[BOOK][B] Linear mixed models: a practical guide using statistical software
BT West, KB Welch, AT Galecki - 2022 - taylorfrancis.com
Highly recommended by JASA, Technometrics, and other leading statistical journals, the first
two editions of this bestseller showed how to easily perform complex linear mixed model
(LMM) analyses via a variety of software programs. Linear Mixed Models: A Practical Guide
Using Statistical Software, Third Edition continues to lead readers step-by-step through the
process of fitting LMMs. The third edition provides a comprehensive update of the available
tools for fitting linear mixed-effects models in the newest versions of SAS, SPSS, R, Stata …
two editions of this bestseller showed how to easily perform complex linear mixed model
(LMM) analyses via a variety of software programs. Linear Mixed Models: A Practical Guide
Using Statistical Software, Third Edition continues to lead readers step-by-step through the
process of fitting LMMs. The third edition provides a comprehensive update of the available
tools for fitting linear mixed-effects models in the newest versions of SAS, SPSS, R, Stata …
[PDF][PDF] Linear mixed models. A practical guide using statistical software
BT West, KB Welch, AT Gałecki, A Ziegler - 2023 - www-personal.umich.edu
Linear mixed models (LMM) are a standard approach for analyzing clustered and
longitudinal data. A series of software packages and in different languages are available for
this task. The book title promises to provide a practical guide to LMMs. And the book offers
what is promised. As before, it is shown how LMMs can be fitted using HLM, R, SAS, SPSS,
and Stata. This time in its third edition. The two previous editions have been discussed
before in this journal; see Czado (2009) and Burghoff (2016) for the first and second …
longitudinal data. A series of software packages and in different languages are available for
this task. The book title promises to provide a practical guide to LMMs. And the book offers
what is promised. As before, it is shown how LMMs can be fitted using HLM, R, SAS, SPSS,
and Stata. This time in its third edition. The two previous editions have been discussed
before in this journal; see Czado (2009) and Burghoff (2016) for the first and second …
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