Assessment of glucocorticoid-induced enhancer activity of eSNP regions using STARR-seq reveals novel molecular mechanisms in psychiatric disorders
Signe Penner-Goeke, Melissa Bothe, Nils Kappelmann, Peter Kreitmaier, Ezgi Kaya, Dorothee Pöhlchen, Anne Kühnel, Darina Czamara, BeCOME working group, Laura V. Glaser, Simone Roeh, Maik Ködel, Jose Monteserin-Garcia, Christine Rummel, Janine Arloth-Knauer, Laura Diener-Hölzl, Barbara Woelfel, Susann Sauer, Stephan Riesenberg, Michael J. Ziller, Marta Labeur, Sebastiaan H. Meijsing, Elisabeth B. Binder
medRxiv 2022.05.18.22275090; doi: