Social skills group training (KONTAKTTM) for Chinese autistic children: a feasibility wait-list RCT protocol ============================================================================================================ * Uchong Lao * Huilin Zhu * Fengjing Liang * Wuxia Bai * Peipei Yin * Xiaoqian Huang * Sonya Girdler * Sven Bölte * Xiaobing Zou ## Abstract **Introduction** Challenges in social communication and interaction are common among school-aged autistic children in mainstream society settings. Although social skills group training (SSGT) is effective in promoting positive psycho-social functioning outcomes in autistic children, there is no standardised evidence-based SSGT in Mainland China to date. Therefore, the main aim of this study is to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of the culturally-adapted 16-session version of the KONTAKTTM programme in Chinese autistic children. In addition, this study will provide preliminary effectiveness and cost-effectiveness data on the 16-session Chinese version of KONTAKTTM. **Methods and analysis** This is a randomised, single-blinded, wait-list controlled feasibility study with 36 autistic children aged 8–12 years with Intelligence Quotient over 70. They will be assigned to either the immediate training group (ITG) or the delayed training group (DTG) based on gender. Feasibility will be measured by the mixed-methods data of acceptability and adherence of participants, parents, and providers. Preliminary effectiveness and cost-effectiveness will be assessed by quantitative data collected at five-time points. The main outcome is the improvement in social skills as measured by the Contextual Assessment of Social Skills (CASS). Other outcomes include autism traits, adaptive functioning, self-assertiveness, psycho-social functioning, parental reflective functioning, and school support. Common process factors and their effects on outcomes will also be explored. Cost-effectiveness will consider both societal and healthcare perspectives. **Ethics and dissemination** The current study protocol has been reviewed and ethics approval obtained from the Ethical Board Committee at the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University (II2023-119-01). The trial has pre-registered in Chinese Clinical Trials (ChiCTR2300072136) on 05 June 2023. The results of this trial will be actively disseminated through manuscript publications and conference presentations. **Strengths and limitations of this study** * Comprehensive assessment via diverse outcome acquisition methods and multiple informants. * Systematic cultural adaptation using the Integrative Cultural Adaptation Framework (ICAF) ensures the appropriateness of the Chinese version of KONTAKTTM. * Collect data on readiness for change, providing insights into “help-seeker” effects. * Limited generalisability due to a single study site, location-specific inclusion, and absence of active comparator. * Uncertain psychometric properties of certain measures due to a lack of Chinese population data. Keywords * Social skills group training * Children * KONTAKTTM * Cross-cultural adaptation * Feasibility * Autism * Chinese ## Introduction ### Background and rationale Autism1 is a neuro-developmental condition that is characterised by persistent challenges in reciprocal social interaction and communication [1]. As a result, autistic children often struggle to fulfill the expected social norms, limiting their maximum functional capacity in everyday contexts [2]. The estimated prevalence of autism among children aged 6 to 12 in Mainland China is 0.7% (∼ 1 in 143 children), with nearly half of the identified cases being enrolled in mainstream schools [3]. This data underscores the need for evidence-based interventions to enhance the social competence and well-being of cognitively capable Chinese autistic children. Among interventions for verbal and cognitively capable school-aged autistic children, Social Skills Group Training (SSGT) stands out as an evidence-based group approach [4, 5, 6]. Multiple meta-analyses of SSGT programmes in randomised controlled trials (RCTs) consistently report moderate to large *d*-type effects in achieving personally meaningful social goals, enhancing social skills, social skills knowledge, social participation, and social functioning [4, 7, 8, 9]. However, the generalisation of SSGT effects remains undefined, primarily due to over-reliance on parent ratings and a lack of blinded observation [4, 7]. Results from previous meta-analyses [4, 7, 10, 11] inferred that improvements observed in parent and clinical ratings were primarily related to increased social skills knowledge or specific task-related skills, rather than real-life social improvements [7]. Another conspicuous limitation is the limited input from autistic children themselves. Understandably, up to 50% autistic population struggles with understanding and interpreting emotion states, scilicet co-occurring alexithymia, making it challenging to gather their perspectives [12]. Additionally, autistic children may encounter comprehension challenges in emotional vocabulary and Likert scale metrics, raising concerns about the credibility of self-report measures [13]. However, recent meta-analysis findings suggest that emotional self-awareness in school-aged autistic children is comparable to their peers despite the high heterogeneity between the included studies [14]. Furthermore, applying validated non-verbal psychometric measurements, such as projection tests (Draw-A-Person Test [DAPT], [15, 16]), may be conducive to exploring autistic children’s mental states [17, 18, 19]. Another discernible limitation in the past SSGT studies was the sparseness of the investigations in common process factors [20]. While a significant proportion of SSGT studies have reported programme adherence and satisfaction [7], the data of these studies were descriptive. In other words, they did not systematically examine these process factors about outcomes [20]. KONTAKTTM programme is a well-established SSGT designed for children and adolescents with neurodivergent conditions [21]. Originating in Germany [22], it has now been further developed, standardised, culturally adapted, and evaluated in Sweden [23, 24] and Australia [25]. Three session-length variants (24-session, 16-session, and 12-session) have been standardized and evaluated through RCTs, demonstrating efficacy in improving participants’ social functioning, adaptive functioning, emotional well-being, emotion recognition and regulation, personal-meaningful goals, and gaze fixation [23, 24, 25]. Both quantitative and qualitative data support KONTAKTTM as an effective, safe, and well-received program with trivial adverse events [23, 24, 25, 26, 27]. To our knowledge, there is no culturally-standardised SSGT program for school-aged autistic children in Mainland China. KONTAKTTM, with its diverse, individualised, and naturalistic session design [21], is envisaged to effectively cultivate the social functioning and well-being of Chinese autistic children, provided that due consideration is taken on Chinese cultural and social norms [28]. Cultural adaptation involves systematically modifying an evidence-based intervention to align with the target population’s needs, values, languages, conditions, and customs [29, 30, 31]. However, only a few cultural adaptation studies on SSGT have well-documented and theoretically-based methodologies. Moreover, past SSGT studies often lack input from the target population, despite language translation and the inclusion of culturally relevant content [6]. Ignoring cultural differences can significantly hamper the effectiveness of evidence-based SSGTs for autism [28]. Since the core characteristics of autism involve social interaction and communication, social-ecological variations between cultures will predominantly influence the definition between “functioning” and “disorder” regarding autism [32]. These differences also affect collaboration among various social service providers, including healthcare, schools, and communities [33, 34, 35]. For example, Chinese parents are less likely to disclose their child’s autism diagnosis to the child and school, reflecting limited family-school collaboration [36]. Various cultural adaptation frameworks are available [29, 30, 37, 38], sharing similar steps despite some methodological distinctions. This study adopts the integrative cultural adaptation framework (ICAF) since it aligns with consensus in the field [29]. The ICAF involves five stages: information gathering, preliminary design, preliminary testing, refinement, and final trial. This study focuses on the first four stages to prepare for the final trial (the last stage). ### Objectives and hypotheses The overarching purpose of the present study is to assess the feasibility and cross-cultural validity of the adapted 16-session version of KONTAKTTM programme for Chinese autistic children in preparation for a larger RCT trial. The specific objectives are: 1. Evaluating the integration of KONTAKTTM into a tertiary hospital’s routine activity; 2. Assessing the acceptability and feasibility of data collection; 3. Examining preliminary quantitative and qualitative effects of KONTAKTTM; and, 4. Exploring the impact of common process factors on outcomes. Our primary hypothesis is that the Chinese 16-session KONTAKTTM version will be feasible and culturally appropriate for Chinese autistic children with minor revisions, implemented successfully in a tertiary clinic. We also hypothesize that participants in the immediate training group (ITG), in comparison to the delayed training group (DTG) [wait-list], will experience greater improvements in outcomes from Time 1 to Time 3 (waiting period of DTG). We expect that participants and their parents with higher readiness for change and a stronger alliance in the ITG will benefit more from KONTAKTTM. Lastly, we anticipate that the training effects in the ITG will persist at follow-up, and significant improvements in children’s outcomes will occur in the DTG from Time 3 to Time 5 (training endpoint of the DTG). ### Trial Design This study was approved by the Ethical Board Committee at the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University (II2023-119-01) and preregistered in Chinese Clinical Trials (ChiCTR2300072136). Any modification to this protocol will be reported to the ethical board and updated in Chinese Clinical Trials. Following Thabane and Lancaster’s guidelines in 2019 [39], the Chinese KONTAKTTM CHILD protocol is planned and reported following the Standard and Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials (SPIRT) [40]. The findings of this study will be reported adherent to the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials for social and psychological interventions (CONSORT-SPI) [41]. The Chinese KONTAKTTM CHILD feasibility study has a prospective, wait-list controlled, single-site, stratified, randomised design. Blinding applies to data collectors, outcome adjudicators, and data analysts. Three major assessment time-points (ITG: Pre-Post-Follow Up, DTG: Pre-Pre-Post), with an additional mid-point cost and processing factors data collection for each group, are included. Measurements will be taken in person except for data from teachers and prescreening processes. Moreover, this study will employ a mixed-methods design, with between-group and within-participant comparisons, to explore the feasibility and acceptability of implementing a large-scale RCT. Randomisation is performed at a 1:1 allocation ratio, with variable block length and gender stratification. ## Methods: participants, interventions, and outcomes ### Study setting All in-person assessments and interventions will take place at the outpatient department of the Child Development and Behaviour Centre (CDBC) of the tertiary academic hospital named the Third-affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou, China. The CDBC, one of China’s first established and leading developmental behaviour paediatric units, has over 20 years of experience diagnosing and promoting well-being on autistic populations. On the other hand, online assessments will be designed and distributed using the SurveyStar online survey platform ([]( The KONTAKTTM certified trainers are experienced CBDC clinicians (clinical psychologists, developmental-behavioural paediatricians, and therapists) working with Chinese autistic children (with 3-10 years working experiences). They have completed standardised online KONTAKTTM methodological training, including self-directed training and video-conference seminars, followed by a 13-session enhanced in-person training.. KONTAKTTM sessions, except for the excursion session, will occur in a spacious, well-lit room where participants and trainers form a circle. The room will also include a flipchart for session notes and a blackboard for group rules and session agenda. Excursions will be held at nearby cafes, bubble tea shop,s or convenience stores. Parent sessions will take place in a separate room with a projector for lectures, following a similar circle setup. ### Recruitment Figure 1 displays the flow of participants throughout the study. Thirty-six autistic children will be recruited through the outpatient department of the CDBC. Recruitment avenues will be multiple, which include word-of-mouth, referral by clinicians, posters with study information displayed at the CDBC clinic, and advertising articles published on the WeChat© Official account ([]( ![Figure 1]( [Figure 1]( Figure 1 Chinese KONTAKTTM Child feasibility study flowchart. Parents will complete an online registration questionnaire if they and their children desire to participate. They will provide their children’s demographic information, diagnostic statuses, previous evaluations on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-IV Chinese version (WISC-IV) [42], the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-Generic (ADOS-G) [43], and screen for behaviour problems using the Childhood Behavior Checklist-parent version (CBCL) [44], and their contact information. Parents should expect to spend approximately 10-15 minutes completing the questionnaire. Applying the step of online registration can facilitate the analysis of demand, and research coordinators can monitor recruitment. After parents submit the registration questionnaire, our research coordinators will assess candidate eligibility. Prequalified candidates’ parents will then undergo a 10-15 minute prescreening phone interview, discussing their children’s school lives, academic performances, and special needs, and addressing any study-related questions. The interviews will also verify the candidate’s cognitive and verbal abilities for the course materials. If fulfilling the prescreening criteria, candidate participants and their parents will come to the clinic for a 50-minute face-to-face intake interview with the research coordinator. During the intake interview, both children and parents will each have about a 20-minute individual interview with the research coordinator. If the family meets the eligibility criteria and agrees to participate, an written informed consent form will be obtained. ### Eligibility criteria #### Inclusion criteria 1. Aged 8-12 years; 2. A clinical diagnosis of autism (confirmed by ADOS-G, module 3); 3. A Full-scale IQ > 70 on the WISC-IV; 4. Resided in Guangzhou city for the past 12 months. #### Exclusion criteria 1. Significant physical impairment or severe metabolic disease(s); 2. Significant rule-breaking or aggressive behaviours within the last six months, as confirmed by CBCL; 3. Low intrinsic motivation to participate; 4. Significant difficulties with Chinese characters reading comprehension or Mandarin expression and comprehension; 5. Prior or current behaviour or psychiatric conditions that could disrupt participation or necessitate other treatment(s). Participants with common co-occurring neurodevelopmental conditions in autistic individuals, such as attention-deficiency hyperactivity disorder, depression, anxiety, and tic disorder, are eligible if these conditions do not significantly interfere with participation. They can continue their regular pharmacological treatments, psychological therapies, or interventions while participating in KONTAKTTM. Written informed consent will be obtained from participants and parents after a thorough explanation of the study during the intake interview.. ### Intervention #### KONTAKTTM Intervention Before the completion of this protocol, a preliminary adaptation of KONTAKTTM (The first step of the ICAF - Information gathering) has been conducted. The KONTAKTTM programme includes workbooks for trainers, children, and parents, ensuring intervention fidelity. To adapt the 16-session variant of KONTAKTTM from Australian English to Mandarin Chinese, we followed a rigorous process. First, we translated the materials and verified accuracy among authors. Then, a workgroup of KONTAKTTM trainers, who are also CDBC clinicians, provided feedback. This step had led to a significant modification on the discussing topic regarding autism diagnosis in a more general and implicit way (session 3). In addition, to facilitate parents discussing the autism diagnosis with their child, information relating to “how to talk about the diagnosis with your child” was added in the first parent session. This adaptation was made because study shows that over 60% of autistic children do not notice their autism diagnoses, with 40% of parents of autistic children prefer to remain the diagnosis undisclosed to their autistic children in China. Additionally, parents received support in helping their children with homework, including role-play exercises and demonstration videos. We included session-by-session feedback and progress reports for parents, as Chinese parents often require more social coaching support. We modified and added questions, games, activities, and scenarios in line with Chinese cultural norms. We also created a Chinese name for KONTAKTTM, emphasizing meaningful socialization (交得益). Finally, a family with an autistic adolescent proofread the manual to enhance language fluency and localise terminology. Additionally, we customised the logo and stationary to foster group cohesion among participants. The KONTAKTTM programme integrates Cognitive Behaviour Therapy principles and settings tailored for autistic children (see Figure 2) [21], including psychoeducation, observational learning, modeling, behavioural activation, homework, computerised cognitive training, rehearsal, structured agenda, and parental involvement. It employs mandatory, recurring, and variable activities to foster participants generalising their personally meaningful social goals. Sessions aim to enhance understanding of social norms, develop adaptive socio-emotional skills, and promote practical applications. The first 11 sessions have consistent themes and assignments, while later sessions are more individualised. ![Figure 2]( [Figure 2]( Figure 2 Elements, structures, and goals of KONTAKTTM A group of 4-6 participants will attend 16 consecutive sessions of KONTAKTTM led by 2-3 trainers over weekends, with each session lasting 60 minutes. Three parent sessions will take place at the beginning, middle, and end of the training, offering individual feedback on their children’s progresses, autism knowledge and discussing autism diagnosis with their children, and facilitating parents as social coaches for their children. Parents can ask questions, share feedback, and provide mutual support during parent sessions. Parents are encouraged to assist with homework, and trainers will offer children’s session-by-session feedback after class. Refer to **Supplementary Table 1** (**online supplemental file 1**) for the structure and content of the KONTAKTTM Chinese version. To safeguard the fidelity of the KONTAKTTM treatment protocol, trainers will complete session-by-session fidelity checklists and receive supervision from certified KONTAKTTM trainers. ### Description on the rationales of adapting the Chinese 16-session KONTAKTTM The reasons for choosing the 16-session KONTAKTTM variant are four-fold. Firstly, while the RCT efficacy study from Australia indicates that four additional sessions to the 12-session variant of KONTAKTTM showed no substantial improvement on autistic traits [25], the feasibility and efficacy of the 16-session variant remain unestablished in autistic children. Additionally, previous research found that the 12-session variant did not significantly outperform standard care [23], and the 24-session variant had a higher attrition rate (26% vs 11%/14%) [23, 24, 25]. Thirdly, aligning with the Chinese academic year structure, which consists of two terms with approximately five months each, the 16-session version is more practical. Lastly, to ensure ethical and practicality, we aim for a 4-5 month waiting period in the wait-list group, as extended waiting times can impact adherence negatively [45]. ### Explanation for the choice of comparators The waiting period of the DTG is limited to 4-5 months, roughly equivalent to one round of KONTAKTTM training. While an active comparator in an RCT is typically the most robust, due to limited clinical resources in Mainland China, a wait-list control group is considered more practical. Moreover, given that “non specific” care is common in Mainland China, a wait-list control group allows for assessing the additional impact of KONTAKTTM on usual care. ### Intervention adherence We will use a participant attendance sheet to track compliance, aiming for at least 80% attendance (13 out of 16 sessions) as acceptable. We also record homework completion, with a target of over 60% considered tolerable. We adopt several approaches recommended by Robiner to enhance the wait-list group’s adherence [46]: 1. Provide detailed study information during intake interviews; 2. Emphasize the importance of adherence; 3. Garner trust with families during intake interviews; 4. Offer face-to-face assessments for regular clinical visits; 5. Minimise waiting time to 4-5 months with a single-round intervention; 6. Schedule appointments at convenient times. ### Randomisation After the initial visit to the clinic, the participant will be randomised to either ITG or DTG. Randomisation will be conducted by a third party not involved in the Chinese KONTAKTTM CHILD trial using computer-generated random numbers. The permuted block numbers of 4-6 will be used to restrict randomisation within the strata (gender). Each participant will have a unique code to denote. ### Assessments/measures Outcomes from multiple informants (children, parents, teachers, clinical ratings) and multiple means (questionnaires, interviews, observations, projective tests) will be acquired. The assessment timeline is presented in **Table 1**. View this table: [Table 1.]( Table 1. Schedule of enrolment, interventions, and assessments for the study All online questionnaire fields are mandatory, eliminating the expectation of missing data. QR codes will be used for distributing the registration and teacher questionnaires, completed via the WeChat© app. Each teacher questionnaire will assign unique research serial numbers for participant identification. *The primary outcome* of the Mandarin KONTAKTTM CHILD study is social communication and interaction skills improvement measured by the Contextual Assessment of Social Skills (CASS), an observational measure. *Secondary outcomes* include autistic characteristics (Social Responsiveness Scale-2 [SRS-2]), generalised social skills (Snack Time Assessment of Relationships and Social Skills [STARSS]), adaptive functioning (Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System-II), self-esteem and self-concept (Self-concept Scale Draw-A-Person [SCS-DAP], Child Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale [CRSES]), cognitive development and psychosocial well-being (Koppitz Draw-A-Person Test, Child Outcome Rating Scale), perceived school support school level, and parental reflective functioning. *Feasibility outcomes* include acceptability, appropriateness, and negative effects from quantitative data (fidelity checklists, recruitment rates, attendance rates, homework completion rates, Group Session Rating Scale, Theoretical Framework of Acceptability Questionnaire, and Negative Effects Questionnaire) and qualitative data from focus groups post-intervention. *Common process factors measurements* include treatment alliance (Therapeutic Alliance Scales for Children) and readiness for change (Preparedness for Participating in KONTAKTTM Scale). *Cost-effectiveness outcomes* include healthcare consumption and productivity loss (the tailored version of the Trimbos/iMTA questionnaire for patients with a psychiatric disorder child version) and health-related quality of life (Child Health Utility 9D, EQ-5D-Y). For details of these measures, see **online supplemental file 2**. ### Retention Assessment appointments will offer flexibility within the time frame, with reminders from research assistants. Paper questionnaires will be provided for those unable to have in-person assessments, with families returning them by post. All non-retention events will be documented and reported. ### Data management In the Chinese KONTAKTTM CHILD feasibility study, all paper data will be converted to electronic format. Trained research assistants will input the data within two weeks after each assessment. Both paper and electronic data will be stored in EpiData [47] with double-entry for data integrity. Checks for referenced range values, valid values, and regular data consistency will be applied. Non-numeric data, including open-ended questions and notes, will be entered as originally written. Video and audio recordings will be labeled with unique serial names, and their details recorded in the EpiData repository. Paper documents will be securely stored in locked filing cabinets at the clinic. Electronic textual data will be password-protected. Video and audio files will have dual backups on encrypted hard disks. Only the principal investigator will have full data access. Incremental data and recording files will be back-up daily. ### Sample size The primary outcome measure is CASS. Previous SSGT studies applying the CASS suggested a medium effect size (ES) of 0.42 [48]. Additionally, a rough average ES of 0.40, as measured by the SRS-2, is derived from the three prior RCT studies evaluating KONTAKTTM [23, 24, 25], informs the expected ES for the future Chinese KONTAKTTM CHILD main trial. According to Whitehead et al., a feasibility study with a sample size of 15 per treatment arm allows for detecting a medium EF (0.3∼0.7) with 90% power and two-sided 5% significance in the main trial [49]. Accounting for a 15% attrition rate from previous KONTAKTTM evaluation studies, we require a sample size of *n* = 18 per arm (*N* = 36 in total). ### Statistical analysis #### Statistical methods for primary and secondary outcomes The primary outcome for this study is social-communication skills improvement as measured by the CASS, with the follow-up being the primary endpoint. The analysis will follow the intent-to-treat (ITT) principles [50], and all data from every participant will be analysed. Missing data will be handled based on established guidelines for each measure or CONSORT-SPI statements. No interim analysis will occur. Data will be checked for normality and variance heterogeneity. Baseline demographics will be compared between ITG and DTG using t-tests or Wilcoxon rank test (continuous variables) and chi-square tests (categorical variables) to verify group comparability. Random mixed effects regression models, which have the advantage of handling missing data, will compare ITG and DTG for primary and secondary analyses, considering time (baseline, endpoint, follow-up), group (ITG, DTG), age, gender, IQ, co-occurring conditions, process factors (PPKS, GSRS at baseline), and th interaction variable (time × group). Participants’ ID will be a random effect to account for intra-individual correlations. Intervention effects will be reported as least-square mean differences. ES will be reported by dividing the groups’ mean difference (baseline to endpoint and baseline to follow-up) by the pooled standard deviations, with positive values favoring intervention. Feasibility measures will be reported descriptively. Additionally, qualitative data will be transcribed verbatim, de-identified, then imported into Nvivo 12 for theme-based analysis. #### Health economic analyses analysis Cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) will follow an ITT basis, considering societal and healthcare perspectives. Cost differences will be statistically tested, while resource usage differences will not be compared to prevent false positives. Quality-adjusted life year (QALY) will be calculated from EQ-5D-Y and CHU9D scores using validated algorithms for Chinese children and adolescents [51, 52]. Given potential non-normality in cost data, a non-parametric random forest permutation model will handle missing data. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) will be calculated as Δcost/ΔQALYs. Cost differences between ITG and DTG at different time points will be analysed via linear regression with bootstrapping for 5,000 repetitions to generate non-parametric confidence intervals (See **online supplemental file 3** for CEA details). ## Discussion The study commenced recruitment on June 5, 2023. This article presents the design of the Chinese KONTAKTTM CHILD trial, a feasibility wait-list RCT featuring the Chinese 16-session KONTAKTTM variant for autistic children. This design incorporates multiple data sources and diverse outcome assessment methods, facilitating a comprehensive exploration of outcome data feasibility from different perspectives. Furthermore, a systematic cultural adaptation process ensures the suitability, acceptability, and comprehensiveness of the Chinese KONTAKTTM version. Adhering to the ICAF framework, this study will guide the refinement of the Chinese KONTAKTTM version and future larger-scale evaluations, addressing the question of whether SSGT can be effectively implemented for Chinese school-aged autistic children. While there are several strengths in the study design mentioned earlier, it’s important to acknowledge some limitations. Firstly, the study’s single-site nature and its focus on autistic children in Guangzhou city may limit the generalisability of the findings. Additionally, certain measures planned for use in the study, such as the CRSES and the SCS-DAP, may have uncertain psychometric properties due to the lack of Chinese population data. However, this feasibility study aims to provide empirical data on the psychometrics of these measures. Another limitation is the absence of an active comparator, as the wait-list control could potentially overestimate treatment effects [53]. Nevertheless, this aligns with the prevailing situation in China. Furthermore, the study will collect data on parents’ and children’s readiness for change, allowing for an exploration of the “help-seeker” effects, following the recommendation by Cunningham and colleagues in 2013 [53]. As mentioned above, the final stage of the ICAF involves running a full-scale RCT trial to evaluate the efficacy of the Chinese version of KONTAKTTM. Therefore, upon completing this feasibility study, the investigators will integrate all quantitative and qualitative results to decide whether a full-scale RCT trial will be progressed or redesigning another KONTAKTTM feasibility study will be needed. The following aspects will be considered: (1) participants and parents’ acceptability and adherence rates, (2) participants and parents’ feedback on demand for KONTAKTTM, (3) trainers’ feedback on implementing KONTAKTTM in Chinese clinical setting, (4) trainers’ fidelity on implementing KONTAKTTM, (5) the feasibility results of the processes for data collecting, and (6) considering the potential capacity of the intervention setting (human resources, materials, and equipment) on implementing a full-scale RCT regarding the sample size calculation for the primary outcome. ### Plans for dissemination of finding The findings of the Chinese KONTAKTTM CHILD trial will be submitted to peer-review journals for consideration. Abstracts will also be submit to both local and international conferences, and community-based lay abstracts will be written and disseminated to provide feedback for autism stakeholders in China. ## Supporting information online supplemental file 1 [[supplements/296686_file04.docx]](pending:yes) online supplemental file 2 [[supplements/296686_file05.docx]](pending:yes) online supplemental file 3 [[supplements/296686_file06.docx]](pending:yes) ## Data Availability The ethical consent and funding documents have been reviewed by the review board of the Chinese Clinical Trial Registry and are available for review by the Editorial Office. Anonymised data related to this study will be available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request after study completion and publication of the study. The final dataset generated during this study will upload to the Research Data Deposit of Sun Yat-sen University. Trial results will be reported and published in scientific journals. ## Footnotes ### Authors’ contributions LU, ZH, ZX, SB, and SG undertook the conceptualization and design of the study. LU, ZH, BW translated the manuals and workbooks. LU, ZH, SB, SG, and ZX selected the measures used. BW, FJ, YP, HX, ZH, LU, and ZX improved the content of the manual. FJ, YP, ZH, and ZX assist with administration of groups and offer clinical support. LU drafted the manuscript, with inputs from ZH, SB, SG, and ZX. All authors contributed to, read and approved the final manuscript. ### Funding statement This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial or non-profit sectors. ### Competing interests All authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest. ### Ethics approval This study has been approved by the Ethical Board Committee at the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University (II2023-119-01), and pre-registered in Chinese Clinical Trials (ChiCTR2300072136). ### Availability of data and materials The ethical consent and funding documents have been reviewed by the review board of the Chinese Clinical Trial Registry and are available for review by the Editorial Office. Anonymised data related to this study will be available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request after study completion and publication of the study. The final dataset generated during this study will upload to the Research Data Deposit of Sun Yat-sen University. Trial results will be reported and published in scientific journals. ## Acknowledgments We acknowledge the generous support from the Swedish team at Karolinska Institutet/Stockholm Health Services and the Australian team at Curtin University. They facilitated the training, provided precious experiences and materials for the CDBC KONTAKTTM trainers. We thanks the CDBC KONTAKTTM team for facilitating the process of this trial. We sincerely thank the autistic individual, Yihan Liu, and her families for validating the translation and contents of the Chinese KONTKATTM manual. Additionally, we appreciate Yan Li for designing the KONTAKTTMChina tools. ## Footnotes * 1 Herein, identity-first language is used since this is the endorsed terminology among autistic advocates (Kenny, 2016). * Received October 30, 2023. * Revision received October 30, 2023. * Accepted October 30, 2023. * © 2023, Posted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory This pre-print is available under a Creative Commons License (Attribution-NoDerivs 4.0 International), CC BY-ND 4.0, as described at []( ## References 1. 1.American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. 5th ed., text rev.;2022. 2. 2.Tillmann J, San Jose Caceres A, Chatham CH, et al. Investigating the factors underlying adaptive functioning in autism in the EU-AIMS Longitudinal European Autism Project. Autism Res 2019;12(4):645–57. doi:10.1002/aur.2081. Epub 2019 Feb 12. [CrossRef]( 3. 3.Zhou H, Xu X, Yan W, et al. 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