Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin
Online ISSN : 1347-5215
Print ISSN : 0918-6158
ISSN-L : 0918-6158
Current Topics
A Physiological Role for Fat Specific Protein 27/Cell Death-Inducing DFF45-Like Effector C in Adipose and Liver
Kimihiko Matsusue
Author information

2010 Volume 33 Issue 3 Pages 346-350

Fat specific protein 27 (FSP27) was originally isolated by screen for genes specifically expressed in fully differentiated mouse adipocytes. FSP27 and cell death-inducing DFF45-like effector C (CIDEC), the human homologue of FSP27, belong to the CIDE family. The FSP27 in adipocytes was recently reported to be a lipid droplet (LD)-associated protein, that promotes the formation of unilocular LDs. An FSP27 knockout mouse demonstrated lean phenotypes with atrophic adipose tissue as a result of high-energy expenditure; this mouse line was also resistant to diet-induced obesity and insulin resistance. Interestingly, FSP27 was also expressed in the steatoic liver of a type II diabetes model mouse. The expression of FSP27 was markedly decreased in livers lacking the nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ. Forced expression of FSP27 in hepatocytes in vitro or in vivo led to an increase of LD through increased triglyceride levels. The current status of the physiological roles of FSP27/CIDEC in adipose tissue and liver are discussed along with its significance as a factor involved in the development of metabolic disorders.
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© 2010 The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
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