Purpose Genetic mutations in the katG and inhA promoter regions are the main drivers of isoniazid resistance. However, the geographical distribution of isoniazid resistance-associated mutations differs. This study investigated the prevalence of katG and inhA mutations in isoniazid-resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) clinical isolates in Cameroon.
Methods A retrospective analysis was conducted on 500 isoniazid-resistant MTB clinical isolates collected from the National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory in Cameroon (2014 to 2020). Mutations at the katG and inhA genes were screened using the GenoType® MTBDRplus assay.
Results A total of 432 culture-positive MTB isolates were obtained. The male-to-female ratio of the patients was 52.8% to 43.1%, with an average age of 36.3±13.4 years. Isoniazid resistance was detected in 86.3% of isolates, 26% being isoniazid-monoresistant and 74% multidrug resistant. The katG S315T1 mutation was the most prevalent (69.4%). Mutations in the inhA promoter region were found in 22% of isoniazid-resistant isolates, with C-15T being the most common (16.9%). Co-mutation in both katG and inhA genes was observed in 8.6% of isoniazid-resistant isolates. Additionally, 13.7% of isolates did not exhibit mutations in the katG and inhA promoter regions.
Conclusion The study confirmed the prevalence of the katG S315T substitution as a reliable indicator of isoniazid resistance, with the inhA C-15T mutation providing additional support. However, a notable proportion of isoniazid-resistant isolates exhibited no evidence of the katG S315T and inhA promoter mutations, emphasizing the importance of understanding resistance mechanisms for effective treatment strategies and public health interventions against drug-resistant tuberculosis in the region.
Tuberculosis (TB), predominantly caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), remains a significant global public health concern [1]. According to the World Health Organization’s Global Tuberculosis Report of 2023, there were over 7.5 million TB cases and 1.3 million deaths in 2022, surpassing deaths attributed to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and ranking as the second leading infectious cause of death after coronavirus disease (COVID-19). In Cameroon, 25,286 TB cases were reported in 2022 with a 25% case fatality ratio [2]. The growth of drug-resistant TB, particularly multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB), defined as resistance to at least isoniazid (INH) and rifampicin (RIF), the two most powerful first-line antituberculosis drugs poses a threat to TB control efforts in many countries, including Cameroon [3]. Globally in 2022, an estimated 410,000 individuals developed MDR-TB/RR-TB (multidrug-resistant/rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis), with 172 MDR-TB/RR-TB cases reported in Cameroon [2]. However, the increasing prevalence of MTB strains resistant to INH but susceptible to RIF, termed INH-monoresistant TB affects 8% of global TB cases and, as such, jeopardizes the effectiveness of TB treatment among patients following the standard 6-month first-line regimen [4]. This is supported by the recent findings of Dean and colleagues who reported a high prevalence of INH resistance (7.4%) in new cases comparable to MDR/RR-TB (3.4%) [5].
Isoniazid functions as a pro-drug that is activated by the mycobacterial katG gene, encoding catalase-peroxidase. Activated INH targets the enzyme enoyl acyl carrier protein reductase encoded by the inhA gene, essential for mycolic acid biosynthesis [6–8]. The acquisition of resistance to INH is particularly concerning as it is a key drug in the treatment of both active and latent TB and is highly recommended for HIV-infected individuals at risk of developing active TB [9]. In addition, it is a crucial step in the development of MDR-TB [10]. Resistance to INH involves a complex set of genes [11] with mutations at codon 315 of the katG gene and the regulatory region of the mabA-inhA operon being the main contributors, accounting for 40% – 95% and 20% - 42% of phenotypic resistance in clinical TB isolates respectively [12]. Mutation at these two gene loci results in a decrease or complete loss of catalase-peroxidase activity and structural change of the INH target [13]. Beyond chromosomal mutations at drug target genes and regulatory regions as the predominant cause of drug resistance in MTB [14], recent research has shed light on a phenomenon called heteroresistance (HR), which plays a major step in the development of drug resistance in bacterial isolates [15]. It is not uncommon in MTB as strains resistant to INH, RIF, ethambutol, and streptomycin have been observed to exhibit it [16]. Heteroresistance can emerge when both susceptible and resistant strains coexist within a bacterial isolate in a subpopulation, or when a single isolate transitions from susceptibility to resistance due to genetic mutations under antibiotic pressure [15, 18].
Understanding the mechanisms underlying drug resistance is vital for prompt diagnosis and effective treatment. In Cameroon, the predominant approach for detecting drug resistance in MTB isolates involves a combination of rapid molecular methods and phenotypic drug susceptibility testing (DST). A study by Abanda et al. [3] highlighted the effectiveness of the Genotype MTBDRplus assay, a rapid molecular diagnostic test, in accurately diagnosing resistance to RIF, INH, and MDR-TB in the country. This assay specifically targets “canonical” mutations at the katG gene (S315T) and in the inhA promoter region ((C-15T A-16G, T-8C, and T-8A) associated with INH resistance [3]. Research has shown that the distribution of mutations associated with INH resistance varies based on population, geographical location, and genotype differences [18]. Thus far, there have been limited reports on the prevalence of mutations in the katG and inhA genes associated with resistance to INH for MTB isolates in Cameroon. Hence, we conducted this retrospective study to identify the pattern and frequency of mutations in codon 315 of the katG gene and the inhA promoter region associated with INH-resistant (INH-R) strains of MTB clinical isolates.
Study design and specimen collection
A retrospective study was conducted in the Tuberculosis National Reference Laboratory (TB-NRL) situated within the Mycobacteriology Unit of the Centre Pasteur du Cameroun (CPC) between 2014 and 2020. The TB-NRL receives samples from presumptive TB patients from approximately 93 Diagnosis and Treatment Centers across the Centre, East, and South regions in Cameroon for analysis [19]. It utilizes WHO-recommended rapid diagnostic tools such as the BACTEC MGIT 960 and the reverse hybridization-based Line Probe Assay (LPA) for culture and DST. A total of 500 MTB clinical isolates that were obtained from positive samples of TB patients of various age groups (mean age = 36.8 ± 13.4) and included 270 males and 212 females (gender for 18 patients was unknown) were included in this study. Data of the isolates were extracted from the registers in TB-NRL. All isolates were previously characterized to be phenotypically resistant to INH with or without concomitant resistance to other first-line antituberculosis drugs including, 97 INH-monoresistant, 345 MDR, and 58 polyresistant (resistant to INH and streptomycin) isolates. The sources of specimens included pulmonary (445 isolates), and extrapulmonary (46 isolates) and the sample type for 9 isolates was unknown.
Microbiology testing
Bacteria culture
The bacterial culture was conducted using an automated BACTEC Mycobacterial Growth Indicator Tube (MGIT) 960 system (Becton Dickinson International BV, Erembodegem-Belgium) as recommended by the manufacturer. A volume of 500 μL of mother culture was inoculated in the MGIT supplemented with 800 μL of reconstituted Growth supplement/PANTA (Becton, Dickinson and Company in Sparks, MD, USA). The inoculated MGIT was then placed in the BACTEC MGIT 960 instrument until flagged positive or for a maximum of 42 days. All positive MGIT vials were removed, confirmed for acid-fast bacilli by Ziehl–Neelsen staining and subjected to identification of MTB complex using a rapid immuno-chromatographic test (TB Ag MPT64 test, SD Bioline, Suwon, Korea). Cultures containing the MTB complex were also checked for contamination with other bacteria or fungi by growing them on a blood agar medium at 37°C for 24 hours.
Genotypic Drug Susceptibility Testing using the line probe assay
GenoType MTBDRplus version 2.0 (Hain Lifescience, Nehren, Germany) was used to detect mutations in the katG 315 codon and inhA promoter region in MTB clinical isolates. The process involved three stages: DNA extraction, multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification using biotinylated primers, and reverse hybridization, all carried out following the manufacturer’s instructions. Positive internal quality control and negative control were used during the tests. DNA was isolated from pure positive liquid cultures using the Genolyse® Kit (Hain Lifescience, Germany) adhering to the manufacturer’s instructions. Briefly, 500 μL of culture was transferred into a sterile pre-labelled 1.5 mL screwcap micro-centrifuge tube and centrifuged at 14,500 × g in a standard tabletop centrifuge (Mikro 200, Hettich) for 15 minutes. The supernatant was discarded, and the pellet was suspended in 100 μL of lysis buffer (A-LYS) using a vortex mixer. The tube was incubated at 95°C in a hot air oven for 5 minutes and 100 μL of neutralization buffer (A-NB) was added, vortexed, and centrifuged at 10,000 x g for 5 min. Five microlitre of the DNA supernatant was transferred into a pre-labelled PCR tube containing 10 μL amplification mix A (AM-A) and 35 μL of amplification mix B (AM-B). The PCR was performed in a thermocycler (PeQSTAR, peQlab) under the following conditions: 15 min of denaturing at 95°C, 10 cycles of 30 s at 95°C and 120 s at 58°C, 20 additional cycles of 25 s at 95°C, 40 s at 53°C, and 40 s at 70°C, and final extension at 70°C for 8 min. The amplified DNA was stored at +4 °C until further use. The reverse hybridization step was conducted on a twincubator. Briefly, 20 μL of Denaturation (DEN) solution was transferred into each well of the blot tray and 20 μL of amplified DNA was added to each well, mixed and incubated at room temperature for 5 min. Thereafter, 1 mL of prewarmed hybridization (HYB) solution was added to each well and homogenized by shaking gently. Pre-labelled DNA strips were placed into each well. The tray was placed on the twincubator and incubated at 45°C for 30 min, followed by two washing steps at 25 °C for 1 min each using 1 mL of rinse (RIN) solution. For colourimetric detection of hybridized amplicons, 1 mL of diluted conjugate (Con-D, 1:100 ratios) was added into each well and incubated at 25 °C for 30 min. This was followed by 3 washing steps using 1 mL of RIN solution each at 25°C for 1 min. A diluted substrate (SUB-D, 1:100 ratios) of 1 mL was added to each well and incubated at 25°C for 5 min. The reaction was stopped as soon as the bands were visible by rinsing twice with distilled water. The DNA strips were removed from the tray using tweezers, dried between two layers of absorbent paper, and fixed on an evaluation sheet. Wild-type (WT) and mutation (MUT) bands were identified using the package inserts. Drug resistance was expressed as the absence of wild-type (WT) bands, the presence of mutation bands (MUT) or both.
Phenotypic Drug Susceptibility Testing
Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates without mutations in both katG 315 codon and inhA promoter region were retested on MGIT for confirmation following the manufacturer’s procedure. Briefly, lyophilized preparations of the INH drug were reconstituted in sterile distilled water to the drug stock solution of concentration 8.0 μg/mL. The MGIT PANTA was reconstituted with 15.0 ml of MGIT growth supplement (OADC) and mixed well to dissolve completely. Two tubes per isolate were labelled - one as a growth control (GC) and the other containing INH for drug testing. In each tube, 0.8 mL of reconstituted OADC enrichment was added. The GC tube remained drug-free, while the corresponding INH tube received 0.1 mL of the drug suspension using sterile pipette tips. Additionally, 0.5 mL of a bacterial organism suspension (equivalent to a McFarland standard of 0.5) was inoculated into each tube. The tubes were then placed in the BD BACTEC™ MGIT™ 960 instrument until they flagged positive. The system’s software algorithm analyzed the fluorescence of the drug-containing tubes relative to the GC tube to determine antibiotic susceptibility results. The growth ratio between the drug-containing tubes and the growth tube was assessed by the software algorithm within 4-13 days once the GC tube reached 400 growth units. Results were reported as susceptible (S) if the growth unit in the drug tube reached 100.
Data analysis
The data was initially inputted into Microsoft Excel 365 (Version 2402 Build 16.0.17328.20124) for analysis. Frequencies were employed to describe clinical and sociodemographic characteristics, along with drug resistance-conferring mutations.
Demographic and clinical data of culture-positive MTB isolates
Of the study isolates (500), 432 (86.4%) were culture-positive and acid-fast bacilli (AFB) smear-positive while 68 (13.6%) were eliminated due to no growth and contamination (Fig. 1). Of the 432 AFB, 384 (88.9%) were from pulmonary TB patients, 39 (9.0%) from extrapulmonary TB patients while the sample type for 9 patients was unknown. Most patients were males 228 (52.8%) while 186 (43.1%) were females. The mean age of the patients was 36.3 ± 13.4 years and most of the patients (318, 73.6%) were of the economically active population (15 - 45 years). The sex and age of 18 patients were unknown (Table 1). All positive cultures were subjected to GenoType MTBDRplus assay giving a total of 373 (86.3%) isolates being resistant to INH (97 INH-monoresistant and 276 MDR) while 59 (13.7%) were susceptible to INH. Of the 59 susceptible isolates, 41 (69.5%) showed growth at 0.1 μg/mL of INH following phenotypic DST (Fig. 1).
Out of the 373 INH-R isolates, mutations in the inhA promoter region were identified in 82 (22%) isolates of which 36/97 (37.1%) were seen in INH-monoresistant strains (Table 2) and 46/276 (16.7%) in MDR-TB strains (Table 3). The inhA C-15T mutation detected by the absence of the WT1 band and the presence of the MUT1 band was the most common, observed in 31/97 (32%) and 32/276 (11.6%) of INH-monoresistant and MDR-TB strains respectively. This was followed by the T-8A mutation, detected by the absence of the WT2 band and the presence of the MUT3B band identified in 2/97 (2.1%) and 3/276 (1.1%) of INH-monoresistant and MDR-TB strains respectively. A mixed pattern of mutations detected by the simultaneous hybridization of all WT probes and one or more mutant probes was observed in 14/373 (11%) isolates, the most common being the inhA C-15T mutation observed in 3/97 (3.1%) INH-monoresistant strains and 6/276 (2.2%) MDR-TB strains, followed by inhA T-8A (3/276, 2.2%), inhA T-8C (1/276, 0.4%) and co-mutation of inhA C-15T/T-8C (1/276, 0.4%) all present in MDR-TB strains.
Frequency and patterns of katG and inhA mutations associated with isoniazid resistance
The most predominant genetic mutation conferring INH resistance was in codon S315T1 of the katG gene (259/373, 69.4%) of which 60/97 (61.9%) were found in INH-monoresistant isolates and 199/276 (72.1%) in MDR isolates. Missing WT band along with the presence of a known mutant band was observed in 54/97 (55.7%) and 171/276 (62%) of INH-monoresistant (Table 2) and MDR-TB (Table 3) strains respectively. In 5/276 (1.8%) MDR-TB strains, the mutation pattern was unknown following the absence of both WT and mutant probes. Simultaneous hybridization of the WT probe along with the mutant band was observed in 6/97 (6.2%) and 23/276 (8.3%) of INH-monoresistant and MDR-TB strains, respectively.
Simultaneous occurrence of katG and inhA genetic mutations conferring INH resistance was observed in 32/373 (8.6%) isolates. The dual mutation, katG S315T1/inhA T-8C was the most common present in 15/276 (5.4%) of MDR-TB strains, followed by the katG S315T1/C-15T mutation in 5/276 (1.8%) in MDR-TB strains (Table 3). Dual mutations with mixed patterns of all WT bands and one or more mutant bands were also observed, katG S315T1/C-15T was found in 1/97 (1.0%) of INH-monoresistant strains (Table 2) and 9/276 (3.3%) of MDR-TB strains (Table 3). In addition, katG S315T1/inhA T-8C and katG S315T1/inhA C-15T/inhA T-8C mutations were each observed in 1/276 (0.4%) of MDR-TB strains (Table 3).
Cameroon ranks among the 30 high TB/HIV burden countries with an incidence rate of 157 per 100,000 population [2]. The presence of drug-resistant TB poses a serious challenge to worldwide TB control initiatives and may hinder the goal of TB elimination by 2025 [20]. A global public health concern is the rise of INH-R TB, which results in high death rates and treatment failure [12]. The overall prevalence of resistance to INH globally, either as a standalone drug or in conjunction with other medications, has surpassed 13%, indicating that approximately one in every seven TB cases is resistant to INH [9]. The high prevalence of MDR-TB in this study can be indicative that most cases in Cameroon are MDR. The majority of the drug-resistant TB patients were from the age group between 15 and 45 years in concordance with the national data. This high frequency among young age groups may indicate the possibility of propagation of drug-resistant TB in the community because of the higher mobility of youths [21]. Isoniazid is an important first-line antituberculosis drug which serves as a cornerstone in multidrug regimens in the treatment of TB [22] and cases infected with RIF-susceptible strains [23] and MDR-TB [20]. The identification of gene mutations in drug-resistant strains may aid in the prediction of the degree of INH resistance and assist clinicians in choosing the best treatment for their patients [12]. The overall INH resistance in our study was 86.3% of drug-resistant isolates. A prevalence of 69.4% for katG mutation and 22% for inhA promoter region mutation in patients with INH resistance was demonstrated in this study.
The katG S315T1 mutation was most the commonly observed mutation in INH-R isolates, with 61.9% and 72.1% occurring in INH-monoresistant and MDR-TB strains respectively. Studies with both isolates support the increased frequency of this mutation in MDRs than in monoresistants and correlate to the hypothesis that S315T mutation precedes RIF resistance [8]. In agreement with our findings, an earlier study conducted across 3 towns in Cameroon (Yaounde, Douala, and Bamenda) found 64% katG S315T mutation [3]. Few studies conducted in Africa have produced supporting evidence. Studies conducted in the Eastern Cape and Free State provinces in South Africa revealed a 68.8% [17] and 63.9% [24] katG S315T mutation respectively. Another study from Uganda reported a high prevalence of katG S315T (76%) mutation [25] while a much higher frequency (84.3%) was documented in Ghana [14]. Several other studies worldwide have demonstrated a similar trend of the prevalence of katG S315T mutations but with considerable geographical variations. The frequency of katG S315T mutation was reported in 65.4% of INH-R isolates in Australia [18], 71% in India [26], 63% in China [11], and 53.3% in Iran [8]. Furthermore, several systematic reviews reported a variation in the frequency of katG S315T mutations (64.2%) [27], 73.6% [28], and 95.8% [29]. A more recent systematic review reported the frequency of katG S315T mutation to be 94.9% in Sub-Saharan Africa, 64% in West Africa, 29.3% in Southeast Asia, and 38% in the United States [17]. However, a much lower frequency (23.7%) was documented by Rostamian et al.[30]. The uneven occurrence of katG gene mutations may be primarily caused by variations in clinical pharmaceutical practices throughout nations and the limits of particular experimental strains [11].
This study reported low-level INH resistance linked to mutations in the inhA promoter region in 22% of isolates, with 37.1% and 16.7% observed in INH-monoresistant and MDR-TB strains, respectively. The most common mutation in this gene was inhA C-15T seen in 32% and 11.6% of INH-monoresistant and MDR strains respectively. The frequency of the inhA promoter mutation observed in our study is consistent with those found in other studies in South Africa including KwaZulu-Natal (27.5%) [31], the Free State (13.4%) [24] and Eastern Cape (31.2%) [17]. In addition, the result of this study was in concordance with those reported in India (29%) [26], Ghana (11.8%) [14], and Uganda (20%) [25]. Unlike our study findings, 71.9% of inhA promoter mutations were documented in Mongolia [10]. Several systematic reviews reported a variation in the frequency of inhA mutations, 19.2% [27], 13.56% [28] and 5.9% [29]. Other resistance-related mutations (inhA-8, inhA-17, inhA-47) (∼1%) in the inhA promoter region appear to occur separately from the inhA C-15T mutation and often play a role in identifying INH resistance [27]. The inhA T-8A mutation was observed in 2.4% of INH-R isolates in this study.
The first stage in going from susceptible to monoresistant and/or MDR is HR [15]. Treatment outcomes may be adversely affected by mixed-strain infections brought on by HR bacteria. Our findings demonstrated a prevalence of 14.7% HR in INH-R isolates, 10.3% present in INH-monoresistant and 16.3% in MDR-TB strains. A total of 52.7% were katG-associated HR, 25.5% were cases of inhA-associated HR and 58.2 were HR cases with combined katG and inhA mutations. The high prevalence of HR in this study can be attributed to the presence of mixed infections and the high prevalence of MDR-TB. These conditions can accelerate treatment failure, promote the transmission of drug-resistant MTB strains, and facilitate the acquisition of mutations [17]. The study conducted in the Eastern Cape province in South Africa reported 17.9% HR in drug-resistant isolates of which 58.8% was associated with katG and 12.2% inhA-associated [17]. In a study from India, a prevalence of HR in 14.5% of MDR isolates, (6.6% associated with katG mutation only) and 13.2% of INH-monoresistant isolates (59.3% associated with katG and 40.7% associated with inhA) [20]. A recent systematic report conducted by [15] revealed a 5% weighted pooled prevalence of HR to INH. Additionally, the frequency of HR varies according to different studies. Some investigations reported a low prevalence (<1%) [32–34] and a high prevalence (>5%) [35–37] of HR in MDR strains. Other studies reported a very high frequency of HR in MDR strains [21, 38, 39]. This difference can be attributed to the variation in the total number of samples analyzed and the high prevalence of TB in some countries.
Drug-resistant TB can spread when undetected and treated inappropriately [27]. Notably, mutations outside of the katG and inhA genetic loci are present in approximately 10%–25% of INH-R strains with unclear alterations [40]. Based on the data we evaluated, INH-resistant isolates with no katG and inhA mutations were seen in 9.5% of INH-R isolates, increasing the likelihood that they may elude molecular detection, the patients treated inadequately and, in the event of INH-monoresistant strains will develop into MDR-TB. Kigozi et al.[25] documented a higher prevalence of 20% of INH-R strains lacking mutations in both katG and inhA promoter genes. In a systematic review, 14.5% of INH-R isolates that harbour a yet-to-be-detected mechanism of resistance were reported [28]. This proportion of isolates with unknown mechanisms of resistance could be explained following a significant drawback of rapid molecular testing in identifying resistant mutations at the targeted gene loci for which the technique was designed. Therefore, bacteria that possess unusual resistance mechanisms will remain undetected [28]. Having available information on drug resistance patterns is crucial to guide the therapy of the patient [41]. Thus, it is essential for thorough molecular detection to include all variants that confer INH resistance [28]. As such, further research is needed to determine if unknown mutations or other genetic variants account for the unexplained phenotypic INH resistance in the confirmed 9.5% of isolates.
This study has some limitations. Firstly, the specimens were obtained from the National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory and, thus, may not be generalizable to the entire population thereby leading to information bias since data from other regions were not considered. Also, following the retrospective design of this study, selection bias might exist since samples were selected at random and no specific amount was designated to be selected for each year. Another limitation is that we did not perform comparative phenotypic DST to correlate the performance and agreement between genotypic and phenotypic DST (except for those detected as susceptible by GenoType MTBDRplus assay), given that the study was conducted retrospectively. Furthermore, there was no confirmatory test to validate the proportion of HR isolates identified since it can be indicative of a mixed infection or a mixed population of both susceptible and resistant isolates.
The findings of this study confirmed the prevalence of the katG S315T substitution as a reliable indicator of INH resistance, with the inhA C-15T mutation providing additional support. Screening for only the katG S315T and inhA promoter mutations would identify INH resistance in approximately 74% of the MDR-TB. However, a notable proportion of INH-R isolates exhibited no evidence of the common katG S315T and inhA promoter mutations, suggesting the presence of alternative resistance mechanisms. Identifying and comprehending the novel resistance mechanisms observed in these isolates is essential for identifying potential genes for new drug development and for the creation and widespread implementation of rapid, genetics-based assays. These advancements will enhance molecular diagnostics, reduce misdiagnosis, and prevent outbreaks of INH resistance associated with rare or uncommon resistance pathways.
Data Availability
All data produced in the present study are available upon reasonable request to the authors
This work was supported by Fondation Merieux
Competing interests
No conflict of interests
Ethical clearance
This study was ethically approved by the Centre Regional Ethics Committee for Human Health Research in Cameroon (CRERSH-Ce) under the approval number: 00952/CRERSHC/2022. The study utilized archived Mycobacterium tuberculosis clinical isolates routinely obtained from patients for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
Availability of data and materials
All data presented in this study are available on request from the first author.
Authors’ contribution
VFDD: conceived and designed the intellectual content; VNN: Conducted the laboratory analysis; VNN, NAM, and EM: analysis and interpretation of data; EAN, VFDD, and AMM: supervised the laboratory work; SE: coordinated research activities; VNN: wrote the manuscript draft; SNT, YWKS, BST, YJD, YPA, SNA: Screening of the information system for the isolates that were used in the project. All authors reviewed and edited the draft. All authors read and approved the final manuscript and agreed to be responsible for all aspects of the work.
Consent to participate
Not applicable.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
The authors thank Dr Ngu Abanda, Mr Napa Yves, and Mr Ndum Zavier for their valuable suggestions on the manuscript.
List of Abbreviations
- A-Lys
- Lysis buffer
- AM-A
- Amplification mix A
- AM-B
- Amplification mix B
- A-NB
- Neutralization buffer
- Conjugate diluent.
- Centre Pasteur du Cameroun
- Denaturation solution
- Drug susceptibility testing
- GC
- Growth control
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus
- HR
- Heteroresistance
- Hybridization solution
- Isoniazid
- Isoniazid-resistant
- Line Probe Assay
- Multidrug-resistant
- Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis
- Mycobacterial Growth Indicator Tube
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- Mutant
- Oleic Albumin Dextrose Catalase
- Polymerase chain reaction
- Rifampicin
- Rinse solution
- Rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis
- Substrate diluent
- TB
- Tuberculosis
- Tuberculosis National Reference Laboratory
- World Health Organization
- WT
- Wild type