Oral administration to man of 20 mgΔ 11-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) together with placebo or 40 mg cannabinol (CBN) or 40 mg cannabidiol (CBD) gave evidence of a possible limited interaction of THC with CBN but not with CBD as indicated by average plasma THC levels. Peak CBD and CBN concentrations were similar to that of THC, viz. about 5–8 ng/ml.
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Supported by the Swedish Medical Research Council and grant MH-00424 from the Veterans Administration.
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Agurell, S., Carlsson, S., Lindgren, J.E. et al. Interactions of Δ11-tetrahydrocannabinol with cannabinol and cannabidiol following oral administration in man. Assay of cannabinol and cannabidiol by mass fragmentographywith cannabinol and cannabidiol following oral administration in man. Assay of cannabinol and cannabidiol by mass fragmentography. Experientia 37, 1090–1092 (1981).
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