*,1,
- Manish D. Paranjpe, BA*,2,
- Nina P. Kathiresan3,
- Manuel A. Rivas, DPhil4 and
- Amit V. Khera, MD, MSc1,†
- 1Center for Genomic Medicine and Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
- 2Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA
- 3Milton Academy, Milton, MA
- 4Department of Biomedical Data Science, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
- ↵†Please address correspondence to: Amit V. Khera, MD, MSc, Massachusetts General Hospital, 185 Cambridge Street | CPZN 6.256, Boston, MA 02114, Tel: 617-643-3388, E-mail: avkhera{at}, Twitter: @amitvkhera
↵* Dr. Patel and Mr. Paranjpe contributed equally