3. the question of history in precolonial india
R Mantena - History and Theory, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
This essay considers an important and enduring problem in the writing of Indian history: how
do we historians approach precolonial narratives of the past? A rich and suggestive new …
do we historians approach precolonial narratives of the past? A rich and suggestive new …
Vernacular futures: Colonial philology and the idea of history in nineteenth-century south India
RS Mantena - The Indian Economic & Social History Review, 2005 - journals.sagepub.com
… When Brown undertook the task of preparing a definitive grammar for Telugu, he encountered
indigenous practices. In the preface to his … I argue that philology prepared the way …
indigenous practices. In the preface to his … I argue that philology prepared the way …
Another realism: The politics of Gandhian nonviolence
K Mantena - American Political Science Review, 2012 - cambridge.org
Although Gandhi is often taken to be an exemplary moral idealist in politics, this article
seeks to demonstrate that Gandhian nonviolence is premised on a form of political realism, …
seeks to demonstrate that Gandhian nonviolence is premised on a form of political realism, …
[BOOK][B] Alibis of empire: Social theory and the ideologies of late imperial rule
K Mantena - 2004 - search.proquest.com
… Rama Mantena and Sunil Agnani have … , Mantena Suryanarayana Raju and Anasuya
Mantena. 1 dedicate this dissertation to them and, in loving :meinory, to my brother, Ravi Mantena, …
Mantena. 1 dedicate this dissertation to them and, in loving :meinory, to my brother, Ravi Mantena, …
“A People's Literature”: Reimagining Telugu Literary History
RS Mantena - Indian Modernities, 2023 - taylorfrancis.com
… Therefore in this way colonial philology prepared the way for a nationalist project to recognize
regional languages as integral to national identity but not to challenge it or threaten its …
regional languages as integral to national identity but not to challenge it or threaten its …
Colonial Philology and the Progressive History of Telugu
RS Mantena - The Origins of Modern Historiography in India …, 2012 - Springer
… Starting from the latter half of the eighteenth century, missionary intervention in language
study prepared the way for European philologists to begin their investigations into the historical …
study prepared the way for European philologists to begin their investigations into the historical …
[BOOK][B] Vernacular futures: Orientalism, history, and language in colonial South India
RS Mantena - 2002 - search.proquest.com
… Radha, and Neela), my big brother, Narender Mantena, and sister-in-law, Pumima Mantena,
and most importantly my nephew, Aman Mantena. In Delhi, I was taken care of and shuttled …
and most importantly my nephew, Aman Mantena. In Delhi, I was taken care of and shuttled …
Multiplexed CRISPR-based microfluidic platform for clinical testing of respiratory viruses and identification of SARS-CoV-2 variants
… ) Tracking SARS-CoV-2 variants) and then used a generative sequence design algorithm
(Mantena, S. et al., manuscript in preparation) to produce crRNAs for allelic discrimination. …
(Mantena, S. et al., manuscript in preparation) to produce crRNAs for allelic discrimination. …
Vernacular publics and political modernity: Language and progress in colonial South India
RS Mantena - Modern Asian Studies, 2013 - cambridge.org
… He too developed a critique of classical literary training and its inadequacies in preparing
the pupil with democratic sensibilities working towards a common citizenship. Ramamurti …
the pupil with democratic sensibilities working towards a common citizenship. Ramamurti …
Simplified Cas13-based assays for the fast identification of SARS-CoV-2 and its variants
…, NL Welch, PP Pillai, S Mantena… - Nature biomedical …, 2022 - nature.com
… This allowed us to develop new SHINEv.2 assays for the 452 and 156–158 mutations
present in the Delta VOC, a VOC that arose as we were preparing this manuscript for the initial …
present in the Delta VOC, a VOC that arose as we were preparing this manuscript for the initial …