HIV prevalence in transgender populations and cisgender men who have sex with men in sub-Saharan Africa 2010-2022: a meta-analysis ================================================================================================================================== * Oliver Stevens * Rebecca L. Anderson * Keith Sabin * Sonia Arias Garcia * Elizabeth Fearon * Kingsley Manda * Wame Dikobe * Trevor A. Crowell * Leigh Tally * Lloyd Mulenga * Neena M. Philip * Mathieu Maheu-Giroux * Anne McIntyre * Wolfgang Hladik * Jinkou Zhao * Mary Mahy * Jeffrey W. Eaton ## Abstract **Introduction** The Global AIDS Strategy 2021-2026 calls for equitable and equal access to HIV prevention and treatment programmes for all populations to reduce HIV incidence and end HIV/AIDS as a public health threat by 2030. Transgender populations (TGP), including transmen (TGM) and transwomen (TGW) are populations that have been marginalised and are at high risk of HIV infection in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Limited surveillance data on HIV among TGP are available in the region to guide programmatic responses and policymaking. Surveillance data on cisgender men who have sex with men (cis-MSM) are comparatively abundant and may be used to infer TGP HIV prevalence. **Methods** Data from key population surveys conducted in SSA between 2010-2022 were identified from existing databases and survey reports. Studies that collected HIV prevalence on both TGP and cis-MSM populations were analysed in a random effect meta-analysis to estimate the ratio of cis-MSM:TGW HIV prevalence. **Results** Eighteen studies were identified encompassing 8,052 TGW and 19,492 cis-MSM. TGW HIV prevalence ranged from 0-71.6% and cis-MSM HIV prevalence from 0.14-55.7%. HIV prevalence in TGW was 50% higher than in cis-MSM (prevalence ratio (PR) 1.50 95% CI 1.26-1.79). TGW HIV prevalence was highly correlated with year/province-matched cis-MSM HIV prevalence (R2 = 0.62), but poorly correlated with year/province-matched total population HIV prevalence (R2 = 0.1). Five TGM HIV prevalence estimates were identified ranging from 1-24%. Insufficient TGM data were available to estimate cis-MSM:TGM HIV prevalence ratios. **Conclusion** Transgender women experience a significantly greater HIV burden than cis-MSM in SSA. Bio-behavioural surveys designed and powered to measure determinants of HIV infection, treatment coverage, and risk behaviours among transgender populations, distinct from cis-MSM, will improve understanding of HIV risk and vulnerabilities among TGP and support improved programmes. Keywords * HIV-1 * Transgender persons * Homosexuality * Male * Sexual and Gender Minorities * Africa ## Introduction The Global AIDS Strategy 2021-2026 calls for equitable and equal access to HIV prevention and treatment programmes for all populations to reduce HIV incidence and end HIV/AIDS as a public health threat by 2030 [1]. The Strategy has motivated renewed focus to estimate population size, HIV prevalence, ART coverage, and new HIV infections among key populations for all countries in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) to reduce inequality in the global HIV/AIDS response. Key populations, including transgender and non-binary people, experience a HIV risk environment wherein the combination of high biological HIV risk and sociostructural risk factors result in disproportionate HIV burden [2]–[5]. Societal marginalisation, criminalisation, and stigma have impeded collection of robust HIV surveillance data for key populations in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly for transgender populations [6]–[8]. Global systematic reviews of HIV epidemiology in transgender populations rely on data from high-income countries, Latin America, and South East Asia [4], [5]. Only nine countries in SSA have population size estimates for transgender populations (TGP), twenty countries have surveillance data on HIV prevalence among TGP, and six have ART coverage data [9]. It is uncommon for these data to be disaggregated by gender modality. Though transgender populations are more routinely included in HIV surveillance since the first studies in SSA [10], [11], data are insufficient to estimate key HIV epidemic indicators for transgender populations in all sub-Saharan African countries. HIV prevalence data for men who have sex with men (MSM) are more widely available in SSA: over 400 HIV prevalence estimates have been measured since 2010 across 33 of 38 SSA countries [9]. While cis-MSM and transgender women (TGW) have distinct vulnerabilities to HIV [12], [13], studies in SSA indicate that HIV epidemiology in these two populations is linked. TGW most often have male sexual partners, receptive anal sex is common, and qualitative data indicate that some transgender people associate with belonging to the gay community [10], [11], [14]–[16]. Many surveillance studies primarily collecting data among cis-MSM, have also included TGP participants, providing a source of data in the absence of studies explicitly aiming to recruit TGP. This meta-analysis quantified relative HIV prevalence between cis-MSM and TGW and assessed whether there is a consistent relationship to extrapolate MSM HIV prevalence data to estimate TGW HIV prevalence in settings that lack TGP-specific surveillance data. ## Methods We extracted data on HIV prevalence among TGP and cis-MSM between 2010-2022 in sub-Saharan Africa from UNAIDS Global AIDS Monitoring [17], UNAIDS Key Population Atlas [18], The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria surveillance database, and US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention key population surveillance databases [9]. Studies were extracted between 2021-2023. Estimates of HIV prevalence for cis-MSM and any transgender population in the same study were considered for inclusion in the meta-analysis. Additional data not published in previous study publications were tabulated and shared by the authors of Fearon et al [16], Keshinro et al. [19], and Malawi 2019/20, Botswana 2017 and Zambia 2021 Biobehavioural Surveys [20]–[22]. HIV prevalence data were pooled and weighted relative to the number tested denominator. Where age-specific HIV prevalence was available, pooled adult prevalence was extracted. Where studies reported HIV prevalence for more than one transgender population, TGW estimates only were included in the meta-analysis. Prevalence ratios (PRs) for HIV prevalence among TGW compared to cis-MSM were calculated separately for Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) and Western and Central Africa (WCA) regions, and across all of sub-Saharan Africa. Analyses were conducted in R 4.1.2 [23], using the *metafor* package [24]. Cross-sectional estimates of sex-specific total population HIV prevalence at the province level were extracted from UNAIDS subnational HIV estimates for 2020 created using the Naomi model [25]. Naomi is a small-area estimation model used to estimate subnational HIV epidemic indicators for the total population [26]. For each country, province level estimates were projected back in time 2000-2020 parallel to the national-level HIV prevalence trajectory as estimated by the Estimation and Projections Package in Spectrum [27], [28]. Four further estimates of TGW HIV prevalence [14], [29]–[31], ineligible for inclusion in the meta-analysis as they lacked matching cis-MSM HIV prevalence estimates, were included in correlation analysis with total population HIV prevalence. This study received ethical approval from the Imperial College Research and Ethics Committee (#6473559), and as a secondary analysis of anonymised data required neither informed consent from survey participants nor a consent waiver. ## Results Nineteen studies with data from nineteen countries (11 in ESA and 8 in WCA) were included in the analysis, encompassing 8,052 TGW and 19,492 cis-MSM (Table 1). Eleven studies were from peer-reviewed literature, and eight were grey literature studies including biobehavioural surveys (BBS) [32] and PLACE studies [33]. The median denominator for TGW HIV prevalence was 89 (IQR 40-195) and for cis-MSM 314 (IQR 134-390). HIV status was ascertained by serological assays in all studies. TGW HIV prevalence ranged from 6.0-69.4% in ESA and 1.9-71.6% in WCA. Cis-MSM HIV prevalence ranged from 1.0-43.7% in ESA and 0.1-55.7% in WCA. View this table: [Table 1:]( Table 1: Studies included in meta-analysis of HIV prevalence in transwomen (TGW) and cis-gendered men who have sex with men (cis-MSM) Pooling data across sub-Saharan Africa, HIV prevalence in TGW was 50% higher than in cis-MSM (Figure 1; PR 1.50, 95% CI 1.26-1.79). In ESA, prevalence among TGW was 1.49 times higher than cis-MSM (95% CI 1.26-1.75) and in WCA 1.46 times higher (95% CI 0.92-2.32). ![Figure 1:]( [Figure 1:]( Figure 1: Forest plot comparing HIV prevalence ratios in transwomen and cis-gendered men-who-have-sex-with-men. ESA = Eastern and Southern Africa; WCA = Western and Central Africa; SSA = Sub-Saharan Africa. TGW HIV prevalence was highly correlated with study-matched cis-MSM HIV prevalence (Figure 2; R2 = 0.62) and poorly correlated with UNAIDS province/year-matched total population HIV prevalence (R2 = 0.08). ![Figure 2:]( [Figure 2:]( Figure 2: Comparison of HIV prevalence among transgender women (TGW) and cis-gender men-who-have-sex-with men (cis-MSM) (left) and HIV prevalence among TGW compared to total population 15-49 years (right). The dotted line represents the line of equality is (y = x). Colour of data points represents the UNAIDS region of the study country (ESA = Eastern and Southern Africa; WCA = Western and Central Africa). One-third of studies (6/19) included, or did not specifically exclude, TGM in the sampled transgender population. Of these six studies, five were BBS or PLACE study reports [20], [21], [34]–[36]. One study [35] provided disaggregated TG sample sizes by TG identity, but reported aggregated HIV prevalence across all TGP; and three studies provided neither disaggregated sample sizes nor HIV prevalence [20], [34], [36]. Two studies reported HIV prevalence for non-binary populations [16], [19]. These data were not included in this analysis. Sensitivity analysis excluding the four studies that reported aggregated HIV prevalence led to a non-significant 6% increase in the relative risk of HIV infection (SSA PR: 1.63, 95% CIs 1.36-1.96). Five studies reported HIV prevalence estimates for TGM: 10% (4/42) in Benin [31]; 7% (3/44) in Botswana [21]; 4% (2/49) in Uganda [37]; 24% (9/65) in Malawi [38]; and 1% (1/30) in Sierra Leone [35]. Comparison and interpretation of these estimates is challenging as the number of studies and their sample sizes are small and, beyond TGM, there is no population that all four studies tested (Supplementary Table 1). From these limited data, TGM may have a lower risk of HIV infection than TGW. View this table: [Supplementary Table 1:]( Supplementary Table 1: Estimates of transmen (TGM) HIV prevalence compared with transwomen (TGW), cis-gendered men who have sex with men (cis-MSM), and 15-49 total population both sexes. Estimates in bold are from the same study, and TGW and cis-MSM estimates in italics are the best available comparator estimates from other studies. UNAIDS estimates from Spectrum/Naomi were used for total population HIV prevalence estimates. ## Discussion HIV prevalence was significantly higher among transgender women than cis-MSM in sub-Saharan Africa, providing further evidence of the HIV vulnerability of TG populations distinct from cis-MSM. Previous studies [4], [5] have identified substantial HIV burden in transgender populations, which this meta-analysis supports both in absolute terms and relative to cis-MSM, already a vulnerable and high-risk population sub-Saharan Africa. Transgender populations are becoming recognised as a key population in sub-Saharan Africa. They are specifically identified in the National Strategic HIV/AIDS Plans of sixteen countries [39], increasing from ten in 2018 [40]. We identified nineteen studies that measured HIV prevalence for TGW and cis-MSM, building on the three African studies included in a recent systematic review [5]. We refrained from reporting pooled estimates of TGW HIV prevalence or relative risk of HIV infection compared to that in the total population as has been presented in previous studies [4], [5]. Firstly, the relative risk of HIV infection in key populations varies with total population HIV prevalence in SSA. Summarising a single relative risk of infection decouples the key population epidemiology in a given country from the HIV epidemic in the total population. In WCA, cis-MSM HIV prevalence can be 100-fold higher than male total population prevalence, while in ESA it may be similar to, or lower than that in the total population [9]. Second, total population HIV prevalence is poorly correlated with cis-MSM HIV prevalence, particularly in WCA where neighbouring countries with similar generalised HIV epidemics can have disparate key population epidemics [9], [41]. Instead, we showed a consistent increased relative risk of HIV infection in TGW compared to cis-MSM. This prevalence ratio may be useful to estimate HIV prevalence among TGW to support programme planning in settings that lack TGP-specific surveillance. These estimates should be viewed as interim estimates until TG-specific HIV surveillance can be conducted. They should not obviate the need for TG surveillance, nor to further discourse that the programmatic needs of TG can be met programmes focused for cis-MSM. We were unable to estimate the relative HIV prevalence between TGM and cis-MSM, though limited data indicated that TGM may have a lower risk of HIV infection than TGW or cis-MSM. Two studies recruited too few transgender men to estimate HIV prevalence [16], [42]. Transgender men remain an understudied population in SSA: the primary focus of only two serogical testing studies to date [31], [37]. Of the six studies in this analysis that did not exclude transgender men, four included recent oral or anal sex with a man as an inclusion criterion. Though data across SSA are limited, they indicate that cis-women are more likely to be partners of transgender men than cis-MSM or other transgender men [21], [37], [43]. Transgender men are likely, therefore, to be excluded from biological surveillance if all transgender populations are associated with the same HIV risk behaviours as cis-MSM. We retained three studies that did not specify which transgender population(s) were recruited in the main analysis [20], [34], [36]. Sexual behaviour data collected in each study indicated that TG participants overwhelmingly reported male sexual partners and receptive anal intercourse. All three studies were recent, published since 2020, and with large sample sizes. Sensitivity analysis indicates that their inclusion had only a marginal impact on the estimated relative risk of HIV infection, and we feel that their inclusion alongside studies that explicitly recruited TGW is justified. Survey data on gender identity were often ambiguous, necessitating its removal from analysis further reducing sample sizes. Consistently adopting the ‘two-step’ method, in which survey participants are first asked their assigned sex at birth followed by their gender today, would improve gender identification in key population surveys and enhance comparability across studies [37], [44]. Few measures exist of TG treatment coverage or viral load suppression, and only a subset are laboratory confirmed [9]. While we identified that TGW are at increased risk of HIV infection, it was not possible to estimate ART coverage or access to treatment services either in absolute terms or relative to cis-MSM. This remains a key data gap in monitoring the objectives laid out by the Global AIDS Strategy. Interpretation of this analysis is subject to several limitations. Firstly, we did not differentiate between studies whose primary objective was transgender surveillance [10], [11], [19], [22], [34], [35], [42], [45]–[50], and those that reported transgender participants alongside the primary objective of cis-MSM surveillance [15], [16], [20], [21], [36], [51]. The latter studies may disproportionately recruit TGP who socialise with cis-MSM, leading to sexual behaviour and biological testing data that overstate the similarities between the two populations. Second, insufficient age-specific HIV prevalence data were available to estimate age-adjusted prevalence risk ratios which may lead to underestimated prevalence ratios. ## Conclusion Transgender women have 50% higher risk of HIV infection than cis-MSM in SSA and, therefore, TGW and cis-MSM should not be considered as a single risk population. TGW HIV prevalence is highly correlated with cis-MSM prevalence, and cis-MSM HIV prevalence may be used to inform estimates of TGW HIV prevalence in settings that lack TG-specific surveillance. Studies to quantify transgender population size and measure the treatment cascade among transgender people with HIV are a priority to quantify progress towards equitable HIV service access and enable HIV programmes to meet the prevention and treatment needs of transgender populations. ## Competing interests None ## Authors’ contributions OS, KS, MM, and JWE conceptualised the study. KS, SAG, JZ, and AA-Q curated key population survey databases. LF, TC, KM, WD, LM, NP, LT provided additional unpublished data from surveillance studies. OS and RA reviewed primary source documents, deduplicated data, and extracted data. OS analysed the data and wrote the first draft of the manuscript. All authors contributed to interpretation of results and edited the manuscript for intellectual content. All authors read and approved the final version of the manuscript for submission. ## Data Availability All data produced in the present study are contained in the manuscript ## Disclaimer The views expressed are those of the authors and should not be construed to represent the positions of the U.S. Army, the Department of Defense, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine, or the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. ## Acknowledgments and funding This research was supported by UNAIDS, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (OPP1190661), National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease of the National Institutes of Health under award number R01-AI136664, and the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis (reference MR/R015600/1), jointly funded by the UK Medical Research Council (MRC) and the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), under the MRC/FCDO Concordat agreement and is also part of the EDCTP2 programme supported by the European Union. TC is supported by cooperative agreements between the Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine, Inc., and the U.S. Department of Defense [W81XWH-11-2-0174, W81XWH-18-2-0040] * Received November 9, 2023. * Revision received November 9, 2023. * Accepted November 9, 2023. * © 2023, Posted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory This pre-print is available under a Creative Commons License (Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International), CC BY-NC 4.0, as described at []( ## References 1. [1].United Nations, “End Inequalities. End AIDS. Global AIDS Strategy 2021-2026 | UNAIDS,” 2021. []( (accessed May 05, 2021). 2. [2]. T. Poteat, A. Scheim, J. Xavier, S. Reisner, and S. Baral, “Global Epidemiology of HIV Infection and Related Syndemics Affecting Transgender People,” Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999), vol. 72, no. Suppl 3. Wolters Kluwer Health, pp. S210–S219, Aug. 15, 2016, doi: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000001087. [CrossRef]( [PubMed]( 3. [3]. M. Singer, N. Bulled, B. Ostrach, and E. 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