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Ommaya Reservoir Placement for Brain Tumor Biomarker Access

ClinicalTrials.gov ID NCT04692337
Sponsor Mayo Clinic
Information provided by Terry Burns, Mayo Clinic (Responsible Party)
Last Update Posted 2024-09-25

Study Overview

Brief Summary
The purpose of this study is to determine the safety and feasibility of intra-operative Ommaya Reservoir placement during a clinically indicated operation for brain tumor. The Ommaya reservoir will facilitate a longitudinal access to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for analysis of potential biomarkers for brain tumor research and individualized monitoring.
Detailed Description

Most brain tumors remain incurable. Progress in clinical trials to identify better treatments has been slow. We hypothesize that longitudinal CSF access can provide insights regarding tumor identity, behavior and the efficacy of candidate therapies. Although multiple studies have evaluated CSF from patients with brain tumors, very few have collected CSF at multiple timepoints throughout the course of disease. However, multiple samples over time are needed to determine if candidate biomarkers accurately reflect the evolution of disease. CSF is typically obtained via lumbar puncture which is inconvenient and often uncomfortable. This protocol will evaluate the safety and feasibility of placing Ommaya reservoirs at the time of surgery. It is anticipated that reducing barriers to CSF access through placement of an Ommaya reservoir may expedite brain tumor research and facilitate the development of individualized treatment strategies.

An Ommaya Reservoir will be placed during a planned brain tumor operation. Following the routine portion of the planned procedure, the Ommaya reservoir will be placed under the scalp with the catheter tip placed either within the ventricle or the resection cavity. Presence of the Ommaya reservoir will enable CSF to be easily accessed at any time in the future. It is expected that CSF will be collected at 2 or more timepoints. CSF will be stored in the Mayo Clinic neuro-oncology biorepository and made available in a de-identified manner for multiple research projects. The patient and his/her provider(s) may take advantage of the Ommaya reservoir and/or banked CSF samples to facilitate participation in any relevant IRB-approved research study(s), and/or to facilitate individualized management. The details of each time the Ommaya is accessed will be documented as part of this trial.

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Official Title
Ommaya Reservoir Placement for Brain Tumor Biomarker Access
Brain Tumor
Intervention / Treatment
  • Procedure: Intra-operative Ommaya Reservoir placement
  • Procedure: Intra-operative Ommaya Reservoir placement
Other Study ID Numbers
  • 20-009226
  • NCI-2021-02766 ( Other Identifier ) (OTHER: CTRP (Clinical Trials Reporting Program))
    NCI-2021-02766 ( Other Identifier ) (OTHER: CTRP (Clinical Trials Reporting Program))
Study Start (Actual)
Primary Completion (Estimated)
Study Completion (Estimated)
Enrollment (Estimated)
Study Type
Not Applicable

Contacts and Locations

This section provides contact details for people who can answer questions about joining this study, and information on where this study is taking place.

To learn more, please see the Contacts and Locations section in How to Read a Study Record(https://clinicaltrials.gov/study-basics/how-to-read-study-record#contacts-and-locations).

Study Contact

Name: Bambi Wessel

Phone Number: (507) 293-1963

Email: Wessel.Bambi@mayo.edu

Study Contact Backup

Name: Clinical Trials Referral Office

Phone Number: 855-776-0015

Email: mayocliniccancerstudies@mayo.edu

Participation Criteria

Researchers look for people who fit a certain description, called eligibility criteria. Some examples of these criteria are a person's general health condition or prior treatments.

For general information about clinical research, read Learn About Studies(https://clinicaltrials.gov/study-basics/learn-about-studies).
Eligibility Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Age > 18 years.
  • Clinical and radiographic evidence suggesting a diagnosis of a brain tumor.
  • Planned neurosurgical procedure resection of suspected or previously diagnosed brain tumor as part of routine clinical care.
  • Willing to undergo neurosurgical resection at Mayo Clinic (Rochester, MN).
  • Ability to understand and the willingness to sign a written informed consent document.
  • Patient is willing to have their Ommaya sampled on at least 2 future occasions.
  • Patients is willing to have CSF banked through the neuro-oncology biorepository (requires a separate signature)

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Vulnerable populations including pregnant women, prisoners and individuals <18 years old.
  • Patients who are not appropriate candidates for surgery due to current or past medical history or uncontrolled concurrent illness.
  • Prior history of any wound infection
  • Any patient who the surgeon feels is not an optimal candidate for Ommaya reservoir placement. Such reasons could (but need not necessarily) include factors related to surgical anatomy, clinical evidence of significant immunosuppression, and/or elevated risk of wound infection due to diabetes, smoking history, morbid obesity, or any other concerns.
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Ages Eligible for Study
18 Years and older (AdultOlder Adult )
Sexes Eligible for Study
Accepts Healthy Volunteers

Study Plan

This section provides details of the study plan, including how the study is designed and what the study is measuring.

Design Details
Primary Purpose : Basic Science
Allocation : N/A
Interventional Model : Single Group Assignment
Masking : None (Open Label)

Arms and Interventions

Participant Group/Arm Intervention/Treatment
Participant Group/Arm Experimental: Ommaya Reservoir placement
Subjects undergoing surgery for a confirmed or suspected brain tumor will have an Ommaya Reservoir placed at the time of surgery.
Intervention/Treatment Procedure: Intra-operative Ommaya Reservoir placement
  • An Ommaya reservoir is a small device implanted under the scalp that enables percutaneous access to cerebrospinal fluid.

Primary Outcome Measures
Outcome Measure Measure Description Time Frame
Adverse Events of intra-operative Ommaya Reservoir placementNumber of subjects to develop persistent adverse events deemed related (possibly, probably, definitely) to the insertion or use of Ommaya Reservoirs. Adverse events will be measured by CTCAE 5.0.through study completion, approximately 42 days
Intra-operative Ommaya Reservoir placementNumber of subjects whom Ommaya reservoir is successfully placed at the time of surgery without complication.through study completion, approximately 42 days

Collaborators and Investigators

This is where you will find people and organizations involved with this study.
Mayo Clinic
  • Principal Investigator:Terry C. Burns, MD, PhD,Mayo Clinic

Study Record Dates

These dates track the progress of study record and summary results submissions to ClinicalTrials.gov. Study records and reported results are reviewed by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) to make sure they meet specific quality control standards before being posted on the public website.
Study Registration Dates
First Submitted
First Submitted that Met QC Criteria
First Posted
Study Record Updates
Last Update Submitted that met QC Criteria
Last Update Posted
Last Verified

More Information


Additional Relevant MeSH Terms

Plan to Share Individual Participant Data (IPD)?
IPD Plan Description
Protocol details and individualized de-identified patient data will be provided as supplemental files in the resulting publication. Any additional information not otherwise provided may be requested from the primary investigator.
IPD Sharing Access Criteria
Requests will be honored that could help advance the care of patients with brain tumors.
IPD Sharing Time Frame
Any time after publication.
IPD Sharing Supporting Information Type
Study Protocol
Informed Consent Form (ICF)
Clinical Study Report (CSR)