Background Frailty is a common but underdiagnosed syndrome among long-term survivors of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT). Conditions such as malnutrition, fatigue, and weakness may suggest frailty despite patients not receiving a formal diagnosis. Furthermore, the optimal interventions to overcome frailty in long-term survivors of allogeneic HCT is not yet established.
Patients and Methods This study consists of a retrospective and prospective component. First, we completed a retrospective review using diagnosis data from the electronic medical record to estimate the prevalence of components of frailty in 1077 recipients of allogeneic HCT through 5 years post-transplant. Second, we developed a community-based pilot study of strength training for long-term survivors of allogeneic HCT that addressed several common barriers exercise engagement and adherence. Four allogeneic HCT recipients (2 males, 2 females) and 4 controls (2 males, 2 females) completed the strength training pilot study, consisting of a baseline assessment, 10 weeks of personalized and supervised strength programming at least once weekly as a group, and an end-of-study assessment to measure progress in strength, body composition, and a standardized measure of self-efficacy.
Results Despite a lack of a formal diagnosis, approximately 80% of HCT recipients in this series received a diagnosis of a component of frailty (weakness, fatigue, or malnutrition), and over 1/3 of HCT recipients had symptoms extending beyond 1 year. Over the course of the strength training pilot study, both pre-frail/frail allogeneic HCT recipients and healthy controls doubled their total strength, lost body fat, and gained muscle mass. Self-efficacy improved from baseline in allogeneic HCT recipients after the strength training pilot program.
Discussion Based upon the prevalence of frailty-related diagnoses among long-term survivors of HCT, a comprehensive mitigation strategy needs to be developed for this population. A community-based strength training program that includes a personalized component, a group setting, and caregiver/partner involvement appears feasible and overcomes several established barriers to exercise engagement and adherence.
Frailty is a clinical syndrome of diminished physiologic reserve and low resistance to stressors affecting approximately 10% of the hematopoietic cell transplant (HCT) population.(1) Frailty can manifest as weakness, low physical activity, exercise intolerance, unintentional weight loss, self-reported exhaustion, and low-self efficacy.(2, 3) While its manifestations are common and undoubtedly recognized as expected or “normal” to some extent, frailty is likely underdiagnosed in HCT recipients. Conditions such as malnutrition, fatigue, and weakness may suggest frailty despite patients not receiving a formal diagnosis. Because aspects of frailty are so common after HCT, its root causes, including potential anabolic resistance (4), may not be adequately addressed by physicians specializing in HCT. Therefore, there is an unmet need to both increase the recognition of frailty by the medical team and to design and test interventions to mitigate it.
The optimal interventions to prevent or mitigate frailty in the allogeneic HCT population are not yet known. However, strength-based training programs directly address multiple domains of frailty and have shown success in other clinical settings, including community-dwelling elderly (5), those residing in long-term care facilities (6), and after lung transplantation (7). We have 2 goals outlined in this paper: (1) estimate the prevalence of components of frailty in 1077 recipients of allogeneic HCT through 5 years post-transplant using diagnosis data from the electronic medical record, and (2) perform a community-based pilot study of strength training in long-term survivors of allogeneic HCT. The results herein are useful to inform the development of a larger strength-focused longitudinal training program to reverse frailty and improve quality of life after allogeneic HCT.
Patients and Methods
We performed this study in two parts. We first performed a retrospective review to estimate frailty from medical diagnosis codes abstracted from the electronic medical record. We subsequently performed a pilot study to improve frailty in cancer survivors. We describe details of each cohort below.
Retrospective Cohort
In order to estimate the prevalence of frailty through 5 years post-HCT, we retrieved both International Classification of Diseases (ICD)9 and ICD10 codes for malnutrition, fatigue, and weakness from our electronic medical record system spanning 3 post-transplant periods: Day 0 – 100, Day 101 – 365, and 1 – 5 years. Patients (N=1077) in this cohort were adults age 18 years or greater undergoing HCT at the University of Minnesota between 2000-2016. We adjusted for mortality by taking into consideration the death rate in each time period. A patient could be counted for a diagnosis of malnutrition, fatigue, and/or weakness in the time period if they survived at all during that time period.
Strength Training Pilot Study
We designed a pilot study of community-based strength training designed to address frailty. Participants (N=4) were required to be at least 18 months post-HCT, meet criteria for pre-frailty or frailty (all had low energy expenditure and self-reported exhaustion), and have a healthy exercise partner (spouse or other relative or friend) who could serve as a control (N=4). Participants in our pilot study received an assessment by a National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)-certified trainer prior to design of a personalized strength training program during week 1. During weeks 2-11, each participant completed their personalized program at least weekly as a group under the supervision of the trainer on Saturday mornings, and they were encouraged but not required to complete additional training sessions as individuals during the other days of the week. These additional training sessions were unsupervised but followed the same protocol as the supervised sessions. Each participants’ personalized strength training program consisted of three lower body exercises, four upper body exercises, three core exercises, and one aerobic test (example provided in Figure 1). Prescriptions for all exercises were determined by the number of repetitions at a given weight required to approach muscular failure in the initial assessment. The large majority of exercises were performed on Free Motion® machines. These machines have a rotating cable system so that individuals with different body types and proportions can use the same machines without being limited to a fixed motor pattern or range of motion.
Example strength training prescription and training log.
During the course of the study, specific exercises and their loads were progressed based on the abilities of each participant. In assessing the progress of individuals during week 12 (final week of study), the estimate of improvement was based on the change in relative strength. This metric consists of changes in amount of weight lifted (absolute strength) and the progress in the amount of repetitions completed (work capacity). All of the participants’ workouts (both those with and without a trainer) were recorded and collected, and the final results were calculated by comparing subject’s initial assessments with their final workouts. To assess progress over the trial period, we compared relative strength in each of the muscle groups comparing the initial and final sessions using descriptive statistics (average, range) without statistical tests due to the small sample size.
Body Composition
We recorded body composition, including weight, percentage of body fat, and weight of muscle mass, at the initial and final sessions using an InBody® bioelectrical impedance device. Participants were counseled that the goal of the study was not to lose weight but rather to gain muscle mass. No formal dietary intervention was given, but participants learned about healthy eating habits with a particular focus on eating for muscular growth from a registered dietician once per month in a group setting.
Self-Efficacy Assessment
The primary endpoint of the strength training pilot study was self-efficacy as determined by a 6-question survey adapted from the Stanford Patient Education Resource Center (8). Participants gave a numeric response on a scale of 1 (not confident at all) to 10 (totally confident) on questions regarding confidence to deal with fatigue, physical discomfort, emotional distress, managing health problems, reducing dependence on the healthcare system, and taking steps to improve health beyond medications.
Ethical Considerations
The University of Minnesota Institutional Review Board approved both the retrospective medical record review and the strength training pilot study. The strength training pilot study is registered on ClinicalTrials.gov as NCT03609203.
Estimation of frailty from diagnosis codes
Demographics of the retrospective cohort are detailed in Table 1. The median age of this cohort was 52 years, with a slight male predominance (58.6% of patients). Table 2 lists the overall frequency of diagnoses of weakness, malnutrition, and fatigue over the period of 2000-2016, and Figure 2 shows how these diagnoses overlap in individual patients across early, intermediate, and late post-HCT recovery. The majority (79.3%) of adult allogeneic HCT recipients had a diagnosis of malnutrition (Table 2), weakness (Table 3), and/or fatigue (Table 4) at some time post-HCT. Only 179 patients (21.7%) had none of these diagnoses at any time point in their post-transplant recovery. Across the 3 time periods, fatigue was the most frequent diagnosis, with 37% diagnosed with fatigue prior to day 100, 28% diagnosed between days 101 and 365, and 33% diagnosed between years 1-5. The frequency of malnutrition diagnoses decreased over time, with 22% prior to day 100, 18% between days 101-365, and 16% between years 1-5. In contrast, the frequency of muscle weakness diagnoses increased over time, with 6% diagnosed prior to day 100, 9% between days 101 – 365, and 11% between years 1-5. Patients with all 3 diagnoses ranged from 1.8% in the first 100 days, to 3.9% between days 101 – 365, to 4.2% between years 1-5.
Retrospective cohort patient demographics.
Frequency of malnutrition diagnoses (raw data) abstracted from electronic medical record.
Frequency of weakness diagnoses (raw data) abstracted from electronic medical record.
Frequency of fatigue diagnoses (raw data) abstracted from electronic medical record.
Number of patients with overlapping diagnoses of malnutrition, fatigue, and muscle weakness through 5 years post-allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation.
Strength Training Pilot Study Outcomes
Four adult allogeneic HCT recipients (2 males, 2 females) and 4 controls (2 males, 2 females) completed the strength training pilot study, consisting of a baseline assessment, 10 weeks of personalized and supervised strength programming at least once weekly as a group, and an end-of-study assessment to measure progress. Participant engagement was excellent, there were no serious adverse events related to strength training. The average number of strength training sessions completed over 10 weeks by participant was 27 (range 17-34). Study participants doubled their strength on average after 10 weeks, as demonstrated by improvements of 194% in upper body exercises, and 199% in lower body exercises.
While this was not designed as a weight loss study, most participants lost fat mass. Average weight loss was 3.0 kilograms over 10 weeks, which reflected in an average change in body fat of 2.54% as assessed by bioelectrical impedance among study participants (Figure 3B). The average muscle gain as assessed by bioelectrical impedance in allogeneic HCT recipients was 1.4 kilograms throughout the study, with no net change in the control group (Figure 3C). However, one female outlier the healthy control group lost a total of 10.8 kg during the study.
Comparison of percent change in (A) percent total strength compared to baseline, (B) percent body fat, (C) and lean body weight in kilograms between allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplant recipients (Allo, N=4) versus healthy controls (N=4).
We measured self-efficacy via 6-item survey at the start of the study and at its completion. Baseline self-efficacy was lower in recipients of allogeneic HCT than controls(Figure 4), but increased by an average of 10 points (mean 36.75 to 46.75) in allogeneic HCT recipients over the course of the study.
Self-efficacy at the start of the strength training intervention and at its completion (maximum score = 60 points) comparing recipients of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (gray) to controls (black).
Frailty is a commonly observed syndrome in the adult HCT population, although it is typically not diagnosed formally. Frailty does not have its own ICD-10 code; rather, the code R54 refers to “age-related physical debility” that includes frailty, but excludes sarcopenia and cognitive decline. Despite not receiving a formal diagnosis of frailty, approximately 80% of HCT recipients in this series received a diagnosis of a component of frailty (weakness, fatigue, or malnutrition), and over 1/3 of HCT recipients reported symptoms extending beyond 1 year. Sarcopenia affects 50% of HCT recipients even prior to HCT leading to an increased risk of late effects, poor quality of life, and early mortality.(9) Knowing this, and observing the frequency of frailty-related diagnoses in our series, a comprehensive mitigation strategy needs to be developed for long-term HCT survivors.
Recipients of HCT can carry several risk factors for frailty including advanced age, polypharmacy, lack of regular exercise, isolation, malnutrition, and unintentional weight loss (1, 10). Risks traditionally associated with life-threatening complications following SCT have been substantially mitigated by innovations in supportive care.(11) As a result, there has been a considerable increase in the number of SCT recipients living with the systemic effects of cancer and related treatment as a chronic condition.(12) In response, health organizations are now recommending survivorship interventions founded on the theoretical principles of the Chronic Care Model with a focus on programs targeting chronic-disease self-management.(13) Improving patient self-management behavior in the survivorship period has been the focus of multiple chronic disease programs.(14-17) Exercise has well-established beneficial effects including improved quality-of-life and a reduction in untoward cancer-related physical symptoms (18) and should thus be a key component of such self-management programs.
Perhaps the strongest predictor of health-related self-management behavior is self-efficacy.(19) As defined by Bandura, self-efficacy is the perceived ability or confidence to achieve a goal, which can be influenced by motivation and task mastery.(20) Increased self-efficacy among cancer survivors appears to have a relationship with exercise participation and adherence, with higher levels of self-efficacy associated with more exercise behaviors and vice versa.(19, 21) Understanding the critical role of this phenomenon in promoting and sustaining positive behavior change, we used the validated Chronic Disease Self-Management 6-Item scale to assess patient self-efficacy in this pilot study.(8) The scale measures several common domains of chronic disease including the management of symptoms and health related activities. Our pilot study found improvements in self-efficacy after the strength training intervention, but the overall level of self-efficacy still did not match that of healthy control participants. Self-efficacy may have continued to improve further with a longer study duration.
Our pilot study is one among many other larger studies that have investigated the role of exercise in recovery from HCT (Table 5). The results from previous interventions may be variable if the training stimulus was not personalized; either too small to induce muscular growth, or too large, putting individuals at risk of injury, excess fatigue, or pain. Factors that enhanced the feasibility of our pilot study is that the intervention was personalized and occurred in a commercial health club. While the participants were required to meet at least once weekly as a group at one of the club’s locations, the participants were able to exercise at a club closer to their home (if applicable) during the week. The required group participation also enhanced the feasibility and reduced expense, allowing the trainer to supervise 8 participants at once during the weekly sessions. The group participation also likely enhanced the sense of community among participants, as some remarked during the study that they felt less isolated than they had felt prior to starting the program. Finally, the partnering of healthy controls (caregiver, spouse, or other relative or friend) with the HCT recipients may have enhanced adherence to the program. We also wanted to involve caregivers in the intervention recognizing the impact of the HCT process on their lives.(22) We did not want to give them yet one more task to add to their list. Furthermore, involving the caregiver could impact the entire family dynamic toward adopting healthier lifestyle behaviors despite many perceived barriers when a loved one is going through the allogeneic HCT process.
Prospective studies involving strength training in blood and marrow transplantation.
In conclusion, frailty is a clinically recognized but underdiagnosed syndrome after allogeneic HCT. A personalized strength training intervention, conducted along with a caregiver in a community setting, can help address some of the root causes of frailty, increasing lean muscle mass and improving self-efficacy. Larger studies are needed to refine our community-based strength training program for allogeneic HCT survivors and their caregivers prior to widespread implementation.
Data Availability
Data will be posted to ClinicalTrials.gov once the study is complete.
Acknowledgement of Research Support
This study was funded by the University Of Minnesota Department Of Medicine Women’s Early Research Career program (SGH) and Marrow on the Move, University of Minnesota (SGH).
Disclaimers: The authors of this manuscript have no relevant conflicts of interest to disclose.