First GWAS on Alzheimer’s Disease in Argentina and Chile populations ====================================================================== * Maria Carolina Dalmasso * Itziar de Rojas * Natividad Olivar * Carolina Muchnik * Bárbara Angel * Sergio Gloger * Mariana Soledad Sanchez Abalos * M.Victoria Chacón * Rafael Aránguiz * Paulina Orellana * Carolina Cuesta * Pablo Galeano * Lorenzo Campanelli * Gisela Vanina Novack * Luis Eduardo Martinez * Nancy Medel * Julieta Lisso * Zulma Sevillano * Nicolás Irureta * Eduardo Miguel Castaño * Laura Montrreal * Michaela Thoenes * Claudia Hanses * Stefanie Heilmann-Heimbach * Claudia Kairiyama * Ines Mintz * Ivana Villella * Fabiana Rueda * Amanda Romero * Nancy Wukitsevits * Ivana Quiroga * Cristina Gona * EADB * Jean-Charles Lambert * Patricia Solis * Daniel Gustavo Politis * Carlos Alberto Mangone * Christian Gonzalez-Billault * Mercè Boada * Lluís Tàrraga * Andrea Slachevsky * Cecilia Albala * Patricio Fuentes * Silvia Kochen * Luis Ignacio Brusco * Agustín Ruiz * Laura Morelli * Alfredo Ramírez ## Abstract **INTRODUCTION** Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) are fundamental for identifying loci associated with diseases. However, they require replication in other ethnicities. **METHODS** we performed a GWAS on sporadic Alzheimer’s disease (AD) including 540 patients and 852 controls from Argentina and Chile. We explored the variants associated with AD in European GWAS from European Alzheimer’s and Dementia Biobank (EADB) and tested their genetic risk score (GRS) performance in this admixed population. **RESULTS** we detected *APOE4* as single genome-wide significant signal (OR=2.93[2.37-3.63], p=2.6×10−23), and fifteen additional suggestive signals previously undetected. Nine of the 83 variants reported by EADB in Europeans were replicated, and the AD-GRS presented similar performance in this Latin population, despite the score diminishes when the Native American ancestry rises. **DISCUSSION** we report the first GWAS on AD in a population from South America. It shows shared genetics that modulate AD risk between the European and the Latin American populations. Keywords * Genetics * Latin America * Native-American ancestry * South America * Genetic Risk Score * Admixture * Hispanic ## 1. Introduction Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder responsible for most dementia cases worldwide in the elderly population [1]. Although there are numerous studies on AD with the most diverse approaches, the causes and etiology of the disease remain poorly understood. Among them, genome-wide association studies (GWASs) and meta-analysis thereof have led to the identification of more than 80 genetic variants contributing to the susceptibility of AD [2]–[4]. However, the majority of these studies have been performed in European and Asian populations [5], hindering thereby their translation to populations showing different or mixed ancestries due to possible differences in the genomic structure and/or allele frequencies in each identified locus. These differences might also involve different causative variants across ancestries or allelic heterogeneity implicating, thus, alternative pathogenic mechanisms and potentially population-specific as well. Latin American populations are diverse, not only culturally, but also in their genetic ancestry composition [6]. South American populations present a large genetic diversity in Native American and mestizo populations, between and within countries [6], [7]. This diversity is likely to have an impact on the distribution of genetic determinants of AD risk across different geographic regions. Unfortunately, systematic genetic studies for translating findings from Europeans to Latin American populations are scarce [8]–[10]. In fact, only 1.3% of individuals in the NHGRI-EBI GWAS-Catalog are Hispanic or Latin American [5]. Consequently, we report here the first GWAS on AD in a population sample from the southern cone of South America. We explored new suggestive loci and study the behavior in terms of effect size and direction of the known AD genes in a population sample from Argentina and Chile. The combined effects of these variants in a genetic risk score (GRS) can identify individuals at the highest risk of future AD [2], [3] so then, we tested the performance of the AD-GRS reported by the European Alzheimer’s and Dementia Biobank (EADB) [2] in this admixture population. Exploring different populations will likely contribute to a better understanding of the pathophysiology of AD. Importantly, understanding population-shared genetic risk factors, and the allelic and non-allelic heterogeneity of AD will translate into improved prevention and/or treatment for different populations via precision medicine. ## 2. Methods ### 2.1 Data collection Participants in this study were obtained from multiple sources. Further sample descriptions can be found in Table 1. View this table: [Table 1.]( Table 1. Descriptive characteristics of the samples across datasets. #### Argentina The Argentine samples were recruited in the context of the Alzheimer’s Genetics in Argentina – ALZheimer ARgentina (AGA-ALZAR, [](, from the following centers: Medical Research Institute A. Lanari (C1427ARO, Buenos Aires City), Hospital de Clínicas José de San Martín (C1120AAF, Buenos Aires City), Hospital HIGA-Eva Perón (B1650NBN, General San Martín), Hospital El Cruce (B1888AAE, Florencio Varela), and several geriatric centers across Jujuy and Mendoza provinces, organized and coordinated by their respective Public Ministry of Health. The study (protocol CBFIL#22) was approved by the ethical committee (HHS IRB#00007572, IORG#006295, FWA00020769), and all participants and/or family members gave their informed consent [11]. Diagnosis of AD followed diagnostic criteria from the National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke and the Alzheimer’s disease and Related Disorders Association (NINCDS-ADRDA) [12], [13]. A total of 1542 peripheral blood or saliva samples were processed to obtain DNA using the QIAmp DNA mini kit (Qiagen); 884 controls, 133 mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and 525 AD cases. Purified DNA samples were genotyped using the Illumina Infinium Global Screening Array (GSA) v.1.0 combined to a GSA shared custom content. #### Chile The Chilean samples recruited correspond to patients with AD and control subjects, from different studies. Control individuals were recruited from Alexandros longitudinal study [14], that belong to 2 cohorts (SABE [15] and ALEXANDROS [16]) of community dwelling older adults of different demographic origin and socioeconomic level, mainly in the study of healthy life expectancy, free of disability and dementia. All participants were randomly selected from 18 Primary Health Care Centers and signed an informed consent on enrolment after they had received written and verbal information about the study. The ethical committee of Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology (INTA), University of Chile (Acta 23, 2012) approved the study protocol (FONDECYT nº1130947). AD patients (n=91) were recruited at Biomedica Research Group, a clinical research center performing industry sponsored international multicenter studies in Santiago. Subjects were comprehensively studied and diagnosed following the NINCDS-ADRDA [12], [13] criteria for AD. The GWAS study was approved by the Ethics Committe “Servicio de Salud Metropolitano Oriente” (SSMO). Additional AD cases and control individuals (32 AD and 20 controls) from Santiago were recruited from the GERO [17] (Geroscience Center for Brain Health and Metabolism) study at the Memory and Neuropsychiatric Center of the Hospital del Salvador and Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile. The FONDAP GERO project n°15150012 was also approved by the Ethics Committee of the SSMO. A total of 934 samples (n=800 DNA and n=134 frozen blood) were sent to Ace Alzheimer Center Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain) for processing. DNA was extracted from peripheral blood according to standard procedures using the Chemagic system (Perkin Elmer). For the starting DNA samples, a re-extraction protocol using the Chemagic system was also followed in order to purify the DNA samples. Only samples reaching DNA concentrations of >10 ng/µL and presenting high integrity were included for genotyping. Finally, AD cases (n=123) and controls (n=252) were randomized across sample plates to avoid batch effects. We used the Axiom 815K Spanish biobank array (Thermo Fisher) at the Spanish National Centre for Genotyping (CeGEN, Santiago de Compostela, Spain) for genotyping. ### 2.2. Quality Control and Imputation Details on quality-control (QC) and imputation procedures are provided in previous publications [3], [18], using PLINK 2.0 [19] ([]( Briefly, individuals with low-quality samples, excess of heterozygosity, sex discrepancies, and familial relations between samples (PI-HAT > 0.1875) were excluded from the analysis. Variants with call rate below 95%, a deviation from the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE, p < 1×10−6) or differential missingness between cases and controls were also removed from the analysis. To maximize genetic coverage, we performed single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) imputation on genome build GRCh38 using the Trans-Omics for Precision Medicine (TOPMed) imputation server [20]–[22]. Statistical power was estimated using the Genetic Power Calculator tool [23] ([](, and PowerPlot.R ([]( ### 2.3. Global Ancestry Analysis Global ancestry was estimated as described before [11]. Briefly, 446 ancestry informative markers (AIMs), specifically selected to estimate ancestry in Latin America [24], were extracted from the Latin datasets and the reference populations in 1000 Genomes ([]( Caucasian (CEU, n=85), Yorubas African (YRI, n=88) and Native American [25] (NAM, n=46). From SNPs present in all populations, balanced distributed SNPs among reference populations and chromosomes, were selected to estimate ancestry (n=356). They were all merged in one PLINK v1.9 file ([](, and ancestry was predicted using ADMIXTURE v1.3.0 [26]. Plots and analysis were performed with R ([]( ### 2.4. Association Analysis Logistic regression models, adjusted for age, gender and the first six ancestry principal components (PCs) were fitted using PLINK 2.0 [19] in both populations. Low imputation quality variants (R2 < 0.3) or rare variants (minor allele frequency (MAF) < 1%) were excluded. After study-specific variant filtering and QC procedures, we performed a fixed effects inverse-variance–weighted meta-analysis [27] with the Argentine and Chilean summary statistics for AD association. Quantile–quantile plots, Manhattan plots, and the exploration of genomic inflation factors were performed using the R package qqman [28]. Regional plots were generated with LocusZoom [29] and loci were annotated as the closest gene. Genomic regions previously associated with AD [2] were also visualized by regional plots. *Loci* where a signal with p<0.001 was detected in the proximity to the previously reported top variant (±300 Kb), were selected for follow-up. Linkage disequilibrium (LD) estimation between these two top hits in *WDR12, INPP5D, ANKH, JAZF1, SEC61G, SORL1, FERMT2, ABCA7, ABI3 and ADAMTS1 loci* were calculated in Argentine and Chilean cohorts using PLINK 2.0 [30]. ### 2.4. Genetic risk score A weighted individual GRS was calculated based on the AD genetic variants and effect size from the recent meta-GWAS published [2] by the EADB consortium. 80 of the selected variants presented high quality in the Argentine and Chilean cohorts. The GRSs were generated by multiplying the genotype dosage of each risk allele for each variant by its respective weight and then summing across all variants. GRS association with AD cases were tested by a logistic regression model adjusted by 4PCs in each cohort. Influence of NAM ancestry over GRS was estimated by a linear regression model adjusted by sex, age and phenotype (control=0, case=1) in pooled Argentine and Chilean samples. The linear model was plotted separated for cases and controls to test interaction between NAM ancestry and disease. In addition, pooled samples were split in quintiles using NAM ancestry proportion. Differences in GRS values among quintiles were assessed by ANOVA followed by Tukey post-hoc test, and GRS association in each quintile was tested using the same logistic regression model described above. Differences in frequency between the most European (quintile 1 and 2) and the most NAM individuals (quintile 4 and 5) were estimated by a logistic regression model of ancestry (mostEUR=0, mostNAM=1) vs the 80 SNPs, adjusted by phenotype, sex, and age; p-values were Bonferroni corrected. All analyses were performed with R ([]( ## 3. Results ### 3.1. Population admixture in Argentinian and Chilean samples Genome-wide genotyped data was generated in two samples from the southern cone of Latin America (Table 1), Argentina (n=1018) and Chile (n=375). We first explored the ancestry admixture of both populations (Figure 1). While the admixture of Chilean participants is more homogenous, with 75% of the samples showing 30-50% NAM ancestry, the Argentinian samples showed more diverse admixture along the NAM and EUR axis, with 32% of individuals having >30% NAM ancestry (Figure 1 and Supplementary Fig.1). Beside differences in recruitments between the Chilean (only one city, Santiago) and the Argentinian samples (different cities across the country), dissimilar migratory flows and policies between countries may explain these differences in ancestry proportions. Importantly, this admixture distribution is similar in cases and controls in both cohorts (Supplementary Fig.1).  [Figure 1.]( Figure 1. Ancestry analysis of the Argentinian and Chilean populations. Principal component analysis (PCA) of ancestry results for the Argentinian sample (ARG, black) and the Chilean sample (CHI, grey). Ancestral populations are Caucasians (CEU, blue), Yoruba (YRI, red) and Native Americans (NAM, green). ### 3.2 GWAS meta-analysis GWAS was performed on each cohort separately and meta-analyzed as described in Materials and Methods. The combined sample size was 539 patients with AD dementia and 854 controls. Four principal components corrected inflation (λ=1.01, Supplementary Fig.2). As expected for a sample size with limited statistical power (Supplementary Fig.3), only the *APOE* locus showed an association with the risk of AD reaching genome-wide significance (rs429358-*APOE*ε4 OR=2.93[2.37-3.63], p=2.6×10−23; *APOE*ε2-rs7412 OR=0.53[0.34-0.84], p=6.3×10−3, Supplementary Fig.2). Fifteen loci reached a suggestive p-value, i.e., 5×10−8
500K individuals) to calculate accurate effect sizes to be used as SNP weights. Interestingly, GRS values decreases as the NAM ancestry proportion increases. While this observation could be a real difference between the risk of AD in Europeans and Latins, this reduced GRS values seems more likely caused by incorrect variant selection and/or genetic effect used in the GRS for the target population. In other words, the genetic variants included in the GRS might be explaining less of the genetic driving AD in this ethnic admixture. Supporting this hypothesis, we observed that several SNPs included in the GRS showed significantly different risk allele frequency between NAM and European ancestry. This may complicate direct practical use of GRS score, and/or set-up a pathological predictive threshold. Further studies are needed to understand how to overcome this difficulty. Our work has some limitations, it does not have the statistical power for discovery GWAS and/or validation of low frequency allelic associations, so we might have missed some genuine signals linked to the NAM ancestry, as well as true associations. In addition, this work might not be representative enough of the allelic variability present in Argentina and Chile, because of their vast territories and the limited number of recruitment centers included in the study. Still, our strength is to start generating genetic information on AD in the southern cone of South America, and start identifying trans-ethnic signals, which contributes to diversity studies. ## 5. Conclusions In conclusion, we provide here the first of a series of AD GWAS to come involving population originating from countries from Latin America. Our analysis clearly showed shared genetics between the European and the Latin American populations modulating the risk of AD. However, several of these loci carry probably different genetic risk variants that should be added when constructing a GRS in Native American ancestry. Furthermore, a larger initiative is now starting to increase the sample size studied in Latin America which will lead to definition of population specific estimators for the risk conferred by each variant included in the GRS. Finally, genetic research in the Latin American population will help improving the definition of personalized risk profiles informing on the individual risk for progressing to dementia. This will likely improve our possibilities for early personalized intervention to prevent or postpone dementia. ## Supporting information Supplementary_material [[supplements/284609_file02.xlsx]](pending:yes) ## Data Availability All data produced in the present study are available upon reasonable request to the authors. ## Author Contributions ARa, LM and ARu designed, conceptualized and supervised the study, interpreted the data and revised the manuscript. MCD and IdR contributed to data acquisition, the analysis, interpreted the data and co-wrote the manuscript. Data generation and sample contribution - **Argentina**: MCD, NO, CM, PG, LC, MEC, CL, CF, MS, MF, GJ, MSSA, LEM, NM, JL, ZS, MIB, FDG, EMC, CK, JSA, HS, FJ, CAM, PS, DGP, SK, LI, LM, ARa; **Chile**: SG, BA, VC, PO, PF, ARu and IdR. All authors critically revised the manuscript for important intellectual content and approved the final manuscript. ## Data Availability Statement The summary statistics of the meta-analysis are available to the corresponding author upon request. ## Conflict of Interest The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or potential conflict of interest. ## Funding This study was supported by funding from Alexander von Humboldt Foundation to M.C.D.; the Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (PID-2011-0059, PIBT/09-2013, PICT-2016-4647 and PICT2019-0656 to L.M.) and from EU-LAC Health-Neurodegeneration JOINT CALL 2016 (EULACH16 to L.M.) of Argentina. The Funding of the ALEXANDROS study was provided by the Chilean National Fund for Science and Technology (FONDECYT) grant 1130947. The genotyping for the Chilean series was funded by Genome Research @ Ace Alzheimer Center Barcelona project (GR@ACE), supported by Grifols SA, Fundación bancaria ‘La Caixa’, Ace Alzheimer Center Barcelona and CIBERNED. The genotyping of Argentinian samples was funded by JPND EADB grant (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, BMBF: 01ED1619A. ## Supplementary Material ### Supplementary Figures  [Supplementary Figure 1.]( Supplementary Figure 1. Ancestry analysis of populations. Bar-plots of each sample (x-axis) *versus* their respective percent of Caucasian (CEU, blue), African (YRI, red), and Native American (NAM, green) ancestry (y-axis). **A**. Argentinian cognitively normal samples. **B**. Argentinian AD samples. **C**. Chilean cognitively normal samples. **D**. Chilean AD samples.  [Supplementary Figure 2.]( Supplementary Figure 2. Power calculation for the meta-analysis in Latin American population. Line plot represents the Argentina-Chile meta-analysis (green line) 80% power for SNP detection, depending on the risk allele frequency (x-axis) and the odds ratio (y-axis).  [Supplementary Figure 3.]( Supplementary Figure 3. Manhattan Plot and QQplot for the Argentina-Chile meta-analysis. a) Manhattan plot. The dotted line represents the genome-wide significance level (P=5×10−8). *Loci* designated with arrows have suggestive significance level (P=1×10−5). Annotation is based on the closest gene. **B) QQplot**. Genomic inflation factor (lambda) was 1.011 when restricted to variants with minor allele frequency (MAF) above 1% (9,364,706 SNPs included).  [Supplementary Figure 4.]( Supplementary Figure 4. Graphical representation of linear regression model of the GRS vs NAM Ancestry. Linear regression model comparing NAM ancestry (x-axis) and GRS values (y-axis). AD-cases are in orange and controls (CN) in gray. Lines and shadings represent the linear fits and 95% confidence interval, respectively. ### Supplementary Tables View this table: [Supplementary Table 1.]( Supplementary Table 1. Suggestive SNPs in Argentina–Chile meta-analysis compared to EADB stage I. Abbreviations: EADB, European Alzheimer’s and Dementia Biobank; Chr, Chromosome; Freq, Frequency; OR [95% CI], Odds Ratio [95% confidence interval]; P, p-value; N total, total number of alleles. ***[See supplementary material (*.*xlsx file)]*** ***Supplementary Table 2*. Replication of the SNPs associated with Alzheimer’s disease selected from the European Alzheimer’s and Dementia Biobank in Argentina and Chile populations**. Results obtained with an association and fixed-effects inverse-variance-weighted meta-analysis. Effect reported by minor allele. P-value for significance <5×10−08. P-value for suggestive associations <1×10−07. Highlighted in red p-value for replicated loci (p<0.05). OR: Odds Ratio, MAF: Minor allele frequency, Rsq: Imputation quality. View this table: [Supplementary Table 3.]( Supplementary Table 3. Loci detected in the meta-analysis of Latin American populations in the same regions than EADB. Abbreviations: Chr, Chromosome. aLocus GW in EADB Stage I, but not replicated in the Stage II. bLocus reported in a GWAS meta-analysis S. Moreno-Grau et al. 2019. Distance: base pairs between the rs in the meta-analysis of Latin American populations and EADB-rs. LD based on []( View this table: [Supplementary Table 4.]( Supplementary Table 4. Information of the SNPs included in the polygenic risk score extracted from Bellenguez et al. 2022 (EADB, StageII). Abbreviation: EADB, European Alzheimer’s and Dementia Biobank. View this table: [Supplementary Table 5.]( Supplementary Table 5. Risk alleles less frequent in Native American ancestry. Abbreviation: EADB, European Alzheimer’s and Dementia Biobank. View this table: [Supplementary Table 6.]( Supplementary Table 6. Risk alleles more frequent in Native American ancestry. Abbreviation: EADB, European Alzheimer’s and Dementia Biobank. ## Acknowledgments IdR. is supported by national grant from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) FI20/00215. LC is supported by a doctoral fellowship of CONICET (Argentina). MCD, PG, EMC, SK and LM are members of the Research Career of CONICET (Argentina). SK, PS and MCD are supported by the Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (PUE060, PICTO-2021-UCTH00005, PICTO-2021-UCTH00006). ARu and MB receive support from the European Union / EFPIA Innovative Medicines Initiative joint undertaking ADAPTED and MOPEAD projects (grant numbers 115975 and 115985, respectively). MB and ARu are also supported by national grants PI13/02434, PI16/01861, PI17/01474, PI19/01240, PI19/01301 and PI22/01403. Acción Estratégica en Salud is integrated into the Spanish National R+D+I Plan and funded by ISCIII –Subdirección General de Evaluación and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER–‘Una manera de hacer Europa’). ARu is also funded by JPco-fuND-2 “Multinational research projects on Personalized Medicine for Neurodegenerative Diseases,” PREADAPT project (ISCIII grant: AC19/00097), and EURONANOMED III Joint Transnational call for proposals (2017) for European Innovative Research & Technological Development Projects in Nanomedicine (ISCIII grant: AC17/00100). Ace Alzheimer Center Barcelona researchers research receives support from Roche, Janssen, Life Molecular Imaging, Araclon Biotech, Alkahest, Laboratorio de Análisis Echevarne, and IrsiCaixa. AS, PO and CG-B are supported by grant ANID/FONDAP (ID15150012). JCL is supported by a grant (EADB) from the EU Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research. INSERM UMR1167 is also funded by the INSERM, Institut Pasteur de Lille, Lille Métropole Communauté Urbaine and French government’s LABEX DISTALZ program (development of innovative strategies for a transdisciplinary approach to AD). ## Footnotes * + These authors jointly supervised this work. * Received January 16, 2023. * Revision received January 16, 2023. * Accepted January 18, 2023. * © 2023, Posted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory This pre-print is available under a Creative Commons License (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International), CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, as described at []( ## References 1. [1]. C. A. Lane, J. Hardy, and J. M. Schott, “Alzheimer’s disease,” Eur. J. Neurol., vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 59–70, Jan. 2018, doi: 10.1111/ENE.13439. [CrossRef]( [PubMed]( 2. [2]. C. Bellenguez et al., “New insights into the genetic etiology of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias,” Nat. Genet. 2022, pp. 1–25, Apr. 2022, doi: 10.1038/s41588-022-01024-z. [CrossRef]( 3. [3]. 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