Understanding monogenic Parkinson’s disease at a global scale =============================================================== * Johanna Junker * Lara M. Lange * Eva-Juliane Vollstedt * Karisha Roopnarain * Maria Leila M. Doquenia * Azlina Ahmad Annuar * Micol Avenali * Soraya Bardien * Natascha Bahr * Melina Ellis * Caterina Galandra * Thomas Gasser * Peter Heutink * Anastasia Illarionova * Yuliia Kanana * Ignacio J. Keller Sarmiento * Kishore R. Kumar * Shen-Yang Lim * Harutyun Madoev * Ignacio F. Mata * Niccolò E. Mencacci * Mike A. Nalls * Shalini Padmanabhan * Cholpon Shambetova * J Solle * Ai-Huey Tan * Joanne Trinh * Enza Maria Valente * Andrew Singleton * Cornelis Blauwendraat * Katja Lohmann * Zih-Hua Fang * Christine Klein * the Global Parkinson’s Genetics Program (GP2) ## Abstract Until recently, about three-quarters of all monogenic Parkinson’s disease (PD) studies were performed in European/White ancestry, thereby severely limiting our insights into genotype-phenotype relationships at global scale. The first systematic approach to embrace monogenic PD worldwide, the Michael J Fox Foundation Global Monogenic PD (MJFF GMPD) Project, contacted authors of publications reporting individuals carrying pathogenic variants in known PD causing genes. In contrast, the Global Parkinson’s Genetics Program’s (GP2) Monogenic Network took a different approach by targeting PD centers not yet represented in the medical literature. Here, we describe combining both efforts in a “merger project” resulting in a global monogenic PD cohort with build-up of a sustainable infrastructure to identify the multi-ancestry spectrum of monogenic PD and enable studies of factors modifying penetrance and expression of monogenic PD. This effort demonstrates the value of future research based on team science approaches to generate comprehensive and globally relevant results. ## Introduction Although monogenic forms of Parkinson’s disease (PD) have been described worldwide, about three-quarters of all PD genetics studies have been performed in individuals of European/White ancestry 1, formally referred to as Caucasian, thereby severely limiting our current insight into genotype-phenotype relationships at a global, multiancestry scale and contributing further to healthcare and research disparities 2. The first systematic approach to embrace monogenic PD worldwide, the Michael J. Fox Foundation Global Monogenic PD (MJFF GMPD) project, was built on the MDSGene Database that compiles published genotype-phenotype relationships for monogenic PD1, 3-5 and other movement disorders ([www.mdsgene.org](http://www.mdsgene.org)). Corresponding authors of PD-related articles included in MDSGene were contacted and asked to provide additional information on previously reported or new information on recently identified individuals using an electronic case report form 1, 6. Data were collected on almost 4,000 individuals from 89 centers in 41 countries, including affected and unaffected carriers of pathogenic variants in genes implicated in monogenic PD 1. However, information remained scarce on the majority of ancestries other than European/White as well as on certain rare monogenic forms of PD, such as PD caused by the pathogenic *VP*S35 variant p.D620N. The Global Parkinson’s Genetics Program (GP2; [https://gp2.org](https://gp2.org)) aims to close this gap by collecting samples and genetically testing individuals from previously established PD genetic research sites but also PD centers that did not yet perform genetic testing in their patients and/or have not yet participated in PD genetics research 7. This enables PD genetic studies especially in yet mostly unexplored and therefore underrepresented populations 8. The Monogenic Network of GP2 (GP2 MN) focuses on identifying novel monogenic causes of PD but also characterizing genotype-phenotype relations of known monogenic PD at a global scale 9. Therefore, the present study builds on the efforts of the MJFF GMPD project, incorporating it into GP2 MN, and specifically extending the current global map of monogenic PD 8 to underrepresented sites and populations. ## Methods Recruitment of collaborating centers for the MJFF GMPD project was based on a systematic online approach to collect individual-level data on individuals with pathogenic variants in known PD genes (*SNCA, LRRK2, VPS35, PRKN, PINK1, PARK7*) and pathogenic or risk variants in *GBA1*1. This included clinical and demographic data to analyze genotype–phenotype relationships 1. In contrast, recruitment for the GP2 MN was more inclusive, and initially focused on individuals with an unsolved but suspected monogenic form of PD based on an early age at onset (AAO; ≤50 years of age) and/or a positive family history 9. Potential collaborators were additionally identified through personal contacts, participation in PD consortia, and by advertising GP2 at congresses. Collaborators from both efforts were divided into three groups based on their involvement in both projects (Group 1), or only in the MJFF GMPD (Group 2) or the GP2 MN (Group 3). Participants of the MJFF GMPD project received customized emails including relevant information about GP2 and an online survey gauging their interest in participating and their availability of DNA samples. Collaborators interested in joining GP2 were given standardized instructions for the onboarding process to GP2’s MN 9. Further, all collaborators previously involved in the MJFF GMPD project (Groups 1 and 2) were asked their permission to merge both efforts and transfer existing data and samples to the GP2 MN. Only centers with GP2 compliance approval until November 2023 are included in this manuscript. Compliance approval is based on an eligible consent form enabling international sample and data sharing and approval by the local Ethics Committee 9. The assignment to underrepresented countries was based on the World Bank’s classification on income status ([https://data.worldbank.org/country/XO](https://data.worldbank.org/country/XO)), classifying countries with a low and middle income as underrepresented. Regardless of available genetic pre-screening, all samples from individuals with eligible clinical data that passed QC underwent genotyping with the NeuroBooster Array (NBA), including 1.9 million markers from the Illumina Global Diversity Array and more than 95,000 neurological disease-oriented and population-specific variants, including several hundred known variants in PD-related genes 10. Genotyping did not include the analysis of copy number variants (CNV). Detected variants underwent a pathogenicity evaluation based on the criteria of the American College of Medical Genomics (ACMG) 11 using Franklin ([https://franklin.genoox.com/clinical-db/home](https://franklin.genoox.com/clinical-db/home)), the human genomic variant search engine VarSome 12, and MDSGene criteria ([https://www.mdsgene.org/methods](https://www.mdsgene.org/methods)). Only variants interpreted as (likely) pathogenic or known PD risk variants were included. Additionally, variants in *LRRK2* were evaluated based on their impact on the LRRK2 kinase activity 13, while the *GBA1*-PD Browser ([https://pdgenetics.shinyapps.io/gba1browser/](https://pdgenetics.shinyapps.io/gba1browser/)) 14 was used to evaluate identified *GBA1* variants. Efforts to perform short-read whole-genome sequencing including CNV analyses for this cohort are ongoing. Percentages in the results section are given as valid percentages. ## Data Sharing Anonymized data will be shared by request from any qualified investigator. ## Results To date, 100 centers from 46 countries (Figure 1) are included in the GP2 MN. Of the 89 MJFF GMPD centers 1 contacted as part of the ‘merger’, 38 (42.7 %) joined the GP2 MN. Reasons for non-participation were diverse, e.g., including no response to the invitation to participate, delay or failure of the onboarding process due to bureaucratic hurdles (e.g., the consent form did not meet the legal requirements of GP2), or inability to provide DNA samples in addition to and clinical data. ![Figure 1:](http://medrxiv.org/https://www.medrxiv.org/content/medrxiv/early/2024/03/15/2024.03.12.24304154/F1.medium.gif) [Figure 1:](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2024/03/15/2024.03.12.24304154/F1) Figure 1: World map of centers participating in the GP2 MN and the MJFF GMPD project Colored are the countries from which one or more centers participated in the MJFF GMPD project and GP2 MN (blue) or only in GP2 MN (green). Colored in purple are new centers in underrepresented countries that were recruited based on the new approach of GP2 MN. Blue: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, UK, USA Green: Chile, Czechia, New Zealand, Switzerland Purple: Bangladesh, Colombia, Indonesia, Iran, Mongolia, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Tunisia Nineteen (19%) centers from 15 countries included in the GP2 MN were from underrepresented countries (Figure 1), eleven countries of which were not previously part of the MJFF GMPD project. Thirty-four centers and the PDGene consortium ([https://www.parkinson.org/advancing-research/our-research/pdgeneration](https://www.parkinson.org/advancing-research/our-research/pdgeneration)) already submitted samples and clinical data to the GP2 MN for further analysis. For 66 centers, the onboarding process is still ongoing. To date, 5,374 DNA or blood samples were sent to the coordinating GP2 site in Luebeck, Germany, including 468 samples with pending clinical data. The vast majority (n=4,631) of these 4,906 ready-to-analyze samples are from affected individuals with PD/parkinsonism, and only a subset (n=275) is from unaffected relatives (Table 1) or unaffected mutation carriers. The median age at onset (AAO) was 49 (IQR: 41-61) years, and 55.7% had an early AAO (≤ 50 years; 17.5% missing data). View this table: [Table 1:](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2024/03/15/2024.03.12.24304154/T1) Table 1: Clinical Data of the 4,631 individuals with parkinsonism included in the Monogenic Network of the Global Parkinson’s Genetics Program (GP2). Genotyping of the GP2 MN cohort with the NBA identified (likely) pathogenic single nucleotide variants (SNVs) in known PD genes in 47 (1.8%) and (likely) pathogenic SNVs or PD risk variants in *GBA1* in 137 (5.2%) out of 2,648 individuals tested thus far; the genetic details are listed in Table 2. Heterozygous variants in dominant genes were identified in *LRRK2* (n=12) and *SNCA* (n=14), and one carrier of a pathogenic variant in *VPS35* was found. Sixteen carriers of homozygous variants in *PINK1* and 4 homozygous variant carriers in *PRKN* were identified but no carriers of biallelic variants in *PARK7* (*DJ1*). Further, genotyping resulted in the identification of variants of uncertain significance (VUS) in known PD genes in 33 individuals, and 219 carriers of *LRRK2* risk variants previously associated with PD in Asian populations (Table 2). View this table: [Table 2.](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2024/03/15/2024.03.12.24304154/T2) Table 2. Genetic results from genotyping with the NeuroBooster Array (NBA). ## Discussion To date, 100 centers from 46 countries are included in the GP2 MN, 38% of which were previously recruited through the MJFF GMPD project1. An important reason for the non-participation of MJFF GMPD centers in GP MN was that the leading PI was no longer active, demonstrating the importance of dedicated researchers to drive projects such as the GP2 MN. Both projects followed different approaches when recruiting collaborators. The more inclusive but less ‘systematic’ approach of GP2’s MN resulted in the inclusion of many underrepresented countries, some of which currently have few, if any, PD genetic testing efforts and publications in the literature and, therefore, were not detectable through the systematic literature-based approach of the MJFF GMPD project. Sixty-two centers not previously participating in the MJFF GMPD project were recruited for the GP2 MN, including 16 centers from underrepresented countries. However, the research infrastructure in these countries often posed a challenge to the onboarding process and required intensified efforts and support. Our goal is to overcome these bureaucratic and logistical hurdles to enable global representation of monogenic causes of PD. One way of doing this will be using and supporting established PD consortia in these areas, e.g., LARGE-PD ([https://large-pd.org/](https://large-pd.org/)). So far, ∼5,400 samples have been included in the GP2 MN, and ∼3,900 individuals in the MJFF GMPD project. In the MJFF GMPD project, 3,185 affected and 703 unaffected mutation carriers were included1. Genetic testing of the GP2 MN cohort with the NBA has thus far identified (likely) pathogenic variants in 121 (including *GBA1* variant carriers), PD risk variants in *LRRK2* and *GBA1* in 252 and VUS in 33 out of 2,648 tested individuals. The low frequency of (likely) pathogenic variants is likely due to the initial selection criteria of the GP2 MN, which prioritized individuals with a negative genetic pre-screening, since a major aim of the MN is to discover new PD-related genes 9. While GP2’s MN initially focused on unsolved cases, the MJFF GMPD collected data and samples from individuals with known monogenic causes. Integrating the MJFF GMPD project into GP2 has widened the scope of GP2’s MN. Merging both projects will not only allow creating a sufficient infrastructure to identify the clinical spectrum across underrepresented ancestries of monogenic PD but also enable investigating factors modifying monogenic PD by identifying a large number of mutation carriers. Identifying patients with monogenic PD provides the basis for recruiting individuals with genetic PD/parkinsonism for future gene-specific clinical trials which is a dedicated aim of one of the GP2’s special interest groups. Our efforts of combining two large genetic PD research efforts underlines that the future of research should be based on team science approaches to combine data into even larger, standardized data sets to generate meaningful and globally relevant results 6. A collaborative mindset is indispensable to share expertise internationally and to facilitate new research opportunities which will eventually enable the development of personalized therapies for individuals with PD. ## Data Availability Anonymized data are available upon reasonable request from any qualified investigator to the authors. ## Funding Sources This research was supported in part by the Intramural Research Program of the NIH, National Institute on Aging (NIA), National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services; project number ZO1 AG000534, as well as the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. GP2 is funded by the Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s (ASAP) initiative and implemented by The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research ([https://gp2.org](https://gp2.org)). ## Acknowledgment Data used in the preparation of this article were obtained from Global Parkinson’s Genetics Program (GP2). GP2 is funded by the Aligning Science Across Parkinson’s (ASAP) initiative and implemented by The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research ([https://gp2.org](https://gp2.org)). For a complete list of GP2 members see [https://gp2.org](https://gp2.org). * Received March 12, 2024. * Revision received March 12, 2024. * Accepted March 15, 2024. * © 2024, Posted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory This pre-print is available under a Creative Commons License (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International), CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, as described at [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) ## References 1. 1.Vollstedt EJ, Schaake S, Lohmann K, et al. Embracing Monogenic Parkinson’s Disease: The MJFF Global Genetic PD Cohort. Mov Disord 2023;38(2):286–303. 2. 2.Schiess N, Cataldi R, Okun MS, et al. Six Action Steps to Address Global Disparities in Parkinson Disease: A World Health Organization Priority. 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