Childhood adverse life events and skeletal muscle mitochondrial function ======================================================================== * Kate A. Duchowny * Theresa Mau * L. Grisell Diaz-Ramierz * Li-Yung Lui * David J. Marcinek * Frederico G. S. Toledo * Peggy M. Cawthon * Russell T. Hepple * Philip A. Kramer * Anne B. Newman * Stephen B. Kritchevsky * Steven R. Cummings * Paul M. Coen * Anthony J. A. Molina ## ABSTRACT Social stress experienced in childhood is associated with adverse health later in life. Mitochondrial function has been implicated as a mechanism for how stressful life events “get under the skin” to influence physical wellbeing. Using data from the Study of Muscle, Mobility and Aging (n=879, 59% women), linear models examined whether adverse childhood events (i.e., physical abuse) were associated with two measures of skeletal muscle mitochondrial energetics in older adults: (1) maximal adenosine triphosphate production (ATPmax) and (2) maximal state 3 respiration (Max OXPHOS). Forty-five percent of the sample reported experiencing 1+ adverse childhood event. After adjustment, each additional event was associated with -0.07 SD (95% CI= - 0.12, -0.01) lower ATPmax. No association was observed with Max OXPHOS. Adverse childhood events are associated with lower ATP production in later life. Findings indicate that mitochondrial function may be a mechanism in understanding how early social stress influences health in later life. ## INTRODUCTION Stressful life events experienced early in the life course have been repeatedly shown to be associated with worse health later in life.1–5 Yet, the specific mechanism underlying this relationship remains poorly understood. Mitochondrial function (“bioenergetics”), defined by changes in the capacity to generate cellular energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), becomes impaired with age.6 Recently, mitochondrial function has been implicated as a possible mechanism for understanding how stressful life events “get under the skin” to influence health and physical wellbeing.7–12 Mitochondria are capable of sensing and integrating social stress on a cellular level.7 In response to psychological stress, mitochondria undergo dynamic changes in their structure, leading to alterations in function.7 One potential pathway by which early childhood stress may lead to changes in mitochondrial functional capacity may involve an impaired glucocorticoid response.4 Persistent oxidative stress that arises from chronic, low-grade inflammation due to a blunted glucocorticoid response has been shown to be associated with mitochondrial dysfunction.11 Specifically, excessive glucocorticoid levels increase calcium buffering capacity, mitochondrial membrane potential, and apoptotic signaling resistance.11 A small number of human studies suggest that stressful social experiences may be associated with changes in mitochondrial function. For example, chronic stress due to caregiving for a family member with a chronic health condition was associated with lower mitochondrial respiratory capacity among women.13 Childhood maltreatment was found to be associated with changes in mitochondrial cellular respiration related to ATP production.14 New mothers who had a history of childhood maltreatment had alterations in ATP production and women with a more severe history of maltreatment had a worse mitochondrial bioenergetic profile.15 While these studies provide initial evidence that mitochondrial function may serve as a salient mechanism linking life events in childhood to poor health, two critical gaps remain. First, the majority of studies conducted have utilized measures of mitochondrial function obtained from whole blood.9,13,14,16 Thus, the relationship between adverse childhood events and tissue-specific measures of mitochondrial energetics obtained from skeletal muscle biopsies, the current gold-standard, is not known. Second, prior work in this area has been hampered by small sample sizes,14 were exclusively conducted in women13,15 or had minimal or no covariate adjustment. 13–15 In this study, we leverage data from the Study of Muscle, Mobility, and Aging (SOMMA) to examine how stressful life events in childhood may be associated with skeletal muscle mitochondrial function in later life. We extend prior studies by including in-vivo and in-vitro measures of mitochondrial energetics obtained from 31P MRS and muscle biopsies, in a large, well characterized sample of older adults. We hypothesized that individuals who have experienced greater adverse life events in childhood would have worse mitochondrial bioenergetic profiles in muscle (lower respiratory capacity and lower ATPmax) in older age. ## METHODS ### Data and Sample Population The Study of Muscle, Mobility and Aging (SOMMA) is a longitudinal, multicenter study of 879 older adults recruited between April 2019 and December 2021 from the University of Pittsburgh and Wake Forest University School of Medicine. Eligibility included age of 70 years or older, BMI less than or equal to 40 kg/m2, dementia free, no contraindication to a muscle tissue biopsy and magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and the ability to walk 400 meters. Participants who appeared as they might not be able to complete the 400m walk at the in-person screening visit completed a short distance walk (4 meters) to ensure their walking speed as >=0.6m/s. Participants who reported active malignancy or advanced chronic disease and/or reported that they were unable to walk ¼ mile or climb a flight of stairs were excluded. Full study details have been described elsewhere.17 Among the 754 participants who had data on childhood adverse life events, 698 and 633 participants had complete ATPmax and maximal oxidative phosphorylation (Max OXPHOS) data, respectively (see Supplementary Figure 1). All SOMMA participants provided written informed consent, and the study was approved by the WIRB-Copernicus Group (WCG IRB) (20180764). ### Measures #### Primary Exposure: Childhood adverse life events (cALEs) As part of the general baseline questionnaire, all study participants were asked to complete a series of questions based on a modified version of the Adverse Childhood Events scale that assesses the number of adverse life events experienced during childhood (“While you were growing up (under 18) did you experience any of the following?”).18 Response items included ‘Yes’, ‘No’, ‘Don’t know, Prefer not to answer’. Items ranged from physical abuse (“Did a parent or other adult in household ever slap, hit, beat, kick, or physically hurt you in any way?) to emotional neglect (“Did you often feel that no one in your family loved you or thought you were important or special?”). A total of 6 items were summed to create a continuous measure (0-6). All items are reported in the Supplement. #### Primary Outcome Measures Two measures of skeletal muscle mitochondrial function were utilized in this study. 1. Maximal oxidative phosphorylation (Max OXPHOS) supported by complex I and II. To obtain the in vitro Max OXPHOS measure, high resolution respirometry was performed on permeabilized fresh muscle fiber (PMF) bundles. Participants underwent a percutaneous skeletal muscle biopsy in the presence of local anesthesia, and samples were processed as previously described.19 Briefly, a Bergstrom canula with suction was used to collect the specimen from the middle region of the musculus vastus lateralis. The specimen was cleaned, and dissected to obtain a small bundle of myofibers that were placed into ice-cold BIOPS media (10mM Ca–EGTA buffer, 0.1M free calcium, 20mM imidazole, 20mM taurine, 50mM potassium 2-[N-morpholino]-ethanesulfonic acid, 0.5mM dithiothreitol, 6.56mM MgCl2, 5.77mM ATP, and 15mM phospho-creatine [PCr], pH 7.1). Myofiber bundles weighing approximately 2-3 mg were teased apart for chemical permeabilization with saponin. After washing, the PMF bundles were assayed with a standardized substrate uncoupler inhibitor titration (SUIT) protocol in duplicate to assess mitochondrial respiration as described previously.19 Very briefly, an Oxygraph 2K instrument (Oroboros Inc., Innsbruck, Austria) was used to measure the respiration of the PMF bundles. Specifically, for the measurement of maximal OXPHOS supported by complex I and II (also referred to as Max OXPHOS or State 3 respiration), the following substrates were added: pyruvate (5mM), malate (2mM), glutamate (10mM), succinate (10mM), and ADP (4.2mM). Data was analyzed using Datlab 7.4 software and steady-state O2 flux was normalized to fiber bundle wet weight. 2. Maximal ATP production (ATPmax) was assessed in vivo using 31-Phosphorous magnetic resonance spectroscopy (31P MRS) as previously described. Briefly, participants lie in a supine position to perform the first bout of repeated isometric knee extension (30 sec) against the resistance of an ankle strap. A second bout was adjusted for the length of time of the kicking (18-36 sec) to achieve adequate phosphocreatine (PCr) breakdown while maintaining pH<6.8 to avoid acidic conditions inhibiting mitochondrial ATP production.20 Data was analyzed in jMRUI v6.0 using a standard value of 24.5mM for resting PCr. The post-exercise recovery PCr levels were used to calculate rates of mitochondrial ATP resynthesis as previously described to obtain ATPmax .21,22 ### Covariates The following covariates were considered as potential confounders or mediators and entered into the model: Age, in years; gender, study site, Pittsburgh vs. Wake Forest for ATPmax models, or technician group for Max OXPHOS models; education, a categorical variable that included less than high school/high school, some college, college and post-college; parental education, coded the same way as respondent education and only; educational attainment, highest number of years of schooling completed from either parent was used, a proxy measure of childhood socioeconomic position;23,24 body mass index (BMI) defined as weight divided by height in kg/m2; number of depressive symptoms, a continuous variable as determined as the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D);25 smoking status, a categorical variable defined as “Never”, “Past” and “Current”; physical activity, as assessed by the Community Healthy Activities Model Program for Seniors (CHAMPS) questionnaire, a continuous variable based on self-reported physical activity used to calculate total energy expenditure per week (Cal/week);26 and, total number of chronic conditions, a summary multimorbidity index based on the Rochester Epidemiology Project, scored 0-12.27 ### Analytic approach Outcome variables were normally distributed and standardized to facilitate comparisons. We employed linear regression models that examined the association between continuous childhood ALE and both Max OXPHOS and ATPmax in separate models in the overall sample. Given initial evidence suggesting there may be gender differences in mitochondrial bioenergetics,19,28,29 we also tested for statistical interaction by gender. We proceeded with the following modeling strategy: Model 1 (Base model) adjusted for age, gender (overall model), site and/or technician. Model 2 (Confounder model) adjusted for Model 1 and parental education, a hypothesized confounder that is associated with the childhood ALEs and potentially associated with both mito-chondrial outcomes measures but precedes the exposure. Lastly, Model 3 (Confounder/Mediator model) adjusted for Model 2 and variables that could be hypothesized as confounders but are also downstream of the exposure and on the causal pathway, and therefore could plausibly serve as potential mediators, which included: participant’s education, smoking status, depressive symptoms, BMI, physical activity, and number of chronic conditions. We note that this final model may represent over control given the adjustment for potential mediators and results should therefore be interpreted with caution.30 We also fitted these three gender-stratified models. After accounting for missingness across our primary exposure and outcome variables (ATPmax, n= 698 and OXPHOS, n= 633), we performed a complete case analysis. Missingness was between 4-5% across all models. Analyses were conducted using SAS 9.4 (Cary, NC). ## RESULTS Of the 879 participants included in the study, 59% were women, the mean chronologic age was 76.3 years (SD= 5 years) and 86% self-reported white. While about half of the sample had completed some college or obtained a college degree (49.9%), only 32% of the respondent’s parents completed some college or college. Among the 754 participants who had complete data on cALEs, 53% reported experiencing 1 or more adverse events in childhood. Among those experiencing 3+ events, 55 individuals reporting experiencing 3 events, 29 participants, 4 events; 25 participants, 5 events; and, 8 participants reported experiencing all 6 events. Individuals who reported experiencing stressful life events in childhood, on average, reported a greater number of depressive symptoms. See Table 1. View this table: [Table 1.]( Table 1. Baseline Sample Characteristics by Childhood Adverse Life Events in the SOMMA Study (n=879). ### Results for overall sample After adjusting for age, site, and gender (Model 1), each additional childhood adverse life event was associated with a -0.10SD lower ATPmax (95% CI= -0.19, - 0.01). Adjusting for parental education (Model 2) and hypothesized confounder-mediators (Model 3) slightly attenuated the association such that each additional adverse event was associated with a -0.07SD lower ATPmax (95% CI= -0.12, -0.01). When examining effect modification by gender, the interaction term was not significant for ATPmax (p=0.36) nor for Max OXPHOS (p=0.78), however, given previous reports of potential sex differences in mitochondria,28,29 we analyzed gender stratified models (Tables 2A and 2B) and report results for men and women below. The associations with Max OXPHOS were not statistically significant across all models. ### Results for women After adjusting for age and site (Model 1), each additional adverse life event experienced before the age of 18 was associated with a -0.04SD lower ATPmax (95%= -0.10, 0.02) although the confidence interval included the null value. The results, when adding parental education (Model 2) and further adjusting for hypothesized confounder-mediators (Model 3), did not change the overall association (Table 2A). While these results were not statistically significant, the effect estimates, while small, were in the anticipated direction and inversely related to cALEs. View this table: [Table 2.]( Table 2. Overall linear regression results examining the relationship between childhood adverse life events and standardized ATPMax View this table: [Table 2A.]( Table 2A. Linear regression results for women examining the relationship between childhood adverse life events and standardized ATPMax ### Results for men Among men, each additional adverse life event experienced before the age of 18 was borderline associated with -0.11SD lower ATPmax (95% CI= -0.21, -0.00). There was no change in the effect estimate which remained statistically significant with the inclusion of parental education. The effect estimate was slightly magnified when including participant education, smoking, physical activity, medication use, BMI and depressive symptoms (Model 3), such that each additional adverse life event was associated with -0.12 SD lower ATPmax (95% CI= -0.23, - 0.01) (Table 2B). View this table: [Table 2B.]( Table 2B. Linear regression results for men examining the relationship between childhood adverse life events and standardized ATPMax Associations were not statistically significant for Max OXPHOS measure for either women or men and are reported in Supplementary Table 1. ## DISCUSSION In this well-characterized sample of older adults with gold-standard measures of mitochondrial bioenergetics, we investigated whether adverse life events experienced before the age of 18 were associated with reduced skeletal muscle mitochondrial function in later life. We found that in the overall sample, each additional adverse life event was associated with modestly lower ATPmax, an in-vivo measure of maximal capacity for ATP production. In gender stratified models, significant associations between cALEs and ATPmax were observed in men but not in women. In contrast, no association was observed between childhood adverse life events and the *ex vivo* maximum oxidative phosphorylation capacity measure in either men or in women. Few studies have explored whether stressful experiences in early life are associated with reduced mitochondrial function, recently recognized as a “hallmark of aging”,31 and implicated in the development of host of aging-related outcomes.32–35 Several studies have shown how stressful life experiences influence whole-body phenomenon such as allostatic load and inflammation,36–38 however the biologic processes by which these stressful social events experienced early in the life course may lead to impaired skeletal muscle mitochondria bioenergetics has received little attention, especially in the context of human cohort studies with both *ex vivo* and *in vivo* measures of bioenergetic function. The results of our study offer preliminary evidence for the specific role skeletal muscle mito-chondria may play in how adverse events become biologically embedded. While a small number of studies have examined how stressful experiences influence mitochondrial function, to date, much of this previous work has focused on alterations in content of mitochondrial DNA (mt-DNA). For example, adults who have experienced maltreatment in childhood or lost a parent before age 18 had significantly lower mt-DNA copy number compared to those with no adverse events in childhood.14 In close to 12,000 Chinese women with and without a history of major depression, childhood sexual abuse was shown to be associated with greater mt-DNA copy number in cells obtained from saliva samples.39 In a study of 290 adults, after controlling for perceived stress, resilience, depressive symptoms, and anxiety, the positive relationship between childhood adverse events and salivary mt-DNA copy number remained statistically significant.10 Taken together, given that the mt-DNA encodes proteins that influence cellular respiration and other bioenergetic properties, these results provide supporting evidence that core mitochondrial functions may be impaired in the face of social adversity, particularly those events experienced early in the life course. We found that maximal ATP production in muscle was compromised among those who had experienced adverse life events in childhood, even after substantial adjustment. One possible explanation for this finding may lie in a what Picard and McEwen defined as “mitochondrial allostatic load” (MAL), a phenomenon in which mitochondria respond to social stressors.11,40 Specifically, MAL has been described as multifactorial, dynamic process by which mitochondria exhibit decreased respiratory enzymatic activity or mitochondrial membrane potential, which may lead to reduced energy production. This physiologic response is consistent with our finding that ATPmax, a measure of maximal energy production, was lower among those who had experienced greater adverse events in childhood. We investigated whether the relationship between cALEs and mitochondrial function differed by gender. While we did not find evidence of statistical interaction, we found in gender-stratified models, among men, each additional adverse life event in childhood was associated with lower ATPmax. Although few studies have investigated whether there are gender differences in mito-chondrial function in humans, a small body of evidence suggests that sex hormones may shape skeletal muscle metabolism, which may also influence the fiber type composition/size and capillary density.41 Therefore, it is possible that the inability to control for these confounding variables may in part explain why we observed different results by gender. An alternative reason for this difference may be driven by differential reporting. Prior research indicates that while women are more likely to suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, men are more likely to report exposure to traumatic events.42–44 One unexpected finding was the lack of an observed association between the Max OXPHOS measure and cALEs. There are several potential explanations for this finding. First, while experiencing social stress may be related to a reduced capacity to generate ATP,45,46 this may occur without impairment to the electron transport system, as assessed by respirometry. Specifically, ATPmax is an integrated measure that calculates ATP production while the ex vivo Max OXPHOS measure reports oxygen consumption as a proxy for ATP production. If there is reduced coupling of oxygen consumption to ATP production (lower ratio of phosphate to oxygen) it could manifest in lower ATPmax without influencing the ex vivo Max OXPHOS measure.48 Changes in intracellular calcium cycling is another factor beyond respiratory chain capacity that could limit ATPmax but would not influence assays of mitochondrial respiration. Thus, the respiration assay used to determine Max OXPHOS utilizes oxygen and substrate concentrations that are standardized and saturating where there is no calcium cycling, which represents a fundamentally different assay compared to the ATPmax assay.50 Lastly, it is possible that measurement error may have been introduced between the two protocols which could explain the observed differences. This study had several strengths. First, we utilized a well characterized sample of older adults that contained both in-vivo and ex vivo measures of mitochondrial function across a large number of participants. To the best of our knowledge, no studies have obtained gold-standard measures of mitochondrial function in a sample of this size. Second, we were also able to utilize life course social exposure data (i.e., parental education, educational attainment, adverse events experienced in childhood). The merging of gold-standard mitochondrial bioenergetic measures with highly valid and well-regarded measures of the social environment often do not exist within the same participants. Therefore, by leveraging this unique intersection of data, we were able to link adverse life events experienced in childhood, a well-established social exposure,2,51,52 to biologically specific measures of aging. Lastly, this study represents an important step forward in our understanding of how mitochondrial function, and specifically ATP production, measured in a tissue with high relevance for cardiometabolic health and physical function, may be implicated in compromised health among older adults later in the life course. Our study results provide initial mechanistic evidence for how early social stress may influence physical functioning and disability in later life,5,53,54 although future studies are needed to corroborate these findings. Despite these strengths, this study has several limitations. First, we acknowledge the cross-sectional nature of these data which limits our ability to disentangle the temporal ordering of mediators on the causal pathway. In future studies, we hope to leverage longitudinal data, a recent addition to the SOMMA study, to parse the contribution of intervening factors that link childhood stress to adult health. Second, an additional limitation of the current study is the retrospective assessment of our primary exposure, childhood adverse life events, and the length of time between the cALEs and the assessment of mitochondrial function. Participants’ memory may be subject to recall bias if events that occurred earlier in life were more difficult to recall. However, previous research suggests individuals recall the timing of past traumatic events with reasonable accuracy.53,55 Third, we note that we treated each adverse event with equal weight and do not know the precise timing in which these events occurred (i.e., age 8 vs 18). Thus, we are unable to fully quantify the magnitude or severity of these adverse events across participants. Future work should pinpoint the duration, timing, and severity of the event experienced. Forth, our sample was predominantly non-Hispanic white and highly educated, limiting the generalizability of our findings. Fifth, we acknowledge the potential for residual confounding as we do not have data on the period between childhood and older age to control for indirect pathways by which adverse life events may have influenced mitochondrial function. Sixth, it is possible our estimates reflect overadjustment since several of the covariates included in our models, while potential confounders, could plausibly be hypothesized as mediators as well (i.e., education).30 However, even with the inability to assess the contribution of other variables on the causal pathway and the potential for over-adjustment due to controlling for mediators, we nonetheless observed an association between cALEs and ATPmax. Our findings serve as a springboard for future studies to investigate how social stress experienced early in the life course influence mitochondrial function in later life, ideally in larger samples sample sizes. ## Conclusion There is growing interest in understanding the social determinants of mitochondrial function among older adults. While few studies have investigated the role of early life social stress and mitochondrial function, almost no prior work has evaluated how adverse life events experienced in childhood influences mitochondrial function in a large sample of older adults. Therefore, this study is an important contribution to the literature because it assesses the relationship between cALEs and mitochondrial function in a tissue with high relevance for cardiometabolic health and physical function in among older adults. Our results suggest that adverse social stress experienced during childhood may be implicated in ATP production, particularly among men. Future work should examine these findings in the context of other relevant biologic pathways, including, but not limited to, inflammation, cell senescence and mt-DNA mutations and to what extent other mediating factors may also play a role in shaping energy production among older adults across the life course. ## Funding The Study of Muscle, Mobility and Aging is supported by funding from the National Institute on Aging, grant number AG059416. Study infrastructure support was funded in part by NIA Claude D. Pepper Older American Independence Centers at University of Pittsburgh (P30AG024827) and Wake Forest University (P30AG021332) and the Clinical and Translational Science Institutes, funded by the National Center for Advancing Translational Science, at Wake Forest University (UL1 0TR001420). This study was also partially funded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Aging R00AG066846 (KAD) ## Data availability All data produced in the present study are available upon reasonable request to the authors ## SUPPLEMENTARY FILE ### Adapted from Adverse Childhood Experiences questionnaire While you were growing up (under 18) did you experience any of the following? 1. Did someone in your close family ever use drugs or alcohol in a way that caused you to worry? 2. Did a parent or other adult in household ever swear at you, insult you, or put you down? 3. Did a parent or other adult in household ever slap, hit, beat, kick, or physically hurt you in any way? 4. Did you often feel that no one in your family loved you or thought you were important or special? 5. Did your parents or adults in your home ever slap, hit, beat, kick, or physically hurt each other? 6. Was either one of your parents absent from your life for a long period of time? Question Responses: 1. Yes 2. No 3. Don’t know 4. Prefer not to answer ![Supplementary Figure 1.]( [Supplementary Figure 1.]( Supplementary Figure 1. Sample flow among SOMMA participants with complete exposure and outcome data. View this table: [Supplementary Table 1.]( Supplementary Table 1. Overall linear regression results examining the relationship between childhood adverse life events and standardized Max OXPHOS. View this table: [Supplementary Table 1A.]( Supplementary Table 1A. Linear regression results examining the relationship between childhood adverse life events and standardized Max OXPHOS among women. View this table: [Supplementary Table 1B.]( Supplementary Table 1B. Linear regression results examining the relationship between childhood adverse life events and standardized Max OXPHOS among men. ## Footnotes * * Denotes co-senior authorship * Received November 7, 2023. * Revision received November 7, 2023. * Accepted November 8, 2023. * © 2023, Posted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory The copyright holder for this pre-print is the author. All rights reserved. The material may not be redistributed, re-used or adapted without the author's permission. ## References 1. 1.Kuh D, Ben-Shlomo Y, Lynch J, Hallqvist J, Power C. Life course epidemiology. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2003;57(10):778–783. doi:10.1136/JECH.57.10.778 [Abstract/FREE Full Text]( 2. 2.Goodwin RD, Stein MB. Association between childhood trauma and physical disorders among adults in the United States. Psychol Med. 2004;34(3):509–520. doi:10.1017/S003329170300134X [CrossRef]( [PubMed]( [Web of Science]( 3. 3.Hayward MD, Gorman BK, Gorman BK, Hayward MD. 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