Without a coordinated state or federal response to COVID-19 across the United States, counties are left to weigh the potentially large yet unseen threat of COVID-19 with the economic and societal costs of enacting strict social distancing measures. The immediate and long-term risk of the virus can be difficult to grasp, given the lack of historical precedent and that many cases go undetected. We calculated the risk that there already is sustained community transmission that has not yet been detected. Given the low testing rates throughout the country, we assume that one in ten cases are tested and reported. If a county has detected only one case of COVID-19, there is a 50% chance that there is already a growing outbreak underway. COVID-19 is likely spreading in 85% of all counties in the US, containing 96% of the national population. Proactive social distancing, even before two cases are confirmed, is prudent.
Over the course of a few weeks, COVID-19 has emerged in all 50 US states. Officials are weighing the potentially enormous economic and societal costs of strict social distancing measures against the unseen risks of COVID-19 hospitalizations and mortality in their communities. To support decision making, we have estimated the likelihood that each county in the US already has extensive community transmission (Figure 1).
To make these risk assessments, we applied a model that we developed for another silent spreader–Zika–which threatened to emerge in southern US states in 20161. Using stochastic simulations, we determine the probability that a county already has an ongoing COVID-19 epidemic by the time the county reports just one, two, three or more cases. The levels of risk displayed in Figure 1 are based on reported cases as of April 13, 20202 and account for under-reporting, the uncertainty in the transmission rate of COVID-19, the likelihood of super-spreading events––like those that fueled SARS outbreaks in 2003 and have been reported recently for COVID-193––and the impact of social distancing measures that have been enacted across the US in recent weeks (see Supplemental Appendix).
Probability of ongoing COVID-19 epidemics in the 3142 counties of the United States. The risk of an unseen epidemic in a county with only a single reported case is 50%. The risk in counties that have not yet reported cases is 9%.
By the time a first case of COVID-19 is reported in the county, we estimate that there is over a 50% chance that a full-blown epidemic is underway. We found 85% of US counties with 96% of the national population have reported at least one case (Figure 1). Even counties that have not yet reported a confirmed case have an estimated 9% chance of sustained local transmission. If an epidemic is indeed underway, then our model predicts a delay of 7.5 (95% CI 3.9-16.3) weeks between the first reported case and the total number of COVID-19 exceeding 1,000; by the time the tenth case has been reported this lead time shrinks to 4.4 (95% CI 2.1-11.4) weeks (see Supplementary Appendix).
Given the speed and stealth with which COVID-19 spreads4, the entire map will likely be fully red within a week or two. Proactive social distancing can block community transmission, avert catastrophic surges in hospitalizations, and save lives5. For those still weighing if, when, and how aggressively to act, there is little time for delay.