Shared genetic architecture and causal pathways between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and restless legs syndrome =========================================================================================================================== * Fu-Jia Li * Jin-Yu Li * Ru-Yu Zhang * Xuan-Jing Liu * Bing-Chen Lv * Tao Zhang * Yu-Ning Liu * Zi-Xuan Zhang * Wei Zhang * Gui-Yun Cui * Chuan-Ying Xu ## Abstract Previous studies have revealed a significant overlap between ADHD and RLS populations, with shared pathological mechanisms such as dopaminergic function and iron metabolism deficits. However, the genetic mechanisms underlying these connections remain unclear. In our study, we conducted a genome-wide genetic correlation analysis to confirm a shared genetic structure between ADHD and RLS. We identified five pleiotropic loci through PLACO analysis, with colocalization analysis revealing a shared causal genetic variant, rs12336113, located in an intron of the PTPRD gene within one of these loci. Additionally, we identified 14 potential shared genes and biological pathways between these diseases. Protein-protein interaction analysis demonstrated close interactions among six genes: PTPRD, MEIS1, MAP2K5, SKOR1, BTBD9, and TOX3. We further investigated gene-driven causal pathways using univariable Mendelian randomization (MR), multivariable MR, and Network MR analyses. Our findings indicate that ADHD may indirectly promote the onset of RLS by advancing the age of first birth, while RLS could indirectly contribute to ADHD by reducing fractional anisotropy in body of corpus callosum. Notably, an increase in radial diffusivity, rather than a decrease in axial diffusivity, played a crucial role in this process. In conclusion, our research supports a close genetic link between ADHD and RLS, identifying PTPRD as the most likely pleiotropic gene between these conditions. Moreover, ADHD may indirectly promote RLS onset by advancing the age of first birth, while RLS may indirectly promote ADHD onset by causing demyelination in body of corpus callosum. ## Introduction Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by persistent inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity1. It is estimated that 5-7% of school-age children have ADHD2,3, and up to 70% of those with childhood-onset ADHD continue to exhibit symptoms into adulthood4. ADHD is associated with risk-taking behaviors and various neuropsychiatric conditions, significantly increasing the risk of developing chronic diseases in the future. Consequently, this disease imposes a substantial societal burden5. Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a common sensorimotor disorder with a prevalence of 6%-12%6. It is characterized by intensely unpleasant sensations and an almost irresistible urge to move the legs in the evening or at night7. Temporary symptomatic relief may be achieved through leg movement or walking, significantly impacting sleep quality and overall quality of life for patients. The comorbidity of ADHD and RLS is an intriguing phenomenon. Observational studies have shown a significant population overlap between ADHD and RLS. Patients with ADHD, whether children, adolescents, or adults, are more likely to exhibit RLS symptoms compared to healthy individuals8–10. Conversely, individuals with RLS, regardless of age, have a higher prevalence of ADHD, with more severe symptoms11–13. Additionally, cross-generational and family history studies suggest a significant genetic link between ADHD and RLS. Parents of children with ADHD have a higher incidence of RLS14,15, and children with a family history of RLS exhibit more severe ADHD symptoms12. Several explanations have been proposed for the comorbidity. One hypothesis suggests that RLS may lead to ADHD symptoms by causing sleep fragmentation and reduced sleep quality16. Another theory posits that ADHD and RLS share common pathologies, such as dopaminergic dysfunction in the central nervous system (CNS)17–19 and iron metabolism disorders, including reduced serum iron levels20–22. Notably, these two pathological changes are closely linked. Iron is a cofactor for tyrosine hydroxylase, the rate-limiting enzyme in dopamine synthesis. Iron metabolism disorders have been shown to alter the density and activity of dopamine D1 and D2 receptors, as well as the dopamine transporter (DAT)23,24. The potential genetic link and shared pathological mechanisms between ADHD and RLS prompted us to investigate whether there are common genetic variants underlying both disorders. In 2009, B.G. Schimmelmann and his team conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) involving 224 families (including 386 children with ADHD and their parents)25. The study found no significant association between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in known RLS risk genes (MEIS1, BTBD9, and MAP2K5) and ADHD. We hypothesize that the small sample size and limited target genes may have hindered the detection of potential positive results. With advancements in GWAS techniques and access to higher-quality data, we had the opportunity to explore the genetic mechanisms underlying the comorbidity of ADHD and RLS more thoroughly. This study proceeded in three stages. In **stage one**, we performed a genome-wide genetic correlation analysis to determine whether ADHD and RLS share a common genetic structure, which can result from pleiotropy (where a genetic variant affects both traits) and/or causality (where a genetic variant affects a trait via its effect on an intermediate trait). In **stage two**, using cross-trait pleiotropic analysis under composite null hypothesis (PLACO) and systematic downstream analyses, we identified pleiotropic loci and shared genes between ADHD and RLS, focusing on those related to iron metabolism and dopaminergic neuron function. In **stage three**, Mendelian Randomization (MR) analysis leveraged its advantage of being less susceptible to confounding bias and reverse causation, allowing us to effectively explore the causal relationship between ADHD and RLS. Additionally, Network MR analysis further elucidated indirect causal pathways between these two diseases, such as whether RLS can lead to ADHD by inducing sleep disturbances. ## Methods ### 1 Data characteristics This study is a secondary analysis of existing GWAS data, all of which were publicly available with no original data collection involved. Each included study received approval from their respective institutional ethics review committees, and informed consent was obtained from all participants. We selected data based on the following criteria: 1) European populations, 2) the largest publicly available datasets, and 3) minimal sample overlap in MR analysis. Detailed characteristics of the data used in this study are described in **Table S1**. #### 1.1 ADHD The GWAS data for ADHD were derived from three independent cohorts, totaling 225,543 participants (38,691 cases and 186,843 controls)26. Specifically, participants from iPSYCH included 25,895 cases and 37,148 controls, with ADHD diagnosed by psychiatrists according to ICD-10 criteria (F90.0, F90.1, F98.8)27. Controls were randomly selected from the same nationwide birth cohort and did not have an ADHD diagnosis. In the deCODE cohort (8,281 cases and 137,993 controls), ADHD cases included individuals with a clinical diagnosis of ADHD (n = 5,583) according to ICD-10 criteria (F90, F90.1, F98.8) or those prescribed medication specific for ADHD symptoms (n = 2,698). The control sample excluded individuals with diagnoses of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, autism spectrum disorder, or self-reported ADHD symptoms or diagnosis. For the PGC cohort (4,515 cases and 11,702 controls), specific diagnostic criteria can be found in a previous study by Demontis et al28. #### 1.2 RLS The GWAS data for RLS originated from six independent cohorts, totaling 480,982 participants (10,257 cases and 470,725 controls)29. Specifically: (1) The deCODE cohort (2,636 cases and 11,448 controls) assessed RLS using a self-completed questionnaire based on the International RLS Study Group (IRLSSG) diagnostic criteria. (2) Participants in the INTERVAL study (3,065 cases and 24,923 controls) and the DBDS cohort (1,379 cases and 25,186 controls) were assessed using the Cambridge-Hopkins RLS questionnaire (CH-RLSq). (3) In the UK Biobank cohort (1,916 cases and 406,649 controls), RLS status was determined using the ICD-10 code G25.8. (4) In the Donor InSight-III cohort (565 cases and 1,798 controls), RLS status was self-reported using a questionnaire developed as part of the RISE study, based on IRLSSG criteria and created in collaboration with an RLS expert. (5) The Emory cohort (696 cases and 721 controls) had RLS status clinically verified by one of two clinicians and supplemented by objective measurements of periodic leg movements in sleep (PLMS) along with additional secondary and supportive diagnostic features. #### 1.3 Confounders Through a systematic literature search, we identified six characteristics that might confound the relationship between ADHD and RLS: body mass index (BMI)30,31, smoking behavior32,33, serum vitamin D levels34,35, estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)36,37, serum iron levels20–22, and dopaminergic dysfunction in the CNS17–19. These factors were adjusted in the MVMR analysis. Notably, dopaminergic neurons in the CNS primarily function by synthesizing and releasing dopamine, which cannot cross the blood-brain barrier. Unfortunately, we currently lack GWAS data describing dopaminergic dysfunction or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) dopamine levels. Dopamine 3-O-sulfate is a major metabolite of dopamine, so we used CSF dopamine 3-O-sulfate levels to indirectly reflect dopaminergic function in the CNS38. #### 1.4 Candidate mediators We explored the bidirectional indirect causal pathways between ADHD and RLS using Network MR analysis. All candidate mediators had to meet the following criteria, supported by previous literature: 1) they may be influenced by the exposure factors, and 2) they may affect the outcome factors. In the causal pathway from ADHD to RLS, we identified five personal behavior traits (smoking behavior, alcohol consumption, use of depression medications, age at first birth, and multiple gestation), two mental illnesses (anxiety disorders and depression), six chronic diseases (obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, asthma, ischemic stroke, chronic kidney disease, and migraine), eight iron-sensitive imaging features, and nine DTI features as candidate mediators. Conversely, the pathway from RLS to ADHD included three sleep traits (combined sleep disorders, insomnia, and disorder of the sleep-wake rhythm), eight iron-sensitive imaging features, and nine DTI features. Detailed results of the literature search are provided in **Table S10**. ### 2 Stage one: exploring shared genetic structure The flowchart of the entire study is shown in **Figure 1**. We used linkage disequilibrium score regression (LDSC, v1.0.01) to estimate the genome-wide genetic correlation between ADHD and RLS39, employing European ancestry genotype data from 1000 genomes as the reference panel40. High-definition likelihood (HDL) reduces the variance of genetic association estimates by about 60% compared to LDSC41. We performed HDL using the R package HDL-v1.4.0, utilizing 1,029,876 well-imputed HapMap3 SNPs as the reference panel. ![Figure 1]( [Figure 1]( Figure 1 depicts the study design. CSF Cerebrospinal fluid, IVs Instrumental variables, SNP Single nucleotide polymorphism. ### 3 Stage two: exploring genetic pleiotropy (1) PLACO identified pleiotropic SNPs between ADHD and RLS42. (2) Based on PLACO results, functional mapping and annotation (FUMA) characterized pleiotropic loci43. (3) Bayesian colocalization analysis using the “coloc” package (v5.2.1) identified shared causal variants in each pleiotropic locus44. We analyzed top SNPs within 250kb upstream and downstream of each locus, declaring a colocalized locus with a posterior probability of H4 (PP.H4) greater than 0.75. (4) Tissue enrichment analysis was conducted at the SNP level with 53 available tissue types from GTEx (v.8) using MAGAMA method. (5) We mapped the identified pleiotropic SNPs into shared genes using MAGMA and gene mapping (including positional mapping, eQTL mapping, and 3D Chromatin Interaction mapping). (6) Using the “clusterProfiler” R package, we evaluated the functional enrichment of pleiotropic genes in KEGG45 and GO46 pathways. (7) We used the STRING (version 12.0) database for protein–protein interaction (PPI) analysis to identify the most closely connected pleiotropic genes47. Bonferroni correction was applied for multiple testing in all analyses. ### 4 Stage Three: Exploring gene-driven causality In this stage, we primarily used the two-sample MR method to investigate the potential causalities between ADHD and RLS. This research adheres to the STROBE-MR guidelines48 (**Table S5**). #### 4.1 Univariable MR Genetic variants were selected as instrumental variables (IVs) based on strong associations with the exposure (P < 5 × 10−8). The R² value of SNPs estimated the variance in exposure, and the F-statistic measured instrument strength. Only SNPs with F-statistic > 10 were included for analysis. Independent SNPs were clumped based on European ancestry reference data (1000 Genomes Project, r² > 0.001, genomic region = 10,000 kb). To meet the independence assumption for MR analysis, 10 IVs for ADHD associated with BMI, serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D levels, and stroke, and 2 IVs for RLS associated with BMI were excluded (**Table S6**) based on the LDtrait query ([]( The Inverse-Variance Weighted (IVW) method49 was our primary analysis due to its accuracy and power when all selected SNPs are valid IVs. To ensure robustness, we applied eight secondary MR methods: Maximum Likelihood (ML)50, Weighted Median (WM)51, MR-Egger regression52, Constrained Maximum Likelihood - Model Average (cML-MA)50, contamination mixture method (ConMix)53, robust adjusted profile score (MR-RAPS) 54, debiased IVW (dIVW), and the Bayesian Weighted MR (BWMR)55. **To clarify the direction of causality**, we implemented the following measures: (1) excluded IVs significantly associated with the outcome (P < 5 × 10−5) 56, (2) further filtered IVs using the Steiger filtration57, (3) performed a Steiger test post-MR analysis to confirm the causal direction57, and (4) conducted reverse MR analysis. **To ensure the robustness of our results**, we employed several sensitivity analysis methods: (1) used different thresholds (P < 5 × 10−8 and P < 1 × 10−5) to extract IVs and calculated results accordingly, (2) utilized one primary and eight secondary analysis methods for robustness, (3) applied Cochran’s Q statistic to assess heterogeneity in IVW estimates, (4) evaluated horizontal pleiotropy using the p-value for the intercept in MR-Egger52 and the global test in MR-PRESSO58, (5) excluded outlier SNPs identified by MR-PRESSO and repeated the analysis with the remaining SNPs, and (6) used the leave-one-out method to determine if results were driven by any single SNP. #### 4.2 Multivariable MR We adjusted for six confounding factors in the bidirectional MVMR analysis. The IVW, Lasso, Weighted median, and MR-Egger methods estimated the causal effect. Pleiotropy was tested by comparing the MR-Egger intercept to zero. IVW was the primary method for estimating MVMR effects in the absence of pleiotropy. If pleiotropy was present, we used multivariable MR-Egger for estimation. #### 4.3 Network MR We used Network MR to explore indirect effects in the bidirectional causal pathways between ADHD and RLS. This involved two procedures. First, MR assessed the effect of exposure on candidate mediators (β1). Then, mediators significantly associated with exposures were used as exposures to infer causalities between mediators and the outcome (β2). The magnitude of the mediating effect was evaluated using the product of coefficients method (β1×β2), ensuring the direction of the mediating effect aligned with the overall effect. The proportion of the mediating effect was calculated by dividing the mediating effect by the overall effect. The standard error of the mediating effect was derived using the delta method59. For each procedure’s results, we conducted heterogeneity and horizontal pleiotropy analyses as sensitivity checks. #### 4.4 Evaluation and correction for the bias from sample overlap We used the UVMR method to explore the causal relationship between ADHD and RLS, with both datasets containing participants from the deCODE cohort. The maximum sample overlap rate was 2.38% (11,448 / 480,982)60. When evaluating the causal relationships between eight iron-sensitive imaging features, nine DTI features and RLS, the maximum sample overlap rates were 6.25% (30,056 / 480,982) and 7.61% (36,642 / 480,982), respectively, due to probable common participants from the UK Biobank. Since these overlaps were relatively small, the resulting bias was deemed negligible61–63. However, when exploring the relationship between ADHD and the age of first birth, the maximum sample overlap rate was 25.42% (137,993 / 542,901) due to participants from the deCODE cohort. Additionally, when exploring the causality between the age of first birth and RLS, the maximum overlap rate was 32.86% ([11,448+166,944] / 542,901) due to participants from both the deCODE cohort and the UK Biobank. To ensure robust results, we used the MRlap method64,65 to correct for bias from sample overlap in these analyses. All MR analyses were conducted using R version 4.3.1, with the TwoSampleMR (0.5.7), MR-PRESSO, and MRlap (0.0.3) packages. ## Results ### 1 Stage one: exploring shared genetic architecture The LDSC revealed a significant positive genetic correlation between ADHD and RLS (rg = 0.285, p = 9.19E-07). The HDL method produced similar results (rg = 0.271, P = 1.51E-05, **Table 1**). View this table: [Table1.]( Table1. Genome-wide genetic correlation between ADHD and RLS using LDSC and HDL ### 2 Stage two: exploring genetic pleiotropy #### 2.1 Pleiotropic SNPs and risk loci PLACO was applied to identify pleiotropic variants between ADHD and RLS at SNP-level (**Table S2**). The Manhattan plot for the result is shown in **Figure 2A**. The QQ plots demonstrated no premature divergence between observed and expected values, ruling out group stratification (**Figure 2B**). Based on PLACO results, we further identified five pleiotropic genetic loci using FUMA platform (**Table 2**). Colocalization analysis revealed a shared causal genetic variant, rs12336113 (PP.H4 = 0.78), between ADHD and RLS at locus 4. This variant is located in the intronic region of the PTPRD gene. Further tissue enrichment analysis identified that these pleiotropic SNPs are primarily enriched in various brain tissues **(Figure 2C)**. ![Figure 2]( [Figure 2]( Figure 2 shows the results of the genetic pleiotropy analysis in stage two. A-B: The Manhattan plot and Q-Q plot based on the results of PLACO. C: Tissue enrichment results based on pleiotropic SNPs. D-E: Functional enrichment and PPI analysis results based on pleiotropic genes. View this table: [Table 2.]( Table 2. Colocalized loci identified by PLACO and colocalization analysis between ADHD and RLS #### 2.2 Pleiotropic genes We used MAGMA gene analysis and gene-mapping methods to translate identified SNP-level signals into gene-level signals, identifying 14 significant pleiotropic genes between ADHD and RLS (**Table S3**). GO analysis of these genes revealed enrichment in functions related to the Schaffer collateral-CA1 synapse, glutamatergic synapse, and cell adhesion mediator activity (**Figure 2D**, **Table S4**). However, KEGG analysis was not significant after FDR correction. To further elucidate the relationships among these genes, we conducted PPI analysis, which revealed that six genes closely related to neuropsychiatric disorders (MEIS1, TOX3, BTBD9, SKOR1, PTPRD, MAP2K5) form an interaction network (**Figure 2E**). ### 3 Stage three: exploring gene-driven causality #### 3.1 Univariable MR Using a threshold of P < 5 × 10−8 for selecting IVs (**Table S6**), the results indicated that ADHD increases the risk of RLS (IVW: Odds ratio (OR) = 1.203, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.058 to 1.368, P = 4.80 × 10−3, **Figure 3A**). Eight other MR methods produced consistent estimates, with six reaching statistical significance. The reverse MR analysis showed that RLS also increases the risk of ADHD (IVW: OR = 1.039, 95% CI = 1.002 to 1.077, P = 3.92 × 10−2, **Figure 3A**), with consistent results from eight other MR methods, six of which were statistically significant. Sensitivity analyses suggested no heterogeneity or horizontal pleiotropy interference, and leave-one-out analysis confirmed that results were not driven by any single IV. The causal direction from exposure to outcome was validated by the Steiger test. Detailed sensitivity analysis results are in **Table S7, 8**. Additionally, when extracting IVs with more lenient criteria (P = 1 × 10−5), the estimates continued to support the bidirectional causal relationship between ADHD and RLS (**Figure 3B**). ![Figure 3]( [Figure 3]( Figure 3 shows the results of the gene-driven causality analysis. A: Results from the UVMR analysis using a threshold of 5× 10−8 for extracting IVs. B: Results from the UVMR analysis using a threshold of 1× 10−5 for extracting IVs. C: Results from the MVMR analysis. #### 3.2 Multivariable MR After adjusting for BMI, smoking initiation, serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels, estimated glomerular filtration rate, serum ferritin levels, and CSF dopamine 3-O-sulfate levels, ADHD remained an independent risk factor for RLS (MVMR_IVW: OR = 1.143, 95% CI = 1.009 to 1.295, P = 3.57 × 10−2). Similarly, the effect of RLS on ADHD remained robust (MVMR_IVW: OR = 1.085, 95% CI = 1.012 to 1.162, P = 2.11 × 10−2). The multivariable MR-Egger intercept term was close to zero, indicating no horizontal pleiotropy. However, the heterogeneity test indicated heterogeneity across all IVs, possibly due to the inclusion of too many IVs in the MVMR analysis (**Table S9**). #### 3 Network MR To explore the indirect causal pathways between ADHD and RLS, we conducted Network MR analysis. For the specific screening process of mediators, please refer to **Tables S11,12**. We finally found that ADHD can indirectly increase the risk of RLS by advancing the age at first birth (indirect effect =0.021, 95% CI = 0.001 to 0.042, P = 3.76 × 10−2, proportion = 11.62%, **Figure 4A, C**). Considering the sample overlap between exposure and mediator (25.42% [137,993/542,901]), and between mediator and outcome (32.86% [166,944/542,901 + 11,448/542,901]), we used the MRlap method to correct for bias from sample overlap and re-estimated the causal effect. The mediating effect remained significant (indirect effect = 0.021, 95% CI = 0.001 to 0.040, P = 2.36 × 10−2, proportion = 4.13%). ![Figure 4]( [Figure 4]( Figure 4 shows the bidirectional, indirect causal pathways between ADHD and RLS. A: Indirect causal pathway between ADHD, age at first birth, and RLS. B: Indirect causal pathway between RLS, FA in the body of the corpus callosum, and ADHD. C: Forest plot illustrating the relationships between exposure, mediator, and outcome. D: Forest plot displaying the potential mediating effects of various PCs of FA, as well as AD, RD, and MD, in the body of the corpus callosum. PC Principal component, FA Fractional anisotropy, MD Mean diffusivity, AD Axial diffusivity, RD Radial diffusivity. We also found that RLS can indirectly lead to ADHD by reducing fractional anisotropy (FA) in the body of the corpus callosum (indirect effect =0.006, 95% CI = 0.000 to 0.012, P = 3.32 × 10−2, proportion = 16.67%, **Figure 4B, C**). To further analyze the specific changes in body of corpus callosum, we divided it into five principal components (PCs) and included them in the Network MR analysis. We found that RLS can indirectly lead to ADHD by reducing the first FA PC in the body of the corpus callosum (indirect effect =0.006, 95% CI = 0.000 to 0.013, P = 3.82 × 10−2). Additionally, we included the axial diffusivity (AD), radial diffusivity (RD), and mean diffusivity (MD) values of the body of the corpus callosum in the Network MR analysis and found that RLS increases the mean RD in the body of the corpus callosum (IVW: Beta = 0.027, 95% CI = 0.002 to 0.052, P = 3.35 × 10−2), which in turn promotes the occurrence of ADHD (IVW: Beta = 0.135, 95% CI = 0.020 to 0.248, P = 2.14 × 10−2, **Figure 4D**). These analyses showed no heterogeneity or horizontal pleiotropy in the MR results between exposure and mediator, and between mediator and outcome (**Table S13**). ## Discussion This study investigates the genetic mechanisms underlying the comorbidity of ADHD and RLS, divided into three stages. In stage one, a genome-wide genetic correlation analysis revealed a shared genetic structure between the two diseases. Considering this could result from genetic pleiotropy and/or causality, we conducted further analyses. In stage two, comprehensive analyses identified pleiotropic genetic variants, risk loci, shared genes, and biological pathways. In stage three, MR analysis demonstrated a bidirectional causal relationship between ADHD and RLS. ADHD can indirectly promote the onset of RLS by advancing the age at first birth. Conversely, RLS can indirectly contribute to the onset of ADHD by reducing FA in the body of the corpus callosum, with the most significant changes in PC 1. In this process, the increase in RD, rather than the decrease in AD, plays a crucial role. ### 1 Genetic pleiotropy Previous GWAS studies did not find significant associations between SNPs in RLS risk genes and ADHD, possibly due to a small sample size (sample size = 386) and the limited number of target genes (only MEIS1, BTBD9, and MAP2K5). Our research is based on the latest GWAS data and analysis methods. Through cross-trait PLACO analysis, we identified five shared genetic risk loci between ADHD and RLS. Colocalization analysis indicated that one of these loci (locus 4, PP.H4 = 0.78) contains a shared causal variant, rs12336113, located in an intron of the PTPRD gene. Subsequently, using Gene-mapping and MAGMA methods, we identified 14 potential shared genes between these two disorders. PPI analysis showed that six of these genes—PTPRD, MEIS1, MAP2K5, SKOR1, BTBD9, and TOX3—are closely connected. The PTPRD gene encodes the protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type delta, which is highly expressed in brain tissue and is associated with spatial learning, synaptic plasticity, and motor neuron axon guidance66–68. A study on the role of structural variation in ADHD (including 335 ADHD patients and their parents, and 2026 healthy controls) found four independent deletions within the PTPRD gene69, further validated by quantitative PCR. Given that PTPRD has been identified as a candidate gene for RLS70, and two out of four ADHD probands with PTPRD deletions reported RLS symptoms, this study suggests a possible link between PTPRD and the comorbidity of ADHD and RLS. Our findings further support this hypothesis. Additionally, the shared genetic variant rs12336113, located in an intron of PTPRD, may contribute to both ADHD and RLS by regulating PTPRD expression. Furthermore, we identified five genes closely related to PTPRD: MEIS1, MAP2K5, SKOR1, BTBD9, and TOX3. These genes are highly expressed in brain tissue and are associated with embryonic neuronal development, iron metabolism, dopamine synthesis, and the pathogenesis of RLS37. The interactions and regulatory relationships of these genes with PTPRD, as well as their roles in the comorbidity of ADHD and RLS, require further investigation. ### 2 Gene-driven causality A large cross-sectional study of Danish blood donors (who are generally required to be healthy, particularly with normal iron levels) with a sample size of 25,336 found a strong association between ADHD and RLS even after adjusting for BMI and smoking factors and excluding the interference of iron metabolism disorders71. This suggests that, in addition to shared pathogenesis, there may be a causal relationship between these two conditions. MR analysis uses SNPs as instrumental variables for causal inference. Since the allocation of SNPs is entirely random, unaffected by confounding factors, and occurs before the outcome, MR results are less prone to confounding bias and reverse causation compared to observational studies. #### 2.1 ADHD, age at first birth, and RLS As previously mentioned, numerous studies have shown a significantly higher prevalence of RLS in patients with ADHD, as well as a higher incidence of RLS in the parents of children with ADHD. Through MR analysis, we identified ADHD as an independent risk factor for RLS. This finding is supported by various models, passed the Steiger test for directionality, and is robust to heterogeneity, horizontal pleiotropy, and outliers tests. It remains consistent under different selection criteria for instrumental variables. Even after adjusting for BMI, smoking initiation, serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels, estimated glomerular filtration rate, serum ferritin levels, and CSF dopamine 3-O-sulfate levels in multivariable MR analysis, the association remains, further enhancing the credibility of our conclusion. Additionally, network MR analysis revealed that ADHD might indirectly promote RLS onset by advancing the age at first birth. Previous cross-sectional, cohort, and genetic studies support that ADHD is an independent risk factor for early childbearing, possibly due to increased libido and risk-taking behavior leading to unintended pregnancies72–75. Previous research also supports pregnancy history as an independent risk factor for RLS76,77. Women without a history of pregnancy have RLS incidence rates similar to men, while women with a pregnancy history have significantly higher rates of RLS78. Furthermore, the risk of future RLS increases with each subsequent pregnancy79. This may be due to long-term effects of iron deficiency, vitamin D deficiency, hormonal changes, and weight gain during pregnancy80. Thus, women who have children at a younger age may be exposed to the risks associated with pregnancy for a longer period, leading to a cumulative effect that ultimately increases the incidence of RLS. From another perspective, early childbearing is closely related to adverse maternal health outcomes. Studies have shown that early childbearing increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, and COPD in mothers81–84, which are significant risk factors for RLS31,85–87. Therefore, we believe that ADHD may increase the risk of RLS by advancing the age at first birth. However, it should be noted that this explanation only addresses the indirect causal pathway for female ADHD patients developing RLS. Whether this pathway applies to males requires further research. Additionally, the relationship between age at first birth and RLS needs more validation from observational studies. #### 2.2 RLS, demyelination of the corpus callosum body, and ADHD Over a long-term follow-up, a large cohort study focusing on Australian children (sample size = 2120)88 and another on 7072 Chinese adolescents89 both support RLS as an independent risk factor for future ADHD. Through MR analysis, we also found that RLS can promote the onset of ADHD. This conclusion was supported by various sensitivity analyses and remained robust after adjusting for multiple confounding factors in multivariable MR analysis. Patients with ADHD and RLS may both exhibit changes in white matter tracts. Previous DTI studies found reduced FA values in the corpus callosum of RLS patients90. Byeong-Yeul Lee and his team identified a reduction in the body of the corpus callosum through thickness analysis91, while Deniz Sigirli and his team found significant changes in the posterior midbody of the corpus callosum through shape analysis92. A large meta-analysis encompassing 32 datasets (26 involving children and 6 involving adults) showed that one of the most significant and consistent white matter changes in ADHD patients is the reduced FA value in the body of the corpus callosum93. These studies suggest that changes in the corpus callosum body fibers are a common pathological feature of both diseases. Network MR analysis further revealed that RLS can indirectly contribute to the onset of ADHD by reducing FA in the body of the corpus callosum, with the most significant changes in PC 1. In this process, the increase in RD, rather than the decrease in AD, plays a crucial role. FA, AD, and RD are common parameters in DTI. FA reflects the degree of water molecule diffusion anisotropy; its reduction indicates disruption in the integrity and organization of white matter fibers. RD reflects the diffusion of water molecules perpendicular to the main fiber direction; its increase is mainly seen in demyelination and less frequently in axonal damage. AD indicates the diffusion of water molecules parallel to the main fiber direction; its reduction primarily reflects axonal damage. Therefore, reduced FA and increased RD in the body of the corpus callosum, without significant changes in AD, suggest demyelination in this region. Animal and clinical studies have shown that iron metabolism abnormalities can cause brain demyelination94–97. A study examining postmortem brain tissue samples of RLS patients (n=11) and healthy controls (n=11) using WB found less myelin and loss of myelin integrity in RLS brains, coupled with decreased ferritin and transferrin in the myelin fractions98. The body of the corpus callosum comprises highly myelinated fibers that interconnect the two cerebral hemispheres, playing a crucial role in sensory integration, motor coordination99, and emotional-cognitive regulation100. Our study suggests that demyelination in the corpus callosum body of RLS patients may indirectly lead to the development of ADHD. The specific relationship between demyelination, iron metabolism disorders, and these two diseases is an intriguing area for future research. ### 3 Limitations Our study has the following limitations: (1) The GWAS data used in our analysis are derived from European populations, limiting the generalizability of our conclusions. (2) Observational studies indicate that the association between different ADHD subtypes and RLS varies in strength, which needs further clarification through stratified GWAS analyses in the future. (3) Some MR analyses may be affected by mild sample overlap. We have rigorously assessed the overlap rate and corrected the results using relevant algorithms (MRlap) when necessary. (4) Dopaminergic system dysfunction may be a common pathological change between ADHD and RLS. However, in the GWAS database, we currently lack a better marker than CSF dopamine 3-O-sulfate levels to describe this change. Thus, when using MR analysis to explore the causal relationship between ADHD and RLS, we cannot entirely rule out the possibility of pleiotropic IVs. Nevertheless, considering we employed multiple models robust to horizontal pleiotropy and the results remained stable, this issue is not overly concerning. (5) From a triangulation of evidence perspective, we urge future observational studies to further verify the following MR analysis results: A. Explore whether ADHD can be an independent risk factor for RLS in **cohort studies**; B. Determine whether early childbearing is an independent risk factor for RLS. (6) We also call for future research to further elucidate the potential roles of the PTPRD gene, iron metabolism disorders, and demyelination of the corpus callosum body in the comorbidity of ADHD and RLS. ## Conclusions ADHD and RLS share a common genetic structure, with PTPRD being the most strongly supported pleiotropic gene. The potential roles of other genes require further investigation. There is a gene-driven bidirectional causal relationship between ADHD and RLS. ADHD may indirectly promote the onset of RLS by advancing the age of first birth, while RLS may indirectly contribute to the development of ADHD by causing demyelination in the body of the corpus callosum. ## Supporting information Tables S1-13 [[supplements/309235_file07.xlsx]](pending:yes) ## Data Availability All data produced in the present study are available upon reasonable request to the authors. * Received June 20, 2024. * Revision received June 20, 2024. * Accepted June 21, 2024. * © 2024, Posted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory The copyright holder for this pre-print is the author. All rights reserved. The material may not be redistributed, re-used or adapted without the author's permission. ## References 1. 1.Astle DE, Holmes J, Kievit R, Gathercole SE. Annual Research Review: The transdiagnostic revolution in neurodevelopmental disorders. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines. 2022; 63 (4): 397–417. 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