[BOOK][B] Topologies of power: Beyond territory and networks

J Allen - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
… Interestingly, abstract proofs of one kind or another and the algebraic properties of many
of the shapes and figures explored in topology do not play a part in such borrowings, largely I …

Towards a post-mathematical topology

L Martin, AJ Secor - Progress in Human Geography, 2014 - journals.sagepub.com
… of topology both overstretch topology’s conceptual merit and limit its insights for spatial thinking.
We show how topology… Our purpose is not to consolidate a specific topological approach …

[BOOK][B] Algebraic topology

A Hatcher - 2005 - books.google.com
algebraic topology with rather broad coverage of the subject. The viewpoint is quite classical
in spirit, and stays well within the confines of pure algebraic topology… for algebraic topology, …

… -Lusztig Varieties; The Algebra of Extended Peaks; The BCFW Tiling of the Amplituhedron; Pizza and 2-Structures; Robertson's Conjecture in Algebraic Topology; …

…, M Reineke, B Rhoades, N Cartier, EE Allen… - Séminaire lotharingien …, 2023 - par.nsf.gov
… w0 is the longest permutation, the polytope Qw is the permutohedron, a fundamental object
in algebraic combinatorics, and the poset Pw is the very well-studied right weak order (see …

[BOOK][B] Topology in Optics: Tying light in knots

DS Simon - 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
… pillars of algebraic topology. Homotopy theory will be discussed in some detail in chapter 3.
… the foundations of modern algebraic topology. Poincaré’s topological studies of solutions to …

Cyberworlds--Theory, Design and Potential--

TL Kunii - IEICE transactions on information and systems, 2005 - search.ieice.org
… This research first presents a generic theoretical framework and design based on algebraic
topology, and also provides an axiomatic approach to theorize the potentials of cyberworlds. …


B Mihailescu - 2008 - ems.press
… In the last section we would like to illustrate ties which exist between Combinatorial
Algebraic Topology and theoretical computer science, more specifically – complexity theory. …

The topological Dirac equation of networks and simplicial complexes

G Bianconi - Journal of Physics: Complexity, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
… In this work our aim is to use algebraic topology to investigate the interplay between topology
and the … Here we build on algebraic topology to formulate a higher-order version of the …

Preventing future blackouts by means of enhanced electric power systems control: From complexity to order

MD Ilic, H Allen, W Chapman, CA King… - Proceedings of the …, 2005 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… adaptation as system conditions and network topology vary in order to minimize the effects
… -driven process subject to the common algebraic constraint imposed by the need to meet the …

[PDF][PDF] Cup products in computational topology

J Huang - 2005 - Citeseer
… are generally developed using algebraic topology as a guide towards … algebraic topologists.
In general, it is the objective to design methods (motivated by results from algebraic topology