Background Little is known about how COVID-19 infection affects pregnant women, as well as about the possibility of vertical transmission or that of premature labor. Thus, this study’s objective was to identify existing evidence to directive public policies.
Method Systematic literature review assessing papers published in the most comprehensive databases in the field of health.
Results 12 papers were eligible. A total of 119 pregnant women aged between 22 and 42 years old and between the 12th and 41st weeks were analyzed; 90 children were born. Most pregnant women acquired the infection in the third trimester of pregnancy, 97.4% were diagnosed before hospitalization based on signs and symptoms. There was no maternal death and no vertical transmission was confirmed.
Conclusions pregnant women must be cautious and vigilant because their exposure to the virus, even if at the end of a pregnancy, has important repercussions, especially for the type of labor.
The World Health Organization (OMS) declared on January 30th, 2020, that the outbreak of COVID-19, a respiratory disease caused by the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, is the sixth public health emergency of international concern [1]. Due to this highly transmissible virus, by April 9th, 2020 it had been spread to five continents and approximately 85,522 people had died because of it [2].
Considering transmission seems to mainly occur through contact with respiratory droplets [3] produced by an infected person, anticipating public health measures intended to control and prevent the infection such as adherence to universal precautions, quarantine, and timely diagnosis are options available to mitigate the transmission of COVID-19 [4]. There is no robust evidence regarding the survival time of this new coronavirus in environments or on surfaces, as well as whether it is transmitted through fomites [5].
Clinical manifestations range from asymptomatic cases, mild upper airway infection up to severe and fatal cases with pneumonia, and acute respiratory failure [6,7,8]. This variation is because people with prior diseases/comorbidities are less apt to fight the virus so that it is more likely to reach the lungs and cause pneumonia. Elderly individuals with comorbidities such as Non-Communicable Diseases and immunocompromised persons are at the highest risk of developing signs and symptoms of COVID-19, and having them worsened [6,7].
It is, however, unknown how COVID-19 infection behaves in key populations more commonly susceptible to viral diseases, such as pregnant women, as well as whether there is the possibility of vertical transmission to the fetus or premature birth. Existing evidence suggests that viral pneumonia is an important cause of morbidity and mortality among pregnant women, while pre-delivery respiratory infections are associated with respiratory and septic complications among pregnant women, preterm births, and fetal death. Additionally, manifestations that are frequent in severe pneumonia such as fever, hypoxemia, respiratory acidosis, and tachycardia are less tolerated by pregnant women and fetuses, potentially leading to more severe complications [9,10].
Given the preceding discussion, this study’s objective was to assess the current evidence presented in the literature regarding the potential risks of COVID-19 infection among pregnant women and consequent fetal transmission.
This systematic literature review [11], with no protocol registration, is intended to answer the question: “What are the effects of COVID-19 infection during pregnancy and what is the neonatal prognosis?”. The PICO [12] method was adopted, in which:
Population (P) = Pregnant women
Interest Area/Intervention (I)= COVID-19 infection
Comparison (C)= has not been an object of study
Outcome (O): Infected fetus/ fetal death
A search was conducted in the following databases: US National Library of Medicine (PubMed), Scopus, Embase, ScienceDirect (Elsevier), Web of Science (WoS), Scholar Google and preprints servers bioRxiv and medRxiv, as well as the bibliographic references of the selected papers (hand searching). These databases were selected due to their breadth and representativeness in the field of basic and health sciences. Terms that derived from the following expressions were used according to the databases/servers: “COVID-19” OR “SARS-CoV-2” AND “Pregnancy” AND “Perinatal”. To avoid screening biases, two researchers with expertise in the method and topic under study, independently and concomitantly, though in different locations, searched all the databases on April 1st and 2nd. The researchers discussed to reach a consensus about which papers would be included or excluded from the study and a third reviewer mediated disagreements that prevented reaching a consensus.
Observational epidemiological studies and case reports addressing the clinical conditions of mother-fetus pairs and including primary data of patients over 18 years old were considered eligible. No restrictions regarding the period of publication or language were imposed. Review papers, opinions reports, local reports, abstracts of events, and similar works were excluded.
The following data were collected and transferred to an Excel spreadsheet: clinical characteristics (age, gestational week), Comorbidities during pregnancy (Placenta previa, placenta abruption, gestational diabetes, Preeclampsia, Uterine scarring, Premature rupture of membranes, Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome/Stillborn, Fetal distress, Stillborn), signs and symptoms of COVID-19 (Fever at admission, Postpartum fever, Cough, Chills, Sore throat, Sputum, Runny nose, Myalgia, Dyspnea).
The GRADE system was used to classify levels of evidence. The results are presented in terms of prevalence calculated in the study and combined results.
A total of 78 studies were initially identified, 10 of which were excluded because they appeared in duplicity. Of the 68 remaining studies, 46 were excluded for not addressing this review’s objective. The full texts of 22 studies were analyzed, though 10 of which did not meet the eligibility criteria so that 12 studies remained and composed the final sample of this systematic review (Figure 1).
Altogether, 12 studies were analyzed, most were conducted in provinces of China (91.6%), and all the papers were published in March 2020. Table 1 presents the studies’ specific features.
Studies according to study design, location and participants’ characteristics, characteristics and clinical data of pregnant women and newborns, level of evidence and main limitations
The four case reports (33.3%) [13,14,15] addressed women in the third trimester of pregnancy hospitalized with signs and symptoms of COVID-19, which was later confirmed with laboratory tests. In general, the studies describe the main changes affecting pregnant women who tested positive for COVID-19, while fever was the most common clinical symptom [13,14,15]. Lymphopenia [13,15] stood out among laboratory results along with pulmonary abnormalities on imaging exams [13,14,15]. Diagnoses were mainly determined by pharyngeal swab [13,14]. No vertical infection from mother to fetus was reported.
All the studies adopting a descriptive cross-sectional design (42%) [16,17,18, 19,20] were conducted in China and addressed 40 (33.6%) pregnant women infected with COVID- 19, predominantly in the third trimester of pregnancy (95%), presenting at least one prior comorbidity (60%). Fever at admission (58%) and postpartum (28%), cough (20%), and dyspnea (13%) were the primary clinical findings. Twenty-one pregnant women underwent a chest CT scan to confirm the diagnosis, which did not suggest infection in one case only. Other laboratory tests were performed for 27 pregnant women, namely: C-reactive protein [17,18,20], lymphocytopenia [17,18,20], neutrophilia [18,20], leukocytosis [17,20], immunoglobulins G and M [19], and interleukin 6 [19].
C-sections were performed in 28 women (93.3%) while all the 30 newborns monitored after birth presented a normal Apgar index even though ten infants were preterm (33.3%). There was one death [16] and 29, out of the 30 newborns tested for COVID-19, presented negative results; one newborn tested positive 36 hours after birth [18].
All the analytical cross-sectional studies (25%) [21,22,23] were conducted in China and in total addressed 72 (60.5%) pregnant women infected with COVID-19, 50 (69.4%) of whom were in the third trimester of pregnancy.
As presented in Table 1, the clinical findings show that only 27 (37.5%) pregnant women had one prior comorbidity. The most common signs and symptoms were fever at admission and in the postpartum [21,23], cough [21,22,23], and dyspnea [21,22,23]. Chest TC scan suggested infection in 69 (95.8%) women. C-reactive protein [21,23], lymphocytopenia [21,23], neutrophilia [23] and leukocytosis [23] were also assessed. Only one of the 46 pregnant women who progressed to labor had a normal delivery. All the infants presented a normal Apgar index, while one newborn was underweight at birth, and one was preterm. Forty infants were tested for COVID-19, but no evidence of vertical transmission was found.
This review was intended to answer a question concerning the effects of COVID-19 infection during pregnancy and neonatal prognosis. Twelve studies were eligible and included case reports, descriptive and analytical studies presenting low levels of evidence. The low levels of evidence are due to the novelty of COVID-19 pandemic and the need for rapidly acquiring knowledge to support public policies. As the number of cases increases worldwide, evidence about the impact of this virus during pregnancy for both women and newborns is expected to become stronger, especially with the development of more robust comparative studies and follow-up with control groups. Nonetheless, in the absence of more robust evidence, the results found in this review show pregnant women must be cautious and vigilant considering that being exposed to the virus, even at the end of pregnancy, has important implications, especially in terms of the type of childbirth.
A total of 119 pregnant women were assessed, and only one was not from China [24]. The women were aged between 22 and 42 years old and were between the 12th and 41st gestational weeks, explaining why only 90 infants were born in the period. The fact that most pregnant women were from China imposes a considerable challenge to interpret evidence, considering cultural and epidemiological differences when comparing with pregnant women from other countries and cultures. Even though the studies presented considerable variation in terms of the women’s ages, covering virtually the entire fertile period, there is less information in terms of gestational age, with an apparent deficit concerning the first trimester of pregnancy, a time when, in terms of embryonic/fetal development, is considered of greatest vulnerability [25]. See, for instance, the case of infections caused by other viruses (Hepatitis B, Rubella, ZIKA, Varicella) [26] safeguarding phylogenetic differences.
In addition, the fact that most pregnant women acquired the infection in the third trimester of pregnancy [13,23], that follows the first cases of the disease were reported in December 2019. The emergence of a disease with respiratory implications in the third trimester of pregnancy is usually associated with a higher risk of C-sections, preterm births, low Apgar indexes, and low birth weight. Even though, in general, the pregnant women with COVID-19 tended to present mild respiratory symptoms, the risk of severe pneumonia during this period is high [14,17,18], as well as that of adverse pregnancy outcomes, especially among those with other associated diseases such as preeclampsia or other complications because respiratory syndromes may aggravate pulmonary edema and decrease oxygen saturation [27,28].
Most pregnant women (97.4%) were diagnosed before hospitalization and their primary symptoms and signs were fever, either before admission [13,14,15,16,17,18,21,23] or postpartum [13,14,15,16,17,20,21,23]; cough [15,16,17,18,20,21,22,23], dyspnea [14,15,16,17,18,21] and fatigue [16,23]. Note that three women were asymptomatic [16,21] but were tested (through RT-PCR to detect SARS-CoV-2) due to exposure to people diagnosed with COVID-19. They tested positive and were hospitalized. Such a fact reinforces the need to follow recommendations provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the WHO to testing risk groups in contact with those diagnosed with COVID-19 [19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30], though this approach may not be feasible in some contexts where there is a shortage of tests.
Therefore, screening for signs and symptoms was very useful in these studies and some symptoms such as fever persisted up to after childbirth. According to compiled data, most COVID-19 infections among pregnant women progressed to mild pneumonia (94.5%). Two women, however, presented severe pneumonia. The first woman [17] was on the 34th gestational week and presented fever and chest pain at admission. Her symptoms worsened and she was admitted to the ICU and presented Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome and her infant died. The mother was discharged after treatment. The second woman [16] was on the 35th gestational week and presented chest tightness and shortness of breath at admission. Her infant presented decreased fetal movements so that an urgent C-section was indicated and both mother and infant recovered.
In terms of imaging exams, CT scan was widely employed and was useful to perform an initial evaluation at admission, while 73 of the pregnant women presented a chest CT scan suggestive of infection [13,14,15,16,17,18,20,21,22]. C-reactive protein levels were above normal while tests concerning lymphocytes (lymphocytopenia), neutrophils (neutrophilia), and white blood cells (leukocytosis) were abnormal as well. These results are consistent with those reported by studies in the general population [28] suggesting that, so far, the analytical presentation of infection among pregnant women does not differ from that observed in other populations.
The gold standard for diagnosing Covid-19 is tissue culture in which the antigen is isolated, using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which detects nucleic acid. Even so, a single result not detected through RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 does not exclude a COVID-19 diagnosis, as there are various factors (e.g., inadequate sample collection, type of biological sample, the time elapsed between sample collection and onset of symptoms, fluctuation of viral load) that may influence a test’s result. For this reason, an RT-PCR test should be repeated in another sample of a patient’s respiratory tract whenever there are disagreements between results and epidemiological conditions, especially in populations where a false positive may result in disastrous consequences.
In terms of the type of child delivery, most women underwent C-sections [13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23]; only four women had a normal delivery [20,21]. Recent literature tends to lean toward C-sections; however, much depends on women’s comorbidities. Opting for a C-section seems to be related to the possibility of relieving the mothers’ respiratory distress and starting with antiviral medications and antibiotics as soon as possible if not yet initiated.
Regarding the characteristics of the newborns, 53 were born with a normal Apgar index; 43 presented normal birth weight [13]; eight were preterm [13,21]; 43 tested negative for COVID-19, and one tested positive for COVID-19 [20] 36 hours after delivery. The infected newborn presented mild pneumonia, though the study does not clarify whether there was vertical transmission or whether transmission occurred through contact with the mother or other patients who tested positive for COVID-19. Lack of information regarding postpartum conditions, whether mother and infant were isolated, or whether the mother breastfed, among others, are the main limitations to determine routes of transmission.
One exception was the study by Zeng et al. [19], which reports a detailed description of child delivery and postpartum conditions, including labor in negative pressure isolation rooms using masks and isolating infants from their mothers immediately after birth. SARS- CoV-19 was not detected in serum or throat swab by RT-PCR in any of their newborns of the six mothers who had COVID-19 infection confirmed. However, specific antibodies for the virus were detected in neonatal serum samples, with a high concentration of IgG in five infants, a finding suggesting passive transference through the mothers’ placenta to the fetuses. One study assessing the placenta of mothers with SARS found changes in the placentas of two out of three women assessed. The placentas presented abnormal weight and pathology. Even though these are important findings to understand the dynamics of mother-infant transmission and serological characteristics of infants, further studies are needed.
In terms of preventing transmission from mothers to infants and in the absence of more robust evidence, recommendations are that, in addition to C-sections to be performed in a specific room with negative pressure, mothers should avoid breastfeeding and stay in isolation until complete recovery. Even though the studies addressed here do not report whether traces of SARS-CoV-2 virus were found in breast milk, due to the proximity of mother and infant during breastfeeding, mothers infected with COVID-19 might directly expel droplets on the infant’s face and contaminate her/him.
Finally, the studies present various limitations that might have affected the results. Note the studies describe few cases; only three studies [21,22,23] present a larger number of cases, and only two [21,22,23] present comparison groups, while sample criteria used for assigning subjects to groups were unclear. The results portray cases that took place in China, the first epicenter of the infection in the world up to the time when the studies were conducted. Additionally, note that most pregnant women were at the end of the pregnancy, a fact that prevents conclusions in terms of implications of the infection at the beginning of pregnancy.
AFLS, HEFC, LBO, GS and IF had the idea for and designed the study and had full access to all of the data in the study and take responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. AFLS, HEFC, LBO, GS, IF, ELSC, EW, DA, AFC and IACM did the analysis, and all authors critically revised the manuscript for important intellectual content. All authors gave final approval for the version to be published. All authors agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
Financial support
This work was supported by Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES-Brazil) and National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq-Brazil), as an investigator-initiated study
Potential conflicts of interest
The authors no reported conflicts of interest.