Estimation of the infection fatality rate and the total number of SARS-CoV-2 infections
Carlos Hernandez-Suarez, Paolo Verme, Efren Murillo-Zamora
Carlos Hernandez-Suarez
aFacultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Colima, Bernal Diaz del Castillo 340, Colima, Colima, 28040, MEXICO
Paolo Verme
bWorld Bank, 1818 H St, NW Washington, DC 20433, USA
Efren Murillo-Zamora
cDepartamento de Epidemiología, Unidad de Medicina Familiar No. 19, IMSS, Av. Javier Mina 301, 28000, Colima, Colima. MEXICO

Data Availability
No data made available
Posted June 02, 2020.
Estimation of the infection fatality rate and the total number of SARS-CoV-2 infections
Carlos Hernandez-Suarez, Paolo Verme, Efren Murillo-Zamora
medRxiv 2020.04.23.20077446; doi:
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