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The microbiome in early life: implications for health outcomes


Recent studies have characterized how host genetics, prenatal environment and delivery mode can shape the newborn microbiome at birth. Following this, postnatal factors, such as antibiotic treatment, diet or environmental exposure, further modulate the development of the infant's microbiome and immune system, and exposure to a variety of microbial organisms during early life has long been hypothesized to exert a protective effect in the newborn. Furthermore, epidemiological studies have shown that factors that alter bacterial communities in infants during childhood increase the risk for several diseases, highlighting the importance of understanding early-life microbiome composition. In this review, we describe how prenatal and postnatal factors shape the development of both the microbiome and the immune system. We also discuss the prospects of microbiome-mediated therapeutics and the need for more effective approaches that can reconfigure bacterial communities from pathogenic to homeostatic configurations.

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Figure 1: Factors shaping the neonatal microbiome.

Marina Corral Spence/Nature Publishing Group

Figure 2: Long-lasting effects of early-life interactions between the microbiome and the gut immune system.

Marina Corral Spence/Nature Publishing Group

Figure 3: Microbial therapeutics throughout the course of disease.

Marina Corral Spence/Nature Publishing Group

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J.C.C. was supported by the SUCCESS philanthropic grant (GCO14-0560) and by the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA) (362048). We thank J.-F. Colombel for suggestions on Figure 3.

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Correspondence to Jose C Clemente.

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Tamburini, S., Shen, N., Wu, H. et al. The microbiome in early life: implications for health outcomes. Nat Med 22, 713–722 (2016).

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