Article Information
- April 17, 2020.
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Author Information
- Xuehai He*,1,
- Xingyi Yang*,1,
- Shanghang Zhang*,2,
- Jinyu Zhao1,
- Yichen Zhang1,
- Eric Xing, Fellow, IEEE3 and
- Pengtao Xie†,4
- 1graduate students at UC San Diego. {x5he{at},x3yang{at},jiz077{at},yiz037{at}}
- 2postdoc researcher at UC Berkeley shz{at}
- 3professor at Carnegie Mellon University epxing{at}
- 4assistant professor at UC San Diego pengtaoxie2008{at}
- ↵†Pengtao Xie is the corresponding author, pengtaoxie2008{at}
↵* The first three authors contributed equally.