Since the 2019-nCoV (COVID-19) outbreaks in Wuhan, China, the cumulative number of confirmed cases is increasing every day, and a large number of populations all over the world are at risk. The traffic blockage and quarantine can alleviate the risk of the epidemic and the infections. Evaluating the efficacy of such actions is essential to inform policy makers and raise the public awareness of the importance of self-isolation and quarantine.
We apply our Flow-SEIR model to estimate the number of infections as well as the evaluate the policy of traffic blockage and quarantine, based on the data of confirmed case and the migration in China. We define two factors related to traffic blockage and quarantine to estimate the efficacy of these two intervation measures. In our study, since the public are urged to stay at home and self-protective, the self-protection at home is also accounted as a part of quarantine.
In the simulated results, the quarantine is very effective for epidemic control, when the quarantine factor ε is close to 1, all the population is isolated from others, the peak number of infections will decrease by 89.68%. And the traffic blockage is also effective, however, provincial level traffic blockage can only alleviate 21.06% - 22.38% of the peak number of the infections.
For Hubei Province, if the quarantine is 1 week earlier, the peak number of infections will decrease by 24.26% - 25.33%, if the traffic blockage is one week earlier, the peak number of infections only decreased by 3.10% - 3.79%. For the other provinces outside Hubei, if the quarantine is one week of earlier, the peak number will decrease by 32.78% - 35.60%, if the traffic blockage is one week earlier, the peak number of infections will decrease by 15.30% - 16.70%. If there is one day in advance for urban blockage, about 3,600 people will eventually be reduced in the country. If there is one day of delay, about 1,800 people will finally be at risk. In general, the effect of quarantine is even stronger than the traffic blockage control.
The fact should not be ignored that there are still a large number of population who are exposed to the SARS-COV-2 but not yet symptomatic. Those exposed population is not easy to be found and infect others who are closely contacting with. So the traffic blockage and quarantine should be continued for a long time util the epidemic is totally under control.
The recent study(1-4) on the efficacy of traffic blockage for the SARS-COV-2 is increasing and the results give us messages that the the population flows in and out will certainly contribute to the cumulative number of cases and the traffic blockage and quarantine will lower this risk.
On January 24, 2020, J. M. Read et al (5) applied the transmission model and found that the reproduction number of infection is 3.8, and 72% - 75% of the transmission needed to be restricted in order to inhibit the growing infection rate; In addition, they found that traffic restrictions only slowed the spread of the epidemic by 24.9%. Inspired by their work, we further analyze the numerical efficacy of quarantine and traffic blockage control in this paper. However, J.M.Read et al did not consider the efficacy of quarantine, which is essential for the public responses.
On January 27, 2020, B. Tang et al (6)proposed a deterministic compartmental model based on clinical progression of the epidemic. The estimation results show that the reproduction number of infection is as high as 6.47 and the intervention measures can reduce the reproductive number of infection and the risk of transmission. The sensitivity results show that the number of infections in Beijing will decrease by 91.14% in 7days with the intervation of travel. However, B.Tang et al just simulated the efficacy of the intervation for Beijing, in our study, we scale up the scope and give the quantification of the traffic blockage and quarantine for Hubei province and provinces except Hubei.
On Feb.4, 2020, S. Ai et al (7), examined the effectiveness of city clouser in Wuhan and the population flowing in and out provinces and cities in China. The results show that the population movement is a trigger for the cumulative number of cases, and the city clouser will decrease the number of cases sharply. In our study, we further analyze the effictiveness of quarantine.
On Feb.9, 2020, X. Li et al (8)simulated the dynamics of the 2019-nCOV(the new name for this virus is SARS-COV-2), with the strict control measures in Wuhan and Beijing, wuhan can represent Hubei province and Beijing can represent the main big cities in China, the results show that after the the traffic blockage in Jan.23,2020, the reproductive number in Wuhan will be 2.5, lower than before. However, X. Li just gave the fact that the confirmed cases increased in linear not in exponential, which can confirm the effectiveness of strict control measures, but did not give a numerical results that how many cumulative number of cases will decease with the traffic blockage and quarantine.
In our previous work(9), we did the research after the epidemic, however, the SARS-COV-2 epidemic had put the public at risk and caused by a lot of uncertain facrors (10), we can provide suggestions by our data analysis in time, in order to answer the question that whether the traffic blockage control and quarantine work in the development of the epidemic.
In our study, we define the traffic blockage factor and quarantine factor and estimated the quantification of the effictiveness of the intervation measures, based on the proposed Flow-SEIR model. The results will help the adjustment of traffic blockage control policy and decreasing the number of cases by encouraging the public to be self-protective.
Assumptions and notations
Since the outbreaks of SARS-COV-2 were in the Chinese Spring Festival, a large number of populatin flows in and out the origin outbreak area, Wuhan, which contributes to the situation that the epidemic was severe in mainland of China. The policy of traffic blockage and quarantine were implemented in Janurary 23rd, 2019, then the chance of cross-infection was decreasing sharply. We make the following assumptions regrading to the status quo of the epidemic and the SARS empirical parameters.
A1: The outbreak of SARS-COV-2 was in Dec. 8th, 2019.
A2: The flows in domestic provinces are concluded, the abroad flow is not considered.
A3: Only the susceptible with no clinical symptoms can flow in and out, the exposed and infections will be quarantined.
A4: There is no super spreaders, in other words, the chance of infected was equal to those who are contact with the infections.
A5: The SARS-COV-2 has weak seasonality in its transmission, unlike influenza.
A6: The recovery rate is time-dependent and will linearly increase.
A7: The empirical parameters on SARS will also work on SARS-COV-2.
A8: Most people will follow the governmental instructions and stay at home after the traffic blockage.
We denote S, E, I, R,F in the flow-SEIR model and the parameters as the following:
S: number of those susceptible
E: number of those exposed
I: number of those infective
R: number of those recovered
F: population flow in and out
β: rate of those who are susceptible and being infected.
α: rate of those who are exposed and being infectious.
γ1 : Those who are infectious and being recovered.
γ2 :Those who are exposed and being recovered.
And we also introduce the traffic blockage factor τ, and the self-isolation and quarantine factor ε, which are the quantifications of traffic blockage and quarantine, respectively. Since the government urges the public to stay at home and self-protective, the self-protection at home is also accounted as a part of quarantine.
Flow-SEIR model
There are a lot of study on epidemic with SEIR(11-13) model, we can also use the SEIR model to predict the number of infections. However, the epidemic of SARS-COV-2 was in the Chinese Spring Festival, a large number of population flows in and out all provinces, which brings in and out the susceptibles, then the number of infections will increase trigged by the migration flow. According to our flow-SEIR model in (10), we estimate the influence of the migration, and the efficacy of traffic blockage. Here is the model equation: where the variables are presented in the notations instruction. In practice, we collect the migration data from the Baidu Migration API, which is available online. The migration data can represent the quantification of the variable F in equation(1). In the eve of city closure in Wuhan, a large number of population flowed out from Wuhan, because of the Chinese Spring Festival as well as the panic, The flow F will increase. Then the traffic blockage control were implemented in multiple cities, and the flow F will decrease. In the process, the susceptible flow to the ith province from other provinces can be expressed as follows: where δji is the ratio of migration population to the whole population independent of the traffic blockage. In equation(2), traffic blockage factor τ is introduced, which range from 0 to 1. When τ is 0, there is no traffic blockage, and when τ is 1, the flow will suspend. Before the traffic blockage, the factor δji can be large, since a large number of migration population flows in and out, after then, the ratio will be in decline dramatically.
According to our the assumption A3, only the potential susceptible S will contribute to the transmission, then the transmission rate can be rewritten as: where β is shown in the notations, and k is a constant which will be estimated, R0 is basic reproductive number(14,15). As the epidemic grows fastly, the public was aware of the danger of cross-infection, so the quarantine factor ε will increase, and β is in decline gradually.
For the problem of high death rate in Hubei Province, we reduced the ratio of γ1 and γ2 of Hubei’s model according to the real data that γ1re = q1γ1, γ2re = q2γ2. For the situation that the medical resouces are limited in Wuhan, the number of infections will be larger than the released data, we enlarged the ratio of α of Hubei’s model, that αreal= pα.
And there is data latency problem, because the epidemic has an incubation period and the infections can not be diagnosed timely. For the data latency problem, it can be assumed that the number of confirmed cases published on one day is the number of confirmed cases ni days ago, and ni is the number of delayed days in the ith province, expressed as
For Hubei, due to the above factors, the latency will be relatively long, which may reach 5-7 days. For other provinces, if patients can get treatment in time, the delay should only include the time waiting for the result of the diagnostic reagents, is about 1 day.
Parameter estimation
According to our the assumption A1, firstly we estimated the number of potential suceptibles by the iteration process. We define the loss function as follows: where N is the length of the real data, which in practical is the count of days. zn is the nth real data value, and n=1,2,…,N, is the nth predicted value, based on the proposed model. We fitted the confirmed data from Jan.12 to Feb. 7 to get the optimal number of potential suceptibles by minimizing the loss value. The loss value is small enough to make the estimated results fitting the real data well. The parameters(16,17) in the Flow-SEIR model can also be estimated in the same way.
Data source
The data we used in this study is all available online. The data of confirmed cases is released by the National Health Commission of China and all provinces’ health commissions. The migration data is from Baidu Migration. For data source websites, see Appendix 1.
The efficacy of traffic blockage and quarantine
For traffic blockage factors and quarantine factors, we range the values from 0 to 1, respectively, to estimate the experimental results, which are shown in Fig 2 and Fig 3. From Fig 2, we can conclude that the peak number of cases decrease dramatically, with the quarantine factor increasing. When ε is close to 1, all the population is isolated from others, the peak value will decrease by 89.68% on average, while ε is close to 0, all the population flows independent of the control policy, the peak value will increase by 20.4% on average.
As is shown in Fig 3, when the traffic blockage factor τ is close to 1, the target area is almost completely in blockage, the peak value will decrease by 21.06%-22.39% than that with τ close to 0. In contrast, the self-isolation and quarantine is more effective than the traffic blockage, so we encourage people to be self-protective to prevent the cross-infection. The efficacy of earlier warning of SARS-CoV-2
We also estimated the trend of confirmed cases with quarantine at different time. As is shown in Fig 4, the quarantine factor ε increase by 0.01, the peak arrival time in Hubei will arrive 0-2 days earlier, and the peak arrival time of other provinces outside Hubei will arrive 1-3 days earlier.
For Hubei Province, if the quarantine is 1 week of delay, the peak value will increase by 8.50% - 10.95%, while 1 week earlier, the peak value will decrease by 24.26% - 25.33%, and 2 weeks earlier, the peak value will decrease by 57.10% - 57.46%. For the other provinces outside Hubei, if the quarantine is 1 week of delay, the peak value will increase by 20.92% - 22.77%, while 1 week earlier, the peak number will decrease by 32.78% - 35.60%, and 2 weeks earlier, the peak value will decrease by 63.75% - 67.13%.
It can be drawn a conclusion that if the time delay is more than 15 days, various areas will be severe epdemic areas like Hubei. And we need to be isolated at home, in order to decrease the risk of cross-infection.
We estimated the trend of epidemic with the traffic blockage at four different time, respectively. In the experiment, it is assumed that the traffic flow between provinces would be completely cut off after the traffic blockage and the transmission rate of the SARS-COV-2 in natural transmission is 2.5 times of that after the traffic blockage. As is shown in Fig 5, the traffic blockage factor τ increase by 0.1, for Hubei, the peak arrival time will be earlier and the peak number of cases in will be lower.
If the traffic blockage is one week earlier, the peak number of cases in Hubei only decreased by 3.10% - 3.79%, and two weeks earlier, it decreased by 6.64% - 8.08%. It may be result from that in the eve of city closure in Wuhan, the epidemic in Hubei province had been severe, and the transmission rate was quite high. However, in other provinces outside Hubei, if the traffic blockage is one week earlier, the peak number of cases will decrease by 15.30% - 16.70%, and two weeks earlier, it will decrease by 31.74% - 33.09%.
We also estimated the daily increasing number of cases roughly, if there is one day earlier of urban blockage, about 3,600 people will eventually be reduced in the mainland of China, and one day delay, about 1,800 people will be at risk.
In this study, we have used a Flow-SEIR model to estimate the efficacy of the traffic blockage and quarantine. We introduced the traffic blockage factor and the quarantine factor, the flow variable and transmission rate in the model will vary by the change of the two intervation factors, then the effectiveness of the traffic blockage and quarantine can be simulated.
In our results, we can draw a conclusion that if the masses take protective measures, the peak number of cases will decrease greatly by 89.68%. However, if the masses completely ignored self-isolation, the peak is predicted to increase by 20.40%. And if the external population flow to the target area is almost completely blocked, the peak number will decrease by 21.06%-22.38%. Earlier warning, timely traffic blockage and quarantine measures are extremely effective, especially for areas with slight epidemic situations. The experimental results also show that if there is one day earlier of urban blockage, about 3,600 people will eventually be reduced in the mainland of China, and one day delay, about 1,800 people will be at risk.
The strength of our study is that we use the latest migration population data from Baidu Migration, by varying the traffic blockage factor, we can used the proposed model to simulate the number of infections and then intuitively understand the efficacy of the traffic blockage.
However, our study has several major limitations. First, the accuracy of our results can not be ensured, because in Hubei the medical resources are limited and the method to diagnose the COVID-9 is not accurate, the underdiagnosis and misdiagnosis are invetiable, then the confirmed cases are underestimated. Second, there is heterogenity in transmission, it is not added in our study, and we also did not consider the age and sex distribution in our model.
The study has estimated the efficacy of traffic blockage and quarantine. We can draw a conclusion that the traffic blockage is effective in controlling the epidemic of COVID-19, and the quarantine is a more effective way to help the public to prevent cross-infection. With the development of the epidemic, we have to admit the fact that there are still a large number of population who are exposed to the SARS-COV-2, but do not have the clinical symptoms immediately, according to (18-20). Those population may carry the SARS-COV-2 for several days and infect others who are closely contacting with, that will make the controlling in the epidemic of COVID-19 troublesome. So the traffic blockage and quarantine should be continued for a long period. We should encourage the public to be self-protective at home until the epidemic is under control. More human and material resources should be sent to guarantine the self-protection and quarantine and prevent the cross-infection.
Data Availability
We use the Provincial-Level Migration Data of China from Baidu migration API, and Official Reported Cases Data. All the data is avaliable from the Internet.
APPENDIX 1 Data Source
Provincial-Level Migration Data of China
deqiang_li{at}seu.edu.cn, zhichengliu{at}seu.edu.cn, liuqinghe{at}seu.edu.cn, zf_gao{at}seu.edu.cn, junkai_zhu{at}seu.edu.cn, yjy-2{at}163.com
- 2019-nCoV
- 2019 Novel Coronavirus
- severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
- Flow-SEIR model
- flow-suceptible-exposed-infection-recovery model
- COVID-19
- corona virus disease 2019.