PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Pouwels, Koen B. AU - Pritchard, Emma AU - Matthews, Philippa C. AU - Stoesser, Nicole AU - Eyre, David W. AU - Vihta, Karina-Doris AU - House, Thomas AU - Hay, Jodie AU - Bell, John I AU - Newton, John N AU - Farrar, Jeremy AU - Crook, Derrick AU - Cook, Duncan AU - Rourke, Emma AU - Studley, Ruth AU - Peto, Tim AU - Diamond, Ian AU - Walker, A. Sarah AU - , TI - Impact of Delta on viral burden and vaccine effectiveness against new SARS-CoV-2 infections in the UK AID - 10.1101/2021.08.18.21262237 DP - 2021 Jan 01 TA - medRxiv PG - 2021.08.18.21262237 4099 - 4100 - AB - The effectiveness of BNT162b2, ChAdOx1, and mRNA-1273 vaccines against new SARS-CoV-2 infections requires continuous re-evaluation, given the increasingly dominant Delta variant. We investigated the effectiveness of the vaccines in a large community-based survey of randomly selected households across the UK. We found that the effectiveness of BNT162b2 and ChAd0x1 against any infections (new PCR positives) and infections with symptoms or high viral burden is reduced with the Delta variant. A single dose of the mRNA-1273 vaccine had similar or greater effectiveness compared to a single dose of BNT162b2 or ChAdOx1. Effectiveness of two doses remains at least as great as protection afforded by prior natural infection. The dynamics of immunity following second doses differed significantly between BNT162b2 and ChAdOx1, with greater initial effectiveness against new PCR-positives but faster declines in protection against high viral burden and symptomatic infection with BNT162b2. There was no evidence that effectiveness varied by dosing interval, but protection was higher among those vaccinated following a prior infection and younger adults. With Delta, infections occurring following two vaccinations had similar peak viral burden to those in unvaccinated individuals. SARS-CoV-2 vaccination still reduces new infections, but effectiveness and attenuation of peak viral burden are reduced with Delta.Competing Interest StatementAll authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure from at and declare: DWE declares lecture fees from Gilead, outside the submitted work; EP, PCM, NS, DWE, JIB, DC, TEAP, ASW, and KBP are employees of the University of Oxford, but not involved in the development or production of the vaccine; JIB act as an unpaid advisor to HMG on Covid but does not sit on the vaccine task force and it not involved in procurement decisions, sits on the Board of OSI who has an investment in Vaccitech who have a royalty from the ChAdOx1 vaccine when, if ever, it makes a profit; ASW besides funding mentioned above, also received grants from Medical Research Council UK during the conduct of the study; there are no other relationships or activities that could appear to have influenced the submitted work.Clinical TrialISRCTN21086382Clinical Protocols Funding StatementThis study is funded by the Department of Health and Social Care with in-kind support from the Welsh Government, the Department of Health on behalf of the Northern Ireland Government and the Scottish Government. EP, KBP, ASW, TEAP, NS, DE are supported by the National Institute for Health Research Health Protection Research Unit (NIHR HPRU) in Healthcare Associated Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance at the University of Oxford in partnership with Public Health England (PHE) (NIHR200915). ASW and TEAP are also supported by the NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre. EP and KBP are also supported by the Huo Family Foundation. ASW is also supported by core support from the Medical Research Council UK to the MRC Clinical Trials Unit [MC_UU_12023/22] and is an NIHR Senior Investigator. PCM is funded by Wellcome (intermediate fellowship, grant ref 110110/Z/15/Z) and holds an NIHR Oxford BRC Senior Fellowship award. DWE is supported by a Robertson Fellowship and an NIHR Oxford BRC Senior Fellowship. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the National Health Service, NIHR, Department of Health, or PHE. The funder/sponsor did not have any role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript; and decision to submit the manuscript for publication.Author DeclarationsI confirm all relevant ethical guidelines have been followed, and any necessary IRB and/or ethics committee approvals have been obtained.YesThe details of the IRB/oversight body that provided approval or exemption for the research described are given below:The study received ethical approval from the South Central Berkshire B Research Ethics Committee (20/SC/0195).All necessary patient/participant consent has been obtained and the appropriate institutional forms have been archived.YesI understand that all clinical trials and any other prospective interventional studies must be registered with an ICMJE-approved registry, such as I confirm that any such study reported in the manuscript has been registered and the trial registration ID is provided (note: if posting a prospective study registered retrospectively, please provide a statement in the trial ID field explaining why the study was not registered in advance).YesI have followed all appropriate research reporting guidelines and uploaded the relevant EQUATOR Network research reporting checklist(s) and other pertinent material as supplementary files, if applicable.YesData are still being collected for the COVID-19 Infection Survey. De-identified study data are available for access by accredited researchers in the ONS Secure Research Service (SRS) for accredited research purposes under part 5, chapter 5 of the Digital Economy Act 2017. For further information about accreditation, contact Research.Support{at} or visit the SRS website.