Objective Enteric nervous system dysfunction is linked to digestive and neurological disorders. Hirschsprung’s disease (HSCR) is characterized by the loss of enteric neuron cells (ENCs) in the distal colon. Embryonic enteric neural crest cell (ENCC) migration defects contribute to HSCR development in some infants, but postnatal factors that regulate ENC fate are undetermined. We sought to establish how postnatal changes contribute to HSCR by profiling the colonic microenvironment of HSCR infants.
Design In this study, we recruited infants with HSCR, infants with anorectal malformations but normal ENC development (CT), and a group of age-matched healthy control subjects. Laboratory findings and clinical manifestations were recorded. Single-cell and spatial transcriptome sequencing were applied to colonic tissues from a sub-cohort of CT and HSCR infants. Patient specimens, a mouse model of neonatal ischemic enterocolitis, and Sox10 knockdown mouse (Sox10WT/MUT) were used to reveal the factors that lead to ENC loss in HSCR infants.
Results We discover that intestinal ischemia promotes CLDN1+ hypertrophic nerve trunk formation and ENC death. Mechanistically, ischemia leads to defective nitric oxide (NO) signaling in ENCs, which aggravates mitochondria damage and caspase-mediated apoptosis that can be ameliorated by a NO donor drug.
Conclusion We show that ischemia contributes to postnatal ENC loss in HSCR infants and suggest that NO donor drugs may alleviate ischemia-related ENC death.
Hirschsprung’s disease (HSCR) is characterized by the absence of enteric nerve cells (ENCs) in distal colons, which is caused by defective enteric neural crest cell (ENCC) migration and colonization during the embryonic stage. However, extensive ENCC-derived glial cells can be observed in aganglionic colons of HSCR patients.
HSCR patients display ischemia-like signatures in the colon, highlighted by extensive platelet-collagen aggregation in the blood vessels of both ganglionic and aganglionic colon biopsies.
In ganglionic colon biopsies of HSCR infants, ENCs present ischemic phenotypes, including zinc ion accumulation, mitochondria damage, and Caspase-mediated apoptosis. A nitric oxide donor drug ameliorates ischemia-induced ENC death by promoting mitophagy.
Hypertrophic nerve trunks (HNTs) are wrapped by CLDN1+ fibroblasts (CLDN1+FLCs). This structure is formed by ischemic stress, a neuron-derived growth factor (FGF1), and an inflammatory signal (TNF-α).
Our results reveal that ischemia-induced postnatal ENC loss is a novel pathogenic mechanism of HSCR and suggest that NO donor drugs may be useful in treating ischemia-related ENC death.
The enteric nervous system (ENS) is the largest component of the autonomic nervous system and orchestrates gastrointestinal homeostasis and motility. ENS dysfunction is linked to a vast range of digestive diseases and neurological disorders including inflammatory bowel disease and autism1 2. During embryonic stage, the enteric neural crest cells (ENCCs) migrate from the foregut toward the distal hindgut, colonize, and differentiate into enteric nerve cells (ENCs) and glial cells3. Defective ENCC migration is linked to Hirschsprung’s disease (HSCR), an intestinal motility disorder leading to severe intestinal obstruction in infancy. The disease is characterized by the absence of ENCs in the distal colon4. Previous studies have shown that genetic predispositions (such as variants of RET, SOX10, and EDNRB) and nutritional factors (such as retinoic acid deficiency) contribute to HSCR by impairing ENCC migration4–10. However, HSCR does not follow simple mendelian inheritance5 10, and extensive ENCC-derived enteric glial cells have been observed in aganglionic colons in HSCR11 12. Altogether, the specific mechanism of HSCR remains elusive.
Remodeling of ENCs can occur postnatally. ENC loss and injury have been observed in patients with necrotizing enterocolitis13 and inflammatory bowel disease14 15. Postnatal herpes simplex virus 1 infection promotes neutrophil-mediated destruction of the ENCs and HSCR-like megacolon in mice16. Given that the intestinal microenvironment changes dramatically after birth4, it is essential to determine whether abnormal intestinal factors contribute to disease aggregation postnatally. Currently, the cellular heterogeneity of human ENCs have been studied by spatial and single-cell transcriptomic sequencing17–20, but definitive characterization of ENCs in HSCR is lacking. Here, we present the cellular landscape of the intestinal ganglia and hypertrophic nerve trunks (HNTs) in patients with HSCR at single cell resolution and spatially. We show that intestinal ischemia is an important pathogenic mechanism (and potential therapeutic target) for infants with HSCR.
The study procedures were approved by the Medical Ethics Committee of Guangzhou Women and Children’s Medical center (ID: 2020-42601), and complied with the international ethical guidelines for research involving human subjects as stated in the Helsinki declaration. The legal guardians of all patients assigned written informed consents. 36 age-matched healthy donors (H-CT), 28 anorectal malformations patients (CT), and sporadic HSCR patients (n=172) were recruited. Colonic tissues from 14 HSCR patients and 8 CT patients were used for constructing single-cell RNA transcriptome and spatial transcriptome. Whole exome sequencing was performed for 14 HSCR patients whose colonic biopsies were used for scRNA-seq. Bulk RNA-seq was applied to colonic tissues collected from a separated sub-cohort of subjects containing 60 HSCR patients and 13 CT patients. Participant details including developmental stage and sex were available at online supplemental table 1. The random ID (Masked_ID) cannot reveal the identity of the study subjects and was not known to anyone outside the research group.
Single-cell RNA sequencing
Fresh tissues were processed with Chromium Next GEM Single Cell 5’ Kit v2 (10x Genomics, Cat# 1000263) following manufacturer’s instructions. The libraries were sequenced with Illumina Novaseq 6000. Cell Ranger (v.6.1.1) was used to process the sequencing results. The outputs of Cell Ranger were processed by scanpy package21 22 (v.1.7.1). The cell differentiation trajectory was predicted by Monocle 323 24 (v.1.0.0). The cell-cell interactions were predicted by CellChat25 (v.1.1.0).
Spatial transcriptome sequencing
Frozen tissues were processed with Visium Spatial Tissue Optimization Slide & Reagents Kit (10x Genomics, Cat# 1000193) and Visium Spatial Gene Expression Slide & Reagents Kit (10x Genomics, Cat# 1000187) following the manufacturer’s instructions. The cDNA libraries were sequenced with Illumina Novaseq 6000. Spaceranger (v.1.3.1) was used to process the sequencing results. The outputs were processed with the Seurat package26 (v.4.0.1).
Bulk RNA sequencing
RNA was extracted from frozen tissues using FreeZol Reagent kit (Vazyme, Cat# R711-01). NEBNext Ultra II RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina (New England Biolabs Inc, Cat# E7775) was used to construct cDNA libraries which were sequenced with Illumina Novaseq 6000.The raw reads were filtered by fastp27 (v.0.23.2) and aligned to human genomics using STAR28 (v.2.7.4a). CIBERSORTx29 were used to estimate the abundance of spatial transcriptome clusters in bulk RNA-seq data. The gene set score was calculated by Seurat package.
Pathway enrichment
Metascape30 (https://metascape.org/) with default parameters were used for pathway enrichment. DEGs with adjusted p value lower than 0.05 and absolute value of log2(fold change) larger than 0.4 were used for pathway enrichment. Up-regulated and down-regulated DEGs were analyzed separately.
Whole exome sequencing
DNA was extracted from blood using QIAamp DNA Mini Kit (Qiagen, Cat# 51304). Libraries were built using NEBNext® Ultra™ II DNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina® (NEB, Cat# E7645L) and SureSelectXT Human All Exon V6 (Agilent Technologies, Cat# 54898). NovaSeq 6000 was used for sequencing. The sequencing results were filtered by fastp27 (v.0.23.2) and were processed according to “GATK Best Practices” pipeline, in which bwa 31 (v.0.7.17), samtools32 (v.1.13), picard33 (v.2.21.4), and GATK34 (v. were used. ANNOVAR35 (v.2020-06-08) and VEP36 (v.104) were used to annotate the variants.
C57BL/6 mice were purchased from Charles River (Beijing, China). Sox10WT/MUT C3H mice were purchased from the Jackson lab (Cat# 000290). All mice were maintained in specific-pathogen-free (SPF) facility at the Guangzhou Medical University. The experimental protocols of this study were approved by the Ethics Committee of Guangzhou Medical University (ID: 2021-059B00). All experiments were performed in accordance with procedures outlined in the “Guide for Care and Use of Laboratory Animals” (National Resource Council, National Academy Press, Washington D.C).
Establishment of the neonatal ischemic enterocolitis (NEI) mouse model
Neonatal ischemic enterocolitis was induced in 5-day-old mice of either gender, which were randomly divided into control and experimental groups, by gavage feeding newborn mice with enteric bacteria obtained from SPF wild type C57BL/6 mice or Sox10WT/MUT C3H mice once per day for the first and second day of the experiment. Additionally, the mice were subjected to hypoxia (5% O2-95% N2) for 2 min in a hypoxia chamber (STEMCELL) twice daily and followed by 4 °C treatment for 10 min from the third to fifth day. Mice were then sacrificed for histopathological analysis. Colon tissues were collected for further analyses.
Cell culture
For MEF isolation, mouse embryos (12.5-14 d) dissected out of head and red organs were washed with PBS, finely minced and treated with 1 ml of 0.05% trypsin EDTA (Gibco, Invitrogen) for 15 min at 37 °C. Isolated MEF cells were cultured in high-glucose (4.5 g/L) Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM, Gibco, San Diego, CA) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS, Hyclone, Logan, UT), 100 U/mL penicillin, 100 μg/mL streptomycin (Invitrogen Life Technologies), 15 mM 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethane sulfonic acid (HEPES) (pH 7.4, Invitrogen Life Technologies, San Diego, CA) complete medium.
SH-SY5Y cells (ATCC) were cultured in a 1:1 mixture of ATCC-formulated Eagle’s Minimum Essential Medium (ATCC) and F12 medium (Gibco, San Diego, CA) supplemented with 10% FBS, 100 U/mL penicillin, 100 μg/mL streptomycin (Invitrogen Life Technologies), 15 mM HEPES (pH 7.4, Invitrogen Life Technologies, San Diego, CA).
All cells were incubated in humidified atmosphere of 95% O2 and 5% CO2 at 37 °C incubator (Thermo Fisher Scientific). As for ischemia stress, cells were cultured in DMEM without glucose (Gibco, San Diego, CA) at 37 °C incubation with 5% CO2, 1% O2 and balanced N2.
Quantification and statistical analysis
Statistical analysis of DEGs identification was performed by two-sided Mann-Whitney U test and bonferroni correction using all genes in the dataset. Two-side Mann-Whitney U test was also employed for the statistical analysis of gene set score. Statistical analysis of pathway enrichment was performed by hypergeometric test and Benjamini-Hochberg P-value correction algorithm. Statistical analysis and graphs of other data were generated using GraphPad Prism v9. Pairwise comparisons were analyzed using two-tailed unpaired Student’s t-test and multiple comparisons were analyzed with one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). For all graphs and heatmaps, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, and ****P < 0.0001. 95% confidence interval for all statistical analysis.
Detailed description of analysis pipeline, antibodies, and experimental protocols were available at online supplemental methods.
Cohort characteristics, single-cell and spatial transcriptomic profiling of the colonic microenvironment for infants with HSCR
In this study, we assembled 3 cohorts: age-matched healthy controls (H-CT, n=36), control subjects with anorectal malformations but normal ENC development (CT, n=28), and sporadic HSCR patients (n=172). Clinical manifestations and major laboratory findings for the participants are presented in figure 1A (online supplemental table 1). HSCR patients were mainly males (80.8%), the majority of whom had abdominal distention (89.5%), vomiting (66.3%), and delayed meconium passage (74.4%). Immunological workup revealed significantly increased circulating platelet and lymphocyte counts in HSCR compared with H-CT and CT subjects.
We generated spatial and single-cell transcriptomes for 8 CT and 14 HSCR patients (figure 1B). We also performed whole exome sequencing for the 14 HSCR patients. For independent validation, we generated bulk RNA sequencing using colonic biopsies from a separate sub-cohort of CT (n=13) and HSCR patients (aganglionic HSCR, HA, n=54; ganglionic HSCR, HG, n=53.) (figure 1A). We analyzed the rare genetic variants from the 14 HSCR patients against the list of candidate HSCR risk genes (online supplemental table 2), and no known pathogenic variant was identified (figure 1C and online supplemental table 3). This was consistent with the sporadic nature of our HSCR cohort.
For spatial transcriptomes, we obtained 50,234 spots (ST-spots) and partitioned them into 13 clusters (ST-clusters) using a semi-supervised analysis (see Method). ST-clusters exhibited transcriptional signatures that are consistent with their spatial distributions (figure 2A, 2B, and online supplemental figure 1A-1D). For scRNA-seq, we partitioned 193,800 high-quality cells into 61 unique populations (online supplemental figure 1E and 1F) according to unsupervised clustering and known marker genes (online supplemental figure 2 and online supplemental table 4). ENCs were not captured in our scRNA-seq dataset due to technical limitations. Therefore, we included a published single-nucleus transcriptome dataset for ENCs in our analysis37.
For combined ST-seq and scRNA-seq analysis, we utilized an anchor-based workflow to link scRNA-seq-defined cell populations with ST-spots (see Method). This allowed spatial alignment of 37 scRNA-seq populations on the colonic biopsies (figure 2C). For example, BEST4+ enterocytes were located at the top of the mucosa (C1), undifferentiated epithelial cells (TA and Epi_stem) at the base of the mucosa (C2), pericytes and endothelial cells near blood vessels (C11), and immune cells at the mucosal-associated lymph follicles (C4). Other scRNA-seq-defined cell populations have diffused distribution patterns and were unable to be defined spatially.
Identification of differentially enriched ST-clusters and cell types in HSCR
By comparing HSCR with control subjects, we identified 3 unique ST-clusters (figure 2D). ST-cluster C12, which contained ENC-related signatures, were absent in the aganglionic HSCR (HA) colons. ST-cluster C13, encompassing glial cells, CLDN1+ fibroblast-like cells (FLCs) and APOD+ FLCs, was only identified in HA colons. ST-cluster C10, a muscular-associated cluster enriched with cellular stress-related pathways, was present in 5 HG and 1 HA colons but was absent in CT colons. (figure 2A-2D). At the single cell level, our data showed that many immune cells, including Th17, macrophages and plasma cells, were significantly increased in the colons of patients with HSCR compared with control subjects (online supplemental figure 1F). This potentially contributes to enterocolitis risk in patients with HSCR38.
Analysis of muscular associated spatial cluster C10 reveals prevalence of ischemic stress in HSCR
We first analysed C10, a muscular ST-cluster identified only in infants with HSCR (figure 2D). Bulk RNA-seq data deconvolution confirmed that C10 was significantly increased in HG and HA colons compared with the control subjects (figure 3A). To examine whether C10 may represent a transitional or intermediate disease state, we compared C10 with the rest of the muscular regions (C8, C9) (figure 3B, 3C, and online supplemental figure 3A). The upregulated genes in C10 included myocardial infarction-related transcription factors (such as FOSL1 and THBS1)39, genes that mediate misfolded protein responses, chemotaxis, and response to zinc ion. The downregulated genes encode collagens (COL1A1, COL1A2, COL4A1) and regulate muscular contraction (ACTG2, CALD1, MYH11). These changes resemble cellular responses to ischemic stress39. Indeed, analysis of the ischemic response gene set showed that C10 had the highest ischemia score compared with the rest of the muscular regions (figure 3D). At the cellular level, C10 contained increased numbers of vascular smooth muscle cells (vSMC) and ischemia-related pericytes (CCL2+ Pericyte) but had decreased myofibroblast (ACTA2+ FLCs) cells (figure 3D and online supplemental figure 3B-3E).
Activated platelets are known to infiltrate ischemic tissues and form microthrombi composed of platelets and collagens40. Zinc is released from the platelets and further exacerbates thrombosis41. We found platelet-collagen aggregation in the vasculature of the HG and HA colons but not in the control subjects (figure 3E and 3F). Zinc-dye staining (FluoZin) showed that zinc ion was increased significantly in the vascular walls in HSCR compared with the control colons (figure 3G and 3H). Consistently, the score of genes that corresponded to cellular responses to zinc ion were significantly up-regulated in vascular endothelial cells in HSCR compared with control colons (online supplemental figure 3F).
Identification of HNT-associated CLDN1+ FLCs in HSCR
HNTs (C13) consisting of glial cells and ENC fibers, is a feature of HSCR11. To reveal mechanisms underlying HNT formation, we compared HNTs (C13) with ganglia (C12). Genes that are expressed by glial cells (GPM6B, MPZ and GFRA3) and fibroblast-like cells (COL3A1, COL1A1) (online supplemental figure 2), and genes that regulate blood vessel development (APOD, ANGPTL7, NOTCH3), were significantly enriched in HNTs compared with ganglia (figure 4A, 4B, and online supplemental figure 4A). In contrast, genes that are expressed by ENCs (VIP, MAP2) (online supplemental figure 2), genes that regulate neuron projection development (GAP43, NPY, RET), and genes that regulate ATP metabolism (ATP1B1, ATP5F1A, ATP5F1E) were significantly down-regulated in HNTs compared with ganglia (figure 4B and online supplemental figure 4A).
At the cellular level, we confirmed that HNTs contained significantly increased numbers of glial cells, CLDN1+ FLCs, and APOD+ FLCs than ganglia while ENCs were absent in HNTs (figure 4C). Notably, CLDN1+ FLCs were detected almost exclusively in HA colons (online supplemental figure 1F). By Immunofluorescence (IF) imaging, we found that CLDN1+ FLCs wrapped the HNTs and that scattered CLDN1+ FLCs occurred around some ganglia in the transitional zones between the HG and HA colons (figure 4D). Trajectory analysis suggested that CLDN1+ FLCs were differentiated from APOD+ FLCs, and that trophocytes (GREM1+ FLCs)42 were the common progenitors for both FLCs (figure 4E and online supplemental figure 4B-4C). Following differentiation, CLDN1+ FLCs lose the capacity for extracellular matrix organization, but acquire transcriptional programs that promote blood vessel development, cell-cell adhesion, growth factor responses, cytokine responses and neuron injury responses (figure 4E and online supplemental figure 4D-4E). For example, apolipoprotein D (encoded by APOD) is an injury-associated peripheral neuron regeneration factor43 and Claudin 1 (encoded by CLDN1) is an integral membrane protein induced at the leaky blood-brain barrier of patients with chronic stroke44.
Cell-cell interaction analysis suggested that APOD+ FLCs and CLDN1+ FLCs may promote angiogenesis by expressing VEGFA, PGF, and ANGPTL1/2/4 (figure 4F and online supplemental figure 4F). IF imaging confirmed that endothelial cells around the HNTs in HA colons are increased compared with those around the ganglia in HG and CT colons (online supplemental figure 4G). APOD+ FLCs and CLDN1+ FLCs may also regulate the fate of ENCs and glial cells by secreting neuron regeneration factors, including WNT2B45 46, bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs)47, NAMPT48, NGF49, insulin-like growth factors (IGFs)50, GDF1051 and FGF752 (figure 4F). Our analysis also suggested that ENCs may play a role in the differentiation of APOD+ FLCs and CLDN1+ FLCs via the FGF1-FGFR1 signalling (figure 4F). In addition, we found that TNFR1 (encoded by TNFRSF1A), the receptor for the inflammatory cytokine TNF-α, was expressed by the APOD+ FLCs and CLDN1+ FLCs (figure 4F).
Ischemia, inflammation and ENC promote CLDN1+ FLCs development in HSCR
From the above analysis, we hypothesized that ischemic stress, inflammation and neuron-fibroblast interactions may promote the differentiation of CLDN1+ FLCs. Therefore, we established an in vitro assay using mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs). The expression of mouse homologues of CLDN1+ FLCs marker genes (Cldn1, Apod, Ecrg4, Entpd2) were significantly up-regulated when MEFs were cultured under ischemic conditions (12 hr glucose and oxygen deprivation) in the presence of TNF-α and FGFR1 ligand (FGF-basic) (figure 4G).
To validate these findings in vivo, we established a HSCR model of neonatal ischemic enterocolitis (NIE) using C57BL/6 mice (online supplemental figure 5A-5F). Similar to HSCR patients, we found that NIE mice had a C10-like muscular layer (TNF-α+ and CCL2+) (online supplemental figure 5G), HNTs (online supplemental figure 5H), and peri-ganglia CLDN1 expression (figure 4H). To further confirm the requirement of neuron-derived signals for CLDN1+ FLCs differentiation, we studied Sox10WT/MUT C3H mice, which are known to have defective ENCC migration to the distal colon53 (online supplemental figure 6A-6G). CLDN1 was detected in the peri-ganglionic regions of the Sox10WT/MUT NIE mice but not in the Sox10WT/MUT control mice (figure 4H). Consistent with the requirement of neuron-derived signals, peri-ganglia CLDN1 and HNTs were absent in the aganglionic colons in the neonatal Sox10WT/MUT mice (figure 4H and online supplemental figure 6C).
Altogether, our results suggest that ischemic stress promotes CLDN1+FLC differentiation and HNT formation independently of ENCC migration defects.
Ischemia and inflammation promote CLDN1+FLCs and HNT formation in patients with Crohn’s disease
As ischemia is found in many inflammatory diseases of the intestine, we foreshadowed that HNT-related findings for HSCR might also occur these other diseases. Patients with Crohn’s disease (CD) have chronic and relapsing intestinal inflammation and ischemia54–57. To determine whether the mechanism we showed above may also regulate ENCs in CD, we examined surgical biopsies. We found that scattered CLDN1 nearby ganglia and CLDN1-wrapped HNTs are also extensively present in CD colons (figure 4I).
Ischemia induces ENC death in HSCR
To determine whether ischemia also contributes to the loss of ENCs in HSCR, we examined the ganglia (C12). A subgroup of inflammatory muscular ganglia (iMus_ganglia) was identified in 3 of 7 HSCR patients (figure 5A-5D). Compared with the noninflammatory muscular ganglia (nMus_ganglia), the iMusc_ganglia upregulated the expression of inflammatory cytokines (TNF, CCL2), displayed increased response to zinc ions, and downregulated the activity of synaptic transmission (figure 5E). Gene set score analysis showed that neuron apoptosis pathway was significantly increased in the iMusc_ganglia compared with the nMusc_ganglia (figure 5F). Analysis of bulk RNA-seq data confirmed the increased apoptosis score in HSCR compared with control subjects (figure 5G). By fluorescent imaging, we confirmed that zinc ion and zinc ion response proteins (SLC30A1 and MT1A) were significantly increased in the ENCs in HG compared with the control colons (figure 5H-5J). Furthermore, TNF-α and cleaved CASP3 (the apoptosis executor protein) were significantly increased in ENCs of the HG colon compared with the control colon (figure 5K and 5L). Similarly, in the NIE mice, we also observed significantly increased CASP3 cleavage, mitochondrial cristae breakage, mitochondrial swelling, and nuclear deformation in the ENCs compared with the control ENCs (online supplemental figure 5I and 5J).
To confirm that ischemia regulates ENC fate, we treated a human neuron cell line (SH-SY5Y) under ischemic conditions (6 hr glucose and oxygen deprivation). For SH-SY5Y cells, ischemia treatment significantly increased the expression of TNF and CCL2, promoted cellular zinc accumulation, mitochondria depolarization, and apoptosis (figure 6A-6C). Transmission electron microscope (TEM) revealed that ischemia-induced neuron apoptosis was associated with cytoplasmic shrinkage, membrane blebbing, mitochondrial damage and apoptotic body formation in SH-SY5Y cells (figure 6D). Previously, ischemia has been shown to induce zinc ion accumulation and mitochondria damage58 59. We confirmed that zinc ion chelation (TPEN), CASP3/8 inhibition, and ddC-mediated mitochondria DNA depletion60 significantly prevented SH-SY5Y from ischemia-induced apoptosis (figure 6B and online supplemental figure 7A-7F).
Nitric oxide ameliorates ischemia-induced ENC death in NIE mice
Nitric oxide (NO) inhibits platelet activation and promotes vasodilation61. Recently, we showed that NO also promotes removal of damaged mitochondria by inducing mitophagy62. Synthesis of nitric oxide is limited under ischemic conditions due to oxygen deprivation. In SH-SY5Y cells, we confirmed that ischemia decreased NO levels (figure 6E). In patients with HSCR, we also found that NO levels were significantly decreased in the ganglia and vascular walls of HG colons compared with the control subjects (figure 6F).
To investigate whether NO may prevent cell death by promoting mitophagy, we treated SH-SY5Y cells with sodium nitroprusside (SNP), a clinically available NO donor drug. SNP significantly increased cellular NO concentrations and mitophagy (LC3 colocalization with mitochondria) (figure 6E, 6G, and online supplemental figure 7G). SNP also decreased inflammation, zinc ion accumulation, mitochondrial depolarization, and cell death in SH-SY5Y cells during ischemia (figure 6A-6C, 6H, and online supplemental figure 7G). The effects of SNP on ischemic SH-SY5Y cells were diminished under ddC treatment (online supplemental figure 7D-7F), confirming the major contribution of mitochondria. In contrast, inhibiting neuronal NO synthase activity by nitroarginine (Nω) increased the apoptotic effects of ischemia (figure 6C). It should be mentioned that directly activating cGMP, another downstream effector molecule of NO61 63, only marginally alleviated SH-SY5Y cell death under ischemic conditions (online supplemental figure 7H-7J). To evaluate the therapeutic effects of the NO donor drug in vivo, we treated the NIE mice with SNP. SNP promoted neonatal growth and prevented ENC loss in the NIE model (figure 6I and online supplemental figure 5K-5M).
In this study, we generated single-cell and spatial transcriptomes for the ganglionic and aganglionic colons of infants with HSCR. Analysis of a muscular-associated C10 cluster that present exclusively in HSCR infants reveal extensive ischemia-related stress responses in HSCR. The intestinal vasculatures were clogged by aggregated platelets and collagen. Ischemia, inflammation and neuron-derived signals promote the differentiation of CLDN1+FLCs, which lie at the periphery of the HNTs and support neuron regeneration and angiogenesis. However, under persistent oxygen deprivation, NO becomes a limiting factor for the ENCs, which succumb to mitochondria damage, neuron inflammation and Caspase-mediated apoptosis. Finally, the pathophysiological significance of ischemia-related neuropathy in HSCR was confirmed by the amelioration of neuron death in vitro and in the NIE mouse model of human HSCR in vivo by SNP, a NO donor drug.
Defective ENCC migration has been suggested as the underlying cause of HSCR5 64 65. This is consistent with the fact that most HSCR patients in our cohort presented symptoms (delayed meconium passage) immediately after birth. However, glial cells derived from ENCCs3 are broadly present in most of the HA colons11 12, which indicates success colonization of ENCCs in the patients. Interestingly, glial cell-containing HNTs are absent in HSCR patients whose entire colons are aganglionic66 67. Consistent with the above clinical observations, glial cells and HNTs are absent in the aganglionic colons in Sox10WT/MUT mice, which are known to have ENCC migration defects53. By analyzing colonic tissues of sporadic HSCR infants, we show for the first time that ischemia contributes to ENC loss in HSCR colons.
Using Sox10WT/MUT NIE model, we demonstrate that only in the presence of neuron-derived signals, ischemia promotes the formation of CLDN1-wrapped HNTs. Given that intestinal obstruction leads to intestinal ischemia68, our results support a pathophysiological cascade of HSCR development, which may involve obstruction, ischemia, selective loss of ENCs in ganglionic colons, and elongation of aganglionic colons.
Our findings highlight the importance of preventing ischemia-related ENC loss in infants with HSCR. As a vasodilator and an inhibitor of platelet activation, NO has been used to treat ischemia for decades61. Moreover, our previous work had identified a novel function of NO, which removes damaged mitochondria by inducing mitophagy62. By culturing a neuron cell line under ischemic conditions, we observed significantly increased mitochondria depolarization, mitochondria damage and caspase-dependent neuron cell death. The therapeutic effects of NO donors as candidate treatments for HSCR are supported by SNP restoring neonatal growth and preventing ENC loss in the NIE model. Altogether, our study reveals that ischemia-induced postnatal ENC loss is a novel pathogenic mechanism of HSCR, and suggest that NO donor drugs may be useful in treating ischemia-related ENC death.
Yuxia Z. and Yan Z. conceived the study and designed the experiments. Yuxia Z., Yan Z., F.B., and H.X. supervised the study. Yuxia Z., D.X., and W.L. wrote the manuscript with significant input from A.M.L., F.B., and Yan Z. D.X. performed the scRNA-seq, ST-seq, developed all code and analyzed the sequencing data. W.L. performed in vitro and in vivo experiments with assistance from L.L., Weiyong Z., M.Y., and C.L. W.L. analyzed the data generated from in vivo and in vitro experiment. C.L. collected and analyzed the clinical information with the assistance from Weiyong Z. and X.Z. Wenhuan Z., Q.W., Wei Z., and J.Z. recruited and provided patient care and clinical and histological assessments. All authors discussed and approved the manuscript.
This project was jointly supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (82125015 to Yuxia.Z., 81970450 to Yan.Z., 82100582 to W.L.), China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (202183 to W.L.), Science and Technology Planning Project of Guangdong Province (2019B020227001 to H.X.), Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation (2021A1515220146 to Yan.Z.), and Guangzhou Basic Research Plan City School (Institute) Enterprise Joint Funding Project (SL2024A03J01 to Yan.Z.)
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
Data availability statement
The sequencing data involved in this study were deposited at the Genome Sequence Archive of Beijing Institute of Genomics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (GSA-Human accession: HRA006505). Data acquisition follows the guidelines of Genome Sequence Archive (http://bigd.big.ac.cn/gsa-human). All codes and resource data were available upon reasonable request to the authors
We thank all the donors and their parents for their consent and participation in this study.
↵6 Lead contact.