Open access and sources of full-text articles in Google Scholar in different subject fields

HR Jamali, M Nabavi - Scientometrics, 2015 - Springer
… studies on open access are reviewed and then studies on Google Scholar are presented
to … queries to retrieve articles from Google Scholar and examined the availability of full-text, …

[PDF][PDF] Google scholar and scopus

S Bonato - Journal of the Medical Library Association, 2016 -
Google Scholar has a slight advantage over Scopus because it is available at no cost, has
superior search … However, Google Scholar also has many limitations: as mentioned earlier, …

The benefits and pitfalls of Google Scholar

FR Jensenius, M Htun, DJ Samuels… - PS: Political Science & …, 2018 -
… up to receive automatic emails when scholars post new work, and scholars can be notified
when … Our own experiences suggest that GS nudges scholars toward open-access practices (…

Google Scholar as a pointer to open full-text sources of research articles: A useful tool for researchers in regions with poor access to scientific literature

VK Singh, SS Srichandan, R Piryani… - African Journal of …, 2023 -
Scholar is able to point to freely downloadable open text versions of scientific articles. Results
show that Google ScholarGoogle Scholar can be a useful tool for locating open access full…

Google Scholar as a data source for research assessment

E Delgado López-Cózar, E Orduña-Malea… - Springer handbook of …, 2019 - Springer
… as Google Scholar Metrics and Google Scholar Citations), made many scientists wonder
about its potential as a source of data for bibliometric analyses. The goal of this chapter is to lay …

Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic, Scopus, Dimensions, Web of Science, and OpenCitations' COCI: a multidisciplinary comparison of coverage via citations

A Martín-Martín, M Thelwall, E Orduna-Malea… - Scientometrics, 2021 - Springer
… of the citing documents available in Google Scholar: for 2429 … total citation counts reported
by Google Scholar for these seed … Google Scholar was lower than 75% of the reported Google

Google Scholar. Google, 1600

SM Swanberg - J Med Libr Assoc, 2016 -
… Two searches were conducted for this review, both designed to determine how effective
Google Scholar and Scopus are at locating recent gray literature sources. The first search …

Large coverage fluctuations in Google Scholar: a case study

A Martín-Martín, ED López-Cózar - arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.07571, 2021 -
… To learn whether documents have stopped being available on the Web, Google Scholar
year (Google Scholar, nd-a). If Google Scholar’s crawlers are not able to access a document …

The lost academic home: institutional affiliation links in Google Scholar Citations

E Orduña-Malea, JM Ayllón, A Martín-Martín… - Online Information …, 2017 -
… That way, users can access the list of authors working in any given institution (Figure 2).
Although it is not possible to use this feature directly from the Google Scholar search interface (…

[PDF][PDF] A systematic review on the sufficiency of PubMed and Google Scholar for biosciences

YH Teo, MH Ling - Acta Scientific Medical Sciences, 2020 -
… and Google Scholar is sufficient for a systematic review in biosciences. With the combined
coverage of Google Scholar … However, Google Scholar alone is not sufficient as 20.3% of the …