Mortality, morbidity, and post-operative complications of typhoid intestinal perforations: global systematic review and meta-analysis ===================================================================================================================================== * Nienke N. Hagedoorn * Megan Birkhold * Shruti Murthy * Meera D. Rathan * Christian S. Marchello * John A. Crump ## STRUCTURED ABSTRACT **Objective** We aimed to review global studies reporting on mortality, morbidity, and post-operative complications in patients with typhoid intestinal perforation (TIP). **Summary Background Data** TIP is a serious and life-threatening complication of typhoid fever that requires emergency surgery and an important driver of typhoid burden. **Methods** We searched multiple databases for articles reporting case-fatality ratio (CFR) or complications in patients with TIP undergoing surgery published from 1980 through 30 January 2024. We described the prevalence of each reported complication. Of patients with TIP, we pooled CFR using random-effects meta-analysis and stratified by United Nations region, sex, and number of perforations per patient. **Results** We included 46 articles reporting on 4,317 patients with TIP. The most prevalent post-operative complications were wound or surgical site infection in 1,537 (50.7%) of 3,030 patients, wound dehiscence in 308 (16.1%) of 1,909, and chest infection in 136 (15.6%) of 872. Overall, the pooled CFR (95%CI) of patients with TIP was 15.6% (12.5-18.9%), and was 20.5% (17.1-23.9%) in 30 observations from the African region, 5.7% (2.6-9.6%) in 15 observations from the Asian region, and 12.2% (0.90-30.4%) in three observations from the Americas. The Pearson’s correlation coefficient of median year of data collection and CFR was -0.01 (p=0.95) for Africa and -0.69 (p <0.01) for Asia. **Conclusions** Disability and death associated with TIP remains substantial. Efforts to reduce the occurrence of TIP through typhoid prevention with vaccine and non-vaccine measures, and increased access to and quality of surgical services for those with TIP are warranted. ## BACKGROUND Typhoid fever is caused by systemic infection of Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhi (*Salmonella Typhi*). The clinical diagnosis of typhoid fever is challenging as presenting symptoms such as fever, malaise, and headache are similar to those of other febrile illnesses.1 Delays in diagnosis and in receipt of appropriate antimicrobial treatment is associated with increased risk for serious complications, including gastrointestinal bleeding or typhoid intestinal perforation (TIP).2, 3 While gastrointestinal bleeding can usually be managed non-surgically, TIP is a serious and life-threatening complication that requires emergency surgery. Perforations associated with typhoid fever typically occur in the terminal ileum due to necrosis of aggregated lymphoid nodules in Peyer’s patches, where *Salmonella Typhi* enters the mucosal surface of the intestine.4, 5 Although the pathogenesis of TIP is not well understood, it has been hypothesized that an excessive host response to bacteria could contribute to the occurrence of perforations.6, 7 It is unclear whether specific *Salmonella Typhi* clades are associated with increased risk of perforation.8-10 In hospitalized patients with typhoid fever, the prevalence of TIP was estimated to range from 1 to 3%.11-14 Among TIP patients, 52-92% occur in those aged <30 years.15, 16 Additionally, some TIP studies found a male preponderance,15, 17, 18 while others did not.16, 19 The case fatality ratio (CFR) of TIP is high, estimated around 40% in studies published from 1960 through 1990.13, 14 In more recent studies, mortality was around 15%, attributed in part to improvements in pre- and post-operative management and surgical techniques.11, 18, 20 Mortality following TIP was higher in African countries compared to Asia and high-income countries.11, 18 Higher mortality in African countries is likely due to delayed presentation, prolonged time to surgery, and lack of access to critical care services.20 Clinical predictors of mortality in TIP include the presence of shock and of multiple perforations.15 Patients with TIP also experience high morbidity. Common complications following surgery include surgical site infections, pneumonia, re-perforation, and enterocutaneous fistula formation.20, 21 Birkhold *et al* performed a scoping review of morbidity following TIP surgery including data from countries in sub-Saharan Africa, and found that the prevalence of complications among studies ranged from 16% to 100%. The GlobalSurg collaboration has reported that surgical site infections occurred in more than 60% of patients having surgery for TIP among surgical centers in 11 countries.22 Despite being an important consideration for burden of disease estimation, previous systematic reviews of post-operative complications of TIP have focused on specific regions, countries, or age groups.18, 20, 23-25 We aimed to perform a systematic review to synthesize global data on mortality, morbidity, and post-operative complications in patients with TIP. ## METHODS ### Study design, search strategy and selection criteria We performed a subanalysis of an update to the global systematic review and meta-analysis of Marchello *et al* that systematically reviewed complications and mortality of patients with typhoid fever.11 In the subanalysis, we updated the search to include recent articles that reported mortality, morbidity, or post-operative complications in patients undergoing surgery for TIP. The study protocol was registered in Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO) on 1 July 2023 and the study protocol is available online (PROSPERO CRD42023438367).26 The study was reported according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines (Supplemental Digital Content, Text 1).27 This study was based upon published data therefore review and approval by an institutional review board was not required. In the primary systematic review,11 PubMed and Web of Science were searched for articles on complications and mortality of typhoid fever. Key words used included ‘*Salmonella Typhi*,’ ‘typhoid fever,’ ‘mortality,’ ‘case fatality,’ ‘complications,’ and ‘perforations’ (Supplemental Digital Content, Text 2). The original search was limited to articles published from 1 January 1980 through 29 January 2020 and had no language restrictions. The search was updated twice, first on 27 January 2023 and again on 30 January 2024. Pre-prints servers and repositories were added to the updated searches. Additional eligible articles were identified by reviewing reference lists of eligible articles. We included articles of patients undergoing surgery for TIP that reported mortality, morbidity, or complications from prospective and retrospective observational study designs, cross-sectional studies, or control arms of clinical trials. We included articles that allowed classification of patients as ‘confirmed TIP’ or as ‘probable TIP.’ A case of ‘confirmed TIP’ was defined as a perforation in a person confirmed by histopathology stains using *Salmonella* Typhi-specific immunohistochemistry, or a positive blood culture for *Salmonella Typhi* to attribute the cause of perforation to *Salmonella* Typhi. A case of ‘probable TIP’ was defined as a perforation in a person identified by gross intraoperative findings that included any of the following terms: ‘terminal ileum,’ ‘antimesenteric perforation,’ or ‘based on gross appearance at laparotomy.’5, 20 We excluded articles that did not describe the criteria of classifying a case of TIP, based TIP case definitions on serology or clinical symptoms and signs, or used culture of a non-sterile site to isolate *Salmonella Typhi* (e.g., stool, urine). We excluded case reports, policy reports, conference abstracts, and government passive surveillance reports. In addition, we excluded articles that provided only summary data or provided no clear denominator to calculate proportions. ### Article selection Records from each database were imported into EndNote (Clarivate, London, United Kingdom) and were deduplicated. Subsequently, references were uploaded to Rayyan (Qatar Computing Research Institute, Dohar, Qatar) for title and abstract screening, and screening of the full texts. Study selection and data abstraction were performed independently by two reviewers (any of CSM, MB, NNH, SF, or SM). Discrepancies were resolved by discussion or by a third reviewer (JAC). ### Data abstraction Abstracted data included study characteristics such as publication year, data collection period, study design, country, hospital level (district or rural hospital, regional hospital, university hospital),28 availability of critical care services, duration of follow-up of participants to ascertain outcome and complications, description of any quality of care delivered to patients with TIP (e.g., use of antimicrobials, fluid resuscitation, blood transfusion, urine output monitoring, nasogastric tubes, parenteral nutrition), and reporting of American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Physical Status Classification System by individual patient. Additionally, we abstracted age range of participants, sex of participants, and number of participants with severe peritoneal contamination defined as ‘severe,’ ‘gross,’ ‘fecal,’ or ‘>1000 mL pus.’ We abstracted the number of deaths attributed to TIP, stratified by sex and number of perforations per patient as single versus multiple perforations. We abstracted the reported surgical technique: primary repair, wedge resection, resection and anastomosis, resection and ostomy creation, hemicolectomy or colectomy, or other. We abstracted all complications at presentation to the hospital and post-operative complications reported by authors. For complications at presentation, we used a pre-defined list of 21 complications of Parry et al.3 For post-operative complications, we abstracted a pre-defined list based on commonly reported complications identified in a previous review: anastomotic leak, burst abdomen, chest infection (pneumonia or empyema), enterocutaneous fistula, incisional hernia, intestinal obstruction, intra-abdominal abscess, re-perforation, wound dehiscence, and wound or surgical site infection.29 Lastly, we abstracted duration-related variables in units reported by the authors of included articles and subsequently converted the units to days: days from illness onset to presentation, days from illness onset to TIP diagnosis, days from illness onset to surgery, days from TIP diagnosis to surgery, days from TIP diagnosis to death, and total length of hospital stay. ### Bias assessment Risk of bias was assessed following the Joanna Briggs Institute guidance for critical appraisal on prevalence studies.30, 31 Additional specific questions to assess study design, complications, and follow-up were added (Supplemental Digital Content, Text 3). ### Data analysis We assessed the CFR by dividing the number of deaths by number of patients with TIP. The proportion of each of the complications was calculated by dividing the number of patients with each complication by the number of patients in whom the complication was assessed, or by the number of patients with TIP, as applicable. The morbidity ratio was defined as the number of patients with any complication divided by all patients with TIP. Countries were classified by United Nations (UN) region and subregion.32 As a proxy for level of development, countries were classified by income level following the 2024 World Bank scheme.33 We categorized the age of participants into children <16 years, adults ≥16 years, or mixed children and adults. We described study characteristics and summarized the data using frequencies and percentages for categorical data, and median and interquartile range (IQR) for numerical data. We calculated the number of patients with complications at presentation, for each surgical procedure, and for post-operative complications. For post-operative complications that were reported in ≥100 patients for each UN region, we compared prevalence by UN region using the Chi2 test. We additionally reported the morbidity ratio. As proxy for more advanced disease, we assessed the proportion of patients with multiple perforations and for severe peritoneal contamination. Among articles, we described the CFR stratified by UN region; World Bank income group as low income countries (LICs), lower middle income countries (LMICs), upper middle income countries (UMICs), and high income countries (HICs); sex; age group; and single versus multiple perforations. Next, we assessed the correlation of the median year of data collection with the CFR using Pearson’s rho and stratified per UN region. Lastly, we described duration of illness including the range among articles and the mean duration from symptom onset to presentation, symptom onset to perforation, and length of hospital stay. ### Meta-analysis We pooled the CFR by performing a random-effects meta-analysis in R version 4.3.3 (meta package) using the inverse variance method with Freeman-Tukey double arcsine transformation.34 We performed subgroup analyses by UN region, by age group, by sex, and by number of perforations. Heterogeneity among articles was assessed using forest plots, Chi2 test, *I*2 statistic, and Tau2 (τ2). We considered an I2 value of 0–49% as low, 50–74% as moderate, and ≥75% as substantial heterogeneity.35 We considered a p-value <0.05 as indicating significant heterogeneity. We reported proportions with 95% confidence intervals (CI) and displayed the results graphically. Subgroup differences were assessed using the Chi2 test. ### Risk factors for CFR among articles To explore differences in mortality among UN regions, we investigated potential risk factors on article-level for mortality and evaluated hospital level, availability of critical care services, and availability of parenteral nutrition as proxy for available health facility resources. We selected parenteral nutrition among available quality of care items as use of parenteral nutrition requires more specialized equipment and experienced personnel than the other items. Other included risk factors on article-level were mean symptom duration until presentation, the proportion of patients with duration of perforation to surgery of ≥24 hours, and the proportion of patients with severe peritoneal contamination. For continuous variables, we assessed the correlation with CFR using Pearson’s rho and for categorical variables the CFR was compared with the Mann-Whitney U test. ## RESULTS We included 29 articles from the primary review, and 20 additional articles among 6,559 identified in the updated search. Subsequently, three articles of the primary review were excluded because of overlapping time periods leading to 46 articles for this subanalysis on typhoid intestinal perforations (see flowchart in Supplemental Digital Content, Figure 1; details of included articles in Supplemental Digital Content, Text 4). Of 46 articles, 31 (67.4%) reported data from 14 countries of the African region, 12 (26.1%) articles from 6 countries in Asia, and 3 (6.5%) from two countries in the Americas. One article included stratified data from study sites in three countries: Bangladesh, Nepal, and Pakistan;36 one article combined data from study sites in six African countries;16 and another article provided data for two time periods at the same site yielding a total of 49 observations.17 Of 30 observations in the African region, seven (22.6%) were of LICs, 22 (71.0%) of LMICs, one of UMICs, and one of mixed income groups. Of 15 observations in the Asian region, 10 (66.7%) were of LMICs, and five (33.3%) of UMICs. The three observations in the Americas were all from UMICs. ![Figure 1.]( [Figure 1.]( Figure 1. Frequency of risk of bias for each question, domain subtotal, and overall assessment, global systematic review on complications and mortality of typhoid intestinal perforations, 1966-2021 Legend: Details of each question are provided in Supplemental Digital Content, Text 3. Countries with observations most frequently included were Nigeria (n=14), Ghana (n=7), Pakistan (n=5), and Turkey (n=5) (Supplemental Digital Content, Figure 2). The studied population was children for 10 (20.5%) observations, adults in five (10.2%) observations, and mixed children and adults in 34 (69.4%) observations. The articles reported data collection from 1966 through 2021 and had a median (IQR) duration of data collection of 5 (2-9) years. ![Figure 2.]( [Figure 2.]( Figure 2. Frequency of surgical procedures by UN region global systematic review on complications and mortality of typhoid intestinal perforations, 1966-2021 Among 33 observations from which the hospital level could be abstracted, 24 (72.7%) were at a university hospital, 3 (9.1%) a regional hospital, 1 (3.3%) a district or rural hospital, and 5 (15.2%) were of mixed hospital levels. Critical care services were reported as available in 10 (21.7%) articles, not available in four (8.6%), and were not reported in 32 (69.6%). Of 10 articles with available critical care services, six articles were from Africa, three from Asia, and one from the Americas. The reported care available to patients was antimicrobial treatment in 34 (73.9%) articles, fluid resuscitation in 28 (60.9%), blood transfusion in 11 (23.9%), urine output monitoring in 15 (32.6%), nasogastric tubes in 12 (26.1%), and parenteral nutrition in three (6.5%). The ASA physical status of patients was reported in five (10.9%) articles. The overall risk of bias was high for 42 (91.3%) articles, intermediate for two (4.3%) articles, and low for two (4.3%). For subdomains, high risk of bias was observed for 4 (8.7%) articles in the patient and selection domain, 42 (91.3%) in the measurement domain, 18 (39.1%) in the statistics domain, and 36 (78.3%) in the other domain (Figure 1). Among 49 observations, the median (IQR) number of patients with probable or confirmed TIP was 50 (26-104) per article. Of 4,317 patients with probable or confirmed TIP, 950 (22.0%) were confirmed TIP (Supplemental Digital Content, Text 5). Of 4,317 patients, 2,405 (55.7%) were from the African region, 1,429 (33.1%) from the Asian region, and 483 (11.2%) from the Americas. Among 40 observations that reported sex, the median (IQR) proportion of males was 71.2% (63.5-76.8%). Complications at presentation to the hospital for TIP patients are presented in Supplemental Digital Content, Text 6. Among 33 articles including 2,521 patients that reported the number of perforations, the median (IQR) proportion with single perforations was 75.2% (70.9-83.3%), and with multiple perforations was 24.8% (16.7-29.1%). The median proportion with multiple perforations did not vary by UN region (p=1.0) (Supplemental Digital Content, Text 5). Among 17 articles including 1,261 patients that reported on severe peritoneal contamination, the median (IQR) proportion with severe peritoneal contamination was 34.9% (18.1-58.5%). The median proportion of severe peritoneal contamination did not vary by UN region (p=1.0). ### Surgical procedures Surgical procedures were described in 38 (82.6%) articles reporting on 3,902 patients (Figure 2). The median year of data collection was negatively correlated with frequency of primary repair (Pearson’s rho [95% CI]: -0.38 [-0.61 --0.08], p=0.01). No correlation was observed between median year of data collection and frequency of resection and anastomosis, or resection and ostomy creation (Supplemental Digital Content, Figure 3). In African articles, the median year of data collection was negatively correlated with frequency of primary repair (Pearson’s rho [95%CI]: -0.59 [-0.79--0.29], p<0.01). Among 2,354 patients from articles from Africa, primary repair was performed in 1,551 (65.9%) patients, resection and anastomosis in 301 (12.8%), resection and ostomy creation in 103 (4.4%), partial or complete colectomy in 46 (1.9%), wedge resection in 6 (0.3%), and other procedures in 3 (0.1%). Among 1,065 patients from Asia, 563 (52.9%) received resection and ostomy creation, 412 (38.7%) primary repair, 84 (7.9%), resection and anastomosis, 11 (1.0) wedge resection, and 1 (<0.1%) partial or complete colectomy. Among 483 patients from the Americas, 235 (48.7%) received resection and anastomosis, in 162 (33.5%) resection and ostomy creation, 82 (16.9%) primary repair, 4 (0.8%) partial or complete colectomy, and 4 (0.8%) other procedures. ![Figure 3.]( [Figure 3.]( Figure 3. Prevalence of post-operative complications among patients with typhoid intestinal perforation by UN region, global systematic review on complications and mortality of typhoid intestinal perforations, 1966-2021 Legend: Brackets show significant comparisons between UN regions. P-values were adjusted for multiple testing according the Bonferroni method. ### Post-operative complications Among the 33 articles that reported any post-operative complication, the median (IQR) number of post-operative complications reported on was 7 (5-8). Of the pre-defined post-operative complications, wound or surgical site infection was the most prevalent complication occurring in 1,537 (50.7%) of 3,030 patients (Table 1). Wound dehiscence occurred in 308 (16.1%) of 1,909 patients, chest infection in 136 (15.6%) of 872 patients, incisional hernia in 143 (9.4%) of 1,522, anastomotic leak in 116 (9.1%) of 1,275, and intra-abdominal abscess in 209 (8.4%) of 2,473. Furthermore, burst abdomen was reported in 107 (8.0%) of 1,335 patients, reperforation in 115 (8.0%) of 1,433, enterocutaneous fistula in 150 (6.2%) of 2,432, and intestinal obstruction in 105 (5.8%) of 1,816 patients. Twenty-seven other complications were reported. Among these, complications reported in ≥five articles included sepsis in 126 (22.2%) of 567, septic shock in 31 (13.2%) of 235, and persistent peritonitis in 118 (16.7%) of 706 patients (other complications shown in Table 1). Pre-defined post-operative complications that were reported in ≥100 patients in the three UN regions were: enterocutaneous fistula, intestinal obstruction, intra-abdominal abscess, and wound or surgical site infection (Figure 3). Intestinal obstruction was reported in 15 (11.9%) of 126 patients in the Americas compared with 44 (5.6%) of 779 patients in Asia (p=0.04), and 46 (5.0%) of 911 patients in Africa (p=0.01). Wound or surgical site infections was reported in 702 (60.4%) of 1,163 patients in Asia compared with 767 (44.1%) of 1,741 patients in Africa (p<0.01). No regional differences were observed for the other comparisons, including for enterocutaneous fistula and intra-abdominal abscess. ### Morbidity ratio The overall morbidity ratio was abstracted in 18 articles reporting on 1,607 patients. Among articles, the median (IQR) morbidity ratio was 56.3% (40.9-72.3%). The median (IQR) morbidity ratio was 65.8% (50.7-75.8%) among 12 articles collecting data from Africa, 27.8% (26.0-35.3%) among four articles from Asia, and 51.6% (37.3-65.9%) among two articles from the Americas. A meta-analysis for the morbidity ratio was not performed because we observed high heterogeneity in the type of reported complications. ### Duration of illness Among 11 articles reporting duration information, days from symptom onset to presentation ranged from 1 through 32 days in 9 articles, and the median (IQR) of the mean was 11 (9-12) days in 9 articles (Supplemental Digital Content, Figure 4). In addition, days from symptom onset to perforation ranged from 2 through 35 days in three articles, and the mean ranged from 6 to 21 days in six articles. For days from symptom onset to perforation, the median (IQR) of the mean was 6 (6-8) for four African articles. Days from symptom onset to perforation ranged between 14 and 28 days for one Asian article (Supplemental Digital Content, Figure 5). ![Figure 4.]( [Figure 4.]( Figure 4. Meta-analysis of case fatality ratio (CFR) in patients with typhoid intestinal perforations per UN region: global systematic review, 1966-2021 Legend: TIP, typhoid intestinal perforations ![Figure 5.]( [Figure 5.]( Figure 5. Relationship between median year of data collection and case-fatality ratio of typhoid intestinal perforations by UN region, global systematic review, 1966-2021 Legend: The line shows the correlation between median year of data collection and case-fatality ratio by UN region. For the Americas no correlation coefficient was calculated due to limited numbers. The duration from perforation to surgery was ≥24 hours in 293 (63.4%) of 462 patients in seven articles, including five articles from Africa. Among 16 articles reporting length of hospital stay, length of hospital stay ranged from 0 through 82 days for 17 observations (Supplemental Digital Content, Figure 6). The median (IQR) of means of length of hospital stay was 17 (12-18) days for 20 observations. The mean length of hospital stay was 14 days in African articles compared with 7 days in Asian articles (p=0.07). No data were available on duration of hospital stay for the Americas. Other duration variables were reported in fewer than five articles. ### Pooled CFR, by region, income group, age group, and sex Among 48 observations reporting mortality in 4,316 TIP patients, the median (IQR) CFR was 16.1% (8.6-25.0%) and pooled CFR (95%CI) was 15.6% (12.5-18.9%) (I2= 87%, t2=0.01). The pooled CFR of 20.5% (17.1-23.9%) (2,404 patients, I2=70%, t2=0.01) among African observations was higher compared with 5.7% (2.6-9.6%) (1,429 patients, I2=75%, t2=0.01) among Asian observations (p<0.01). The pooled CFR was 12.2% (0.9-30.4%) (483 patients, I2=93%, t2=0.03) among American observations (Figure 4). Among 48 observations, the median year of data collection was not correlated with the CFR (Pearson’s r [95%CI]: -0.06 [-0.34-0.22], p=0.66) (Figure 5). No correlation was observed between year of data collection and CFR for the African observations (Pearson’s r [95%CI]: -0.01 [-0.35-0.37], p=0.95), whereas for Asian observations median year of data collection was negatively associated with CFR (−0.69 [-0.89-- 0.29], p<0.01). For the Americas, insufficient data were available for this analysis. The pooled CFR of 19.8% (14.9-25.2%) among observations of LICs, and of 16.5% (12.7-20.7%) among observations of LMICs. Both were higher than the pooled CFR of 7.5% (2.7-13.9%) among observations from UMICs (*X*2, p<0.01 and p=0.04). The pooled CFR of 19.5% (11.3-29.2%) in children (473 patients, I2= 77%, t2=0.02), was not significantly different from the 14.4% (3.8-29.3%) (498 patients, I2= 86%, t2=0.03) observed in adults (*X*2, p=0.04). The pooled CFR in mixed children and adults was 14.9% (11.4-18.6%) (3,345 patients, I2= 89%, t2=0.01). Of the 10 articles among children, 9 were from the African region, 1 from Asia and none from the Americas. Among the 15 observations that stratified CFR by sex, the pooled CFR (95%CI) was 15.1% (9.2-21.9%) among 902 males and was 21.9% (14.4-30.3%) among 351 females (*X*2, p=0.16). Pooled CFR of sex and age group by UN region are presented in Supplemental Digital Content, Text 7. ### Pooled CFR for number of perforations Among 15 articles that reported CFR for the number of perforations, the pooled CFR (95%CI) was 16.8% (11.3-22.9%) among 754 patients with single perforation, and was 37.1% (23.8-51.2%) among 232 patients with multiple perforations (*X*2, p<0.01). Among 11 articles in Africa, pooled CFR was 20.4% (15.8-25.3%) among 529 patients with single perforations and 43.6% (28.7-58.9%) among 149 patients with multiple perforations (*X*2, p<0.01). For three articles in Asia, pooled CFR was 3.7% (0.0-14.6%) for single perforation and was 11.6% (2.5-24.8%) for multiple perforations (*X*2, p=0.38). In the Americas, the CFR was 17 (18.1%) in 94 patients with single perforation and 12 (37.5%) in 32 patients with multiple perforations. ### Risk factors for case fatality ratio The median CFR was similar in ten articles with availability of critical care facilities (14.8%) compared to four articles that reported not having critical care facilities (22.8%) (p=0.08). The median CFR was lower in three articles that reported available parenteral nutrition (5.4%) than in articles that did not (17.1%, p=0.04). No correlation was observed with CFR for the mean symptom duration until presentation (Pearson’s r: 0.39 [-0.37 - 0.83], p=0.30); the proportion of patients with duration of perforation to surgery ≥24 hours (Pearson’s r: 0.30 [-0.89-0.67], p=0.56); and the proportion of patients with severe peritoneal contamination (Pearson’s r: 0.09 [0.41-0.55], p=0.72). For hospital level, insufficient data were available for analysis. ## DISCUSSION In this global systematic review and meta-analysis of articles reporting on TIP patients with data collected from 1966-2021, we estimated that mortality following TIP was 16%, with higher mortality in studies from Africa (21%) compared to those from Asia (6%). Over time, mortality among TIP patients decreased for Asian studies, but remained unchanged for African studies. Approximately 56% of patients suffered from one or more post-operative complication, of which wound or surgical site infection was the most prevalent. Higher mortality was observed in patients with multiple perforations compared to those with single perforations. Although there was a male preponderance among TIP patients, mortality between males and females was similar. For surgical procedures, regional variation was observed with primary repair most frequently performed in Africa, resection and ostomy formation most frequently reported in Asia, and resection and anastomosis in the Americas. Consistent with the systematic review of Mogasale *et al*,18 our findings highlight a higher CFR in African countries than in Asian and other regions. Notably, we detected a decreasing trend in CFR over time among Asian countries, in contrast to the unchanged CFR observed in African countries. Our findings contrast with a previous review of studies from 1990-2011 that observed a declining CFR in African countries and not significant declining trend in Asian countries.18 Besides the inclusion of more recent articles, these conflicting results could reflect the use of more robust methodology in our review including the absence of restrictions in language or country. In addition, we required that articles report data relevant to TIP case definitions to enhance attribution of perforations to *Salmonella* Typhi, and in analysis we applied the median year of data collection as a proxy for time instead of publication year. Studies in Bangladesh,36 India,37 Mexico,38, 39 Nepal,36 Taiwan,40 and Turkey 17, 41-43 have shown that a CFR of less than 5% is attainable for patients with TIP. The higher TIP mortality in African countries compared to Asian countries could be partially explained by a higher proportion of LICs and LMICs that showed a higher CFR in our data. In addition, data from both Africa and Asia primarily originated from university hospitals, suggesting potentially greater resources and expertise than non-university hospitals. Availability of critical care services was only reported in 30% of articles, but was frequent in African articles. Patients with more severe disease, potentially leading to higher mortality, may be preferentially referred to hospitals with more resources. While the availability of parenteral nutrition was only mentioned in three articles, none was reported to be available in African articles. Second, the duration of symptoms before presentation and the complexity of disease, measured by multiple perforations and severe peritoneal contamination, was not significantly different between African and Asian articles. Third, primary repair was the predominant procedure in 70% of African patients, whereas resection and ostomy creation was performed in 50% of Asian patients. Although some consensus exists on the optimal surgical procedure for treating typhoid intestinal perforation,42, 44 the choice depends on factors such as disease severity, the number and size of perforations, surgeon preference, and resource availability. Surgeons in African countries might opt for primary repair and risk an anastomotic leak or reperforation potentially avoiding complications like electrolyte disturbances and nutritional issues associated with ileostomies. In our review, morbidity following TIP was common, with post-operative complications occurring in more than half of the TIP patients. Most reported complications were author-defined which may have led to misclassification. We advocate the use of precise definitions for complications, reporting of follow-up time, and case definition for TIP to enhance the quality of future reports of TIP studies. Despite limited data, our analysis found no significant association between critical care facility availability and TIP mortality ratios. While critical care services may be an indicator of quality of care, hospitals with such facilities might also be expected to receive more seriously ill patients. Unfortunately, our review lacked the ability to adjust for differences in disease severity. Early surgery is crucial to reduce TIP mortality.45, 46 In the few articles with available data, we observed that duration of perforation to surgery was ≥24 hours in 63% of patients. At the article level, we observed no association between CFR and the proportion of patients with duration to surgery ≥24 hours, although data were limited. Possible reasons for surgical delays may include limited healthcare access, the logistical challenges of referral from rural hospitals that lack surgical services to those with such services, or delayed diagnosis.47-49 Enhanced reporting and improved quality of duration data would contribute to estimating the disease burden associated with TIP. We observed similar TIP mortality among children compared to adults with all articles reporting on children, except one, were from the African region. The higher CFR in African articles compared to Asian articles might therefore be driving the TIP mortality in children. Typhoid prevention, including non-vaccine strategies such as improved water and food safety, sanitation, and hygiene, as well as the use of typhoid conjugate vaccines, have the potential to reduce typhoid incidence.50 Timely diagnosis and treatment of typhoid fever minimizes the risk of complications, including TIP. To mitigate the morbidity and mortality associated with TIP, early diagnosis of TIP, improved access to surgical care, as well as pre- and post-operative care are crucial. Our comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis involved searching multiple databases including pre-print repositories. However, there were a number of limitations. First, eligible articles were identified from a limited number of countries, reducing the generalizability of our findings to other regions. Also, the predominance of university hospitals biased our results towards hospitals equipped with more extensive surgical resources compared to lower-level hospitals. Consequently, our review has few data on hospitals with limited surgical resources, potentially leading to an underestimation of the CFR for TIP. Second, although we used a pre-defined case definition to classify patients as TIPs, only 20% of patients included in our review met the confirmed case definition. Therefore, patients classified as probable TIP could have perforation due to non-typhoid causes. Third, most of the articles were assessed as high-risk for bias due to retrospective study designs, and a lack of clarity in the methods related to complications and routine follow up duration to ascertain complications and outcomes. Third, we reviewed potential risk factors of severe disease, but other unmeasured or unreported factors associated with severe disease such as poor access to care with surgical services could be of importance. Although some indicators of such as availability of critical care services or parenteral nutrition were poorly reported, lack of reporting does not necessarily mean lack of availability. Fourth, because our review focused on patients who underwent surgery, we did not include patients who died before reaching the hospital or surgical services. Last, we did not abstract data on misdiagnosis or inappropriate treatment before presentation, as our focus was on mortality, morbidity, and post-operative complications of TIP. ## Conclusion Mortality following TIP was estimated to be 16%, with higher mortality in studies from Africa compared to those from Asia. Over time, mortality from TIP declined in Asia, but not in Africa. Since morbidity and mortality associated with TIP remains substantial, implementation of efforts to reduce the occurrence of TIP, including typhoid prevention with vaccine and non-vaccine measures, early recognition and appropriate antimicrobial treatment of typhoid fever, and increased access to and quality of surgical services for those with TIP are warranted. ## Supporting information Supplemental Digital Content, Text 1 [[supplements/309663_file07.docx]](pending:yes) Supplemental Digital Content, Text 2 [[supplements/309663_file08.docx]](pending:yes) Supplemental Digital Content, Text 3 [[supplements/309663_file09.docx]](pending:yes) Supplemental Digital Content, Text 4 [[supplements/309663_file10.docx]](pending:yes) Supplemental Digital Content, Text 5 [[supplements/309663_file11.docx]](pending:yes) Supplemental Digital Content, Text 6 [[supplements/309663_file12.docx]](pending:yes) Supplemental Digital Content, Text 7 [[supplements/309663_file13.docx]](pending:yes) Supplemental Digital Content, Figure 1 [[supplements/309663_file14.pdf]](pending:yes) Supplemental Digital Content, Figure 2 [[supplements/309663_file15.pdf]](pending:yes) Supplemental Digital Content, Figure 3 [[supplements/309663_file16.pdf]](pending:yes) Supplemental Digital Content, Figure 4 [[supplements/309663_file17.pdf]](pending:yes) Supplemental Digital Content, Figure 5 [[supplements/309663_file18.pdf]](pending:yes) Supplemental Digital Content, Figure 6 [[supplements/309663_file19.pdf]](pending:yes) ## Data Availability Data underlying the study will be made available in an online repository upon publication. For additional data enquiries please contact the corresponding author. ## DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT Data underlying the study will be made available in an online repository upon publication. For additional data enquiries please contact the corresponding author john.crump{at} ## SUPPLEMENTAL DIGITAL CONTENTS **Supplemental Digital Content, Text 1** * - Search strategy for the systematic review on complications and mortality of patients with typhoid intestinal perforations **Supplemental Digital Content, Text 2** * - Bias assessment methods for the systematic review on complications and mortality of patients with typhoid intestinal perforations **Supplemental Digital Content, Text 3** * - Details of included articles identified in the global systematic review on complications and mortality of patients with typhoid intestinal perforations, 1966-2021 (46 articles) **Supplemental Digital Content, Text 4** * - Descriptive characteristics by articles and by patients identified in the global systematic review on complications and mortality in patients with typhoid intestinal perforations (TIP), 1966-2021 **Supplemental Digital Content, Text 5** * - Complication at presentation in patients with typhoid intestinal perforation in the global systematic review on complications and mortality of typhoid intestinal perforation, published 1966-2021, 46 articles **Supplemental Digital Content, Text 6** * - Case-fatality ratio of typhoid intestinal perforations by UN region for age group and sex **Supplemental Digital Content, Figure 1** * - PRISMA flowchart of study selection process for the global systematic review on complications and mortality of patients with typhoid intestinal perforations, 1966-2021 **Supplemental Digital Content, Figure 2** * - Global distribution of number of articles per country identified in the global systematic review on complications and mortality of typhoid intestinal perforations, 1966-2021 (46 articles, 49 observations) **Supplemental Digital Content, Figure 3** * - Frequency of surgical procedures by year per UN region, global systematic review on complications and mortality of typhoid intestinal perforations, 1966-2021 Legend: CI, confidence interval; UN, united nations, **Supplemental Digital Content, Figure 4** * - Duration symptom onset to presentation in days in patients with typhoid intestinal perforation per article, systematic review, 1966-2021 Legend: SD, standard deviation **Supplemental Digital Content, Figure 5** * - Duration symptom onset to perforation in patients with typhoid intestinal perforation, systematic review, 1966-2021 Legend: SD, standard deviation **Supplemental Digital Content, Figure 6** * - Duration of hospital stay of patients with typhoid intestinal perforation per article, systematic review, 1966-2021 Legend: SD, standard deviation ## ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank dr. Suzanne Faigan (Centre for International Health, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand) for her help with data collection. ## Footnotes * **Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding:** This work was supported by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) [grant OPP1151153]. The authors declare no competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper. * Received June 28, 2024. * Revision received June 28, 2024. * Accepted July 1, 2024. * © 2024, Posted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory This pre-print is available under a Creative Commons License (Attribution 4.0 International), CC BY 4.0, as described at []( ## REFERENCES 1. 1.Bhan MK, Bahl R, Bhatnagar S. Typhoid and paratyphoid fever. Lancet 2005; 366(9487):749–62. [CrossRef]( [PubMed]( [Web of Science]( 2. 2.World Health Organization. Typhoid vaccines: WHO position paper, March 2018 - Recommendations. Vaccine 2019; 37(2):214–216. 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