Excess deaths in China during SARS-CoV-2 viral waves in 2022-2023 ================================================================= * Prabhat Jha * Patrick E Brown * Teresa Lam * Ed Morawski * Angus Reid ## Abstract **Background** The extent to which the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 raised death rates in China during its viral wave of December 2022-January 2023 remains undocumented. **Methods** We worked with an established national survey organization to survey 8,004 adults in all 31 administrative areas of China to ask about deaths in families since January 2020. We examined agespecific death rates, focusing on deaths above age 60 years, and at 15-59 years. We compared these to the United Nations (UN) estimates of age-specific mortality in 2019. **Findings** The survey participants were broadly similar to the 2020 census and other national surveys in age, sex, region, and smoking status, but had lower SARS-CoV-2 vaccination rates and higher education levels. There were no differences between reporting of deaths during the Omicron period versus earlier. The survey captured 456 deaths, of which 329 occurred at ages 60+ years and 212 were women. At ages 60+ years, death rates per 1000 rose 242% (95%CI 128-398%) during December 2022-January 2023. Deaths at ages 15-59 years did not rise appreciably. The UN estimates approximately 675,000 deaths per month at ages 60+ years in 2019. If rates doubled nationally as in our survey, China had approximately 1·35 million excess deaths over the two months. **Interpretation** China experienced a sharp but short increase in excess deaths among its elderly during the Omicron wave. If death registry data corroborate our estimates of substantial excess deaths in China, the worldwide estimates of excess deaths to 2023 may need upward adjustment. **Funding** Canadian Institutes of Health Research ## Introduction The People’s Republic of China adopted stringent lockdowns, quarantine, mass testing, and vaccination to combat the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.1,2 Despite some early success,2 local outbreaks occurred and a national viral wave of over 100,000 test-confirmed cases ensued in March-April 2022. After abandoning most restrictions and the arrival of the Omicron variants, China reported a sharp increase in cases in December 2022-January 2023.1 Over 100,000 PCR test-confirmed COVID deaths occurred in hospitals during this period.1 However, many deaths, even in hospital, went untested or occurred at home. Excess mortality from all causes is a robust method to capture the direct and indirect mortality from SARS-CoV-2 viral waves.3,4 Direct estimates of excess mortality have not been reported after the original viral wave in Spring 2020.2 We calculated excess mortality in a nationally representative survey of China. ## Methods ### Recruitment We worked with an established survey research organization with an online sampling platform. The survey research organization has over two decades of experience in Asia, including in China. The online platform recruits members from mainland China, who receive points used for various merchandise from participation in each survey. Overall internet penetration exceeds 75% in China.5 As of April 2023, the panel covered over three million adults. Additional details of the recruitment channels and quality control are provided in the Appendix. The study received ethical approval by the Unity Health Toronto Research Ethics Board (REB # 15-231). ### Sampling For this study, the sampling strategy involved creating a profile that was representative of China’s four regions (Eastern, Central, Western, and Northeastern) and broadly by age group (18-59 and 60+) and sex. Additionally, the sample frame was balanced on five tiers that represented over 700 cities, and several income ranges with lower income participants. ### Survey The survey focused on changes in consumption, travel, and household structure during the COVID-19 pandemic, to understand the economic recovery. We developed an online survey with 38 items in February 2023, and pretested it among 200 participants in March 2023, with the final survey implemented in early April 2023. We compared our respondents’ characteristics with Census 2020 or nationally representative surveys on income and health behavior (smoking, SARS-CoV-2 vaccination).6-11 Additionally, our participants answered questions about the time (month and year) and age for each death that occurred in their families since Lunar New Year (January 25) 2020. Participants took about 8-12 minutes to complete the survey. ### Analyses Any deaths in participants’ families were captured by a dichotomous variable (1=any death, 0=no death), and a discrete variable tallied the number of deaths. For participants with at least one death in the family since Lunar New Year (January 25) 2020, another dichotomous variable (1=since November 2021, 0=earlier) captured deaths that occurred after the arrival of the Omicron variant. We smoothed the study’s monthly death rates using 3-month rolling averages (although 2-month and 4-month averages showed similar patterns; data not shown). The numerator of the monthly death rates was the number of deaths by age group by month. The denominator was the sum of all family members by age group and month (Appendix 2). We used China’s population and deaths reported on the World Population Prospects 2022 by the United Nations Population Division to calculate the national age-specific death rates from 2012-2019.5 We divided the annual rates by 12 to obtain the average monthly rates. We used logistic regression to determine the likelihood of having a death in the family vs. not, and of having any death in the family since November 2021 vs. any earlier death since Lunar New Year (January 25) 2020. We used Poisson regression, with appropriate confidence intervals, to estimate changes in the age-specific survey death rates during Dec 2022-Jan 2023 compared to earlier periods. We used Stata/MP 17 to conduct all analyses.12 Our data and codebook are available on GitHub: [https://github.com/ChinaStudy2023](https://github.com/ChinaStudy2023). ### Role of the funding source The funder had no role in data collection, analysis, interpretation of the findings, writing of the paper, or the decision to submit. ## Results About 210,000 panelists were invited, of whom 8,004 completed the full survey. The response rate of about 4% is typical of comparable online surveys in China. Our sample was broadly representative of the regional population distribution of China’s 31 administrative regions (Table 1). Compared to the 2020 census and other national surveys, study participants were broadly representative by age, sex, region, and smoking status, but had lower SARS-CoV-2 vaccination rates and higher education levels. Households reporting a death differed little from those that did not, except for more deaths occurring in households with a smoker and fewer deaths in more educated households. There were no differences between reporting of deaths during the Omicron period versus earlier. View this table: [Table 1.](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2023/10/19/2023.10.18.23297204/T1) Table 1. Characteristics of survey participants compared to national census/other data and comparison of households with and without a death. The survey captured 456 deaths, of which 329 occurred at 60+ years and 212 were women. At 60+ years, the average death rates per 1000 fluctuated but rose 242% (95%CI 128-398%) during December 2022-January 2023 (Figure 1). Survey death rates at these ages were lower than the UN death rates, which are more complete as they draw upon death registration and census data. Death rates at ages 15-59 showed less fluctuation and were closer to the UN death rates. ![Figure 1.](http://medrxiv.org/https://www.medrxiv.org/content/medrxiv/early/2023/10/19/2023.10.18.23297204/F1.medium.gif) [Figure 1.](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2023/10/19/2023.10.18.23297204/F1) Figure 1. Mortality rates per 1000 at ages 60 years or older and 15-59 years in a nationally representative survey in China from 2020-23 compared to United Nations estimates for earlier years. Peak viral periods in March-April 2022 and Dec 2022-Jan 20231 are shown in the black rectangles. The numbers of study deaths are shown in the text below the figure. Study deaths use rolling three-month averages. The annual mortality rates are per 1,000 person-years. The smoothed UN estimated deaths are for 2012-19 ([https://population.un.org/wpp/](https://population.un.org/wpp/)). Using the UN estimates, China had about 8·1 million deaths at ages 60+ in 2019,5 which (ignoring seasonality) equates to approximately 675,000 deaths monthly. If death rates doubled nationally during December 2022-January 2023, as they clearly did so in our survey, mainland China had 1·35 million excess deaths at 60+ years. ## Discussion Our estimate of 1·35 million excess deaths in China’s last SARS-CoV-2 wave is crude by necessity, but consistent results drawn on modelling based on increases in cremations13 and death registration data in China’s special administrative regions. Hong Kong saw about 70% excess deaths in March-April 2022 (when the increase in cases was smaller than in December 2022-January 2023) and Macau saw about 170% excess deaths during the later peak.14 Both regions have better health systems and reporting than the whole of China. Our estimate is lower than that based on internet searches for funerals.15 Excess deaths were concentrated at ages 60+ also during the original wave of spring 2020.2 Additionally, China has high overall vaccination coverage of 90%, but its elderly are disproportionally less fully (3-doses) vaccinated.16 We did not observe over-reporting of deaths during the Omicron wave versus earlier. Indeed, we sequenced questions to avoid such spurious reporting. Nevertheless, sample surveys generally underestimate deaths17 and are no substitute for timely release of China’s high-quality death registration data. China’s 2025 Census and its Disease Surveillance Point system (covering 20% of the population) could each quantify excess deaths directly by reporting deaths from January 2020 onward by location, age, sex, and date. Despite an older population, China’s excess deaths during the Omicron wave of December 2022-January 2023 were about half of what India experienced during its very large Delta wave of April-May 2021.2-4 If indeed China had substantial excess deaths in late 2022/early 2023, they would suggest a significant upward revision of worldwide excess deaths from SARS-CoV-2 infection through mid-2023 from the estimated 13-17 million deaths as of December 2021.3 ## Data Availability Our data and codebook are available on GitHub: [https://github.com/ChinaStudy2023](https://github.com/ChinaStudy2023). [https://github.com/ChinaStudy2023](https://github.com/ChinaStudy2023) ## Acknowledgements We thank Zhengming Chen with advice on the survey design, Fatima LaHay for advice on the sampling panel, and Leslie Newcombe for editorial assistance. This research is supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. ## Appendix 1 Recruitment and quality control Recruitment channels include working with affiliates, using banners at commercial centres to recruit specific demographics (e.g., younger adults buying vehicles), relying on word of mouth from existing members, and using social media platforms with careful checks to counter robotic requests to register. The organization removed any subject suspected of being fraudulent (or robotic). The survey research organization conducts various quality control steps to manage the panel, including verification of IP addresses, devices’ information, and subjects’ area of residence, as well as validity of emails and phone numbers. New panellists receive at least one quality-control check every month and receive at least two requests to update their demographic information each year. Panellists who are unresponsive for more than one year are removed. Additional internal data quality checks, including detection for artificial intelligence, are also performed on each panel. ## Appendix 2 Supplementary information for calculating family size Each participant’s family size was defined as the sum of participants themselves, a living partner, a living mother, a living father, the number of living brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters, as well as the number of new members that joined their families since Lunar New Year 2020. Then, because we only asked for ages for the first three brothers, first three sisters, first three sons, and first three daughters, we made assumptions regarding the ages of subsequent siblings and offspring. For brothers and sisters, we used the participants’ age group for the ones with unknown ages. For sons and daughters, because we asked for ages of “first son”, “second son”, and so forth, we assumed that people responded from the oldest to the youngest. Then, any son or daughter beyond the first three used the same age group as the third one. Lastly, for all months after January 2020, family size was calculated as the difference between family size and deaths in the previous month. This yielded larger family sizes than observed in the 2020 census,1,2 which would result in lower death rates, given a larger denominator of living adults. However, these lower death rates were observed consistently at both ages 60 or older and below these ages. As a further check on the denominators and given the study sample size (n=8,004) is a small fraction of China’s population in 2020 Census, we applied the same fraction to obtain age-specific population sizes for the age-specific mortality rates. This method yielded higher death rates, but no change in the peak and non-peak distribution of deaths (data not shown). ## Appendix 3 STROBE Statement View this table: [Table2](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2023/10/19/2023.10.18.23297204/T2) * Received October 18, 2023. * Revision received October 18, 2023. * Accepted October 19, 2023. * © 2023, Posted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory The copyright holder for this pre-print is the author. All rights reserved. The material may not be redistributed, re-used or adapted without the author's permission. ## References 1. 1.China’s COVID-19 Response. 2023. [https://en.chinacdc.cn/news/latest/202301/W020230126558725888448.pdf](https://en.chinacdc.cn/news/latest/202301/W020230126558725888448.pdf) (accessed August 4 2023). 2. 2.Liu J, Zhang L, Yan Y, et al. Excess mortality in Wuhan city and other parts of China during the three months of the covid-19 outbreak: findings from nationwide mortality registries. 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