Longitudinal evolution of the transdiagnostic prodrome to severe mental disorders: a dynamic temporal network analysis informed by natural language processing and electronic health records ============================================================================================================================================================================================ * Maite Arribas * Joseph M. Barnby * Rashmi Patel * Robert A. McCutcheon * Daisy Kornblum * Hitesh Shetty * Kamil Krakowski * Daniel Stahl * Nikolaos Koutsouleris * Philip McGuire * Paolo Fusar-Poli * Dominic Oliver ## ABSTRACT **Importance** Modelling the prodrome to severe mental disorders (SMD), including unipolar mood disorders (UMD), bipolar mood disorders (BMD) and psychotic disorders (PSY), should consider both the evolution and interactions of symptoms and substance use (prodromal features) over time. Temporal network analysis can detect causal dependence between and within prodromal features by representing prodromal features as nodes, with their connections (edges) indicating the likelihood of one feature preceding the other. In SMD, node centrality could reveal insights into important prodromal features and potential intervention targets. Community analysis can identify commonly occurring feature groups to define SMD at-risk states. **Objective** To develop a global transdiagnostic SMD network of the temporal relationships between prodromal features, and to examine within-group differences with sub-networks specific to UMD, BMD and PSY **Design** Retrospective (2-year), real-world, electronic health records (EHR) cohort study. Validated natural language processing algorithms extracted the occurrence of 61 prodromal features every three months from two years to six months prior to SMD onset. To construct temporal networks of prodromal features, we employed generalized vector autoregression panel analysis, adjusting for covariates. **Setting** South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust EHRs. **Participants** 7,049 individuals with an SMD diagnosis (UMD:2,306; BMD:817; PSY:3,926). **Main Outcomes** Edge weights (correlation coefficients, *z*) in autocorrelative, unidirectional and bidirectional relationships. Centrality was calculated as the sum of connections leaving (out-centrality, *cout*) or entering (in-centrality, *cin*) a node. The three sub-networks (UMD, BMD, PSY) were compared using permutation analysis. Community analysis was performed using Spinglass. **Results** The SMD network was characterised by unidirectional positive relationships, with aggression (*cout*=.082) and tearfulness (*cin*=.124) as the most central features. The PSY sub-network showed few significant differences compared to UMD (3.9%) and BMD (1.6%), and UMD-BMD showed even fewer (0.4%). Two positive psychotic (delusional thinking-hallucinations-paranoia, and aggression-agitation-hostility) and one depressive community (guilt-poor insight-tearfulness) were the most common. **Conclusions and Relevance** This study represents the most extensive temporal network analysis conducted on the longitudinal interplay of SMD prodromal features. These findings provide further evidence to support transdiagnostic early detection services across SMD, refine assessments to detect individuals at risk and identify central features as potential intervention targets. **Question** How does the dynamic evolution of the prodrome differ across severe mental disorder (SMD) diagnostic groups (unipolar mood disorders, bipolar mood disorders and psychotic disorders) in secondary mental healthcare? **Findings** This large temporal network analysis study (n=7,049) highlights a transdiagnostic overlap in the pattern of progression of prodromal symptoms of different SMD diagnostic groups in secondary mental healthcare. **Meaning** Transdiagnostic early detection services for SMD may be beneficial in extending the benefits of preventive psychiatry. We have identified prodromal symptoms that are central to SMD onset, which could be useful targets for preventive interventions to disrupt the progression of SMD. Keywords * psychosis * bipolar * depression * network analysis * electronic health record * artificial intelligence * natural language processing * early detection * severe mental disorder * temporal network analysis ## 1. BACKGROUND Severe mental disorders (SMD) include non-psychotic unipolar mood disorders (UMD), non-psychotic bipolar mood disorders (BMD) and psychotic disorders (PSY), and are characterised by high clinical, societal, familial and personal burden.1–3 Electronic health records (EHRs) can provide an opportunity to examine prodromal symptoms contemporaneously, reducing recall bias and enriching our insight into symptom presentation during the prodrome.4 This knowledge can help enhance specialised preventive care for people at-risk of emerging SMD. Temporal network analysis, as an implementation of dynamic systems theory5, allows statistical modelling of the relationships between nodes (prodromal features) as edges within a dynamic network (e.g. prodrome) over time.6 Weak, sparse networks are more modifiable, while strong, dense networks resist change7, needing intensive interventions to alter them8 (e.g. preventing SMD onset). Edge estimates in temporal nodes suggest directed causality between features, potentially enhancing our understanding of SMD development.9 Node centrality, representing connection strength in and out of a node,10 may highlight the significance of a prodromal feature in the progression of the disorder and its potential as an intervention target.11–14 Communities are subgroups of nodes which are more densely connected amongst each other than with nodes outside of the subgroup15 and could help identify core prodromal connection pathways across SMD.16 Firstly, we aimed to develop a global transdiagnostic SMD network to quantify the temporal relationships between prodromal features. Secondly, we aimed to examine within-group differences by computing and comparing sub-networks specific to UMD, BMD and PSY. ## 2. METHODS ### 2.1. Data Source Data were from the South London and Maudsley National Health Service Foundation Trust (SLaM). SLaM provides secondary mental healthcare across four socioeconomically diverse South London boroughs (eMethods 1). A Clinical Record Interactive Search (CRIS) tool was implemented in the EHR to facilitate research with full but anonymised clinical information.17 CRIS has already been extensively validated in previous research studies.18–20 CRIS received ethical approval as an anonymised dataset for secondary analyses from Oxfordshire REC C (Ref: 23/SC/0257). ### 2.2. Study Design Retrospective (2-year), real-world, EHR cohort study (Figure 1). The 2 years were chosen to mirror the typical duration of care in clinical services for primary indicated prevention of SMD (72.4% provide care for 24 months or less).21 The index date reflected the date of the first diagnosis within an individual’s SMD group recorded in the EHR (index diagnosis, T-0mo, Figure 1). The antecedent date was defined by a data cut-off at 6 months before the index date (T-6mo), defining the antecedent period, to avoid overlap with the actual onset of SMD. The lookback period (Figure 1) was defined as the 1.5 years before the antecedent date (T-6mo). To minimise violations of the time invariance assumption imposed by network analyses,22 we regularised the 1.5-year lookback period into six three-month follow-up intervals. ![Figure 1.](http://medrxiv.org/https://www.medrxiv.org/content/medrxiv/early/2024/04/17/2024.03.08.24303965/F1.medium.gif) [Figure 1.](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2024/04/17/2024.03.08.24303965/F1) Figure 1. Study design. The look-back period was split into six three-month follow-up intervals (FU 1-6) relative to the index date (T-0mo) of SMD diagnosis. This pipeline (steps 1-4) was followed for both the primary analysis (SMD model) and secondary analysis (sub-networks). ### 2.3. Study Population All individuals accessing SLaM services between 1st January 2008 and 10th August 2021 and receiving a primary (i.e. not comorbid) ICD-10 index diagnosis of any SMD were eligible. SMD was defined as either UMD, BMD or PSY (operationalised as in eTable 1). Individuals with multiple SMD diagnoses were assigned the diagnosis of greatest severity (i.e. UMD ·022) and labelled (|*z*| > ·03). For visualisation purposes, nodes are clustered into six categories (depressive, manic, negative, positive, substance use and other) according to the type of prodromal feature. **B.** Bootstrapped (250 repetitions; black) vs actual model (n=7,140; red) edge weight estimates (|*z*| > ·022). Edges are directed such that “node1 – node2” represent the edge from node1 to edge2. All edges were positive except the one marked with an asterisk (HOST-INS). **C.** Centrality measures for all nodes ![Figure 3](http://medrxiv.org/https://www.medrxiv.org/content/medrxiv/early/2024/04/17/2024.03.08.24303965/F3.medium.gif) [Figure 3](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2024/04/17/2024.03.08.24303965/F3) Figure 3 Temporal relationships between nodes in sub-networks Temporal network graphs displaying positive (blue) and negative (red) relationships between nodes from actual model estimates for sub-networks (**A.** UMD, **B.** BMD, **C.** PSY). Edges are displayed as lines, with the thickness representing the strength of the edge weight estimate (correlation coefficient, *z*). Edges are thresholded (UMD: |*z*| > ·026, BMD: |*z*| > ·045, PSY: |*z*| > ·03) and labelled (UMD: |*z*| > ·04, UMD: |*z*| > ·06, UMD: |*z*| > ·05). For visualisation purposes, nodes are clustered into six categories (depressive, manic, negative, positive, substance use and other) according to the type of prodromal feature. D. Centrality measures for all nodes in sub-networks (green: UMD, blue: BMD, red: PSY) The strongest autocorrelation was observed for tearfulness (correlation coefficient, *z*=.10), with all the other autocorrelations between 0.05-0.10 (Figure 3A). The most prominent unidirectional relationships were positive: irritability-aggression (*z*12=.03), irritability-agitation (*z*12=.03), hallucinations-disturbed sleep (*z*12=.03) and mood instability-tearfulness (*z*12=.03). All other unidirectional relationships were | *z*12| <.03. With respect to bidirectional relationships, positively recurring pairs were observed between aggression-hostility (*z*12=.04, *z*21=.03), delusional thinking-hallucinations (*z*12=.04, *z*21=.03), aggression-agitation (*z*12=.03, *z*21=.03) and delusional thinking-hostility (*z*12=.02, *z*21=.03). Considering centrality (Figure 3C), aggression (*cout*=.098), hostility (*cout*=.082), and hallucinations (*cout*=.081) had the strongest out-centrality, whereas tearfulness (*cin*=.124), aggression (*cin*=.09) and delusional thinking (*cin*=.085) had the strongest in-centrality (eTable 10). Results and visualisations for the contemporaneous and between-subject relationships of nodes are presented in eResults 3 and eFigure 3. See eTable 12 for actual model and bootstrapped estimates. ### 3.3 Secondary Analysis (sub-networks) Out of the 61 NLP-derived prodromal features, after applying the relevant exclusions within each sub-sample, 21 features were included for the UMD network, 19 for BMD and 24 for PSY (eMethods 8). A saturated model was fitted with the relevant features at 6 follow-up intervals in each sub-sample (UMD, BMD, PSY) (Figure 3). Similarly to the primary analysis, saturated networks showed excellent fit and better fit than sparse models for the three networks (UMD: Δ*X2*(687)=1737, p<.0001; BMD: Δ*X2*(606)=1547, p<.0001; PSY: Δ*X2*(856)=2961, p<.0001). Further model fit results, including recoverability (eResults 4), and bootstrapping estimates (eTable 11, eFigure 4) can be found in the Supplement. ![Figure 4.](http://medrxiv.org/https://www.medrxiv.org/content/medrxiv/early/2024/04/17/2024.03.08.24303965/F4.medium.gif) [Figure 4.](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2024/04/17/2024.03.08.24303965/F4) Figure 4. Heatmaps of node-node covariance across communities. The colour scale indicates the probability of 2 nodes co-occurring within the same community across 1000 iterations of Spinglass algorithm (spin restricted to 12 [SMD] and 8 [UMD, BMD, PSY]). The nodes are ordered by hierarchical clustering. The 3 most-occurring communities are displayed under each heatmap, with their % occurrence across 1000 iterations. Edges have been thresholded at |z| > 0.01 (SMD) and |z| > 0.015 (UMD, BMD, PSY) for visualisation purposes. Positive edges are displayed in black, and negative edges in red. Considering centrality, in the UMD sub-network, weight loss (*cin*=.140), aggression (*cin*=.128) and suicidality (*cin*=.106) had the strongest in-centrality, whereas tobacco use (*cout*=.105), mood instability (*cout*=.103) and poor motivation (*cout*=.092), had the strongest out-centrality (eTable 13A). In the BMD sub-network, elation (*cin*=.176), irritability (*cin*=.157) and tobacco use (*cin*=.152), had the strongest in-centrality, whereas elation (*cout*=.165), irritability (*cout*=.163) and guilt (*cout*=.143) had the strongest out-centrality (eTable 13B). In the PSY sub-network, agitation (*cin*=.115), aggression (*cin*=.078) and arousal (*cin*=.072), had the strongest in-centrality, whereas aggression (*cout*=.143), hostility (*cout*=.135) and hallucinations (*cout*=.104) had the strongest out-centrality (eTable 13C). Edge weight results for each sub-network are reported in eResults 5. Moreover, results and visualisations for the contemporaneous and between-subject relationships of nodes for all sub-networks are in eResults 6. See eTable 12 for the actual model and bootstrapped estimates. ### 3.4 Permutation Analysis The final nodes for permutation analysis are found in eMethods 9, with the actual model estimates in eTable 14. The histograms of permuted edge weights exhibited a normal (bell-shaped), zero-centred curve, indicating that edge weights that lay outside of the null distribution following permutation testing are likely to be a true positive difference between networks. Out of all possible edge weight comparisons, few of them were significantly different: UMD-PSY (3.9%), followed by BMD-PSY (1.6%) and then UMD-BMD (0.4%). UMD showed a significantly stronger edge weight from irritability to tobacco use compared to BMD (*z*UMD-BMD=.059, p*permuted*<.001). In addition, the following edge weights were significantly stronger compared to PSY: cannabis use (autocorrelation) (*z*UMD-PSY=.051, p*permuted*<.001), agitation-suicidality (*z*UMD-PSY=.048, p*permuted*<.001), tobacco use-suicidality (*z*UMD-PSY=.038, p*permuted*<.001), mood instability-aggression (*z*UMD-PSY=.035, p*permuted*<.001), suicidality-hallucinations (*z*UMD-PSY=.034, p*permuted*<.001) and cannabis-suicidality (*z*UMD- PSY=.033, p*permuted*<.001) (eFigure 5). BMD did not show any edge weights that were significantly stronger than UMD, and only one edge weight was stronger compared to PSY (from tearfulness-cannabis use) (*z*BMD-PSY =.049, p*permuted*<.001) (eFigure 5). PSY showed significantly stronger edge weights compared to UMD for the following edges: hallucinations-paranoia (*z*PSY-UMD=.048, p*permuted*<.001), paranoia (autocorrelation) (*z*PSY- UMD=.048, p*permuted*<.001), tobacco use (autocorrelation) (*z*PSY-UMD=.045, p*permuted*<.001) and paranoia-disturbed sleep (*z*PSY-UMD=.033, p*permuted*<.001). PSY also showed significantly stronger edge weights compared to BMD for the edges: hallucinations (all)-disturbed sleep (*z*PSY-BMD=.072, p*permuted*<.001), irritability-tobacco use (*z*PSY-BMD=.070, p*permuted*<.001) and disturbed sleep-paranoia (*z*PSY-BMD=.053, p*permuted*<.001) (eFigure 5). Histograms showing null distributions for significant temporal comparisons are in eFigure 6, with the results from the contemporaneous and between-subject matrices in eFigures 7-8. ### 3.5 Community analysis Heatmaps of node-node covariance across communities are displayed in Figure 4. The most commonly occurring communities for the SMD network were: delusional thinking-hallucinations-paranoia (occurs in 6% of 1000 iterations of the Spinglass algorithm), aggression-agitation-hostility (2.9%), and guilt-poor insight-tearfulness (1.9%). For UMD: cognitive impairment-disturbed sleep-hallucinations-poor concentration-poor motivation-tearfulness (22.7%), aggression-anxiety-mood instability, and cannabis use-poor insight-suicidality-tobacco use (18.6%). For BMD: anxiety-mood instability-tearfulness-tobacco use (45.6%), aggression-agitation-cognitive impairment-irritability-paranoia (24.5%) and, poor concentration-poor insight-poor motivation-suicidality (23.3%). For PSY: poor insight-poor motivation-suicidality (38.9%), aggression-agitation-poor concentration (11.6%), and anxiety-disturbed sleep-hallucinations (9.6%). ## 4. DISCUSSION This study represents the most extensive temporal network analysis to date modelling the temporal dynamics between prodromal features in SMD, with respect to both the breadth of features and the large sample. First, our findings provide evidence for the existence of dynamic relationships between prodromal features which are transdiagnostic across SMD (in the context of secondary mental health care). Understanding these dynamics can be used to identify risk states to prevent the progression to SMD onset.28 We identified two positive psychotic communities (delusional thinking-hallucinations-paranoia, and aggression-agitation-hostility) and one depressive community (guilt-poor insight-tearfulness) as the most common pathways leading to SMD onset16. Furthermore, we found minimal differences among diagnosis-specific sub-networks, highlighting substantial overlap in the dynamic progression of prodromal stages of UMD, BMD and PSY. This finding aligns with previous findings of transdiagnostic overlap in duration, first presentation and frequencies of prodromal features across SMD,29 and extends them by showing transdiagnostic temporal and causal relationships between these features. These findings support the emergence of transdiagnostic early detection strategies that have previously been conceptualised in the clinical staging model30–34 and the Clinical High At Risk Mental State (CHARMS35) criteria, which have started to be implemented clinically.35–39 Second, insights from our diagnosis-specific sub-networks might inform the development and refinement of at-risk psychometric tools. For example, CHARMS criteria currently use assessments to define UMD and BMD risk states that were developed for full threshold disorders,40,41 which could be refined to improve specificity for at-risk states36. In our network models, communities represent commonly occurring dynamic pathways of prodromal features that could inform these refinements. For example, suicidality was consistently predicted by poor insight in the most commonly occurring communities across all sub-networks. Specifically, cannabis and tobacco use also predicted suicidality in UMD, whereas for BMD and PSY suicidality predicted poor motivation. Moreover, irritability was part of a diagnosis-specific community in BMD along with paranoia, aggression, agitation and cognitive impairment. This finding aligns with hypomanic symptoms as diagnostic risk factors42 for psychometric instruments43–45 for bipolar at-risk46. Similarly, assessments to detect individuals at clinical high risk for psychosis (CHR-P) have low specificity47 and may be improved through additional features from our analyses. Echoing our earlier findings,29 PSY exhibited the most distinctive pattern of relationships between prodromal features, with stronger connections compared to both UMD and BMD in symptom pairs relating to hallucinations, paranoia, tobacco use and disturbed sleep. The prominence of positive symptoms in PSY affirms the relevance of these assessments,48–50 which primarily consider these symptoms. We further identified that hallucinations and anxiety were linked to disturbed sleep in PSY in a diagnosis-specific community. Sleep issues have already been reported in the literature in CHR-P individuals51,52 and people with psychosis53,54. Our findings extend this by providing evidence that sleep disturbances in the PSY prodrome appear to be a consequence of hallucinations, which may inform early detection strategies. Third, our networks were densely connected with predominantly positive associations between prodromal features; presenting with one feature typically predicts the emergence, rather than absence, of the same or another feature in the future. As a result of this sequential symptom build-up, interventions need to target highly central features to disrupt the SMD prodrome network and reduce the risk of further prodromal features emerging. We have identified features with high centrality that represent potential preventive intervention targets. Suicidality was highly central in the UMD prodrome, highlighting its importance during the prodrome, despite being less prominent than in the full disorder.55 Manic symptoms, such as elation and irritability, were highly central in BMD. Interventions targeting these symptoms may halt the progression of these disorders. Aggression and agitation were central features and part of a diagnosis-specific community in PSY. However, this finding requires careful interpretation as our NLP algorithm for aggression does not distinguish between forms of violence directed to others or oneself, and individuals with PSY are more likely to be victims of violence than the general population.2,56 This study, while comprehensive, has several limitations. First, the network features are prodromal as they are detectable in secondary care before these diagnoses. However, despite our extensive range of prodromal, sociodemographic and treatment variables, there may still be unaccounted factors that influence the temporal evolution of SMD prodromes, such as functioning.57 Future work should map symptom trajectories to identify confounding factors affecting symptom emergence in extensive networks such as ours. Second, to reduce the missingness in the dataset, we used a relatively short look-back period. However, this two-year period before disorder onset aligns with the typical duration of clinical care for at-risk individuals.58 Third, the final population presents a selection bias towards those receiving more frequent secondary care, limiting generalizability. Similarly, specific features, such as disorganised symptoms, may be underrepresented due to the need for consistent clinical visits. However, there were minimal differences between included and excluded individuals, in terms of demographics, clinical variables and presenting symptoms. EHR and NLP-related limitations are discussed in eLimitations 1. Overall, our study highlights the presence of a detectable transdiagnostic SMD prodrome by modelling the evolution of symptoms and substance use over time. Our findings support the potential for broader transdiagnostic early detection services for SMD that provide preventive care to individuals at-risk and a research platform for investigating putative interventions. ## Supporting information Supplementary Material [[supplements/303965_file06.docx]](pending:yes) ## Data Availability The data accessed by CRIS remain within an NHS firewall and governance is provided by a patient-led oversight committee. Subject to these conditions, data access is encouraged and those interested should contact Robert Stewart (robert.stewart{at}kcl.ac.uk), CRIS academic lead. There is no permission for data sharing. Covariance matrices to estimate networks and all analysis code are available on GitHub: [https://github.com/m-arribas/network_analysis.git](https://github.com/m-arribas/network_analysis.git). [https://github.com/m-arribas/network\_analysis.git](https://github.com/m-arribas/network_analysis.git) ## Funding MA is supported by the UK Medical Research Council (MR/N013700/1) and King’s College London member of the MRC Doctoral Training Partnership in Biomedical Sciences. JMB has received funding from the Wellcome Trust (WT228268/Z/23/Z) and is supported by the FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence (FKNE). RP has received funding from an NIHR Advanced Fellowship (NIHR301690) and a Medical Research Council (MRC) Health Data Research UK Fellowship (MR/S003118/1). PFP is supported by #NEXTGENERATIONEU (NGEU), funded by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR), National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), project MNESYS (PE0000006) – A Multiscale integrated approach to the study of the nervous system in health and disease (DN. 1553 11.10.2022). ## Data Sharing Statement The data accessed by CRIS remain within an NHS firewall and governance is provided by a patient-led oversight committee. Subject to these conditions, data access is encouraged and those interested should contact Robert Stewart (robert.stewart{at}kcl.ac.uk), CRIS academic lead. Further details regarding the CRIS platform can be found elsewhere17. There is no permission for data sharing. Covariance matrices to estimate networks and all analysis code are available on GitHub: [https://github.com/m-arribas/network_analysis.git](https://github.com/m-arribas/network_analysis.git). ## Ethics committee approval Permissions for the study were granted by the Oxfordshire Research Ethics Committee C; because the data set comprised deidentified data, informed consent was not required17. ## Authors’ contribution MA, JMB and DO conceptualised the study. DO and PFP supervised the study. MA, JMB and DO ran the statistical analyses. All authors drafted, edited, and approved the final version of the manuscript. ## Conflict of interest MA has been employed by F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG outside of the current study. RP has received grant funding from Janssen, and consulting fees from Holmusk, Akrivia Health, Columbia Data Analytics, Boehringer Ingelheim and Otsuka. PFP has received research funds or personal fees from Lundbeck, Angelini, Menarini, Sunovion, Boehringer Ingelheim, Mindstrong, Proxymm Science, outside the current study. ## Footnotes * * Joint senior authorship * Community analysis was added to the analysis for the detection of commonly occurring communities of nodes across the SMD network and sub-networks. * Received March 8, 2024. * Revision received April 17, 2024. * Accepted April 17, 2024. * © 2024, Posted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory This pre-print is available under a Creative Commons License (Attribution 4.0 International), CC BY 4.0, as described at [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) ## References 1. 1.Estradé A, Onwumere J, Venables J, et al. The Lived Experiences of Family Members and Carers of People with Psychosis: A Bottom-Up Review Co-Written by Experts by Experience and Academics. Psychopathology. 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