Article Information
- October 5, 2019.
Article Versions
- You are currently viewing Version 1 of this article (October 5, 2019 - 03:36).
- View Version 2, the most recent version of this article.
Author Information
- Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle1,*,
- Stephani Vogt Rossi1,
- Miguel Henrique Moraes de Oliveira1,
- Diego José Brandão1 and
- Thiago Dias Sarti2
- ↵*Corresponding author; email: leonardof{at}
Conceptualization: LFF (equal), DJB (supporting), TDS (equal)
Data curation: LFF
Formal analysis: LFF
Funding acquisition: none
Investigation: LFF (lead), SVR (supporting), MHMO (supporting)
Methodology: LFF (lead), DJB (supporting), TDS (supporting)
Project administration: LFF
Resources: none
Software: none
Supervision: none
Validation: none
Visualization: LFF
Writing-original draft: LFF
Writing-review & editing: SVR (supporting), MHMO (supporting), DJB (supporting), TDS (lead)