Keyphrase Identification Using Minimal Labeled Data with Hierarchical Contexts and Transfer Learning ==================================================================================================== * Rohan Goli * Keerthana Komatineni * Shailesh Alluri * Nina Hubig * Hua Min * Yang Gong * Dean F. Sittig * Lior Rennert * David Robinson * Paul Biondich * Adam Wright * Christian Nøhr * Timothy Law * Arild Faxvaag * Aneesa Weaver * Ronald Gimbel * Xia Jing ## ABSTRACT **Background** Interoperable clinical decision support system (CDSS) rules provide a pathway to interoperability, a well-recognized challenge in health information technology. Building an ontology facilitates creating interoperable CDSS rules, which can be achieved by identifying the keyphrases (KP) from the existing literature. Ontology construction is traditionally a manual effort by human domain experts, and the newly advanced natural language processing techniques, such as KP identification, can be a critical complementary automatic part of building ontology. However, KP identification requires human expertise, consensus, and contextual understanding for data labeling. **Methods** This paper presents a semi-supervised KP identification framework (long short-term memory-based encoders and the conditional random fields -based decoder models, BiLSTM-CRF) using minimal human labeled data based on hierarchical attention (i.e., at word, sentence, and abstract levels) over the documents and domain adaptation. We created synthetic labels for initial training and human-labeled data for fine-tuning. We also tested different options during NLP preprocessing and ML training to optimize the ML pipeline. **Results** Our method outperforms the prior neural architectures by learning through synthetic labels for initial training, document-level contextual learning, language modeling, and fine-tuning with limited gold standard label data. After comparison, we found that the BIO encoding schema performed slightly better than Blue, and domain adaptation techniques can improve the quality of synthetic labels. In addition, document-level context, pre-trained LM, and pre-trained WE all contributed to better model performance in our tasks. Add 2 to 4 human-labeled documents for every 100 synthetic labeled documents improves the model performance without exhausting human-labeled documents too quickly. **Conclusions** To the best of our knowledge, this is the first functional framework for the CDSS sub-domain to identify KPs, which is trained on limited human labeled data. It contributes to the general natural language processing (NLP) architectures in areas such as clinical NLP, where manual data labeling is challenging, and light-weighted deep learning models play an important role in real-time KP identification as a complementary approach to human experts’ effort. KEYWORDS * Clinical Decision Support System * Minimal labeled data * Hierarchical context * Semi-supervised learning * Domain adaptation * Natural language processing ## 1. Introduction Interoperability [1,2] is a well-recognized barrier in health informatics. For example, a lack of interoperability can create chaos when transmitting patients’ health records between institutions. Despite good progress in interoperability in healthcare, it is not yet a common reality. Clinical decision support systems (CDSSs), especially rule-based CDSSs have been effective in improving the quality of healthcare and preventive services [3,4]. However, developing and maintaining CDSS rules are resource-demanding, and it is not yet a reality to share such rules across institutions. One way to achieve interoperable CDSS rules is via an ontology [5,6] that uses unambiguous concepts and their relationships. In a text corpus, such as an article, concepts can be identified as an orderly sequence of words or N-grams, namely, keyphrases (KP). A KP is a gold standard (GS) if it is selected by a human domain expert (HDE) for a particular purpose, such as constructing an ontology, after careful review and with consensus among multiple HDEs[7]. Typically, ontology construction is a manual process with the HDE input and curators’ deep understanding of the domain and application contexts. Automatic KP identification can be a critical complement to the manual construction and curation process. We aim to build a system using natural language processing (NLP) to speed up KP identification in CDSS literature. KPs will be reviewed by HDE before they can be added to a CDSS ontology. NLP neural network architectures [8, 9] can be used to automate identifying possible KPs. Classic NLP algorithms (supervised and rule-based approaches) [8, 9] require human-labeled data as the GS terms, which is costly and labor-intensive since only HDE can provide labeled data. Unsupervised algorithms [8,9] work with text similarity or semantic relatedness and do not need human labels. Although Transformer models [10, 11] have been quite popular in accomplishing such a task using the context information with attention, they are computationally intense and require labeled data to fine-tune or to adapt from the biomedical domain to the CDSS domain. To avoid the above-mentioned challenges, inferior neural architectures (compared to the Transformer [10,11] and other [12,13] models) can help us identify the possible N-gram combination of tokens as candidate KPs. For example, long short-term memory (LSTM)-based encoders [14] and the conditional random fields (CRF)-based decoder models [15] (a statistical modeling method for text pattern recognition, where current prediction is affected by neighbors). This encoder-decoder network accommodates the customization of text features and various attention levels over the text while recognizing the candidate KPs from the CDSS literature. Bidirectional attention for LSTM enhances the prediction of KP [16], focusing more on contextual understanding. Our approach is based on the NLP architectures (attention-based BiLSTM-CRF model) presented by Yang, et al and Gu, et al. [17, 18] to create a hybrid approach by augmenting document-level attention layer, preserving its light-weighted heritage, and adding context awareness. In this paper, we describe harnessing the power of the newly augmented framework with a minimally labeled dataset for KP identification in our domain of interest, CDSS, and the challenges we faced. The main objectives include the following: * Identifying KPs with long-range contextual dependencies with a hierarchical attention-based encoder (Hier-Attn-BiLSTM) neural network architecture, incorporating document, word, and sentence-level attentions. * Creating high-quality synthetic labels in CDSS to bootstrap a machine learning (ML) model with a pre-trained Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) model in the biomedical domain. * Harnessing and optimizing the fine-tuning process when the ML model with limited HDE labeled data in a semi-supervised approach. The paper discusses the related research in Section 2; formulates the task and describes the method and architecture in Section 3; outlines the CDSS dataset, training procedure, experiments, and results in Section 4; discusses the analysis and the challenges identified during this project in Section 5; and concludes in Section 6. ## 2. Background ### 2.1. CDSS Ontology CDSS has been broadly adopted in healthcare settings due to its effectiveness in improving healthcare quality and adherence to prescriptions and other clinical orders [3,4]. CDSS is usually a part of an electronic health record system. For rule-based CDSS, the rules dictate CDSS’ operational behavior. However, creating and maintaining these rules are tedious, resource-demanding, and challenging in resource-constrained settings. A CDSS ontology can facilitate the interoperability of CDSS rules [4,7]. Traditionally, ontology construction is an expert-driven manual process. Leveraging the NLP technique to automatically identify KP can be a critical complement to the manual effort of building an ontology. ### 2.2. Similarity with other NLP problems The NLP-based ML approaches use unstructured text data to extract information and identify patterns and the KP. Identifying a KP involves (1) extracting N-grams, limiting them to noun phrases only, and (2) ranking the N-grams to find the best and mark them as KP. Some of the popular methods of KP extraction, as given by Zhiyong He et al. [8] will be summarized in the forthcoming sections, as well as the differences between our focus and others. #### 2.2.1. Statistical and unsupervised methods For limited labeled data, ML methods involving no labeled data, statistical, or unsupervised, can be an ideal solution, as proposed by Kazim et al. [9]. Some statistical features, such as term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) [19, 20] and Best Match 25 (BM25) [21], differentiate the KP into good or bad categories. But the approaches fail to deal with the unseen data, as the statistics are drawn from the existing corpus. In unsupervised methods, the KPs are determined using semantic similarity. A graph using the KP as nodes and their semantic similarity as the relations can be used to rank algorithms, such as Google’s PageRank [22], MultiPartiteRank [23], PositionRank [24], and TopicRank [25] by scoring the terms across the relations drawn. However, the relation is given by the similarity between N-gram tokens without considering the document’s context. #### 2.2.2. Supervised methods KP identification can be considered as a classification task, the supervised algorithms, such as Naïve Bayes [26], Decision Trees [27], and Support Vector Machines (SVM) [28], can be used to solve binary classification. However, KPs are not independent entities and are always an N-gram combination, which creates chaos in the conceptual formulation of the problem. Using ranking and marking the top N entities as the KP, Witten Ian et al. [29] developed a Keyword Extraction Algorithm, which uses statistical features like TF-IDF and Word’s First Occurrence Position (WFOP). Chengzhi Zhang et al. [30] included additional features such as the length of the token and linguistic features such as Part of Speech (POS) [31] tags to normalize the position and occurrence of the KP. A linear ranking SVM was used to rank the KP [32]. The BiLSTM-CRF model [33] considers KP identification a sequence tagging problem with superior performance [34]. However, the direct implementation of supervised methods does not solve the problem of limited labeled data. #### 2.2.3. Named Entity Recognition (NER) Named entity recognition (NER), a classical NLP task, extracts and classifies N-gram entities into predefined categories, such as name, drug, gene, disease, organization, quantity, numeric values, location, and data, is known as NER [35]. It can be handled as two problems: entity identification and entity classification. NER can be achieved by grammar-based or statistics-based methods. Although NER is based on a contextual understanding of the text, it is often comprehended by confidence in classifying an entity into one of the predefined categories. As shown in Figure 1, the entities identified by NER are mostly nouns. Other grammatical entities are disregarded. Objectively, it differs from KP identification, which includes an N-gram combination of all grammatical entities. ![Figure 1.]( [Figure 1.]( Figure 1. Entities identified on sample CDSS abstract demonstrate differences between human labeled Gold Standards and NER by sciSpacy. ### 2.3. Domain adaptation KP identification is a fundamental task for NLP applications. Training deep learning models can facilitate KP identification; however, the process is challenging and needs significant resources, time, and data. Domain adaptation [36,37] adapts the pre-trained ML models into a similar domain and fine-tunes them with minimal use of labeled data for specific tasks. Therefore, it can be used for KP identification. A popular model in entity identification, Spacy [38], based on BERT [10,11], is trained on OntoNotes5 [39] and WordNet [40] open-source corpora. Although it works very well with English language modeling and text comprehension, it fails to identify the entities in biomedical and clinical informatics sub-domains. Therefore, Spacy, a large language model (LLM), has been domain-adapted with a 785 K vocabulary and 600-word vectors into sciSpacy, specializing in the identification of biomedical entities [42]. We further fine-tuned the sciSpacy model to the CDSS sub-domain and strengthened the transfer learning approaches to achieve our goals. ### 2.4. Language Model (LM) The LM is a critical aspect of NLP architectures [43]. It is a statistical and probabilistic technique to determine the conditional probability of each word’s occurrence in a given sentence based on the hidden Markov model (HMM) [44]. It is often used when the labeled training data is limited. To create such an LM, all the sentences in the document are unified into one, and punctuation is removed. Then, we slide over the word windows to train the LM without using labeled data to provide the context of the words and their characteristics. The ML model needs to understand domain-specific language and the distribution of words in the domain, CDSS in our case. We can use this trained LM to transfer its neural network parameters to the actual model, the process helps the model learn the language distribution for the CDSS domain [45]. ## 3. Methods As shown in Figure 1, our task diverges from NER. We aim to identify KP that can be added to the CDSS ontology. We designed a pipeline for the task, which includes a bidirectional long short-term memory (BiLSTM) as the encoder and a CRF layer as the decoder. For a given sentence, it can learn the N-gram entity patterns and their occurrence over the context[16, 17]. Word embeddings (WE) play a significant role in transforming text information into mathematical representation, which provides input for deep learning models. We propose a hierarchical attention strategy during model training and learning, including word, sentence, and document level attentions. The details are presented in the following sections. ### 3.1. Overview #### 3.1.1. Defining the task KP identification is a typical sequence labeling task to find the N-gram KP from the document. For a document with m sentences, *d* = (*s*1,*s*2,…, *s**m*): each sentence contains n tokens or words, *s**i* = (*w**i*1,*w**i*2,…, *w**in*) is the input to the model and output *z**i* = (*z**i*1,*z**i*2,…, *z**in*) would be a sequence of tags in BIO token tagging representation [46]. In BIO token tagging [46], the first N-gram phrase word is labeled B-KP, the rest are labeled I-KP, and the non-KP tokens are marked as O. Figure 2 presents a BIO token tagging example with an input document. The model can output the sequence tag (B-KP/I-KP/O) where the keyphrases can be generated by decoding the output tags. ![Figure 2.]( [Figure 2.]( Figure 2. Flow of labeling Keyphrases (KP) from a sentence We provide the document-level context by combining hierarchical attentions (i.e., adding word-level and sentence-level attentions to create the document vector), yo improve the model performance. Thus, all the sentences in the form of embeddings and their corresponding attentions are used to represent the current sentence. That is, the input to our model will be all the sentences from a single document, and for each sentence, we find its relevance compared to other sentences and their words to calculate hierarchical attention to represent the context. #### 3.1.2. High-level design Our approach to building ML model architecture includes (1) creating synthetic labels for unlabeled data, (2) pre-train model, (3) implementing BiLSTM-CRF model, and (4) fine-tuning with HDE (GS) labeled data, as illustrated in Figure 3. Based on the research of Xu, et al. [18] and Saad, et al. [47], we created synthetic labels using BERT. In parallel, we trained the word embedding (word2vec) model and bidirectional language model (BiLM) without using labels. Then we transferred their knowledge into the BiLSTM-CRF model’s initial layers for embedding and LSTM, respectively. Second, all the sentences from a single document are fed into the BiLSTM-CRF model in batches, one document at a time. Each word in the sentence is transformed into a vector via the WE model. Then, we introduced the hierarchical attention, i.e., attention at word and sentence levels, to aggregate them into sentence and document vectors, respectively. ![Figure 3.]( [Figure 3.]( Figure 3. High-level design of the proposed pipeline for KP identification Using these embedding and attention vectors, we calculated the hierarchical attention for any given word using the second LSTM, which is further deduced into the final linear network (Appendix A) along with the outputs of the first LSTM (BiLM) network completely, encoding one document at-a-time. Lastly, we used the encoded information to feed the conditional random fields (CRF) layer which decodes the best probable sequence decisions to mark the output labels with BIO token tag representations. Later, we fine-tuned the model to enhance its performance using a minimally labeled dataset. ### 3.2. Synthetic labels Due to limited HDE labeled datasets, domain-adapted or fine-tuned models can be used to generate the synthetic labels, which can help to bootstrap the ML model’s training process as shown in Figure 3. Later, the BiLSTM-CRF model can be fine-tuned with the HDE labels to avoid the exhaust of HDE-generated labels. To achieve this, we performed *domain adaptation* of a sciSpacy BERT model [42] by generating the KPs (intermediate) on the CDSS dataset and using them to fine-tune the sciSpacy BERT to the CDSS sub-domain BERT. Then, we generated the **synthetic KP** on the CDSS dataset and marked the labels in the BIO format, namely the synthetic dataset with synthetic labels. We used this dataset to train and test our BiLSTM-CRF model. ### 3.3. Pre-training #### 3.3.1. Word Embedding (WE) model Word embedding (WE) provides a mathematical vector representation for a given word, which ensures minimal distance between the vectors with similar meaning. These embeddings capture the language semantics and syntactic information using the Word2Vec [48] *skip-gram* approach. Vectors can be used as input to train deep learning models. We tested with fastText [49, 50] and GloVe [51] embeddings as alternative embedding models to compare their performances for our tasks. While Word2Vec and GloVe work on semantic similarity between vectors, the latter uses word-pair co-occurrence with reduced dimensions and works faster on large volumes of data. Conversely, fastText considers sub-words to generalize unseen vocabulary, and works using syntactic analogy. Due to the overhead of character N-grams in constructing sub-word information, it is slower than others. In addition, both GloVe and fastText have dynamic and reduced dimensions in the embedding matrix, creating a hiatus for knowledge transfer between them and BiLSTM-CRF. Therefore, we only focused on creating a Word2Vec embedding model for our approach. #### 3.3.2. Bi-Directional Language Modeling (BiLM) To learn the probability distribution over sequences of words, we use a shallow layered bidirectional RNN [52] (e.g., LSTM and GRU) to learn the joint probabilities represented by WE. To ensure the network learns such a distribution, we evaluate its perplexity as a metric. A network that learns the word distribution is known as the BiLM [43]. It computes the conditional probability of occurrence of the next word (*w**i*) based on the previous (*w*1,…, *w**i*−1) and future words (*w**i*+1,…, *w**i*) in a sentence (*s*) as shown in Eq. (A. 1), (A. 2) [43], where each sentence (*s*) is represented by the last word’s context (given by LSTM’s cell state) in both left ![Graphic][1] and right ![Graphic][2] directions. Here Eq. (A. 2) is the probability of LM in the reversal order when compared with the Eq. (A. 1). ![Formula][3] ![Formula][4] ![Formula][5] For a given word (*w**i*), the forward and backward LSTMs encode the history of previous tokens in each direction into fixed dimensional vectors ![Graphic][6], where a soft-max layer maximizes the likelihood (*p*) of the word (*w**i*) in the given sentence (*s*) in the corpus. After training, a BiLM can represent a sentence of a document by concatenating the last cell (i.e., the last word of the sentence) state carrying the context in either direction to represent the input sentence as shown in Eq. (A. 3). ### 3.4. Hierarchical-Attention-BiLSTM-CRF Model #### 3.4.1. Encoder This architecture is adopted from Zichao Yang, Guohai Xu, and Luo L et al. (Figure 4) [17, 18, 53]. To capture the context of the KP, we encode one document at-a-time to capture document-level context with a stacked BiLSTM [11]. Here, the rudimentary layers of stacked BiLSTM are initiated with a transfer strategy from pre-trained WE and BiLM models’ weights. ![Figure 4.]( [Figure 4.]( Figure 4. Detailed encoder - word encoding with Hierarchical-Attention-BiLSTM with document-level context. The embedding and first LSTM layers in our encoder share the architecture of the pre-trained models, and can seamlessly *transfer the model parameters or weights* between the models [18]. Using the transfer strategy, our model can efficiently initiate learning and adapt to the CDSS-domain language distribution. We used all the sentences in a document, *d* = (*s*1,*s*2,…, *s**m*), where each sentence is represented by *s**i* = (*w**i*1,*w**i*2,…, *w**in*) and its words by *w**it*∀*t* ∈ [1,*n*]. We embed the words into a vector (*x**it*) through an *embedding matrix* (*We*). BiLSTM summarizes the bidirectional context information as shown in Eq. (B. 1)(B. 2) (B. 3) where each word vector’s hidden state (*h**it*) is obtained by concatenating the forward ![Graphic][7] and backward ![Graphic][8] hidden state vectors, i.e., ![Graphic][9]. The hidden state vector provides sentence-level context to each word [12]. ![Formula][10] ![Formula][11] ![Formula][12] We calculated word similarity (*u**it*) using a neural network’s parameter for weighted matrix (*W**w*) and word representation (*h**ii*) given by BiLSTM along with bias (*b**w*) [54]. Then we calculated the **word-level attention** by aggregating the *h**it* and *u**it* using a word-level context vector (*u**w*) [19, 20] to get a word-level normalized importance weight (*α**it*). Finally, we compute the sentence vector (*s**i*) as a weighted sum of word representations as shown in Eq. (C. 1)(C. 2)(C. 3). Initially, *u**w* is the neural network parameter with random initialization, learned during the training process. ![Formula][13] ![Formula][14] ![Formula][15] Similarly, a document vector can be computed using **sentence-level attention** over the sentence vectors (*s**i*) [19, 20] using a second BiLSTM network and thereby concatenating the forward ![Graphic][16] and backward ![Graphic][17] states to encode a sentence, ![Graphic][18] based on neighbor sentences as shown in Eq. (D. 1)(D. 2). ![Formula][19] ![Formula][20] As shown in Eq. (E. 1)(E. 2)(E. 3), to estimate the sentence-level context vector (*u**s*), first, we used neural network parameter for weighted matrix (*W**s*), sentence representation (*h**i*) and bias (*b**s*) to calculate sentence similarity (*u**i*). Second, we randomly initialize *us*, to calculate the sentence-level normalized importance weight (*α**i*), which yields a **document vector(***di***)** for each word representing the sentences that are important to consider for a given word while identifying it as a KP as provided [17]. ![Formula][21] ![Formula][22] ![Formula][23] Unlike the previous work proposed by Guohai Xu et al. [18], we concatenated the first LSTM’s hidden local state (*hit*) with the document vector (*di*) into a new vector [*h**it* ; *d**i*]∀*t* ∈ [1,*n*], given the word’s relatedness to other words in the document. That is, providing document-level context to each word. Next, the extended representation was further used by the final LSTM layer to identify the labels. #### 3.4.2. Decoder As described by Ling Luo et al. [53], we used the CRF [15] layer as the decoder, which produces the confidence scores for the words with each label (B-KP/ I-KP/ O) as the output score of the decoder. Given the transition and network scores, we make tagging decisions independently, considering P, the matrix of scores of the network output. The score of sentence (*s**i*), with a sequence of predictions *y**i* = *y**i*1,…, *y**ij*,…, *y**it*, is given by the sum of transition scores and network scores as shown in Eq. (F. 1). Here each *P**a,b* represents the matrix of scores of *b**th* tag of the *a**th* word in the sentence. Furthermore, the tagging transformation matrix (T) is trained as the model parameter. Here *L**a,b* represents the transition score from tag a to tag b through successive words where *L*0,*b* is the initial score starting from tag b. To generate the conditional probability of the path (y), we normalize the score for all possible paths ![Graphic][24] using a soft-max function using Eq. (F. 2). Then, we maximize the log probability of valid tag sequences. We obtain the maximum score using the dynamic programming approach of Viterbi decoding [55] for the best tag path given by Eq. (F. 3). ![Formula][25] ![Formula][26] ![Formula][27] ## 4. Experiments and results ### 4.1. Dataset The text corpus was obtained from PubMed by retrieving the CDSS (as the Medical Subject Headings, MeSH) literature in the MEDLINE format. The articles with a valid PubMed Identifier (PMID) were selected. The corpus profile presents in Tables 1 and 2. Appendix B detailed information on the dataset at the various stages during text preprocessing. View this table: [Table 1.]( Table 1. Profiles of the CDSS corpus View this table: [Table 2.]( Table 2. CDSS Datasets for training, validation, and testing Of the total dataset retrieved from PubMed (3545 abstracts), 3326 abstracts were left after XML parsing and 133 of them were labeled by HDE (Table 1, Appendix B with extended details). During the preprocessing, we removed the articles with abstracts of three or fewer sentences, treating the title as one sentence. In addition, we had 2 sets of HDE labeled datasets (GS91 and GS42). GS91 was unseen data to test the model’s performance, and the GS42 was used to fine-tune the ML model. Cohen’s kappa rates for the first 42 (GS42) abstracts were 0.93 (annotators 1 and 2) and 0.73 (annotators 1 and 3) [41]. For the second set of abstracts (GS91), Cohen’s kappa rates were 0.87 (annotators 1 and 2) and 0.97 (annotators 1 and 3). For the remaining 3148 articles, they were labeled by the synthetic KP. The synthetic KP labeled data were split into training and validation data sets in 1:2 ratio (Table 2). ### 4.2. Synthetic label creation To maximize the quality of the synthetic labels created, we experimented with different unsupervised algorithms (namely, PositionRank, MultiPartiteRank, and TopicRank)[19-25] and NER (i.e., sciSpacy). They identified the KP from a given text and we compared their performance with the manual labels. As shown in Table 3, BERT-based sciSpacy [42] outperformed other unsupervised methods. Further, we fine-tuned the sciSpacy model over the CDSS domain to enhance the quality of the generated synthetic labels. View this table: [Table 3.]( Table 3. Evaluation of synthetic KP generated with different approaches ### 4.3. Preparation #### 4.3.1. CDSS domain adaptation for synthetic label generation To optimize the sciSpacy model for identifying KP in the CDSS context, we performed domain adaptation [36,37] for the sciSpacy BERT model. We adapted it from biomedical domain to CDSS sub-domain by fine-tuning it via a semi-supervised approach proposed by Syed et al. [56]. We generated synthetic labels from the base sciSpacy models on the unlabeled CDSS corpus and thereafter used them to adapt the model iteratively over the CDSS domain. To test the quality of synthetic labels generated from the fine-tuned model, we compared the fine-tuning models with different combinations of training and validation sets to identify the best performance model (Table 4 and Figure 8). We found that Level 1 fine-tuning of the sciSpacy model with the synthetic dataset performed better (Figure 5) than the base sciSpacy model shown in Figure 1, and further fine-tuning overfitted the model’s predictions. Appendix C contains consolidated pictures of predictions, Appendix D contains detailed additional evaluation results from Table 4, Figures 1, 5, and 7 to aid understanding. View this table: [Table 4.]( Table 4. Evaluation of fine-tuning sciSpacy model for CDSS ![Figure 5.]( [Figure 5.]( Figure 5. Entities identified on sample CDSS article context with CDSS-domain adapted sciSpacy NER. ![Figure 6.]( [Figure 6.]( Figure 6. Comparison of results for domain adaptation and hierarchical context (document context through word-level and sentence-level attention). ![Figure 7.]( [Figure 7.]( Figure 7. Entities identified on sample CDSS article context with our Hier-Attn-BiLSTM-CRF model. ![Figure 8.]( [Figure 8.]( Figure 8. Results for fine-tuning with Gold Standard (GS) labels. #### 4.3.2. Token tagging representation To identify an N-gram sequence, we used token tagging representation where each token in the text is marked with either the BIO or BILOU encoding schema [46] to represent the KP (Figure 2). We tested both schemas to determine which one fit the CDSS corpus best, and the results are shown in Table 5. Both had similar performance metrics; therefore, we chose the BIO token tagging for the label marking as it slightly outperformed BILOU in F1-Scores. View this table: [Table 5.]( Table 5. Entity-level metric evaluation - token tagging #### 4.3.3. Stemming vs. non-stemming Stemming the vocabulary is a normalization technique used for text pre-processing before feeding it to ML models. It represents the morphological structure of the language and although it benefits the document indexing, it can sometimes worsen the topic understanding [57]. To analyze the effect of stemming on CDSS corpora, we experimented with the performance of KP identification on stemmed and non-stemmed KP on the synthetic and GS-labeled data (Tables 6, 7). The performance of the ML models deteriorated with stemming, so we opted for non-stemming in the text preprocessing steps. View this table: [Table 6.]( Table 6. Comparison of stemming evaluation on the validation dataset (Synthetic) View this table: [Table 7.]( Table 7. Comparison of stemming evaluation on the GS42 Dataset #### 4.3.4. Loading pre-trained models As discussed in Section 3.4.1, initially a WE model and the BiLM were trained separately on the unlabeled corpus (Figures 3 and 4). Then, we transferred the parameter weights into the BiLSTM encoder’s initial layers, to bootstrap the CDSS language distribution before we started training the BiLSTM-CRF model. #### 4.3.5. KP identification ML model training After obtaining synthetic labels generated from the best performing domain-adapted model (see Sections 4.2 and 4.3.1), we labeled the KP with the BIO token tagging schema [46] to start the ML model training procedure for 30 epochs. Then, we evaluated the sequence-level entity metrics using standard ML metrics (i.e., precision, recall/sensitivity, F1-Score, and accuracy). The parameters and configurations of the Hier-Attn-BiLSTM-CRF neural network model are as follows: * WE Dimension: 300 * LSTM hidden layer dimension: 256 * Dropout Ratio: 0.2 * Epoch: 30 (number of times every document is shown to the ML model) * Batch Size: 1 (one document at a time is shown to the model, to calculate the context, with documents having varying sentences numbers, up to a maximum of 52 for an abstract) * Max sentence length: 128 (For CDSS corpus, the maximum words per sentence is 105) * WE Type: Word2Vec * Text pre-processing: remove stop words and punctuation. * Stemming: no * Train-validation split: 1:2 * Pre-trained sciSpacy BERT model: en\_core\_sci_lg ### 4.4. KP identification ML model evaluation #### 4.4.1. Leveraging document-level context Context is a critical factor to consider during KP identification[16, 58]. To reinforce this philosophy, we experimented with the different encoding combinations at word and character-level embeddings, and CNN-based text features (length, POS tag, text rank, TF-IDF score and Position of First Occurrence [59]). We compared them with our proposed method (BiLSTM-CRF with Hierarchical-Attention and sentence-level embedding working at the document-level context). The results are shown in Table 8, Figures 7 and 8. Our method, which included a hierarchical context-driven model, had better metrics than the base BiLSTM-CRF model and performed as well as the other models with character embedding and CNN-based text features, but with lesser recall values. Appendix C contains consolidated pictures of predictions (Figures 1, 5, and 7) for easier understanding. View this table: [Table 8.]( Table 8. Comparison of evaluations on different contextual level attention #### 4.4.2. Fine-tuning with Gold Standard (GS) labels As discussed previously, we harnessed the semi-supervised learning approach and further fine-tuned the Hierarchical-Attention based BiLSTM-CRF model to strengthen its predictions [56]. The experiment included adding the HDE labeled documents to synthetic labeled documents in different proportions, i.e., 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 GS labeled documents are sampled for every batch of 100 synthetic labeled documents, respectively. It helps us measure the learning performance with human feedback over the ML training iterations, by running independent experiments 10 and 50 times. As shown in Figure 8, exposing 2–4 HDE labeled documents to 100 synthetic labeled documents enabled the model to learn more efficiently from the minimum labeled dataset. The tabulated performance metrics are presented in Appendices E and F. ## 5. Discussion Limited HDE-labeled data is a common challenge in clinical NLP and many other fields. To achieve our goal, the context is a critical factor to consider because of the long-range dependencies of natural language. To solve this problem, we used a semi-supervised approach with hierarchical attention over text to provide a larger but still focused context (one document) to the model while working with a word. Our work demonstrates an ML model, which can be used to identify KPs by leveraging limited expert-labeled data. We want to emphasize that identifying KP in summarizing text is a different task from ours. KPs identified by the ML model will be reviewed by human experts before they can be added to the CDSS ontology. Therefore, the ML model facilitates the screening process in narrowing down the scope of candidate terms for an ontology, not making the final decisions on which terms will be included in the ontology. ### 5.1. Results interpretation In this study, we aim to use minimal HDE labeled data to fine-tune a pre-trained language model to identify candidate KP for an ontology automatically for HDE to select, which can greatly improve the efficiency of the human curation process. Although the task can be presented as a simple yes or no labeling of a sequence of words, but identification is much more complicated than a binary task. The HDE uses rich background knowledge and expertise to make judgments. We started with a semi-supervised approach to generate synthetic labels and trained our BiLSTM-CRF model with them. Assessing the quality of the generated synthetic labels is crucial because it impacts the BiLSTM-CRF model’s initial learning. Therefore, we experimented with unsupervised ranking approaches [22–25] and the pre-trained spacy, sciSpacy models based on the Transformer neural architectures [10, 11]. We found that sciSpacy [42] (BERT model) outperformed the others in matching the synthetic labels to the GS candidate terms (Table 3). Although the metrics shown in Table 3 (such as F1-Score ≤ 0.5) could be better, we have to point out that the models compared are trained for a different task (Figure 1, Appendix C). NER and KP Identification might look like similar tasks on the surface; however, the KP identification for our task was different from the NER. Therefore, we decided to perform domain adaptation on the sciSpacy NER model using CDSS corpora instead of using the sciSpacy NER model directly to create the synthetic labels. We found that domain adaptation provided us with much better labels than the sciSpacy NER model, limiting the entities identified outside of the domain (Figure 5, Appendix C, Table 4, and Appendix D). To examine the performance improvement of the domain adapted model more closely, we performed supplementary fine-tuning with different combinations (42 GS, 91 GS, and 67 GS, randomly picked train-validate-test data subsets each time) of the labeled dataset, where each combination is newly trained at the respective fine-tuning level (Table 4). The fine-tuning test results indicate that incremental fine-tuning introduced variance into the LM and increased perplexity, dropping its performance further as the fine-tuning levels grew. Therefore, we opted to use the CDSS domain-adapted sciSpacy model, which has 2-fold improvement in F1-Score from 0.33 to 0.66 on GS133 dataset (Table 4). Once we have labels for ML model training, we need to use tokens to represent labels. We experimented with the BIO and BILOU encoding schemas’ token tagging representations to compare their performances on the CDSS corpus. The BIO encoding schema performed slightly better (Table 5). Although standard approaches in NLP pre-processing include either stemming or lemmatization, which results in high performance, our results did not support or align with this popular opinion (Tables 6, 7). Once the words are tokenized, we need embeddings to bind the token information to a vector to feed it to the model. Most WE models work with vocabulary from the existing text corpus and fail to handle Out of Vocabulary (OOV) words. To solve the OOV problem, we could use sub-word information with character N-grams using fastText. This reduces the length of the vocabulary as it remembers sub-word information. We did not use this, as the reduced dimensions of the matrices create conflict in transferring the weights between fastText and BiLSTM-CRF layers. The reason for this irregularity in matrix dimensions is that the total vocabulary with Word2Vec is around 15.8 K unique words, whereas fastText utilizes only 4.7 K sub-words to represent words. This difference arises because fastText generates embeddings using character-level n-grams rather than whole words, resulting in a smaller, more compact vocabulary. Also, it only shows a 0.5%–1% improvement, as reported by Benedict et al. [60]. Therefore, we reverted to the older Word2Vec approach for pre-training the WE model as it is easier to transfer the embedding matrix weights between pre-trained and actual models. Our method uses index-to-token and token-to-index mapping while encoding the words. The length of the vocabulary(L) is further used as square matrix dimensions of the WE (*W**e*) matrix, which helps us find the similarity between any two words. We then introduced the word-level attention mechanism, as not all words contribute equally to the meaning of the sentence. We aggregate the word representations to form a sentence vector, which enables us to further create a document vector for each word in the broader context of the document and its sentences. We conducted experiments on the different encoders (word-level attention, character-level attention, and text-based CNN) against our hierarchical attention-based encoder (Table 8) and a generic CRF decoder to all the models. Furthermore, we evaluated the performance of our model with input word representations bearing the document-level context (Table 8 and Figure 6). Although the metrics are on-par with the other models, our model had no hand-crafted features except the pre-training for WE and LM. Therefore, we feel confident that our model has comparable results in identifying KP to other models that used GS labels (Appendix C). While the visual representation for KPs identified on a sample text (Figure 7, Appendix C) looks closer to the GS labels (Figure 1, Appendix C), most of the entities spanning N-grams do not have an exact match. Although it looks convincing, the complexity of the evaluation will be difficult and will no longer work at the token level. Nevertheless, it needs to be evaluated on the entity level with an exact GS label match, as proposed by Nancy et al. [61]. Therefore, we used the sequence labeling evaluation given by Hiroki et al. [62] to decipher the results. As shown in Figure 6, our model with **hierarchical attention and loading document one by one improved accuracy** by **10%**, from 78% to 88%, compared to the sentence-level attention model. The complete match for GS labels brings down the metrics. Without any character-level and textual features (e.g., character embeddings, document embeddings, phrase embeddings, text rank, TFIDF, topic rank, position rank, word’s first occurrence in text, length of the word) the BiLSTM-CRF model’s results (Table 8) infer an improvement in the overall performance metrics due to the added hierarchical context provided to each word representation. In particular, we noted that it has better precision than the remaining models and allowed us to maintain the F1-Score (55% ± 2%) even with the decline in recall values (Table 8). The hierarchical context requires all the sentences of a single document at-a-time to calculate the attention for words and sentences and to create sentence-level and document-level vectors, respectively. Usually, a static batch-size (32/64/128) is chosen for the data-loader, which yields sentences from different documents grouped together as a batch. Therefore, the sentences of a document could span different batches, which creates complexity in providing focused context (via hierarchical attention and loading one document a time). To overcome this, we used the non-conventional technique of dynamic batches for the data-loader, i.e., each time a document with a different number of sentences was sent into the encoder-decoder during the ML model training process. This means that the number of iterations for the ML model training equaled the number of documents shown, ultimately increasing the training time, making it 2–3 times slower than models without a hierarchical context. To further strengthen the ML model, we fine-tuned it with the GS labels (42 GS labeled documents from the CDSS corpus) to align the model’s predictions from synthetic labeling to GS labeling. To evaluate the model’s performance after training, we reserved 91 GS dataset as unseen data. During the training, we varied the number of HDE-labeled documents (0/2/4/6/8 GS) for every 100 synthetic labeled documents during the model’s iteration, marking the essence of minimal true labels shown. A poly-fit curve over the scores demonstrates that adding 2–4 true samples for every 100 synthetic samples during ML model training demonstrates better performance without exhausting HDE-labeled documents too quickly. The **F1-Score** improved **from 55% to 84%, accuracy from 88% to 96%, precision from 61% to 86% and recall from 50% to 82%**. The results guide us to optimize our model and settings for the operation, and we hope the results can be a reference point for others when planning their NLP tasks. ### 5.2. Challenges The generation of manually labeled data is an expert-intensive process in fields like medicine. To surmount this problem, HDE can label a small set of samples. During the HDE labeling process, it is important to pick the samples from different areas of the CDSS sub-domain, which helps the model to learn efficiently from the diversified samples. To avoid selection bias, we picked random samples from CDSS corpora for human annotation. However, the current data loader randomly picks samples without any diversification, which exposes us to selection bias. The same problem occurs in the selection of data samples or documents for the fine-tuning process. Although randomization can improve model performance by reducing bias, it does not guarantee a diverse selection of samples, as the chosen samples may not cover a wide range of topics. ## 6. Conclusion This paper proposes a novel KP identification method using minimal labeled data and hierarchical attention to retain longer contextual dependencies. It incrementally builds the context at word level and sentence level within one document. The proposed model (Hier-Attn-BiLSTM-CRF) demonstrated 10% improved accuracy, from 78% to 88%, for KP identification by adding document-level context through document-by-document loading during model training. Further, the domain adaptation in a semi-supervised approach improved the overall performance of the model by creating high-quality synthetic labels, which helped to solve the challenges of limited HDE labeled data, a common challenge in NLP. When we use a custom batch loader which yields 2-4 samples for batch of 100 synthetic samples produced better performance after training when compared to a batch loader which loads only synthetic samples. Finally, our method contributes to the general architecture of NLP in effectively creating ML models with limited HDE labeled data by leveraging domain adaptation techniques, document-level context, pre-trained LM, and pre-trained WE. ## Data Availability The code is available on GitHub:\_nlpml\_pipeline. ## 7. Declarations ### Ethics approval and consent to participate Not applicable to our study. We used publicly available publications in this study. ### Consent for publication All co-authors read and approved the manuscript for publication. ### Availability of data and materials The codes used in this study are available via GitHub: [\_nlpml\_pipeline]( ### Competing interests None to disclose. ### Funding The work was supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R01GM138589 and partially under P20GM121342. This work has also benefited from research training resources and the intellectual environment enabled by the NIH/NLM T15 South Carolina Biomedical Informatics and Data Science for Health Equity (SC BIDS4Health) research training program (T15LM013977). The content is solely the authors’ responsibility and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. ### Authors’ contributions RG coded, established the initial pipeline, conducted the initial experiments, wrote the first draft of the manuscript, and revised it; KK and SA continued improving the pipeline, conducted more comprehensive experiments, and significantly revised the manuscript; NH and LR provided valuable input at different stages of the experiments; XJ provided significant feedback in designing, conducting, and revising the study and the manuscript iteratively; all other co-authors participated in the design and revision of the study and the manuscript. ## Acknowledgements We acknowledge Clemson University for the generous allotment of compute time on the Palmetto cluster for our experimentation. Also, we thank the anonymous reviewers for their detailed and insightful comments on earlier drafts of this paper. ## 8. Appendices ### Appendix A. Detailed Encoder-Decoder Diagram ![Figure9]( [Figure9]( ### Appendix B. Dataset Details View this table: [Table B1.]( Table B1. Showing explicit details of the CDSS dataset during preprocessing ### Appendix C. Entities identified on sample CDSS abstract ![Figure C1.]( [Figure C1.]( Figure C1. Entities identified on sample CDSS abstract demonstrate differences between human-labeled Gold Standards and different models (sciSpacy, cdssSciSpacy, and Hier-Attn-BiLSTM-CRF). ### Appendix D. Evaluation of fine-tuning sciSpacy model for CDSS View this table: [Table D1.]( Table D1. Evaluation of fine-tuning sciSpacy model for CDSS ### Appendix E. Metrics for fine-tuning on GS View this table: [Table E1.]( Table E1. Fine-tuning with GS labels - 10 experiments View this table: [Table E2.]( Table E2. Fine-tuning with GS labels - 50 experiments ### Appendix F. Plots for fine-tuning on GS ![Figure F1.]( [Figure F1.]( Figure F1. Plot evaluation metrics for fine-tuning with GS labels - 50 experiments ![Figure F2.]( [Figure F2.]( Figure F2. Plot evaluation metrics for fine-tuning with GS labels - 10 experiments ## Footnotes * The revisions are mainly in reorganizing and shorten the manuscript to improve the readability of the manuscript. ## Abbreviations NLP : Natural language processing CDSS : Clinical decision support system HDE : Human domain expert BiLSTM : Bidirectional long short-term memory BiLM : Bidirectional language model CRF : Conditional random field GS : Gold standard KP : Keyphrase * Received January 26, 2023. * Revision received November 18, 2024. * Accepted November 18, 2024. * © 2024, Posted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory This pre-print is available under a Creative Commons License (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International), CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, as described at []( ## References 1. [1].Marco-Ruiz L, Bellika JG. 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Hiroki Nakayama.” A Python framework for sequence labeling evaluation” 2018.−works/seqeval [1]: /embed/inline-graphic-1.gif [2]: /embed/inline-graphic-2.gif [3]: /embed/graphic-4.gif [4]: /embed/graphic-5.gif [5]: /embed/graphic-6.gif [6]: /embed/inline-graphic-3.gif [7]: /embed/inline-graphic-4.gif [8]: /embed/inline-graphic-5.gif [9]: /embed/inline-graphic-6.gif [10]: /embed/graphic-8.gif [11]: /embed/graphic-9.gif [12]: /embed/graphic-10.gif [13]: /embed/graphic-11.gif [14]: /embed/graphic-12.gif [15]: /embed/graphic-13.gif [16]: /embed/inline-graphic-7.gif [17]: /embed/inline-graphic-8.gif [18]: /embed/inline-graphic-9.gif [19]: /embed/graphic-14.gif [20]: /embed/graphic-15.gif [21]: /embed/graphic-16.gif [22]: /embed/graphic-17.gif [23]: /embed/graphic-18.gif [24]: /embed/inline-graphic-10.gif [25]: /embed/graphic-19.gif [26]: /embed/graphic-20.gif [27]: /embed/graphic-21.gif