What is known about the determinants of developing antipsychotic-induced metabolic syndrome and interventions to address them for community dwelling adults: a scoping review protocol ====================================================================================================================================================================================== * Emma Good * Debi Bhattacharya * Sion Scott ## Abstract **Introduction** Antipsychotics are the primary treatment for severe mental health conditions. Whilst antipsychotics are effective at improving psychiatric outcomes, approximately 80% of people will experience metabolic syndrome (MS), characterised by weight gain, lipid disturbance and glucose dysregulation. Antipsychotic-induced MS is associated with a two-fold increased risk of developing coronary heart disease and a five-fold risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Gender, ethnic background, age, and family history are reported non-modifiable determinants of developing antipsychotic-induced MS and provide an indication of who is at highest risk. However, it is not clear what is known about which determinants are most significant to inform targeting interventions for high-risk individuals. Antipsychotics induce an increase in calorie intake and sedentary behaviour changes, which have been linked to MS. Behavioural determinants are modifiable and provide potential intervention targets, however, the extent to which they have been studied and targeted is unclear. Non-pharmacological interventions target behavioural determinants, and the literature describes the testing of their application to prevent and treat antipsychotic-induced MS. Few studies report clinically significant attenuation of MS, and the preferred healthcare setting to deliver an intervention is yet to be established. **Methods and Analysis** This review will adhere to the Joanna Briggs Institute guidance for scoping reviews and the PRISMA-ScR checklist. Relevant electronic databases and grey literature will be searched. Qualitative, quantitative and mixed method study designs, and evidence syntheses will be considered. Two reviewers will independently screen titles and abstracts; full text screening will be undertaken by one reviewer with a 10% sample checked by another. Data will be extracted and synthesised to address the research objectives. **Discussion** This review will scope and describe the evidence about what is known about the modifiable and non-modifiable determinants of developing antipsychotic-induced MS in community dwelling adults, the non-pharmacological interventions that have previously been implemented to prevent and/or treat antipsychotic-induced MS, and the preferred context for delivery of such interventions. The review will highlight gaps in knowledge and help inform future research. The findings will be disseminated via publication in peer-reviewed journals. ## Introduction Antipsychotics are the mainstay of treatment for severe mental health conditions and are extremely effective at improving psychiatric outcomes (1). Though people with severe mental illness already have a higher risk of premature mortality than the general population (2-3), this is exacerbated with the use of antipsychotics (4-5). Metabolic changes can occur rapidly after the commencement of antipsychotics, and approximately 40%-80% of people prescribed antipsychotics will experience weight gain, glucose dysregulation, and dyslipidaemia, collectively described as metabolic syndrome (MS) (1, 6-7, 8-9). Antipsychotic-induced MS is associated with the development of hypertension, a two-fold increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease, and a five-fold increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes (1-2, 4, 10-11). Metabolic changes increase the risk of premature mortality in this population by 33%-55% (12). Research has reported various non-modifiable determinants indicating which people are at risk of developing antipsychotic-induced MS, including gender, ethnic background, age, and family history of obesity (4-5, 7, 13-17). It is not apparent how important each of these factors are in determining which groups are most at risk of developing MS, therefore, it is not known if and how the individuals at highest risk are targeted with interventions to prevent or treat antipsychotic-induced MS. This scoping review will explore what is known about which groups within the population of community dwelling adults are most at risk of developing antipsychotic-induced MS, and what is known about their non-modifiable determinants and modifiable determinants. Non-pharmacological interventions to prevent and treat antipsychotic-induced MS demonstrate limited clinically efficacy in terms of decreases in weight, waist circumference, and BMI, or long-term positive effects on diet and physical activity (18). Studies testing non-pharmacological interventions have been limited by short follow-up periods thus the sustainability of any improvements in clinical outcomes is uncertain. Process evaluations report patient barriers to engaging with intervention components, including difficulty in using self-monitoring tools, burden of regularly recording progress, barriers to accessing ongoing support, and resistance to undergo physical health checks and monitoring (2, 18-21). As antipsychotics induce changes in behaviour, such as increased calorie intake and sedentary behaviour, modifiable determinants, such as dietary choices and physical activity levels, can attenuate and even prevent the physiological manifestations of MS (18, 22-24). Non-pharmacological interventions require significant behaviour change from individuals to prevent the development of MS, however, there is limited evidence to suggest which behavioural determinants have previously been targeted and which interventions have been underpinned by behaviour change theory. This may explain why previous interventions have reported limited efficacy. Whilst the outcomes of interventions have been widely reported, it is not clear from the literature what the most successful context for delivery is when targeting behavioural determinants. Due to the traumatic nature of living with severe mental illness, during episodes of crisis focus is given to short-term goals, for example, managing psychosis (19). As such, the most appropriate context in terms of preferred healthcare setting for delivery of non-pharmacological interventions and time proximity to the initial prescribing decision to target behavioural determinants is yet to be established. Previous research suggests that interventions should be integrated with the early stages of pharmacological treatment to prevent or reduce the adverse metabolic effects of antipsychotics (25). This would certainly target the rapid metabolic changes after commencement of antipsychotics, and is clinically most likely to be effective to intervene at this stage, however, it is not known if this would be feasible during a traumatic acute psychiatric phase. Previous research also suggests that longer interventions should be developed, or the relationship between the antipsychotic treatment and non-pharmacological interventions should be understood further (25). Research also suggests that affected individuals would like regular contact with healthcare providers and support with lifestyle changes without rigid targets (21, 26). This scoping review will describe what is known about the delivery of non-pharmacological interventions and will summarise the preferred contexts for implementation. The literature regarding antipsychotic-induced MS, and the reported non-pharmacological interventions to prevent or treat this syndrome, highlight key unknown factors in relation to behavioural changes required by the affected population to prevent the development of MS. A preliminary search did not identify any scoping or systematic reviews investigating this. Scoping reviews are useful for answering broad research questions, to comprehensively review a complex or heterogeneous body of literature, and to identify main concepts and knowledge gaps in the evidence (27-28). A scoping review was chosen for this study to systematically assess and synthesise knowledge regarding what is known about the population most affected by antipsychotic-induced MS, and the modifiable and non-modifiable determinants that puts these individuals at high risk of developing MS. The review will scope and describe the non-pharmacological interventions that have previously been implemented to prevent or treat antipsychotic-induced MS from a patient behavioural perspective, and the context in which they were delivered. The scoping review will summarise the key messages from the evidence and identify any gaps in the current knowledge to understand the preferred context for the delivery of interventions for the target population. This will facilitate in informing future research regarding the implementation of behavioural interventions to prevent antipsychotic-induced MS. ## Aim and Objectives ### Aim To describe what is known about the determinants of developing antipsychotic-induced MS and interventions to address them for community dwelling adults. ### Objectives To describe what is known and the knowledge gaps regarding the: 1. Non-modifiable determinants of the target population of community dwelling adults developing antipsychotic-induced metabolic syndrome. 2. Modifiable determinants of the target population developing antipsychotic-induced metabolic syndrome. 3. Non-pharmacological interventions that aim to prevent and/or treat antipsychotic-induced MS. 4. Preferred context for delivery of interventions to prevent and/or treat antipsychotic-induced MS. By using additional ‘timing’ and ‘setting’ elements with the PICO framework (29), the PICOTS framework (30) will be used to capture additional important contextual factors (31). PICOTS will structure the research question and will facilitate searching by focusing on addressing the review’s objectives, prompting the selection of key search terms, to clearly identify the problem, interventions implemented, and outcome (32): * Population: Adults prescribed antipsychotics. * Intervention/Exposure: Non-pharmacological intervention. * Comparison: Unrestricted. * Outcome: Metabolic syndrome and its physiological manifestations. * Timing: Short- and long-term quantitative and qualitative outcomes following antipsychotic prescription. * Setting: Community context. ## Methodology and Methods ### Scoping review design The scoping review will be guided by the aims and objectives of the study to understand the evidence base. Scoping reviews systematically map evidence using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) checklist to help develop understanding of the relevant items, main concepts, and terminology, which will be utilised in this review (28). This scoping review will also be guided by the steps for scoping reviews outlined by Arksey and O’Mally (33), Levac et al. (34) and the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) (27) to (a) identify the research question, (b) identify relevant studies, (c) select studies, (d) extract and chart the data, (e) collate, summarise and report the results, and (f) conduct a consultation exercise with stakeholders. Due to the iterative nature of scoping reviews, any refinements to the review objectives and methods as a result of learning will be described in the results manuscript (27). ### Review registration This review title has been registered with medRxiv (DOI:10.1101/2023.01.05.22283663). ### Review team The review is being conducted by a team comprised of academics and clinicians in the field of behavioural science. ### Inclusion criteria Clear inclusion and exclusion criteria for the review have been constructed to identify potentially relevant studies. Sources will be searched to include: * Adult population (≥18 years old). * People in outpatient or community settings. * People prescribed antipsychotics or medicine to treat psychosis/severe mental illness. * MS described using any known definitions. * Non-modifiable determinants – e.g., age, genetics, ethnic background, gender. * Modifiable determinants – e.g., diet, physical activity, weight, blood pressure, blood glucose, blood cholesterol. * Non-pharmacological interventions – e.g., lifestyle, behaviour change. ### Exclusion criteria Criteria excluded from the review will include: * Non-MS-related topics. * Non-human studies. * Articles not written or translated in English. ### Design Quantitative, qualitative, mixed-method studies, and evidence syntheses will be considered. Full-text articles and conference abstracts will be considered. Reviews, editorials, protocols and non-research letters will be excluded. ### Information sources The following bibliographic databases will be searched in the period January–April 2023 from inception to the present: * Medline/PubMed * Embase * Scopus * Web of Science * The Cochrane Library * CINAHL * APA PsychInfo * NIHR Journals Library * NHS Knowledge and Library Hub (e.g., AMED) * ClinicalTrials.gov * Epistemonikos. Google Scholar will also be searched for relevant articles. Grey literature will also be searched from: * Royal College of Psychiatrists * College of Mental Health Pharmacy * OpenAIRE * BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine) * Conference papers (Scopus) * Theses and dissertations * Google advanced search. Reference lists will be scanned to identify any relevant sources not identified in the database searches. Forward citation searches will also be conducted to identify any additional relevant sources. The search will be conducted until saturation has been reached. One author will perform all searches. A pre-planned search strategy will be employed to seek all relevant studies. The search strategy will consist of two parameters: population (people prescribed antipsychotics), and outcome (MS). Following a scoping exercise of search terms to define the search strategy, the MeSH (Medical Subject Heading) terms ‘Psychotropic Drugs’, ‘Antipsychotic Agents’, and ‘Metabolic Syndrome’ will be used for the search. These search terms will be adapted for the databases that do not permit MeSH terms or use different MeSH terms. As scoping reviews use an iterative process, the search strategy will be amended and refined, if necessary, to conduct an additional search using all identified keywords to find relevant sources across all databases. Any amendments and discrepancies will be detailed and justified in the scoping review report. ### Selection of sources of evidence All identified records will be exported into RefWorks reference management software and duplicates will be removed. Titles, keywords and abstracts will be screened for their relevance to the review by the primary reviewer and second reviewer independently to identify studies that potentially meet the inclusion criteria. Definite non-relevant sources will be excluded. Sources that meet the inclusion criteria will be retrieved and read in full, and screened against the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Study authors will be contacted as required for additional information. The research team will meet to compare the results of a 10% sample and reach an agreement regarding which sources to include in the final set of eligible studies, as well as resolving any discrepancies through consultation. Reasons for exclusion will be noted and reported in the review report. The final search results will be reported in a PRISMA-ScR flow diagram (35) to demonstrate the different phases of the review decision process, including indicating the search results, removing duplicates, screening, selecting and retrieving studies for inclusion, clarifying reasons for exclusion during the full-text review, and the final presentation of the results. ### Data charting process and data items One author will extract data from included sources using a standardised data extraction form in Microsoft Excel to analyse, summarise, and interpret the data to synthesise sources and draw conclusions. Charting the data will create a descriptive summary which aims to address the objectives of this scoping review. A 10% sample will be checked by a second researcher, and regular meetings will be held with the research team to ensure consistency and to resolve any disagreements. The data extraction tool will be modified as required through the data extraction process and the details of revisions will be described in the scoping review report. Variables will be extracted, charted and categorised by: * Citation, e.g., title, author, journal, year of publication. * Origin, e.g., where the study was conducted/published. * Objective, e.g., aims and purpose of the study. * Population, e.g., age, gender, sample size. * Intervention, e,g., intervention type, duration, follow-up. * Comparison, e.g., control group or comparison intervention. * Outcome, e.g., results of the intervention and how results were measured. * Type, e.g., study type/design, methodology. * Key findings, e.g., evidence established. * Comments, e.g., summary notes in relation to the scoping review’s objectives and gaps in the research. The PRISMA-ScR checklist guidance pertaining to the data charting process and reporting sources of evidence will be followed (36-37). ### Synthesis of results The charted data will be summarised and presented in a narrative synthesis to describe what is known about the similarities, differences, and relationships within the data, and to synthesise ideas and theories. This will be supported with the presentation of results in a diagram to demonstrate the distribution of studies by origin, area of intervention, and research methods. Results will be collated as they address the research question and objectives. Specifically, what is known about the following will be mapped and described: * The target population. * The modifiable and non-modifiable determinants associated with the development of antipsychotic-induced MS in the target population. * The preferred context for delivery for a non-pharmacological intervention to address the behaviour changes associated with antipsychotic-induced MS. ### Critical appraisal of individual sources of evidence A formal quality assessment of each study will not be provided, instead the type of research undertaken in each source will be assigned a rating using JBI’s categorisation of levels of evidence for effectiveness and meaningfulness (38). ### Ethics Ethical approval is not required for this scoping review as it will involve secondary analysis of publicly available, anonymised data. ### Patient and public involvement Experts by experience (n=2) and personal consultees (n=2) have been involved from the outset to help shape the focus of the research by identifying areas required to be studied. This helped define and prioritise the research question and objectives. ### Consultation As per the guidance set out by JBI (27), consultation will be built into the review. At the end of the review, consultation will take place via interviews with stakeholders (comprising patients and family members/primary carers) to gain their views on the modifiable and non-modifiable determinants, and the feasibility of the preferred context for delivery of a behaviour change intervention. ### Dissemination The scoping review results will be disseminated via publication in peer-reviewed journals and at relevant conferences. ## Conclusion This scoping review will provide an overview of the body of literature relating to the modifiable and non-modifiable determinants of antipsychotic-induced MS in community dwelling adults, the non-pharmacological interventions that have previously been implemented to prevent and/or treat antipsychotic-induced MS and their success or non-success, and the preferred context of delivery of such interventions from the point of view of the individuals affected by antipsychotic-induced MS. The evidence will be mapped and knowledge gaps will be identified. The areas that require further investigation will inform further research in this area. ## Supporting information PRISMA-ScR-Fillable-Checklist-1 [[supplements/283663_file02.docx]](pending:yes) coi_disclosure 01.05.2023 [[supplements/283663_file03.docx]](pending:yes) ## Data Availability All data produced in the present study are available upon reasonable request to the authors. ## Footnotes * Amended author order. Added DOI link to the manuscript. * Received January 5, 2023. * Revision received January 8, 2023. * Accepted January 8, 2023. * © 2023, Posted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory This pre-print is available under a Creative Commons License (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International), CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, as described at [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) ## References 1. 1.Reynolds GP, Kirk SL. 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