Early pregnancy health behaviors, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, and maternal blood pressure after pregnancy ================================================================================================================== * Andrea C Kozai * Lisa D Levine * Abbi D Lane * William Grobman * Philip Greenland * Matthew K Hoffman * Phyllis C Zee * Lisa Mims * Natalie A Cameron * George Saade * Robert M Silver * Eliza C Miller * Uma M Reddy * Kara M Whitaker ## Abstract **Background** Individual health behaviors are associated with pregnancy outcomes, but their joint effects are rarely considered. We aimed to examine associations between combinations of first trimester health behaviors and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP), normotensive adverse pregnancy outcomes (APOs), and blood pressure (BP) 2-7 years after delivery. **Methods** Participants in the nuMoM2b and follow-up Heart Health Study were included. Physical activity, diet, smoking, and sleep duration were scored using the Life’s Essential 8 metric. APOs were categorized as HDP (gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, super-imposed preeclampsia, or eclampsia) or normotensive APOs: preterm birth, gestational diabetes, small-for-gestational-age birth, and/or stillbirth. Latent profiles of health behaviors were constructed with structural equation modelling. Differences in risk of HDP, normotensive APOs, and BP 2-7 years after delivery based on behavioral profiles were assessed with multinomial logistic or linear regression. Mediation analysis examined the proportion of associations between behavioral profiles and BP mediated by APOs. **Results** Among 8,508 nulliparas, four behavioral profiles were identified: Healthiest Behaviors (37%), Healthy Activity/Sleep with Poor Diet/Smoking (20%), Healthy Sleep Only (32%), and Least Healthy Behaviors (11%). Adjusted risk of HDP and normotensive APOs was 21-41% higher in those with poorer behavioral patterns compared to the Healthiest Behaviors profile. Diastolic BP was 1.04 mmHg higher2-7 years after delivery in the Healthy Sleep Only profile compared to the Healthiest Behaviors profile. Associations between behavioral profiles and BP were not significantly mediated by APOs. **Conclusions** Combined health behavior profiles in early pregnancy were associated with APOs and higher diastolic BP 2-7 years after delivery. Keywords * Life’s Essential 8 * adverse pregnancy outcomes * maternal cardiovascular health * nuMoM2b-HHS ## Introduction Pregnancy is considered a cardiovascular stress test that can be an early warning for future risk of cardiovascular disease.1 Adverse pregnancy outcomes (APOs), including hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP), preterm birth, or gestational diabetes are associated with a more than two-fold higher risk of developing hypertension within 7 years of delivery2, suggesting that shared antecedents may exist. However, accurately identifying those who will develop APOs remains elusive and prevention strategies are limited. The American Heart Association’s Life’s Essential 8 framework for cardiovascular health (CVH)3 includes health factors (blood glucose, lipids, body mass index [BMI], and blood pressure) and health behaviors (physical activity, diet quality, sleep duration, and smoking) that can be assessed in clinical settings and provides a metric to help identify those at higher risk of APOs. An atherogenic profile derived from the health factor components has been associated with both APOs and incident hypertension 2-7 years after delivery in nulliparous individuals.4 Individual health behavior components, which are modifiable, have been shown to impact pregnancy health.5–11 Nevertheless, health behaviors do not exist in isolation and adherence to multiple healthy behaviors can have additive effects.12–14 Naturally-occurring profiles of behavioral patterns during pregnancy have yet to be evaluated as precursors of APOs, and it is unknown whether combined health behaviors in early pregnancy are related to long-term cardiovascular outcomes such as hypertension. Prior literature has established a strong association between HDP and future maternal hypertension15–19, while normotensive APOs (such as small-for-gestational-age birth with no co-occurring hypertension) have not been as consistently related to development of future hypertension.2 However, prospective data linking early-pregnancy health behavior patterns with both pregnancy outcomes and long-term blood pressure are not well described. The Nulliparous Pregnancy Outcomes: Monitoring Mothers-to-be prospective cohort and follow-up Heart Health Study (nuMoM2b-HHS) combine early-pregnancy assessment of health behaviors, prospective collection of rigorously defined APO diagnoses, and postpartum follow-up of cardiovascular risk metrics. The purpose of this study was to identify profiles of health behaviors in early pregnancy and examine the associations of these profiles with incident APOs and postpartum blood pressure. ## Methods ### Study Design and Population Study protocols for nuMoM2b-HHS have been described previously.20,21 Briefly, 10,038 nulliparous pregnant individuals were recruited in the first trimester and followed through delivery at eight clinical sites across the United States. Participants were eligible if they were 6 weeks+ 0 days to 13 weeks+ 6 days pregnant with a singleton gestation and had no prior pregnancy that lasted past 20 weeks. Postpartum follow-up occurred 2-7 years following the index pregnancy (n=4,508). Participants included in this analysis delivered at or after 20 weeks+ 0 days of gestation and had complete pregnancy outcomes data (APO analysis) and returned for an in-person follow-up assessment (blood pressure analysis); see **Figure 1** for the study flow diagram. ![Figure 1.](http://medrxiv.org/https://www.medrxiv.org/content/medrxiv/early/2024/12/29/2024.12.27.24319672/F1.medium.gif) [Figure 1.](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2024/12/29/2024.12.27.24319672/F1) Figure 1. Study flow diagram. *APO: adverse pregnancy outcome; nuMoM2b-HHS1: Nulliparous Pregnancy Outcomes: Monitoring Mothers-to-be Heart Health Study*. ### Health Behaviors Health behaviors were self-reported at the first trimester assessment. Leisure-time physical activity type, duration, and frequency were converted to metabolic equivalents of the task using the Compendium of Physical Activities, 2nd edition22 and quantified as minutes per week of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA). Smoking history and exposure to secondhand smoke in the home were self-reported by questionnaire. Nightly sleep duration was self-reported separately for weekdays and weekends; the weighted mean was computed to calculate average nightly sleep duration over a 1-week period. Diet quality was assessed using a modified Block Food Frequency Questionnaire23,24 and converted to a Healthy Eating Index (HEI) score. Physical activity, smoking, and sleep questions referenced the first trimester, while the diet questionnaire referenced the three months immediately preceding conception. Each behavioral component was assigned a score from 0-100 using the American Heart Association’s Life’s Essential 8 algorithm (**Table S1**). Scores ≥80 indicate “ideal” health, while scores of 50-79 indicate “moderate” health and scores <50 indicate “poor” health.25 Component scores for physical activity ranged from 0 (no weekly MVPA) to 100 (>150 minutes/week MVPA) with intermediate scores for values between 0-150 minutes/week. HEI score percentiles were used to calculate the diet score. For example, 0 points corresponded to HEI <25th percentile, while 100 points corresponded to HEI >95th percentile. Sleep scores were based on self-reported sleep duration and accounted for the U-shaped association between sleep duration and cardiovascular health, in which both low and high sleep durations are adverse. A sleep score of 100 corresponded to 7-9 hours of sleep, with lower scores for fewer or greater hours of nightly sleep. Finally, the smoking score was adapted for pregnancy from the standard scoring algorithm. A score of 0 indicated current smoking during pregnancy, while a score of 100 indicated never smoking tobacco; intermediate scores were assigned for former smokers. Twenty points were subtracted in cases of exposure to secondhand smoke in the home for all except current smokers. ### Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy and other Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes Pregnancy outcomes were determined through chart abstraction and all cases of APOs were adjudicated. HDP were defined as any of the following: gestational hypertension (>140 mmHg systolic or >90 mmHg diastolic without proteinuria or end-organ involvement), preeclampsia (with or without severe features and/or HELLP syndrome), preeclampsia superimposed on chronic hypertension, or eclampsia; non-HDP diagnoses were included in the HDP group if an HDP was also present. Normotensive APOs were defined as any one or more of the following: gestational diabetes, preterm birth (<37 weeks of gestation at delivery), small-for-gestational-age birth (<5th percentile using Alexander curves), or stillbirth in which HDP was not present. ### Blood Pressure 2-7 Years After Delivery Resting blood pressure was measured at the in-person nuMoM2b-HHS1 visit, occurring 2-7 years following the index pregnancy, using a standardized protocol.21 Following a seated rest, blood pressure was measured three times using an automated device (Omron Healthcare Incorporated, Lake Forest, IL); the last two measurements were averaged and used for analysis. Incident hypertension was defined as new onset of ≥130 mmHg systolic, ≥80 mmHg diastolic, or use of blood pressure lowering medication, excluding those with pre-pregnancy hypertension. To further evaluate continuous blood pressure associations, systolic and diastolic values were entered into separate statistical models, which included antihypertensive use at the follow-up visit as a covariate. ### Covariates and Demographic Characteristics Questionnaires and interviews assessed participant age at study enrollment, income, education, insurance, perceived racial discrimination (Krieger Discrimination Scale26, categorized as none, moderate, or high), self-reported racial and ethnic identity, and anti-hypertensive medication usage. Height and weight were measured at the first trimester study visit using standardized protocols and were converted into body mass index (BMI) in kg/m2. Self-reported pre-pregnancy diabetes mellitus and hypertension were assessed at the first trimester visit by interview. Resting blood pressure was measured at the first trimester study visit using the same protocol described above. ### Statistical Analyses Latent (unobserved) classes of adherence to combinations of the four health behaviors were constructed empirically using the “gsem” command in Stata, which can compute the models using continuous values. Models were built using first trimester CVH scores on a scale of 0-100 for each of the four health behaviors (physical activity, diet, sleep duration, and smoking) based on the full nuMoM2b sample (N=10,038), and the best-fitting model was selected based on values of Akaike/Bayesian Information Criterion, sample size in each class, and model interpretability; posterior probabilities were also assessed. We assessed the risk of having an APO among behavioral latent profiles using multinomial logistic regression with three outcome levels: 1) no APO; 2) HDP (inclusive of other outcomes but requiring presence of HDP); and 3) normotensive APO (any APO in which HDP was not also present). Potential covariates were included in adjusted models if they demonstrated significant contributions to the univariate model at p<0.2. Crude models were first adjusted for participant characteristics including insurance status, income, and perceived racial discrimination; a final model also included first trimester blood pressure and BMI, which are health factors that may both mediate and confound the association between health behaviors and our outcomes.27,28 Next, we estimated the risk of incident hypertension 2-7 years postpartum associated with early pregnancy behavioral profiles using Poisson regression. In addition, we tested the association between behavioral profiles and continuous blood pressure 2-7 years after delivery; separate models were tested for systolic and diastolic blood pressure using linear regression. Individuals with pre-pregnancy hypertension (n=598, 13%) were excluded from the incident hypertension models but were included in analyses of continuous blood pressure values. Crude associations for both incident hypertension and continuous blood pressure values were first adjusted for the time elapsed between delivery and the follow-up blood pressure reading, as well as first-trimester participant sociodemographic characteristics and antihypertensive use at the follow-up visit (for continuous blood pressure models only), and a final model included first trimester blood pressure and BMI. Next, we conducted a mediation analysis to estimate the proportion of any significant associations between early-pregnancy health behaviors and blood pressure outcomes 2-7 years after delivery that were mediated by APOs. For the mediation analysis, APOs were treated as a composite dichotomous variable (i.e., mediation was examined through presence or absence of any HDP or normotensive APO). Total, natural direct, and natural indirect effects were estimated. Crude models were adjusted using the same covariates as described previously. Finally, sensitivity analyses examined the risk of having an APO and blood pressure 2-7 years after delivery among behavioral latent classes excluding those with pre-pregnancy hypertension or diabetes. All analyses were conducted using Stata version 18 (StataCorp, College Station, TX). ## Results In total, 8,508 participants (mean ± SD 26.9 ± 5.6 years, 26.2 ± 6.3 kg/m2 BMI, 40% underrepresented race and/or ethnicity) with complete pregnancy outcomes data were included in the multinomial APO analysis (**Table 1**). Model fit criteria for latent classes of early-pregnancy health behaviors found a four-class solution to be the most appropriate (**Table S2**). Participants were categorized as engaging in Healthiest Behaviors (n=3,103, 36.5%), Healthy Activity/Sleep with Poor Diet/Smoking (n=1,754, 20.6%), Healthy Sleep Only (n=2,744, 32.3%), or Least Healthy Behaviors (n=907, 10.7%) (**Figure 2**). Participants in the Healthiest Behaviors profile were more likely to be older, have lower BMI, have higher education and income, self-identify as non-Hispanic White, and have lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure in the first trimester of pregnancy compared to those in the other behavioral profiles. In addition, those in the Healthiest Behavior profile had significantly lower rates of HDP and normotensive APO than those in the other behavioral profiles. Of the original cohort, 4,497 returned for a post-delivery follow-up at 3.2 ± 0.9 years following the index pregnancy and had complete blood pressure data. View this table: [Table 1.](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2024/12/29/2024.12.27.24319672/T1) Table 1. Participant characteristics by health behavior latent profiles. ![Figure 2.](http://medrxiv.org/https://www.medrxiv.org/content/medrxiv/early/2024/12/29/2024.12.27.24319672/F2.medium.gif) [Figure 2.](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2024/12/29/2024.12.27.24319672/F2) Figure 2. Health behavior cardiovascular health component scores by behavioral profiles. Mean (SD) cardiovascular health (CVH) scores for each health behavior component within each behavioral profile. Higher score indicates more ideal CVH; scores <50 are “poor” CVH; 50-79 are “moderate” CVH, and scores >80 are “high” CVH as indicated by markers on the y-axis. Early pregnancy behavioral profiles were significantly associated with the risk of both HDP and normotensive APOs (**Table 2**), with those in less healthy profiles having a 28-60% higher unadjusted risk compared to those in the Healthiest Behaviors profile. These significant associations remained following adjustment for sociodemographic characteristics (ranging from a 21-41% higher risk), but some contrasts became nonsignificant upon further adjustment for early pregnancy blood pressure and BMI. Specifically, compared to those in the Healthiest Behaviors profile, only those in the Healthy Activity/Sleep with Poor Diet/Smoking profile remained at higher risk of HDP (25%) and only those in the Least Healthy Behavior profile remained at higher risk of normotensive APO (34%) in our final model. The magnitude of these associations was highest for HDP, but contrasts between HDP and normotensive APOs were not statistically different. Excluding participants with pre-pregnancy hypertension and/or diabetes did not change the results when adjusting for sociodemographic factors, but all associations became nonsignificant when also adjusting for first trimester blood pressure and BMI (**Table S3**). View this table: [Table 2.](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2024/12/29/2024.12.27.24319672/T2) Table 2. Relative risk of HDP and normotensive APO by early-pregnancy behavioral latent profile. Incident hypertension was found in 18% of the sample who participated in the follow-up visit (688 of 3,793 participants), with no significant differences in risk between early-pregnancy behavioral profiles (Healthiest Behaviors n=247, 17.3%; Healthy Activity/Sleep with Poor Diet/Smoking n=140, 18.9%; Healthy Sleep Only n=234, 18.8%; Least Healthy Behaviors n=67, 17.5%; p=0.680). Crude linear regression results for diastolic blood pressure found differences among behavioral profiles that were retained after adjustment for visit date, insurance, income, and antihypertensive use at the post-pregnancy follow up: the Healthy Sleep Only profile had 1.04 mmHg higher diastolic blood pressure compared to the Healthiest Behaviors profile (**Figure 3A**, p<0.05). After additional adjustment for first trimester blood pressure and BMI, this association was no longer significant. Diastolic blood pressure results were unchanged when excluding those with pre-pregnancy hypertension and/or diabetes (**Table S4**). ![Figure 3.](http://medrxiv.org/https://www.medrxiv.org/content/medrxiv/early/2024/12/29/2024.12.27.24319672/F3.medium.gif) [Figure 3.](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2024/12/29/2024.12.27.24319672/F3) Figure 3. Adjusted diastolic (A) and systolic (B) blood pressure 2-7 years postpartum by early-pregnancy behavioral profiles. Models are adjusted for insurance, income, anti-hypertensive use, and visit date. **Healthy Sleep Only profile significantly higher diastolic blood pressure than Healthiest Behaviors profile, p<0.05*. Crude models for systolic blood pressure at the follow-up visit found significant differences by early-pregnancy behavioral profiles (p<0.01, **Table S4**) which were attenuated upon covariate adjustment (**Figure 3B**). Excluding participants with pre-pregnancy hypertension and/or diabetes did not change systolic blood pressure results (**Table S4**). In analyses examining the mediating effect of APOs on the association between early pregnancy behavioral profiles and long-term blood pressure, significant total, natural direct, and natural indirect effects were found in crude models for both diastolic and systolic blood pressure (**Table S5**). Upon covariate adjustment, total and natural direct effects remained significant for diastolic blood pressure while total effects remained significant for systolic blood pressure (**Figure 4**). The proportion of the association mediated through APOs ranged from 8% for the Least Healthy Behaviors profile to 24% for the Healthy Activity/Sleep with Poor Diet/Smoking profile and was not statistically significant for either diastolic or systolic blood pressure (**Table S5**). ![Figure 4.](http://medrxiv.org/https://www.medrxiv.org/content/medrxiv/early/2024/12/29/2024.12.27.24319672/F4.medium.gif) [Figure 4.](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2024/12/29/2024.12.27.24319672/F4) Figure 4. Total, natural direct, and natural indirect effects of behavioral profiles on diastolic (A) and systolic (B) blood pressure 2-7 years following delivery, mediated by adverse pregnancy outcomes (APOs). *Panel A: *significant total effects comparing Healthy Sleep Only and Least Healthy Behavior profiles with Healthiest Behavior profile (p<0.05 for each). Panel B: *significant natural indirect effect of APOs comparing Healthy Sleep Only profile with Healthiest Behaviors profile, and significant natural direct effects and total effects comparing Healthiest Behaviors profile with all other profiles (p<0.05 for all)*. ## Discussion In this diverse prospective cohort of individuals enrolled during a first pregnancy we found four distinct health behavior profiles that were associated with both HDP and normotensive APOs. Those with less healthy behavioral profiles were 21-41% more likely to experience an APO (with or without HDP) than those with the healthiest behavioral profile. Early-pregnancy behavioral profiles were associated with diastolic blood pressure 2-7 years following delivery in adjusted models. Mediation results suggest that these effects were predominantly direct, rather than mediated through APOs. Our findings indicate that healthy behavior combinations in early pregnancy exhibit statistically significant associations with hypertensive and normotensive adverse pregnancy outcomes and that behaviors in early pregnancy may be directly related to long-term blood pressure following delivery. By utilizing the Life’s Essential 8 framework, we were able to construct latent profiles of healthy behaviors (physical activity, diet quality, nonsmoking, and sleep duration) in early pregnancy. This allowed us to leverage naturally occurring covariance in healthy behaviors during pregnancy, rather than forcing disaggregation. We found that with lower adherence to healthy behaviors, the risk of APOs was greater. This was particularly evident in the Healthy Activity/Sleep with Poor Diet/Smoking profile and the Least Healthy Behaviors profile, in which the adjusted risk ratios were highest. By contrast, we found lower risk ratios in the Inactive with Poor Diet profile that were nonsignificant for normotensive APOs following covariate adjustment. Taken together, these results suggest that profiles of healthy behaviors provide a real-world lens to understand the risk of APOs that may be modifiable. In a small cohort (n=202) Teo, et al.10 found that individual health behaviors, but not a composite score, were associated with features of placental health. In contrast, our findings indicate that behavioral combinations are important contributors to pregnancy outcomes. This discrepancy may be attributable to cohort differences, distinct scoring algorithms, or study outcomes. It is also important to note sociodemographic differences among participants in each behavioral profile in our study. Those in profiles with the lowest adherence to healthy behaviors and the highest risk of APOs were likely impacted by structural factors that may have influenced the interplay between the behaviors (e.g. neighborhood factors influencing access to both physical activity and healthy diet options). While we adjusted for sociodemographic factors including perceived racial discrimination, income, and insurance status, future research should investigate the determinants of these behavioral profiles and identify areas for intervention, such as enhancement of the built environment. In addition, we found that our final model adjusting for first trimester blood pressure and BMI attenuated many, but not all, of the associations between health behavior profiles and APOs. In sensitivity analysis excluding those with pre-pregnancy hypertension and/or diabetes mellitus, the associations were fully attenuated when adjusted for these factors. While health behaviors were assessed in early pregnancy, it is likely that behavioral patterns in early pregnancy were reflective of pre-pregnancy patterns. Therefore, it is possible that first trimester blood pressure and BMI are in the causal pathway between health behaviors and APOs and our final model may be over-adjusting for these possible mediators. Thus, our second model (not adjusting for these factors) may be the better estimate of risk between behavioral profiles and study outcomes. Future work should examine trajectories of health behaviors from pre-pregnancy to early pregnancy to disentangle these relationships. We found no association between behavioral profiles and incident hypertension 2-7 years after delivery. However, when examining associations among behavioral profiles and continuous blood pressure over this time, we found that those in the Healthy Sleep Only profile had 1.04 mmHg higher diastolic blood pressure than those in the Healthiest Behaviors profile. Our mediation analysis suggests that health behaviors may play a direct role in long-term blood pressure in these years following delivery, with a non-significant proportion of the effect mediated through APOs. This is in contrast to prior work in the nuMoM2b-HHS cohort in which the association between an early-pregnancy atherogenic profile of poor lipids, C-reactive protein, and insulin was and postpartum incident hypertension was partially mediated by APOs4, and in which HDP mediated a statistically significant proportion of the association between obesity and incident hypertension.29 While 1.04 mmHg higher blood pressure over three years is not a dramatic difference, small increases in blood pressure in the reproductive years can compound cardiovascular risk over time.30,31 Future research is needed to identify additional determinants of these associations. Pregnancy is a time of near-universal healthcare access, and motivation may be high to engage in behavior change.32,33 Our results suggest that modifiable health behaviors group together in distinct ways, and that risks of multiple unhealthy behaviors compound one another and may be related to health beyond pregnancy. Early pregnancy may be an ideal time to assess behavioral profiles and engage individuals in behavior change strategies. ### Strengths, Limitations, and Future Directions This study has several strengths. We utilized a life course approach to the reproductive years by examining early-pregnancy behavioral profile exposures and followed participants through pregnancy and several postpartum years. Our large, diverse prospective cohort of people experiencing a first birth captured sufficient APO subtypes to interrogate differences between HDP and other non-hypertensive adverse outcomes. In addition, we were able to identify four latent health behavior profiles, demonstrating for the first time how different behavioral combinations in early pregnancy are related to perinatal and long-term maternal health. Those who returned for a postpartum visit 2-7 years after delivery were demographically similar to the full pregnancy cohort2, suggesting these results can be extrapolated to our sample at large. A limitation of this study included the self-report of health behaviors. However, given that these behaviors were reported prior to the outcomes being known, any recall bias should be random and would bias toward the null. In addition, the diet questionnaire referenced the 3 months prior to conception, which may not have accurately captured first trimester dietary patterns. Despite these limitations, our strong posterior probabilities of latent class membership suggest that the behavioral profiles are distinct and any bias is likely nondifferential. Furthermore, our activity questionnaire was limited to leisure-time physical activities. Future investigations should examine whether behavioral patterns are different among those with differing levels of occupational activity. Finally, health behaviors may have shifted between delivery and the postpartum follow-up assessment; future research should examine whether behavioral profiles are consistent after childbirth. ## Conclusions Our results suggest that co-occurring combinations of modifiable health behaviors are important and are related to pregnancy outcomes and blood pressure years following delivery. Health promotion interventions that consider these behaviors in combination rather than individually may be a potent strategy for reducing hypertensive and non-hypertensive APOs and helping preserve long term cardiovascular health. ## Data Availability Publicly available data related to this study are available on the DASH data and specimen hub. ## Supplemental Tables View this table: [Table S1.](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2024/12/29/2024.12.27.24319672/T3) Table S1. Cardiovascular Health Scoring algorithm for health behaviors in pregnancy. MVPA: moderate-to-vigorous physical activity; HEI: Healthy Eating Index. View this table: [Table S2.](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2024/12/29/2024.12.27.24319672/T4) Table S2. Latent Class metrics. View this table: [Table S3.](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2024/12/29/2024.12.27.24319672/T5) Table S3. Relative risk of HDP and normotensive APO by early-pregnancy behavioral latent profile, excluding those with pre-pregnancy hypertension and/or diabetes. View this table: [Table S4.](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2024/12/29/2024.12.27.24319672/T6) Table S4. Associations between behavioral profiles and blood pressure 2-7 years following delivery. View this table: [Table S5.](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2024/12/29/2024.12.27.24319672/T7) Table S5. Mediation results (mmHg) comparing Healthy Activity/Sleep with Poor Diet/Smoking, Healthy Sleep Only, and Least Healthy Behaviors profiles with Healthiest Behavior profile, mediated by composite APOs. ## Acknowledgements Grant funding from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD): U10 HD063036; U10 HD063072; U10 HD063047; U10 HD063037; U10 HD063041; U10 HD063020; U10 HD063046; U10 HD063048; and U10 HD063053. In addition, support was provided by Clinical and Translational Science Institutes: UL1TR001108 and UL1TR000153. Cooperative agreement funding from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development: U10-HL119991; U10-HL119989; U10-HL120034; U10-HL119990; U10-HL120006; U10-HL119992; U10-HL120019; U10-HL119993; U10-HL120018, and U01HL145358; and the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences through UL-1-TR000124, UL-1-TR000153, UL-1-TR000439, and UL-1-TR001108; and the Barbra Streisand Women’s Cardiovascular Research and Education Program, and the Erika J. Glazer Women’s Heart Research Initiative, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles. The Sedentary Behavior and Cardiovascular Health in Young Women ancillary study is supported by NHLBI R01HL158652. ACK is supported under NHLBI T32HL083825. ## Abbreviations APO : adverse pregnancy outcome BMI : body mass index CVH : cardiovascular health HEI : Healthy Eating Index MVPA : moderate-to-vigorous physical activity nuMoM2b-HHS : Nulliparous Pregnancy Outcomes: Monitoring Mothers-to-be Heart Health Study * Received December 27, 2024. * Revision received December 27, 2024. * Accepted December 29, 2024. * © 2024, Posted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory The copyright holder for this pre-print is the author. All rights reserved. The material may not be redistributed, re-used or adapted without the author's permission. ## References 1. 1.Khan SS, Cameron NA, Lindley KJ. Pregnancy as an Early Cardiovascular Moment: Peripartum Cardiovascular Health. Circulation Research. 2023;132(12):1584–1606. 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