Article Information
- March 20, 2020.
Author Information
- Rebecca K. Webster1,*,
- Samantha K. Brooks1,
- Louise E. Smith1,
- Lisa Woodland1,
- Simon Wessely1 and
- G. James Rubin1
- 1King’s College London, Department of Psychological Medicine, Cutcombe Road, London SE5 9RJ, United Kingdom
- ↵*Corresponding author rebecca.webster{at}
Contributors GJR designed the search strategy with input from SKB, RKW, and LES. SKB, RKW, LES and LW carried out the literature searches and screening; discrepancies were discussed with GJR and SW. RKW carried out the data extraction. RKW wrote the first draft of the review with input from SKB, LES, LW, SW, and GJR.