Does frequency or diversity of leisure activity matter more for epigenetic ageing? Analyses of arts engagement and physical activity in the UK Household Longitudinal Study =========================================================================================================================================================================== * Daisy Fancourt * Lehané Masebo * Saoirse Finn * Hei Wan Mak * Feifei Bu ## Abstract Over the past decade, ageing clocks have become widely adopted as important tools for understanding biological ageing and have been redefining notions of “pro-longevity” lifestyles. However, this work is still at an early stage. Some leisure activities, such as arts and cultural engagement (ACEng) have never been studied at all, while others such as physical activity (PA) have only received scant attention. In particular, there is little understanding of whether frequency of engagement or diversity (which provides access to more active ingredients) is more important. This study used 3,354 adults in the UK Household Longitudinal Study - a large, nationally-representative cohort study, which includes six derived epigenetic clocks. We used a doubly robust estimation using the inverse-probability-weighted regression adjustment estimator adjusted for demographic, socioeconomic, behavioural and health covariates, data collection gaps and technical covariates of epigenetic clocks. ACEng and PA were related to slower biological ageing in the PhenoAge and DunedinPoAm clocks, although not to the other measured clocks, with comparable effect sizes between ACEng and PA (Lin, Horvath2018, Horvath2013 and Hannum). For ACEng, diversity and frequency of engagement were related to DunedinPoAm, while for PhenoAge, there was a slightly clearer relationship for frequency than diversity. For PA, higher levels of frequency, diversity, and activeness were related to DunedinPoAm, while only the highest diversity and activeness were related to PhenoAge. These findings were all stronger amongst middle-aged and older adults. This was the first study to show a relationship between ACEng and epigenetic ageing, with comparable effect sizes to PA, suggesting the value of its exploration alongside other lifestyle factors. Decelerations in ageing clocks, including those within our study, have been demonstrated to have clinical (as well as statistical) importance, supporting future exploration as to whether lifestyle changes have any value to slowing or potentially reversing epigenetic ageing. ## Introduction With ageing populations becoming a global phenomenon, how to support not just a longer lifespan but also an increased “healthspan” is becoming a key question for both individuals and health services.1 Helping adults stay free from disease, maintain functional independence, and reduce the need for health services are key priorities for governments internationally.2 Over the past two decades, theoretical and technological advances within molecular biology have identified a series of fundamental biological hallmarks of ageing, including various molecular, cellular, and systemic processes underpinning health and disease.3 One of these is epigenetic alterations, including alterations in DNA methylation (DNAm) patterns, aberrant chromatin remodelling, abnormal post-translational modification of histones, and deregulated function of non-coding RNAs. Environmental stress accumulated over the lifetime disrupts epigenetic profiles, and this contributes to the ageing phenotype by promoting instability, carcinogenesis and cardiovascular pathologies.4,5 In recent years, there have been major developments in biohorology: the use of ageing “clocks” that are built from mapping patterns of DNAm across sparse but informative sets of specific CpG (cytosine-phospho-guanine) sites on the genome.6 These epigenetic clocks are used to identify discrepancies between chronological vs biological age (i.e. accelerated vs decelerated ageing). While first-generation clocks were based on chronological age (e.g. Horvath & Hannum), second-generation clocks have been developed based on phenotypic age (e.g. PhenoAge), and lifespan (e.g. GrimAge) and third-generation clocks are based on the pace of ageing (e.g. DunedinPACE). Ageing clocks are not without controversy: there is no gold standard for measuring epigenetic biological ageing. Ageing-related biological changes may be correlates rather than causes of ageing, the relationship between clocks and disease pathology is still in its infancy, and there is a current proliferation of clocks.7 Nonetheless, over the past decade, ageing clocks have become widely adopted as important tools for understanding biological ageing and have been redefining notions of “pro-longevity” lifestyles.8 So, exploring ageing clocks alongside other biological approaches could provide important complementary insight into the molecular underpinnings of health. As part of this, there is increasing interest in finding modifiable lifestyle factors that might have “anti-ageing” effects. Avoiding smoking and binge drinking, maintaining a healthy body weight, adopting a Mediterranean diet, reducing stress, and engaging in meditation have all been demonstrated through combinations of experimental and epidemiological studies to reduce epigenetic age.8 However, this work is still at an early stage. Some leisure activities have never been studied at all. Arts and cultural engagement (ACEng) is increasingly recognised as a health behaviour in its own right, comprising diverse ‘active ingredients’ that are beneficial to health (e.g. social interaction, cognitive stimulation, multi- sensory stimulation, creativity, etc.) and activating complex psychological, biological, social and behavioural mechanisms of action that relate to mental and physical health outcomes.9,10 Experimental studies have already demonstrated that ACEng can affect gene regulation. For example, compared to relaxing, listening to music upregulates genes involved in processes such as dopamine secretion, enhanced synaptic function, and neurogenesis, alongside upregulating specific RNA proteins (microRNAs) that repress inflammatory cytokines and support neuronal and synaptic plasticity.11–14 Music has also been demonstrated to be more effective than other activities like reading newspapers for reversing stress signatures in gene expression following laboratory-induced stressors.15 However, there are no epidemiological studies of ACEng and epigenetic ageing to date. Even more prominent health-promoting leisure activities, like exercise, have only received scant attention. Experimentally, physical activity (PA) has been demonstrated to cause DNAm changes. For example, people with a lifelong history of PA display lower DNAm levels on gene promoters in muscle tissue,16 and interventions that increase PA reduce epigenetic mutation load (i.e. the total number of stochastic epigenetic mutations or outlier methylation patterns at CpG sites), which has been proposed as a complementary DNAm-based biomarker of healthy ageing.17 Observationally, hardly any studies have been conducted looking at physical activity and combined CpG sites within epigenetic clocks. Some very small studies (n<250) have reported null findings when relating PA to individual epigenetic clocks.18,17 Other studies have reported associations between PA and aspects of physical performance (e.g. grip strength and jumping height) and several epigenetic clocks, including PhenoAge, FitAge and GrimAge. 19,20 However, these studies have failed to consider important confounders like socioeconomic position (SEP), smoking, BMI or blood cell compositions. Recently, analyses of larger cohort studies have shown more promising results. An analysis of adults in the Rhineland Study (n=3,567) found that accelerometer-derived step count and both volume and intensity of physical activity were related to lower GrimAge and PhenoAge acceleration, but not Hannum or Horvath2013.21. And the US Sister Study (n=2,758) found that after adjusting for covariates, hours per week of leisure-time physical activity was only related to GrimAge but had no associations with Hannum, Horvath2013, or PhenoAge.22 However, some key challenges remain with the existing literature. First, studies have only focused on a limited number of ageing clocks. Each ageing clock defines biological age in its own way using a distinct set of CpG sites, different primary domains (tissue, health conditions, age range), different algorithms (target definition, machine learning model), and different target variables (chronological age, phenotypic age, time-to-death, pace of ageing,etc.). Consequently, the associations between leisure activity and biological age understandably vary between clocks, meaning outcome-wide approaches using multiple ageing clocks are important for drawing broader conclusions.7 Second, *how* leisure is conceptualised and defined is underexplored. While frequency is a standard metric of people’s engagement, a variety of engagement may also be important. Variety provides people with greater opportunity to access different ‘active ingredients’ of leisure - i.e. different patterns of cognitive, physical and social stimuli, which may have different mechanistic pathways to biological ageing.23 Additionally, social identity theory posits that engagement with multiple groups provides more diverse social identities, which can be crucial to psychological processes of stress-buffering, coping and resilience.24 Even when leisure is not overtly social, it can bring personal identities as being part of a collective who does that activity (e.g. “runner” or “artist”). Third, it is crucial to take account of diverse confounding factors. Previous analyses have largely relied on conditioning on confounders via simple regression adjustment. However, this leaves the potential for residual confounding imbalance. More sophisticated statistical approaches like doubly robust estimation offer new opportunities for improving causal inference. Therefore, this study used data from a large, nationally-representative cohort study involving rich phenotyping of ACEng and PA, six different epigenetic clocks, and a doubly robust statistical approach to provide new insight into the relationship between leisure and epigenetic ageing. ## Methods Data Understanding Society, the UK Household Longitudinal Study (UKHLS), is a nationally representative panel survey of members of 40,000 private households in the UK. It was launched in 2009, with participants being followed up annually. Detailed information on the sampling strategy can be found in the sampling design report.25 We used data from the DNAm subsample. Between 2010 and 2012 (waves 2 and 3), blood samples were collected from adult participants during nurse visits. DNAm profiling was conducted from blood samples of 3,654 eligible individuals of white European ancestry who had consented to blood sampling and genetic analysis (wave 2: n=1,425, wave 3: n=2,229). Over 850,000 methylation sites across the genome were measured using the Illumina Methylation EPIC BeadChip. Data were pre-processed via quality control procedures, including outlier removal, filtering poor-quality probes and quantile normalisation.26 Exposures were obtained from the wave 2 adult survey which included a special module on leisure activities. After excluding participants with missing data and outliers in outcome measures (3 standard deviations (SD) from the mean), we had an analytical sample of 3,354 (Figure S1 in the Supplement). ### Measures #### Outcomes UKHLS contains six epigenetic clocks constructed from the DNAm data across three generations. First-generation clocks are trained exclusively on chronological age and include the single-tissue Hannum clock, Horvath2013 (estimated from multiple tissues/cells),27 Horvath skin & blood (Horvath2018) clock (another multi-tissue clock with improved accuracy on cultured cells),28 and Lin clock (based on DNAm profiles of 25 cancer types).29 The second-generation clocks are trained on a composite measure of mortality and disease morbidity alongside chronological age. The one available in UKHLS is the PhenoAge clock, which is based on clinical biomarkers of phenotypic age.30 The third-generation clocks are designed to quantify paces of biological ageing rather than static status. The DunedinPoAm clock is considered the first of the third-generation clocks.31 It is based on a comparison of longitudinal changes over time in 18 biomarkers of blood chemistry and organ systems.32 #### Exposures ACEng was measured by asking if participants had done anything in four sets of activities in the last 12 months (yes or no): 1) participatory arts (e.g. singing, dancing, painting, photographing, crafting), 2) receptive arts (e.g. attending art exhibitions/events), 3) visiting heritage sites (e.g. historic parks, historic buildings, monuments), 4) other cultural activities (e.g. going to museums, libraries or archives). Frequency of engagement for the four sets of activities, was measured in five categories: ‘once in the last 12 months’, ‘twice in the last 12 months’, ‘less often than once a month but at least three or four times a year’, ‘less often than once a week but at least once a month’, ‘at least once a week’. We also derived an ACEng diversity measure by counting the number of activities and splitting this into quartiles. PA was measured by a list of sporting activities, including vigorous (e.g. running, swimming, boxing, cycling, football), moderate (e.g. skiing, racquet sports, angling/fishing, yoga/Pilates if age≥64) and mild (e.g. rambling, snooker, yoga/Pilates if age<65) activities. PA frequency was derived by using the highest frequency between vigorous/moderate and mild activities, coded as no,