Article Information
- June 26, 2020.
Article Versions
- Version 1 (March 30, 2020 - 01:12).
- You are viewing Version 2, the most recent version of this article.
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Author Information
- Qihui Yanga,1,*,
- Chunlin Yia,1,
- Aram Vajdia,
- Lee W. Cohnstaedtb,
- Hongyu Wua,
- Xiaolong Guoa and
- Caterina M. Scoglioa
- aDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA
- bArthropod-Borne Animal Diseases Research Unit, Center for Grain and Animal Health Research, USDA ARS, Manhattan, Kansas, USA
- ↵*Corresponding author Email: qihui{at}
↵1 These authors equally contributed.