INTRODUCTION Elevated D-dimer is predictor of severity and mortality in COVID-19 patients and heparin use during in hospital stay has been associated to decreased mortality. COVID-19 patient autopsies have revealed thrombi in the microvasculature, suggesting intravascular coagulation as a prominent feature of organ failure in these patients. Interestingly, in COVID-19, pulmonary compliance is preserved despite severe hypoxemia corroborating the hypothesis that perfusion mismatch may play a significant role in the development of respiratory failure.
METHODS We describe a series of 27 consecutive COVID-19 patients admitted to the Pulmonology service at Sirio-Libanes Hospital in São Paulo-Brazil treated with heparin in therapeutic doses tailored to clinical severity.
RESULTS PaO2/FiO2 ratio increased significantly over the 72 hours following the start of anticoagulation, from 254(±90) to 325(±80), p=0.013, and over half of the patients were discharged home within an average time of 7.3 (±4.0) days. Half of mechanically ventilated patients were extubated within 10.3 (±1.5) days. The remaining patients showed progressive improvement and there were no bleeding complications or fatal events.
DISCUSSION Even though this uncontrolled case series does not offer absolute proof of DIC as the underlying mechanism of respiratory failure in COVID-19, as well as patients positive response to tailored dose heparinization, it contributes to the understanding of the physiopathological mechanism of the disease and provides valuable information for the treatment of these very sick patients while we await the results of further prospective controlled studies.
Key question Does therapeutical doses of heparin bring benefit in the management of respiratory failure in COVID 19 patients? And is it safe?
Bottom line Our results show a significant improvement of hypoxemia in COVID-19 patients treated with early heparin therapy.
Why read on?DIC may play a major role in the development of respiratory failure in COVID-19 and anticoagulation could be incorporated in the standard-of-care for these patients.
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, disease severity has been linked to markers of coagulation disturbances such as prothrombin time prolongation, elevated fibrin degradation products, reduced platelet count, and especially to elevated D dimer1-7. Higher levels of D dimer and the presence of other coagulation disturbances have been independently associated with development of respiratory failure and death in patients with COVID-198, and the use of heparin, particularly in those patients with more pronounced elevations of D dimer and in those with elevated sepsis induced coagulopathy (SIC) score, have been associated with a better prognosis4,8. Diabetic patients, whose levels of D dimer are greater than those of non-diabetic patients, have also been shown to have a worse prognosis regarding COVID-199. Moreover, the levels of D dimer have helped differentiate severe COVID-19 associated pneumonia from that caused by other viruses10.
Over the past 2 months it has been consistently shown that SARS-Cov-2 causes a cytokine storm that ultimately leads to the activation of the coagulation cascade, causing thrombotic phenomena4,8,11. Similarly to what happens in severe sepsis, the widespread deposition of intravascular clots compromises adequate blood supply to various organs, contributing to organ failure12.
Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) secondary to severe infection is classically associated with gram-positive or gram-negative bacteria, malaria and haemorrhagic fevers, but other viruses, such as dengue (an haemorrhagic virus), SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, can also be responsible for systemic activation of intravascular coagulation13,14.
Furthermore, in contrast to the characteristic stiffening of the lung usually seen in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), in COVID19 patients the severe hypoxemia observed is accompanied by near normal pulmonary compliance, especially in the early stages15. Autopsy findings from COVID-19 patients show micro thrombi in the pulmonary microvasculature16-18 suggesting that ventilation perfusion mismatch due to capillary obstruction could be a pivotal feature in the refractory hypoxemia presented by these patients. The anatomical distribution of this peripheral vascular bed mirrors the predominantly distal and patchy distribution of the radiological infiltrates19.
In one of our first COVID-19 patients we noticed a concomitance of peripheral ischaemia (acro-ischemia) with the onset of respiratory distress, an observation that made us consider the hypothesis that the normal compliance respiratory failure might actually be due to extensive pulmonary capillary obstruction, and that a systemic disseminated intravascular coagulation might be playing a significant role in the hypoxemia and outcome of COVID-19 patients.
The treatment of DIC consists in slowing down the coagulation cascade by using low doses of anticoagulation, alongside vigorous specific treatment of the underlying disorder. We therefore considered adding early heparin therapy to our standard care2. The present study is a description of the outcome of the first 27 COVID-19 patients we treated as DIC in the course of the disease.
This study is a case series of 27 consecutive Covid-19 patients seen by our pulmonology team in Sirio-Libanês Hospital – São Paulo, Brazil, between March 21st and April 12th, 2020. The study was approved by the Sirio-Libanês Hospital Internal Review Board (IRB1678) which waived informed consent.
All patients with COVID-19 admitted by our team received enoxaparin 0,5mg/kg SC every 24 hours. Patients with a creatinine clearance under 30 mL/min received subcutaneous unfractionated heparin at a dose of 5,000 units every 8 or 6 hours. If an abrupt decrease in oxygenation or an increase in D Dimer levels was observed, enoxaparin dose was raised to 0,5 mg/kg SC every 12 hours and, in the event of thrombotic phenomena or worsening hypoxia, the dose was further increased to 1 mg/kg SC every 12 hours. Patients with a BMI (body mass index) of 35 or higher were also considered for the higher dose regimen. Patients in shock were treated from the beginning with intravenous heparin, targeting an APTT ratio around 1.5 to 2.0 times the normal range. If patients presented any acute thrombotic event, heparin dosing was increased to obtain an APTT approximately 2.0 to 2.5 times the normal range.
All patients received a 10-day course of azithromycin (500mg on day 1, then 250mg daily)20. Methylprednisolone 40mg daily was initiated if a worsening in the radiological pattern accompanied by an increase in serum LDH levels was observed. If the patient presented subsequent rise in C-reactive protein, we actively searched for secondary infection and promptly initiated antibiotics. Only two of our patients used hydroxycloroquine before receiving anticoagulation therapy.
We followed a total of 27 hospitalized patients with a diagnosis of Covid-19, all confirmed by PCR. Seventy percent were male, their mean age was 56 ± 17 years, mean BMI was 28.8 ± 6 kg/m2, and comorbidities were present in 56% of them (table 1). The mean WHO classification score3-7 at admittance was 4.0 ± 1,2 (Figure 1). Entry CT scans showed radiologic infiltrates compromising up to 25% of lung area in 22% of patients, 25-50% of lung area in 48% of patients, and 30% of patients presented infiltrates in over half of lung parenchyma. Symptoms started an average of 9.6 ± 4.0 days prior to hospitalization, and the anticoagulation protocol was initiated an average of 3,4 ± 4,0 days after admission. The average level of D Dimer during the follow up period was 1,637± 1,967 ng/mL FEU, with a peak value of 3,544 ± 5,914 ng/mL FEU. Only 5 patients (19%) never had a D dimer level above 500 ng/mL FEU.
Comorbidities incidences
Of the 27 consecutive patients, 15 (56%) were discharged from hospital after an average 7.3 (± 4.0) days. One patient was transferred to another hospital on the 4th day and lost follow-up. Nine patients (33%) were admitted to ICU, 3 (33%) of which have already been discharged to the ward after an average 9.3(±4.5) days. Eight patients (30%) required intubation, half of which (4 patients) have already been successfully extubated after an average 10.3(± 1.5) days of mechanical ventilation, while the other half (4 patients) are currently being weaned from the ventilator, and 2 of them have required a tracheostomy.
Interestingly enough, rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM) performed in four patients, showed an increase in α-angle, amplitude 10 minutes after clotting time (A10) and maximum clot firmness (MCF) pointing to a persistent hypercoagulability state, despite their ongoing heparin use.
Figure 2 depicts the gradual improvement in PaO2/FiO2 ratio along the first 72 hours in relation to pre-anticoagulation values. Analysis was conducted for the whole series (A) and considering only patients with moderate to severe disease (B) according to the WHO score (p<0,02 for both groups). For non-mechanically ventilated patients PaO2/FiO2 ratio was calculated according to the mask or nasal catheter oxygen flow and oxymetry21.
We observed no deaths or haemorrhagic complications due to anticoagulation during the study period.
Our results suggest the important role of disseminated intravascular coagulation as one of the main mechanisms of organ failure in COIVID-19 and the potential response to early anticoagulation therapy.
The significant improvement observed in oxygen exchange and clinical symptoms observed in these COVID19 patients in response to the anticoagulation points to potential role for systematic use of heparin in the treatment of such patients. The high incidence of thrombotic events that has been reported in COVID-19 patients22, as well as the fact that similar observations were reported in the other recent coronavirus outbreaks13,14, further corroborate this line of reasoning. This is not surprising, as severe cases of COVID19 meet the laboratory criteria of DIC4,8 of thrombotic pattern, in which fibrinogen does not drop and prothrombotic phenomena override the haemorrhagic ones23. The histological findings of thrombi in the microvasculature documented in the autopsies of COVID-19 patients17, further support the belief that in COVID-19 we are facing a thrombotic organ-failure type of DIC that should be treated with heparin23,24. This might explain the previous findings of an association between heparin use during hospital stay and a reduced mortality4.
Thromboelastography showing a pattern of hypercoagulability despite the use of heparin during the course of viral diseases has been previously reported25. In fact, many viruses known to induce a state of hypercoagulability26 have a similar pattern of disease, including the timeframe of clinical manifestations27, suggesting a common pattern of response.
Although the principle that early anticoagulation therapy for sepsis probably causes uncontrolled immunothrombosis and pathological systemic DIC, since the presence of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) and hypercoagulation in DIC localize the infection, this is well described for bacteria but not for virus, where virus-induced NETs could be a pathogenic mediator28.
The PaO2/FiO2 ratio improvement observed in our patients after starting heparin is in agreement with the idea of a significant perfusion component explaining the mechanism of respiratory failure with the distinct pattern of marked hypoxia and preserved lung compliance that characterizes severe COVID19 patients. It has been argued that this could be secondary to the loss of lung perfusion regulation and hypoxic vasoconstriction16, but the clinical response to heparin rather suggests hypoxia due to extensive clogging of pulmonary microcirculation. Interestingly the use of tissue Plasminogen Activator (tPA) has been shown to promote a non-sustained elevation of PaO2/FiO2 ratio29. In our opinion, given the marked hypercoagulability seen in these patients -and again in accordance with the autopsy findings -judicious tailoring of heparin doses is needed to prevent capillary reocclusion while avoiding the risks of bleeding complications.
The fact that this is a retrospective study without a control arm does not yet allow us to definitively conclude that heparin in tailored doses should be systematically employed in all COVID19 patients. Nonetheless, our findings in this early group of patients certainly provide food for thought and perhaps a rationale to justify using a readily available and well-known drug such as heparin to ameliorate the dim prognosis of such sick patients while we await the more solid data on this subject that could be provided by a prospective controlled study.
Data Availability
Data will be provided if requested. It contais confidential medical records.
The authors declare no conflicts of interest in the subject discussed in this manuscript.
The authors received no specific funding for this work.
The authors would like to thank the Teaching Research Institute (IEP), Sirio-Libanes Hospital, Sao Paulo, Brazil.