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DNA sequencing technologies: 2006–2016



Recent advances in the field of genomics have largely been due to the ability to sequence DNA at increasing throughput and decreasing cost. DNA sequencing was first introduced in 1977, and next-generation sequencing technologies have been available only during the past decade, but the diverse experiments and corresponding analyses facilitated by these techniques have transformed biological and biomedical research. Here, I review developments in DNA sequencing technologies over the past 10 years and look to the future for further applications.

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Figure 1: NGS instruments introduced over the past decade.

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The author wishes to acknowledge her PhD mentor, B.A. Roe, whose encouragement and enthusiasm for technology and its applications to biology have inspired her career.

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E.R.M. conceptualized, wrote and edited the manuscript in its entirety.

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Correspondence to Elaine R Mardis.

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E.R.M. is a member of the Supervisory Board of Qiagen N.V.

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Mardis, E. DNA sequencing technologies: 2006–2016. Nat Protoc 12, 213–218 (2017).

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