DNA sequence represents a single format onto which a broad range of biological phenomena can be projected for high-throughput data collection. Over the past three years, massively parallel DNA sequencing platforms have become widely available, reducing the cost of DNA sequencing by over two orders of magnitude, and democratizing the field by putting the sequencing capacity of a major genome center in the hands of individual investigators. These new technologies are rapidly evolving, and near-term challenges include the development of robust protocols for generating sequencing libraries, building effective new approaches to data-analysis, and often a rethinking of experimental design. Next-generation DNA sequencing has the potential to dramatically accelerate biological and biomedical research, by enabling the comprehensive analysis of genomes, transcriptomes and interactomes to become inexpensive, routine and widespread, rather than requiring significant production-scale efforts.
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We thank G. Church and G. Porreca for helpful comments on the manuscript.
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J.S. has patents pending in the field of next-generation sequencing technology.
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Shendure, J., Ji, H. Next-generation DNA sequencing. Nat Biotechnol 26, 1135–1145 (2008). https://doi.org/10.1038/nbt1486
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/nbt1486