Indexing Healthcare Access and Quality for Surgically Amenable Conditions: A Global Analysis of 204 Countries and Territories from 1990 to 2019 =============================================================================================================================================== * Siddhesh Zadey * Emily R. Smith * Catherine A. Staton * Tamara N. Fitzgerald * Joao Ricardo Nickenig Vissoci ## Abstract **Introduction** Building on past frameworks, our aim was to systematically analyze the healthcare access and quality (HAQ) index for surgically treatable conditions, its progress over time, and the gap compared to non-surgical HAQ across 204 countries and territories from 1990 to 2019. **Methods** Data was obtained from the Global Burden of Disease 2019 study. Of the 32 conditions with preventable mortality included in the HAQ index, 14 were considered surgically treatable following an existing framework. We used mortality-to-incidence ratios and risk-standardized death rates. An easily interpretable, computable, and partially compensatory composite index ranging from 0 (worst) to 100 (best) was constructed using the adjusted Mazziotta Pareto index methodology. The indicators were scaled by min-max scaling, aggregated using arithmetic mean, and the aggregate was penalized for imbalance using a variance term. Similarly, a non-surgical HAQ index was calculated, including the 18 remaining conditions. To track progress over time, relative change was calculated as the ratio of surgical HAQ in 2019 to that in 1990. Further, the relative gap in 2019 was calculated as the surgical-to-non-surgical HAQ ratio. Ratio values >1 depicted improvement over time or better performing surgical systems. **Results** In 2019, surgical HAQ varied from 18.00 for the Central African Republic to 98.25 for Canada. The surgical HAQ showed the greatest relative change for Ethiopia (2019:1990 ratio=3.88), while Zimbabwe saw a slight worsening (ratio=0.92). In 2019, Mauritius had the largest surgical-to-non-surgical HAQ ratio of 1.16, while the surgical HAQ lagged behind its non-surgical HAQ for the Central African Republic (ratio=0.44). **Conclusion** The presented index and comprehensive global analysis are valuable for global assessments, policymaking, and advocacy for investing in surgical systems. Keywords * Access * quality * global surgery * surgical epidemiology * low- and lower-middle-income countries ## Introduction Health systems exist to prevent population-level mortality and morbidity. The Healthcare Access and Quality (HAQ) index using the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study is a composite metric of 32 conditions with preventable mortality for comparison across regions and progress tracking over time.1,2 The HAQ index is adapted from the amenable mortality to healthcare framework in response to the World Health Report 2000 for better international comparison of health systems.3 HAQ specific to surgical care has previously been estimated using data before 2016.4 Of the 32 conditions, there are 14 that are amenable to surgery, and thus, mortality risk could be reduced by involving surgeons, anesthetists, or obstetricians. However, updated estimates are missing. Building on past frameworks, our primary aim was to systematically analyze the HAQ index for surgically amenable conditions across 204 countries and territories from 1990 to 2019. Additionally, we assessed the relative changes in surgical HAQ during this period. ## Methods We obtained HAQ data from the Global Burden of Disease 2019 study.2 Of the 32 HAQ index conditions, 14 were considered surgically amenable.4 Conditions with surgically amenable mortality included: congenital heart anomalies, maternal disorders, non-melanoma skin cancer (squamous-cell carcinoma), breast cancer, cervical cancer, uterine cancer, colon and rectum cancer, testicular cancer, rheumatic heart disease, ischemic heart disease, peptic ulcer disease, appendicitis, inguinal, femoral and abdominal hernia, and gallbladder and biliary diseases. We used age-standardized mortality-to-incidence ratios and risk-standardized death rates. A composite index ranging from 0 (worst) to 100 (best) was constructed using an adaptation of the adjusted Mazziotta-Pareto index (AMPI) methodology. AMPI’s advantages include straightforward interpretation, computability, partially compensatory nature, and compatibility across times.5 In the first step, The individual indicators were normalized by min-max scaling **(Equation 1)**. In the second step, the indicators were aggregated using arithmetic mean, which was then penalized for imbalance using a variance term **(Equations 2)**. Similarly, following the AMPI method, a non-surgical HAQ index was calculated, including the 18 remaining conditions (tuberculosis, diarrheal diseases, lower respiratory infections, upper respiratory infections, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, measles, neonatal disorders, Hodgkin lymphoma, leukemia, stroke, hypertensive heart disease, chronic respiratory diseases, idiopathic epilepsy, diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, adverse effects of medical treatment). ![Formula][1] Where *r**ij* is the normalized indicator for *i**th* location-year of the 408 country-years and *j**th* condition of the 14 conditions considered for surgical HAQ and 18 conditions considered for non-surgical HAQ. ![Formula][2] Where, HAQi is the surgical (or non-surgical) index for the *i**th* country-year, ![Graphic][3] is the mean of the normalized indicator values, ![Graphic][4] is their standard deviation, and ![Graphic][5] is their coefficient variation. Cronbach’s alpha was used to assess surgical HAQ’s internal consistency (α≥0.9: excellent consistency, 0.8≤α<0.9: good, 0.7≤α<0.8: acceptable, and so on). Pearson product-moment correlation was used to measure the association between surgical HAQ calculated using the AMPI method and the arithmetic mean approach - followed by the GBD 2019 study to assess the validity of our approach to index construction.2 Finally, as a cursory step toward concurrent validation, we also evaluated the Spearman rank correlation between surgical HAQ (for 2019) and the recently described surgical preparedness index (SPI).6 The SPI assessment included 23 indicators for elective surgical systems and was conducted in 1632 hospitals across 119 countries in 2021. The nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test assessed univariate differences across World Bank income groups. A conservative alpha threshold of 0.01 was used to determine the significance in statistical tests. To track the progress of countries over time, the relative change in surgical HAQ was calculated as the ratio of surgical HAQ in 2019 to that in 1990. Values >1 depicted improvement over time. A generalized linear model (GLM) with gamma distribution and log link adjusted for the 1990 surgical HAQ values was used to get the (marginal) estimated values for the World Bank income groups in 2019.7 Another country-wise ratio was calculated to understand the relative gap between the surgical and non-surgical HAQ values in 2019. Values >1 depicted depict better surgical access and quality than their non-surgical counterparts. A GLM with gamma distribution and log link for income group-specific marginal effect estimates for 2019 surgical-to-non-surgical HAQ ratios were adjusted for 1990 surgical and non-surgical HAQ index values. Analyses and visualization were conducted in R (RStudio Version 1.3.1056). ## Results In 2019, surgical HAQ varied from 18.00 for the Central African Republic to 98.25 for Canada **(Figure 1a)**. The index depicted excellent internal consistency (Cronbach’s α = 0.94). The index calculated using the AMPI method was significantly and strongly associated with that estimated using the arithmetic mean (n=408 since 204 for 1990 and 2019 each, r=0.99, p<0.0001). The surgical HAQ was also significantly associated with the surgical preparedness index (n=116, ρ=0.50, p<0.0001). The 2019 surgical HAQ index values differed significantly across World Bank income groups (n=201, *χ*2=135.56, p<0.0001). ![Figure 1:]( [Figure 1:]( Figure 1: Distribution of a) surgical healthcare access and quality (HAQ) index values in 2019, b) raw ratio of 2019 surgical HAQ to 1990 surgical HAQ denoting relative change, and c) raw ratio of 2019 surgical to non-surgical HAQ denoting relative gap across 204 countries and territories. 1a uses a quantile scale while 1b-c use divergent scales centered around the null value (=1). The surgical HAQ showed the greatest relative change for Ethiopia (2019:1990 ratio=3.88), while Zimbabwe saw a slight worsening (ratio=0.92) **(Figure 1b)**. In 2019, Mauritius had the largest surgical-to-non-surgical HAQ ratio of 1.16, while surgical HAQ for the Central African Republic lagged more than its non-surgical HAQ (ratio=0.44) **(Figure 1c)**. Among the World Bank income groups, after adjusting for the surgical HAQ in 1990, the relative changes in surgical HAQ values were greatest for high-income countries, followed by upper-middle-income countries, lower-middle-income, and low-income countries **(Figure 2)**. For all income groups, surgical HAQ in 2019 was better than in 1990 (adjusted ratio>1). After adjusting for surgical and non-surgical HAQ values in 1990, the surgical-to-non-surgical ratio in 2019 was greatest for upper-middle-income countries, followed by high-income countries, lower-middle countries, and low-income countries **(Figure 2)**. For all income groups, surgical HAQ was lower than non-surgical HAQ, depicting a gap or lag for surgical systems (adjusted ratio<1). ![Figure 2:]( [Figure 2:]( Figure 2: Modeled relative change (2019:1990) ratio for surgical HAQ (red) and relative gap compared to non-surgical HAQ (blue) by World Bank income groups. Both models were gamma regression with log link function. Marginal mean estimates with 95% confidence intervals for the income-group-wise ratios are depicted here. The relative change model (red) was adjusted for the 1990 surgical HAQ value, while the relative gap model was adjusted for the 1990 surgical HAQ and 1990 non-surgical HAQ. The dotted vertical line (black) depicts the null value for ratio estimates. HICs = High-income countries, UMICs = Upper-middle-income countries, LMICs = Lower-middle-income countries, LICs = Low-income countries. ## Discussion The current study presents an up-to-date global analysis indexing surgical healthcare access and quality index for 204 countries and territories. The surgical HAQ computed using an adaptation of the adjusted Mazziotta-Pareto index methodology had good internal consistency, was correlated strongly with the arithmetic mean, and had a statistically significant correlation with the surgical preparedness index, denoting concurrent validity. This analysis also noted that low-income countries had limited progress in surgical HAQ since 1990 and lagged behind non-surgical HAQ in 2019. Surgical HAQ constructed here shares the theoretical framework with past attempts.4 However, the computations vary in important ways. We used the AMPI methodology that produces a partially compensatory index. This means that poor performance on one indicator cannot be compensated by progress on another indicator, which is an advantage over using arithmetic mean. From the policymaking and resource allocations perspective, this ensures that all aspects of preventable mortality are prioritized adequately. The AMPI-derived HAQ is easily interpretable and stable compared to principal component analysis (PCA). The GBD also shifted from calculating HAQ using PCA to using arithmetic mean.1,2 Our approach ensures that the index is reliably replicable in future assessments and is not data-dependent. These findings are relevant for international funders and intergovernmental policymakers in the following ways: a) For low-income countries, the limited improvement in surgical HAQ from 1990 to 2019 and the current gap compared to nonsurgical HAQ necessitates financial investments and policy attention for surgical system strengthening. b) The index could be useful for deciding resource allocation, so countries with a greater burden of amenable mortality get prioritized. c) Integrating the index into health monitoring and evaluation systems would help measure the population health impacts of policy and programmatic interventions, including national surgical, obstetric, and anesthesia plans (NSOAPs).8 The major limitation of this analysis is the lack of sensitivity and uncertainty of estimates that should be corrected in the future. Given the large young demographic, future studies should also consider computing indices specific to surgically amenable pediatric mortality.9,10 The classification for surgical vs. non-surgical conditions is based on the coarse definition that has been used previously. However, more granular and consensus-driven classifications are needed. The current study could not investigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on surgical healthcare access and quality. However, the next iteration of the Global Burden Disease study (GBD 2021) should permit that. Regardless, the index notes disparities in surgical care access and quality and provides a standardized assessment that can be included in NSOAPs. ## Data Availability All data produced in the present study are available upon reasonable request to the authors. ## Declarations ### Author Contributions **Siddhesh Zadey:** Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal Analysis, Data Curation, Writing - Original Draft, Writing - Review & Editing, Project Administration. **Emily R. Smith:** Writing - Review & Editing. **Catherine A. Staton:** Writing - Review & Editing. **Tamara N. Fitzgerald:** Writing - Review & Editing. **Joao Ricardo Nickenig Vissoci:** Supervision, Writing - Review & Editing. ## Funding None ## Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests. ## Ethics approval and consent to participate Not applicable since the study involves analysis of publicly available aggregate data. ## Consent for publication Not applicable. ## Availability of data and materials Data used and produced in the manuscript are available upon reasonable request from the authors. ## Acknowledgments None * Received February 4, 2024. * Revision received February 4, 2024. * Accepted February 6, 2024. * © 2024, Posted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory This pre-print is available under a Creative Commons License (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International), CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, as described at []( ## References 1. GBD 2016 Healthcare Access and Quality Collaborators. 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