Our study employed the detection of 5-hydroxymethyl cytosine (5hmC) profiles on cell free DNA (cfDNA) from the plasma of cancer patients using a novel enrichment technology coupled with sequencing and machine learning based classification method. These classification methods were develoiped to detect the presence of disease in the plasma of cancer and control subjects. Cancer and control patient cfDNA cohorts were accrued from multiple sites consisting of 48 breast, 55 lung, 32 prostate and 53 pancreatic cancer subjects. In addition, a control cohort of 180 subjects (non-cancer) was employed to match cancer patient demographics (age, sex and smoking status) in a case-control study design.
Logistic regression methods applied to each cancer case cohort individually, with a balancing non-cancer cohort, were able to classify cancer and control samples with measurably high performance. Measures of predictive performance by using 5-fold cross validation coupled with out-of-fold area under the curve (AUC) measures were established for breast, lung, pancreatic and prostate cancer to be 0.89, 0.84, 0.95 and 0.83 respectively. The genes defining each of these predictive models were enriched for pathways relevant to disease specific etiology, notably in the control of gene regulation in these same pathways. The breast cancer cohort consisted primarily of stage I and II patients, including tumors < 2 cm and these samples exhibited a high cancer probability score. This suggests that the 5hmC derived classification methodology may yield epigenomic detection of early stage disease in plasma. Same observation was made for the pancreatic dataset where >50% of cancers were stage I and II and showed the highest cancer probability score.
Detection of point mutations or copy number variations in cfDNA or circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) has revolutionized the molecular characterization of tumors. However, strategies which interrogate dynamic and temporal genome-wide signals in a liquid biopsy context may address precision medicine’s needs to improve cancer care 1. Exploiting the epigenetic regulation of gene expression exemplifies one systems biology approach to deciphering cancer pathways for biomedical applications. Genome-wide mapping of methylation or hydroxymethylation of cytosine residues (5mC and 5hmC) in a CpG context from tissues and cfDNA has clarified the regulatory effects of 5mC or 5hmC. These suppressive or activating effects, for 5mC and 5hmC respectively, on gene expression in cells of diverse tumor types and their inflamed microenvironments 2–4, have yielded new therapeutic targets5,6 and candidate biomarkers potentially useful for clinical decision-making7–10. Such investigations of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) have clarified the contribution of 5mC and 5hmC at gene loci and promoter regions or CpG islands to tumor heterogeneity11, pre-malignant lesions12 and regulation of PDL1 expression13. Statistical analysis and machine learning approaches incorporating methylation states have yielded candidate algorithms for discrimination of clinical cancer states8,14. Studies of breast malignancies15–17 and pancreatic cancer have identified similar perturbations of 5mC or 5hmC in tissue or cfDNA. Comprehensive analyses of multiple cancer types have also yielded a candidate pan-cancer plasma cfDNA methylation panel associated with clinical outcomes20-21.
Development of cfDNA 5hmC biomarkers for cancer management must also address the molecular complexity of individual patients since each comprises a blend of demographic and/or clinical conditions known to impact epigenetic methylation states. Specifically, patients with cancer reflect a population segment associated with different age-dependent risk profiles with a high prevalence of both obesity and tobacco use. Analyses of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs)22 and whole blood cells23 in European and Canadian populations, respectively, have demonstrated an age-associated decline of 5hmC levels. In addition, the metabolic, physiologic and inflammatory effects of obesity, defined as a body-mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher24, are associated with BMI-related changes in whole blood genomic DNA methylation levels at 187 gene loci25 and CpG loci-specific methylation related to BMI and waist circumference metrics26. Cigarette smoking has well-established associations with the development of diverse diseases and multiple cancer types27, including a role for DNA methylation in oncogenic pathways influenced by tobacco28–30. In addition to the identification of candidate hypomethylated CpG sites which may mediate the effects of tobacco use on lung cancer31, cigarette smoking also impacts genome-wide methylation broadly that persists at a variety of loci for many years after smoking cessation32. Importantly, the discrepancies in the composition and discriminatory performance of cfDNA 5hmC molecular classifiers for NSCLC (8, 14) illustrate the need to consider not only tumor histologic subtypes and pathologic staging, but also cohort-specific demographic metrics and disease co-morbidities in the interpretation of genome-wide methylation data. Whether the epigenetic impact identified previously for age, obesity and smoking might also impact cfDNA cytosine methylation states, as well as the relationship between cfDNA 5mc and 5hmC levels33 remain unknown. However, these may be collectively important challenges to overcome in the development of biomedical applications of 5hmC classifiers.
In our prior work, we identified enrichment of cfDNA 5hmC signatures in exons, 3’UTRs and transcription termination sites in a disease- and stage-specific manner in a case-control study of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. To further investigate the clinical complexity of cancer epigenetic mechanisms mediated by the hydroxymethylome, we performed genome-wide interrogation of plasma cfDNA 5hmC levels to identify candidate hydroxymethlated genes or genomics regions. We focused our study in three cancer types, notably, (i) in women with infiltrating ductal carcinoma (IDC), (ii) in lung cancer patients across the spectrum of pathologic stage, and (iii) in prostate and pancreatic adenocarcinoma patients early stage using a case-control study design.
To control for potential confounding effects of clinical states, study cohorts were selectively matched for age, obesity (using established BMI metrics), and tobacco exposure using smoking status (current, former, never) and pack-years (defined as the product of the number of packs of cigarettes smoked daily by the number of years smoked). A machine learning framework was used to train and validate prediction models to enable both the binary and multiple classification of different cancer states. The data demonstrate that multi-gene or multi-loci 5hmC signatures appear to be specific for each cancer, i.e., organ and subject cohorts, and further that discrete classifiers can be found to distinguish amongst the three tumor types. This suggests that large scale studies of 5hmC cfDNA levels in cancer subjects using clinically well-annotated plasma specimens may enable the derivation of molecular signatures to classify and/or stratify patient cohorts along the management spectrum from early detection, i.e., screening, and early diagnosis to predictions of therapeutic responsiveness and disease recurrence.
Material and Methods
Clinical cohorts and study design
A case-control study was performed using plasma obtained from subjects without (termed control) and with cancer patients diagnosed with breast, lung, pancreas and prostate who provided informed consent and contributed biospecimens in studies approved by the Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) at participating sites in the United States. Plasma samples for the control cohort were obtained from subjects enrolled prospectively at up to 20 sites in the United States, following review and approval of the study protocol by each site’s participating investigator(s).
Cancer cohort
Plasma samples for the cancer cohort were obtained from subjects who had undergone management of breast, colon or lung in the United States, and also provided consent for use of blood specimens for archival storage and retrospective analyses. Criteria for subject eligibility for inclusion in the analysis included age greater than or equal to 21 years for all subjects, with additional requirements for the cancer cohort including: 1) no cancer treatment, e.g., surgical, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, or radiation therapy, prior to study enrollment and blood specimen acquisition; and 2) a confirmed pathologic diagnosis.
Control cohort
Subject exclusion criteria for the non-cancer cohort also included any of the following: prior cancer diagnosis within prior six months; surgery or invasive procedure requiring general anesthesia within prior month; non-cancer systemic therapy associated with molecularly targeted immune modulation; concurrent or prior pregnancy within previous 12 months; history of organ tissue transplantation; history of blood product transfusion within one month; and major trauma within six months. Clinical data required for all subjects included age, gender, smoking history, and both tissue pathology and grade, and were managed in accordance with the guidance established by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 to ensure subject privacy.
Plasma collection
Plasma was isolated from whole blood specimens obtained by routine venous phlebotomy at the time of subject enrollment. For both cancer and control subjects, whole blood was collected in Cell-Free DNA BCT® tubes according to the manufacturer’s protocol (Streck, La Vista, NE) (https://www.streck.com/collection/cell-free-dna-bct/). Tubes were maintained at 15 °C to 25 °C with plasma separation performed within 24 h of phlebotomy by centrifugation of whole blood at 1600 × g for 10 min at RT, followed by transfer of the plasma layer to a new tube for centrifugation at 3500 × g for 10 min. Plasma was aliquoted for subsequent cfDNA isolation or storage at −80°C.
cfDNA isolation
cfDNA was isolated using the QIAamp Circulating Nucleic Acid Kit (QIAGEN, Germantown, MD) following the manufacturer’s protocol excepting the omission of carrier RNA during cfDNA extraction. Four milliliter plasma volumes were used for cfDNA extraction. Eluates were collected in a volume of 60 µl buffer. All cfDNA extracts were quantified by Qubit dsDNA High Sensitivity Assay (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA) and quality of fragment sizes by Tape Station (Agilent Technologies Inc, Santa Clara, CA).
5-hydroxymethyl Cytosine (5hmC) assay enrichment
Sequencing library preparation and 5hmC enrichment was performed as described previously8. cfDNA was normalized to 10 ng total input for each assay and ligated to sequencing adapters. The adapter ligated library was partitioned 80:20 to enable 5hmC enrichment and whole genome sequencing to be performed on each partition. 5hmC bases were biotinylated via a two-step chemistry and subsequently enriched by binding to Dynabeads M270 Streptavidin (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA). All libraries were quantified by Bioanalyzer dsDNA High Sensitivity assay (Agilent Technologies Inc, Santa Clara, CA) and Qubit dsDNA High Sensitivity Assay (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA) and normalized in preparation for sequencing.
DNA sequencing and alignment
DNA sequencing was performed according to manufacturer’s recommendations with 75 base-pair, paired-end sequencing using a NextSeq550 instrument with version 2 reagent chemistry (Illumina, San Diego, CA). Twenty-four libraries were sequenced per flowcell,to yield approach 20 millon paired end reads, and raw data processing and demultiplexing was performed using the Illumina BaseSpace Sequence Hub to generate sample-specific FASTQ output. Sequencing reads were aligned to the hg19 reference genome using BWA-MEM with default parameters.
5hmC Profile Quality Control
Subsequent to alignment, we performed a variety of quality control checks on the 5hmC profiles. Additionally, the 5hmC variability for each gene, in each sample, was compared to the median count for the same genes in the control population. Each sample’s range of 5hmC count was thus expressed as a relative log representation (RLR) to the control cohort median 5hmC values.
Predictive Modelling
For the purpose of assessing the feasibility of building classifiers that can discriminate between cancer type and or all cancers and non-cancer samples based on the 5hmC representation of gene bodies, we evaluated the performance of two forms of regularized logistic regression models, namely the Lasso and the Elastic net, which are commonly used in the classification context, where the number of examples are few and the number of features are large. See Friedman et al.36 for a description of the general Elastic net procedure. Software implementation of these methods can be found at https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/glmnet/index.html. To remove weakly represented genes, we excluded genes that did not have greater than 3 counts per million reads in at least 20 samples. This filter excludes roughly 12% of the genes. Before any fitting, genes were filtered to include the 65% of the most variable genes for model fitting task.
We employed lasso and elastic net, which control the level of regularization used in the fit by requiring to specify hyper-parameters. Hyper-parameters were selected based on out-of-fold performance on 30 repetitions of 10-fold cross-validated analysis of the training data. Out-of-fold assessments are based on the samples in the left-out fold at each step of the cross-validated analysis. The same approach was employed when including PCAWG 37 enhancers in the model.
Clinical cohort and Study Design
Plasma specimens were collected from 180 presumably healthy controls and 48 breast, 55 lung, 53 pancreatic and 32 prostate cancer patients. The schematic summary of cancer cohorts, with the corresponding matched control cohorts, can be found in Fig 1. Study inclusion criteria for the cancer and controls are reported in the Material and Methods section and cohorts clinico-pathological features description are listed in Table 1.
Cancer specific predictive models for the detection of breast, lung and pancreatic cancer in cfDNA
We performed regularized logistic regression analysis in order to determine whether gene-based features are present in the breast, lung, pancreas and prostate and non-cancer cohorts to enable the classification of patient samples.
For all datasets we employed 3 type of analysis: i) 65% of the genes with the most variable 5hmC density for model selection only; ii) PCAWG enhancers only and iii) a combined gene and enhancers analysis. As a regularization method we use Elastic net which require specifying hyper-parameters for controlling the level of regularization used in the fit. These hyper-parameters were selected based on out-of-fold performance on 30 repetitions of 5-fold cross-validated analysis of the training data. Out-of-fold assessments are based on the samples in the left-out fold at each step of the cross-validated analysis. Performance of all three analysis performances can be found in Table 2.
The training set for genes only yielded an out-of-fold performance metric, Area Under Curve (AUC) of 0.89, 0.79, 0.93 and 0.83 respectively for breast, lung, pancreatic and prostate respectively.
The training set for enhancers only yielded an out-of-fold performance metric AUC of 0.72, 0.8, 0.92 and 0.82 respectively for breast, lung, pancreatic and prostate respectively.
The training set for genes and enhancers yielded an out-of-fold performance metric, AUC of 0.83, 0.86, 0.95 and 0.73 respectively for breast, lung, pancreatic and prostate respectively. Amon the 3 different methods the best performance for breast was found with using gene-only analysis AUC= 0.89 with an interquartile range (AUC-IQR) of the 30 five-fold cross validation runs were, for breast, 0.72 – 0.92 (Fig 2A).
The best performance for lung and pancreas was found using genes plus enhancers AUC respectively of 0.84 and 0.95. AUC-IQR for lung and pancreas were 0.64-0.84, pancreas 0.92-0.96.
Performace for prostate cancer was the highest when genes-only and enhancers-only analysis was employed (AUC 0.83 with and AUC-IQR of 0.71 – 0.93).
Summary of sensitivity performance is found in Table 3. Sensitivity, at 95% specificity, was calculated for each cancers for the highest model. Pancreas prediciton model had the highest sensitivity (83%) followed by beast (69%), prostate (64%) and lung (49%).
Cancer predictive models are associated with enrichment of specific biological pathways
We sought to identify whether the features identified in the 4 cancer prediction models were associated with any relevant cancer biology.
First, we noted that in breast cancer, the majority of early stage with small size tumors (<2cm) had the highest cancer predicted probability (Fig 3a). Same observation was made for the pancreas dataset (Fig. D), while for prostate and lung the highest prediction scores are spread across diffent stages (Fig. 3C-E).
Next, we inspected genes defined by the predictive models to determine if any biologically relevant pathways specific for breast, lung, pancreas and prostate cancer or tumorigenesis more generally, was enriched using mSigDB37 and KEGG pathway analysis. 5hmC predictive genes in breast were enriched in BRCA1 network, hypoxia genes signaling and early estrogen response genes (Table 4).
Using KEGG pathway analysis, predictive model in lung cancer, was found to be enriched with response to necrosis factor and EGFR signaling pathway genes (Fig. 4A). Of Interest, KEGG pathway analysis indeitified in the pancreatic cancer model Notch signaling pathway to be significantly enriched (Fig. 4B).
The aim of this pilot study was to evaluate whether cfDNA specific hydroxymethyl cytosine-based profiles can be employed to discover candidate biomarkers that are specific for the detection of breast, lung, pancreas and prostate cancer. This approach identified predictive hydroxymethylated genes and gene loci and, in breast, lung, pancreas and prostate cancer patients. These predictive genes were found involved in known cancer pathways such as BRCA, and hypoxia in breast cancer, EGFR and TNF and Pholipase A2 in pancreatic cancer. In breast cancer, it was possible to discover a set of genes that contributed to predictive models with good performance in separating cancer from controls, AUC = 0.89. High probability scores from the gene-based prediction model in breast cancer are associated with tumor size < 2 cm, suggesting that despite the apparent absence of mutation in the cfDNA, that aberrant biology and clinical characteristics can be identified through the biomarker signatures (Fig 3A). This lends support to the hypothesis that relevant underlying biological transformations of early stage oncological disease are being employed in cancer discrimination.
Previous studies in breast cancer have shown that a global decrease in 5hmC occurs and is associated with a poor prognosis16,38. Our data show that 5hmC changes in the cfDNA from plasma has more nuanced changes, including increases and decreases in 5hmC, that bear the molecular hallmarks of breast cancer.
Several cancer specific pathways were found to be activated in the breast cancer predictive model, by employing the contributing genes in the model, to measure pathway enrichment directly. Of note, amongst the enrichment was the hypoxia pathways. Changes in the cellular environment through hypoxia have been identified in breast cancer36 and associated with poor prognosis. Hypoxia has been shown to control methylation through TET1/3 deregulation39 which would result in altered 5hmC patterns. Through the detection of these modulated 5hmC profiles in our breast cancer cohort, as found in the predictive model, we have been able to show that genes involved in the mediation hypoxia are implicated.
The best lung cancer classification, with an AUC = 0.84, was identified by genes and enhancers, possibly indicating that the samples in the datasets may have a high transcriptional activity compared to control samples.
Futher, our lung results compared favorably to the data of Zhang et al14, despite the fact that different training methods were employed as well as the apparent absence of out-of-fold validation in the latter study. Another source of difference with Zhang et al is the lung cancer histology which may be a combination of adenocarcinoma, squamous and adenosquamous. Our study employed primarily adenocarcinoma samples (>75% lung cancer cohort).
Epidermal growth factor receptor signalling pathway, a known lung-associated pathways was found enriched in predictive genes and enhancers in the lung dataset. Its activation is a key driver of lung cancer progression and the most important target for lung cancer treatment. We also investigate pathway enriched in the pancreatic cancer and interestingly found NOTCH siganlin genes significantly enriched in the pancreatic prediction model. Indeed Notch signaling pathway has been showed to play critical roles in the development and progression of pancreatic cancer41.
In summary, we show here a platform technology employing 5hmC signal detection coupled with machine learning approaches to develop methodologies that can extend toward the detection of specific cancers or to distinguish amongst various cancer types. These complex problems can be tackled in a liquid biopsy context and provide the opportunity for the development of future assays of clinical utility in the earlier diagnosis of disease.
Data Availability
Data will be made available upon acceptance of this manuscript