Genome-wide analyses of neonatal jaundice reveal a marked departure from adult bilirubin metabolism =================================================================================================== * Pol Solé-Navais * Julius Juodakis * Karin Ytterberg * Xiaoping Wu * Marc Vaudel * Øyvind Helgeland * Christopher Flatley * Frank Geller * Moshe Finel * Mengqi Zhao * Philip Lazarus * Per Magnus * Ole A. Andreassen * Pål R. Njolstad * Bjarke Feenstra * Louis J. Muglia * Stefan Johansson * Ge Zhang * Bo Jacobsson ## Abstract Jaundice affects almost all neonates in their first days of life and is caused by the accumulation of bilirubin. Although the core biochemistry of bilirubin metabolism is well understood, it is not clear why some neonates experience more severe jaundice and require treatment with phototherapy. Here, we present the first genome-wide association study of neonatal jaundice to date in nearly 30,000 parent-offspring trios from Norway (cases ≈ 2,000), with the most compelling locus located in the *UGT1A** genes region. The alternate allele of a common missense variant affecting the sequence of *UGT1A4* (with low affinity for bilirubin) reduces the susceptibility to jaundice five-fold (rs6755571, A allele OR = 0.2, p-value = 2.7 × 10−55, frequency = 6.4%). eQTL colocalization analyses indicate that the association may be driven by regulation of *UGT1A1* (the primary bilirubin conjugation enzyme) in the intestines, but not in the liver. Analysis of the parental transmitted and non-transmitted alleles in 23,000 parent-offspring trios captures known effects of maternal-fetal ABO blood group incompatibility on neonatal jaundice. Our results reveal marked differences in the pathways involved in neonatal jaundice compared to those regulating bilirubin levels in adults, suggesting a distinct biological basis. ## Introduction Most neonates are affected by jaundice in their first days of life, caused by accumulation of bilirubin (hyperbilirubinemia). While this condition occurs to some degree in 50–90 % of births, usually it resolves without treatment 1,2. Phototherapy is used in more serious cases, around 5–10 % of newborns, and can be effective 3. Yet, severe cases of jaundice still occur – leading to neurotoxicity, long-term cognitive impairment, and in rare cases kernicterus and death – and cause a significant burden on global health 4–6. Many questions about the etiology of neonatal jaundice remain, although the core biochemistry of bilirubin metabolism is known. Bilirubin (*unconjugated* form) is produced in the breakdown of hemoglobin, then taken up into hepatocytes, and converted to *conjugated* bilirubin by uridine diphosphate-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) 7,8. Conjugated bilirubin is transported to bile, while hopping in and out of hepatocytes to prevent local accumulation 9, then travels to intestines for excretion via feces 7. In neonates, liver UGT expression is low, while the production of unconjugated bilirubin is high (because of faster turnover of red blood cells and fetal hemoglobin), leading to its accumulation 10,11. Likely, neonates also differ in activity of other enzymes, such as uptake into the liver, transporters, and excretion mechanisms, contributing to the bilirubin imbalance, but these factors have only begun to be explored 11. It is not clear why in some newborns this imbalance is more severe, and clinical presentation worse. Bilirubin accumulation is more pronounced in preterm newborns, reportedly because the relevant metabolic pathways are not yet matured 4, although the specifics of this are not yet established. Some rare pathological factors with clear mechanisms are known, such as hemolysis due to ABO or Rhesus incompatibility 4 and highly deleterious mutations in *UGT1A1* or transporter genes 8. Genetic variants may also modify the effects of environmental factors, such as breastfeeding 12. However, genetic studies of neonatal jaundice to date have been limited to only established candidate genes, and have often produced conflicting results even for the same variants 13. Most of the genetic basis, and in particular common variants or other, non-UGT genes, remains largely unexplored. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) could fill in these gaps by discovering new variants or genes associated with neonatal jaundice, as well as clarifying the importance of different known metabolic pathways in newborns, ultimately leading to better identification of risk cases or new treatment strategies. Here, we performed the first GWAS of neonatal jaundice, using nearly 30,000 parent-offspring trios from Norway. We identified substantial differences from the known associations with bilirubin levels in adults, and provide potential mechanisms for our findings using family structure and eQTL analyses. Our results illustrate that genetic effects can be highly dependent on the context of time and tissue, even in well established metabolic pathways. ## Results ### Missense variant at *UGT1A4* reduces the susceptibility to neonatal jaundice We conducted a GWAS of neonatal jaundice in 27,384 newborns from the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort study (**Supplementary Table 1** – participants’ characteristics, **Supplementary Table 2** and **Supplementary** Figure 1), with 1,826 (6.9%) of them requiring phototherapy treatment, hereafter referred to as cases. We attempted to replicate the identified loci in a meta-analysis of two cohorts from Denmark where case status was defined according to ICD codes (n = 6,902, cases = 1,300). Genetic variants at two loci (*UGT1A** and *CHRDL1*) reached genome-wide significance in the discovery data set (p-value < 5 × 10−8, Figure 1A); none of the two loci harbored secondary, conditionally independent signals reaching genome-wide significance 14. The polygenicity of neonatal jaundice is relatively modest, with 90% of its heritability condensed in 23.4% of the genome (**Supplementary** Figure 2). ![Figure 1.]( [Figure 1.]( Figure 1. Miami plot of the neonatal and maternal GWAS of neonatal jaundice and associations at *UGT1A** gene region. (A) Miami plot of the GWAS on neonatal jaundice using the neonatal (top, n = 27,384 neonates, cases = 1,826) and maternal (bottom, n = 29,182, n cases = 2,401) genomes. Genome-wide significant loci are named by their nearest protein coding gene or gene family. The x-axis shows the chromosome position and the y-axis the two-sided p-value of the GWAS. The dashed line represents the genome-wide significance threshold (p-value = 5×10−8). The bar plot shows the risk of neonatal jaundice by rs6755571 genotype, a missense variant affecting *UGT1A4*. Error bars in the bar plot represent the 95% CI of the estimate. (B) A regional plot of the genetic associations with *UGT1A1* expression in the colon and liver and with neonatal jaundice at the *UGT1A** genes region. Y-axis shows the two-sided p-value of the eQTL associations between the variants and *UGT1A1* expression in colon or liver (from the eQTL Catalogue) and neonatal jaundice (from this study, neonatal genome, n = 27,384, cases = 1,826). Highlighted are the missense variant (rs6755571, diamond) and variants in LD with it. LD was estimated in 23,196 non-related neonates from MoBa. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the strongest of the two loci was located in the *UGT1A** region (2q31.1, Figure 1B), a complex locus encoding the enzymes responsible for the conjugation of bilirubin, among other substrates. The lead variant (rs17868338) is intronic for several *UGT1A** genes and in nearly perfect LD (R2 = 0.96) with a missense variant at position 70C>A of *UGT1A4* (rs6755571) that results in the substitution of proline to threonine (p.Pro24Thr). The alternate allele of rs6755571 has a frequency of 6.4% and was associated with a five-fold lower risk of neonatal jaundice (Figure 1, OR = 0.2; 95% CI = 0.15, 0.25; p-value = 2.7×10−55). The locus was replicated in a meta-analysis of GWAS of neonatal jaundice in 6,902 neonates from two Danish cohorts (cases = 1,300), with the same haplotype block leading the association (rs6755571; OR = 0.4; 95% CI = 0.32, 0.50; p-value = 2.4 x 10−15, **Supplementary Table 2** and **Supplementary** Figure 3). In other ancestries, the alternate allele of rs6755571 is even rarer, with a frequency of about 1–2% in South Asians and Africans and 0% in East Asian samples (dbSNP), making its replication difficult. We calculated its prevalence in cases and controls of various ancestries in MoBa and observed effects consistent with several-fold protection across populations (**Supplementary Table 3** and **Supplementary** Figure 4). Since UGT1A1 is considered to be the only enzyme with substantial glucuronidation activity on bilirubin 15, we further explored the possibility that the association is driven by a regulatory effect on *UGT1A1*. We performed colocalization analysis between neonatal jaundice and cis-eQTLs in 127 tissues/ cell types from the eQTL Catalogue 16, and observed colocalization with *UGT1A1* expression in the colon, but not in the liver (Figure 1, **Supplementary** Figure 5 and **Supplementary Table 4**). The missense variant was consistently fine-mapped as one of the variants with the largest probability of driving the association with *UGT1A1* expression in the colon and neonatal jaundice (posterior probability >0.10, **Supplementary** Figure 6), with an opposite effect direction (increase of *UGT1A1* expression lowers risk of neonatal jaundice). The second locus associated with neonatal jaundice is located on the X chromosome, near *CHRDL1* gene (rs12400785, OR = 0.80; 95% CI = 0.77, 0.87; p-value = 3.4 × 10−11, MAF = 36.6%). This locus is approximately 43 Mbp upstream of *G6PD* (its deficiency increases the risk of neonatal jaundice 4,7), and is likely independent from it. This association was replicated in a meta-analysis of two Danish cohorts (rs12400785; OR = 0.88; 95% CI = 0.80, 0.96; p-value = 0.004, n = 6,902, cases = 1,300). To understand whether the loci identified were driven by the neonate, the mother or both, we evaluated the effects of the parental transmitted and non-transmitted alleles on neonatal jaundice using phased genetic data from 23,196 parent-offspring trios (n cases = 1,569). The effect of the missense variant (in the *UGT1A** region) was limited to the transmitted alleles, indicating a neonate-only effect, independent of the parent of origin (**Supplementary** Figure 7 and **Supplementary Table 2**). For the locus on the X chromosome we conducted the analysis separately in girls (maternal transmitted and non-transmitted and paternal transmitted, n = 11,438 parent-offspring, n cases = 686) and boys (maternal transmitted and non-transmitted and paternal non-transmitted, n = 11,758 parent-offspring, n cases = 883). While in girls, all alleles were borderline associated with neonatal jaundice (0.018 ≤ p-value ≤ 0.089), in boys the effect was limited to the maternal transmitted alleles (OR = 0.70, p-value = 3.7 x 10−5), suggesting an effect from the parental transmitted alleles. The conditional analysis of the maternal, fetal and paternal dosages supported this, with an effect limited to the neonate (OR = 0.83; 95% CI = 0.76, 0.90; p-value = 1.8 × 10−5, **Supplementary** Figure 7). ### Maternal GWAS captures the effects of ABO incompatibility on neonatal jaundice Even though perinatal outcomes are affected by both the fetal and maternal genomes, the investigation of the maternal genome in the etiology of neonatal jaundice so far has been largely overlooked. We performed a maternal GWAS of neonatal jaundice in the offspring (n = 29,182, n cases = 2,401, Figure 1A, quantile-quantile plot **Supplementary** Figure 8), identifying three independent loci. One of the signals was located at the *UGT1A** gene region, with the lead SNP (rs17868336) in strong LD with the neonatal missense variant (R2 = 0.95); the association observed with the maternal genome was driven by the parental transmitted alleles (**Supplementary** Figure 9), in concordance with a neonate-only effect. A second locus, on chromosome X (**Supplementary Table 2**), had its lead SNP (rs5942980) in strong LD (R2 = 0.95) with the lead neonatal SNP in the same region. As mentioned above (**Supplementary** Figure 7), the effect at this locus was also driven by the transmitted alleles (including the maternal allele), and was thus captured in this GWAS using the maternal genome. The third locus was located at 9q34.2, in the *ABO* gene region (Figure 1, rs687621, EAF = 37.2%, OR = 0.46; 95% CI = 0.74, 0.85; p-value = 1.4 x 10−12). Red blood cell breakdown has a critical role in the development of jaundice in neonates, and is increased in case of maternal-fetal ABO blood group incompatibility. Intrigued by this, we explored the effects of the parental transmitted and non-transmitted alleles on neonatal jaundice for the lead SNP in this locus in 23,196 parent-offspring trios (n cases = 1,569). Both maternal alleles (transmitted and non-transmitted) and the paternal transmitted allele of rs687621 were significantly associated with neonatal jaundice, but with opposite effect directions (**Supplementary Table 2**). To evaluate whether rs687621 reflects maternal-fetal ABO incompatibility, we included genetically-derived ABO blood group incompatibility as a covariate (OR = 1.81; 95% CI = 1.57, 2.09; p-value = 3.9 x 10−16) in the same model as the lead SNP. After adjusting for maternal-fetal ABO incompatibility, the effect estimates of all rs687621 alleles were closer to the null, consistent with its tagging of ABO blood group incompatibility (Figure 2). It should be noted that the effect of the maternal non-transmitted allele was still significant after conditioning and that this variant is also linked to factor VIII and to blood clotting in general 17. ![Figure 2.]( [Figure 2.]( Figure 2. Effects of the parental transmitted and non-transmitted alleles of the *ABO* gene variant (rs687621) on neonatal jaundice before or after adjusting for maternal-fetal ABO blood group incompatibility. Estimates were obtained from a logistic regression model in 23,196 parent-offspring (cases = 1,569) with or without a covariate for genetically determined maternal-fetal ABO blood group incompatibility. The dot represents the odds ratio for the association, and the error bars the 95% CI. A GWAS of offspring neonatal jaundice using the paternal genome (n = 28,384, n cases = 2,361, **Supplementary** Figure 10) identified a single locus at the *UGT1A** genes region (rs149247216), with the lead SNP in strong LD (R2 = 0.9) with the neonatal missense variant (the association was driven by the parental transmitted alleles, **Supplementary** Figure 11**)**. ### Missense variant at *UGT1A4* protects from neonatal jaundice despite maternal-fetal ABO incompatibility As mentioned earlier, bilirubin levels may rise in situations with increased breakdown of red blood cells, such as in maternal-fetal ABO blood group incompatibility. At the same time, the risk of jaundice is exacerbated in neonates born preterm due to immaturity, among others. We sought to investigate whether the protective effects of the missense variant at *UGT1A4* on neonatal jaundice were robust to these risk factors. The effect of rs6755571 on neonatal jaundice was not modified by maternal-fetal ABO blood group incompatibility (p-value for interaction = 0.809, **Supplementary** Figure 12), but it was stronger during the full term period and post-term (linear interaction p-value = 6.2 × 10−4, **Supplementary** Figure 12). This result aligns with a marked postnatal increase in *UGT1A1* expression and protein levels in the small intestine of mice 18. ### Shared and distinct genetic effects on neonatal jaundice and adult bilirubin levels Finally, we compared the genetic basis of neonatal jaundice with that of adult bilirubin levels at the variant, gene and genome-wide level. The strongest association reported for adult bilirubin levels is also located at the *UGT1A** region (rs35754645, p-value = 3 x 10−26677 in GWAS Catalog, proxy variant rs887829, R2 = 1). However, this lead adult SNP was virtually not associated with neonatal jaundice after conditioning for the lead missense variant (OR = 1.2, p-value = 8.0 x 10−8, Figure 3; after adjusting for neonatal jaundice lead missense variant rs6755571, OR = 1.12, p-value = 0.002), and is also in low LD with our lead variant (R2 = 0.03). In concordance with this, colocalization analysis also showed that the associations with neonatal jaundice and adult bilirubin levels are driven by distinct variants (posterior probability of sharing the causal variant = 5.2 x 10−24, posterior probability of sharing the same locus = 1). Another locus robustly linked with adult bilirubin levels is *SLCO1B1*, a liver-specific transporter that mediates the uptake of bilirubin (top SNP rs4149081, p-value = 8 x 10−676 in GWAS Catalog). In our GWAS, variants in the *SLCO1B1* gene region were virtually not associated with neonatal jaundice (rs4149081 OR = 1.11, p-value = 0.02, **Supplementary** Figure 13). ![Figure 3.]( [Figure 3.]( Figure 3. Neonatal jaundice effects of adult bilirubin level variants and polygenic score. (A) Genetic effects of the variants at the *UGT1A** genes region. Y-axis shows the two-sided p-value of the associations between the variants and adult bilirubin levels (a previous publication) or neonatal jaundice (from this study, neonatal genome, n = 27,384, cases = 1,826). Highlighted are the top adult variant (rs887829, diamond) and variants in LD with it. LD was estimated in 23,196 non-related mothers from MoBa. (B) Jaundice prevalence by polygenic score of adult bilirubin levels, including or excluding the *UGT1A** genes region, observed in 23,196 neonates (cases = 1,569). Weights for the polygenic score of adult bilirubin levels were obtained from the PGS Catalog (ID: PGS002160). Dots represent the neonatal jaundice prevalence, and the error bars the 95% CI. Next, we assessed whether the differences are also present at the genome-wide scale by evaluating the effects of a polygenic score of adult bilirubin levels on neonatal jaundice risk, with or without excluding chromosome 2, which harbors the *UGT1A** genes region. To generate such scores, we extracted weights from a previously published score that was trained and validated in adults from the UK Biobank 19. The polygenic score of adult bilirubin levels had a bimodal distribution, but only when including chromosome 2 (**Supplementary** Figure 14). As could be anticipated, the polygenic score of adult bilirubin levels was strongly associated with neonatal jaundice risk (Figure 3, n = 23,196, cases= 1,569, OR = 1.18 per standard deviation; 95% CI = 1.12, 1.23; p-value = 1.4 × 10−10). However, once we exclude chromosome two from the polygenic score, the effect of the score was close to null (OR = 1.05 per standard deviation; 95% CI = 0.99, 1.11; p-value = 0.064). ## Discussion Bilirubin levels in adults are known to have a strong heritable component, but genetic studies of neonatal jaundice so far have been limited. We conducted a GWAS of neonatal jaundice using the maternal, neonatal and paternal genomes in nearly 30,000 families from Norway. The maternal GWAS of offspring neonatal jaundice recapitulated known biology at the *ABO* gene region, where the association of the parental transmitted and non-transmitted alleles was explained by maternal-fetal blood group incompatibility. However, we also found notable differences between the adult and neonatal genetics of jaundice – both at the variant and gene levels – which may indicate a new, context-specific mechanism or regulatory aspect of bilirubin clearance in neonates. The most striking result is the *UGT1A4* missense variant with a five-fold effect on the risk of neonatal jaundice (rs6755571). Such an effect size is very unusual in common variants, and is closer to those seen in rare loss-of-function mutations; together with its position, it is thus tempting to speculate that the alternate, protective allele causes a substantial activity change in the UGT1A4 enzyme. However, unlike UGT1A1, wild-type UGT1A4 shows very little bilirubin conjugation activity 15. Secondly, the variant is located in the signal peptide of UGT1A4, which is removed from the mature protein; Troberg and Finel showed that after cleavage the protein alleles only differ by two additional amino acids in the N terminus 20. The mutated protein has lower activity on some substrates, although in human cell extracts only small differences were observed, possibly due to efficient removal of the mis-folded proteins 20. In light of this, we consider it unlikely that the variant introduces bilirubin conjugation activity in this protein, and so probably does not act through UGT1A4 directly. More likely, the top associated variant, or one or more variants in close LD with it, still act through UGT1A1, the primary bilirubin conjugation enzyme. Our eQTL colocalization result suggests that this could be through regulation of *UGT1A1* expression in the intestines. Intestinal *UGT1A1* expression is known in adult humans, although overshadowed by liver bilirubin metabolism 15,21; in human neonates it has not been investigated. Our associations suggest that intestinal UGT1A1 could be the primary factor determining bilirubin accumulation in human neonates. In mice with transgenic *UGT1A**, Fujiwara et al. 18 observed that during the neonatal period the *UGT1A1* gene is in fact not expressed in the liver, and only in the intestines. Furthermore, the intestine expression level was not affected by the *UGT1A1*28* variant commonly associated with adult hyperbilirubinemia 18, which is consistent with us not replicating the adult GWAS hits. (The **28* variant is in LD with the top hits for adult bilirubin levels 22.) Another interesting possibility is that the causal variant is still the missense variant affecting *UGT1A4*, and it acts by modifying the activity of mature UGT1A1 – studies have suggested that these proteins can form a heterodimer, and their relative levels affect their catalytic properties 23. In either case, our results point towards pathways markedly different from the standard etiology of hyperbilirubinemia in adults. Outside the *UGT1A** locus, another difference from adults that we observed is the lack of association at *SLCO1B1*. This gene encodes a protein responsible for transport of conjugated bilirubin between nearby hepatocytes, and notably has low expression in neonates 11. Thus it seems that the rate of such transport is not the bottleneck in bilirubin clearance in neonates, possibly due to low activity of UGT1A1, or again due to some amount of conjugation occurring outside the liver. Finally, the additional association that we observe at the *CHRDL1* locus does not immediately relate to any known mechanism of jaundice. Despite the large effect sizes and notable functional consequences of our reported variants, we can only infer limited details about the mechanisms behind these associations. The differences observed in the genetic control of a single pathway – with adult bilirubin level SNPs showing some of the lowest p-values ever observed in a GWAS and not detected for neonates – show remarkable context-specific mechanisms. To make further progress in post-GWAS inference, both for this and other traits, expression data covering a wide range of tissues and conditions, finely resolved in time, and highly detailed in terms of protein variants will be needed. There are also genetic questions that remain open. Our cohorts focus on a narrow range of Nordic European ancestries, and the variant effects and their clinical importance may differ in other populations – although we provide some indication that the main association is present there as well. It is also unclear why the alleles observed here with large protective neonatal effects – thus presumably highly selected for – are relatively uncommon. In light of the many, often conflicting candidate gene studies of neonatal jaundice, this study provides a solid basis for further investigations into the etiology of this trait and a marked departure from adult bilirubin metabolism. ## Methods ### Ethics All study participants provided a signed informed consent, and the study protocol has been approved by the administrative board of the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study, led by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. The establishment of MoBa and initial data collection was based on a license from the Norwegian Data Protection Agency and approval from The Regional Committee for Medical Research Ethics. The study was approved by the Norwegian Regional Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics South-East (2015/2425) and by the Swedish Ethical Review Authority (Dnr 2022-03248-01). ### Study population The Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study (MoBa) is a family-based cohort study that enrolled 114,000 children, 95,000 mothers and 75,000 fathers from 50 hospitals across Norway 24. Here, we used a subset of MoBa participants that were genotyped, comprising a total of 98,109 samples (∼25,000 parent-offspring trios). Information regarding maternal and neonatal health and complications of pregnancy and birth were extracted from the Medical Birth Registry of Norway and linked to questionnaires (v12 of the quality-assured data files) and genetic data generated in MoBa. Most of the samples chosen for genotyping, and hence included in the present analysis, fulfilled the following requirements: singleton pregnancy, live-birth, data linked to the Norwegian Medical Birth Registry, birth weight and length available, the mother had answered at least the first questionnaire (at 15-17 gestational weeks), and parental DNA samples were available. To ensure a minimal concordance between different genotyping batches, we limited this study to the analysis of live-born singleton neonates who didn’t die in their first year of life, and their parents. As mentioned earlier, neonatal jaundice is a matter of degree. In Norway, all newborns are assessed for neonatal jaundice by clinicians, and cases are routinely reported in a checkbox in the Medical Birth Registry of Norway. The definition only includes neonates requiring jaundice treatment (phototherapy or exchange transfusion) according to national consensus guidelines 3. ### Genotyping and quality control Genotyping was performed using four different arrays: 33,538 samples with Illumina Human Core Exome (Genomics Core Facility, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway), 26,990 with Illumina Infinium Global Screening Array MD (Erasmus Medical Center, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands), 5,959 with Illumina Human Omni Express (deCode Genetics, Reykjavik, Iceland), 17,730 with Illumina Infinium Omni Express (deCode Genetics, Reykjavik, Iceland) and 9,632 samples with Infinium Global Screening Array 24 (deCode Genetics, Reykjavik, Iceland). Genome coordinates were mapped to the Genome Reference Consortium Human Build 37 (hg19). Genotypes were called in Illumina GenomeStudio software (v.2011.1 and v.2.0.3). Samples with call rate < 0.98, excess heterozygosity > 4 SD or sex mismatch, and variants with call rates < 98%, 10% GenCall-score < 0.3, cluster separation < 0.4, Theta AA standard deviation > 0.4 and Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium test p-value < 10−6 were excluded. Finally, individuals of primarily non-European ancestries were excluded based on principal components with reference samples from the HapMap project, version 3. ### Phasing and imputation Phasing was conducted locally using Shapeit v2.790 25, including mother-child pairs whenever available using ––duohmm method. Prior to imputation, insertions and deletions were removed and allele, marker position and strand were updated to match the Haplotype Reference Consortium imputation panel (v1.1) 26. Imputation was performed at the Sanger Imputation Server with positional Burrows-Wheeler transform 27 and Haplotype Reference Consortium imputation panel (v1.1). ### Genome-wide association study We estimated the associations between neonatal (n = 27,384, n cases = 1,826), maternal (n = 29,182, n cases = 2,401) and paternal (n = 28,384, n cases = 2,361) genetic dosages on neonatal jaundice using logistic regression with Firth correction implemented in REGENIE (v3.1) 28. The analysis was adjusted for genotype principal components and sex, and was based on SNPs with an imputation INFO score > 0.7 and minor allele frequency ≥0.1%. Subsequent analyses were based on unrelated parent-offspring triads (n = 23,196, total samples = 68,361, kinship coefficient ≤ 0.125). Genomic inflation factors for all three GWAS were very close to one, and so we did not adjust p-values for them. ### Replication analysis We attempted to replicate the loci identified in the neonatal GWAS of jaundice in a meta-analysis of two Danish cohorts. The individuals included in the analyses were participants in the Danish National Birth Cohort (DNBC) and Statens Serum Institut’s genetic epidemiology (SSI-GE) studies, who have existing genotype data from previous studies available. SSI-GE consists of samples from studies of febrile seizures, atrial septal defects, Hirschsprung disease, opioid dependence, hydrocephalus, postpartum depression, and hypospadias. Phenotypic information to define patients with neonatal jaundice was retrieved from the Danish National Patient Register 29. The register includes information from all inpatient admissions in Denmark since 1977 and all emergency and outpatient hospital contacts since 1995. Diagnoses are coded according to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) using the 8th revision (ICD-8) from 1977 to 1993 and the 10th revision (ICD-10) from 1994 onwards. Eligible neonatal jaundice cases were defined as individuals with ICD-8 code 77891 or ICD-10 codes DP58 and DP59 in the register. Information about gestational duration was retrieved from the Danish Medical Birth Register 30. Genotyping, data cleaning, and imputation of the DNBC and SSI-GE individuals were done as previously described 31. The Haplotype Reference Consortium (HRC) release 1.1 panel was used for imputation, and 7.5 million variants with minor allele frequency larger than 1% and imputation INFO >0.8 were included in the analyses. Individuals of non-European ancestries (outliers in principal component analysis) were excluded prior to analysis. In the DNBC sample, 719 cases and 2994 controls were included. In the SSI-GE sample, we balanced the ratio of neonatal jaundice cases to controls, so that it was the same within each of the disease groups of the original studies. In total, 581 cases and 2608 controls were included from the SSI-GE studies. Association analyses were done under an additive genetic model including sex, gestational duration and five principal components as covariates using REGENIE 2.2.3 28. Results from DNBC and SSI-GE were combined using fixed-effects inverse-variance-weighted meta-analysis as implemented in METAL 32. ### Non-European ancestry analysis We inspected the effects of the top hits in samples not limited to European ancestry. For this, samples from 1000 Genomes Project 33 were projected to the same principal components as the MoBa data (see Genotyping and quality control). Ancestry of the MoBa children was then inferred using a nearest centroid classifier with the first 3 PCs as features; i.e. the centroid of each 1000 Genomes population was calculated, and samples assigned to the population with the closest centroid. We report allele frequencies by inferred population and case/control status. ### Conditional analysis We looked for secondary, conditionally independent associations within each locus using approximate Conditional and Joint (COJO) analysis 14 implemented in the GCTA software 34. To identify such variants (p-value < 5×10−8), we ran a stepwise model selection (-cojo-slct) for each of the genome-wide significant loci (±1.5 Mb from the lead SNP). LD between genetic variants was estimated from the same samples with which the GWAS were run, but excluding samples that were genetically related. To complement this analysis, we performed conditional analysis using individual level genetic data by adding the leading fetal variant in the *UGT1A** genes region to the models. ### Local SNP heritability We estimated local SNP heritability using Heritability Estimation from Summary Statistics (v.0.5.3) 35. This method estimates narrow sense heritability using GWAS summary statistics and a reference sample for LD (1000 Genomes phase 3 SNPs with MAF>0.05) in approximately LD-independent regions 36. As a measure of polygenicity, we ranked all genomic loci by the proportion of heritability they explained and calculated the proportion of the genome occupied by each region. We visually contrasted its polygenicity against that of height, using summary statistics from a previously published GWAS 37. ### Resolving maternal-fetal effect origin We classified the effects of the lead SNPs as having only maternal, only fetal, or maternal and fetal effects using the parental transmitted and non-transmitted alleles. By using phased genotype data (i.e. estimated haplotypes) in triads, we inferred the parent-of-origin of the alleles in the offspring, as previously described 38,39. Once the transmitted alleles were allocated to a parent, the non-transmitted maternal and paternal alleles were extracted. As mentioned above, genetic data was phased with SHAPEIT2 25, which uses a hidden Markov model in combination with pedigree information to refine phase calls and assign parents to haplotypes. For each lead SNP we fit the following logistic regression model in 23,196 parent-offspring triads (n cases = 1,569): ![Formula][1] where *MnT* and *MT* refer to the maternal non-transmitted and transmitted alleles respectively, and PnT and PT refer to the paternal non-transmitted and transmitted alleles, respectively. In addition to teasing out maternal-fetal effects, this analysis allowed us to assess whether the effects observed in the fetus were limited to one of the parental alleles or were independent of the parent-of-origin. Analyses on chromosome X were conducted in girls (maternal transmitted and non-transmitted and paternal transmitted, n = 11,438 parent-offspring, n cases = 686) and boys (maternal transmitted and non-transmitted and paternal non-transmitted, n = 11,758 parent-offspring, n cases = 883) separately. Due to the lower sample size of this analysis, we also performed conditional analysis using maternal, paternal and neonatal dosages as follows: ![Formula][2] ### Genetic determination of ABO blood group We determined the ABO blood group of mothers and their offspring based on two SNPs (rs8176746 and rs8176719) located in the ABO gene, as previously shown 40. The reference panel we used for imputation does not include indels (rs8176719), so we chose rs657152 instead, which is in close proximity and high LD with rs8176719 (R2 = 0.98). The rs8176746 missense variant defines the B blood group and the rs8176719 defines the O blood group (**Supplementary Table 5 and 6**). We defined maternal-fetal ABO blood group incompatibility as when the mother’s blood group was O, and that of the neonate was A or B; all other maternal-fetal blood group combinations were treated as compatible. ### Comparison with adult bilirubin levels We downloaded summary statistics from the largest GWAS of adult bilirubin levels 41 performed in individuals from predominantly principal component-derived European ancestries. We conducted colocalization analysis in the region spanning *UGT1A** genes between neonatal jaundice and adult bilirubin levels 36. At the variant level, we inspected the associations between variants and neonatal jaundice and adult bilirubin levels in the UGT1A* and *SLCO1B1* genes region, and visualized them by plotting the associations. For the *UGT1A** genes region, LD between variants was obtained from non-related samples of mothers used as part of this GWAS (n = 23,196), and for variants with the *SLCO1B1*, the online tool LocusZoom 42 was employed, with LD estimated in 1000 Genomes Project (EUR superpopulation). Lead SNPs for adult bilirubin levels were obtained from the GWAS Catalog43. At the genome-wide scale, we evaluated the effect of a polygenic score of adult bilirubin levels on neonatal jaundice with or without including the *UGT1A** genes region in the score (defined as ± 1 Mb around the missense variant – rs6755571). To construct the polygenic score, we obtained weights from a previously published score trained and validated in adults from the UK Biobank 19 and deposited in the PGS Catalog (ID: PGS002160) 44. ### Colocalization analysis with expression QTLs To assess potential regulatory effects of the neonatal locus at the *UGT1A** genes region, we conducted colocalization analyses with cis-eQTLs (1 Mb around gene transcription start site) from the eQTL Catalogue 16. We limited the analysis to eQTLs for only seven of the *UGT1A** genes were found (*UGT1A1*, *UGT1A4*, *UGT1A6*, *UGT1A7*, *UGT1A8*, *UGT1A9* and *UGT1A10*) and to gene expression data from either RNA-sequencing or microarrays studies, totalling 127 different cell types/ tissues). To match the genome reference for our data and that from the eQTL Catalogue, we lifted over our GWAS summary statistics (originally mapped to GRCh37) to the Genome Reference Consortium Human Build 38 by using the UCSC liftOver tool 45. Colocalization analyses were performed using coloc package for R 46. In a Bayesian statistical framework, this analysis assesses whether the associations with two traits within a single genomic region are explained by shared or distinct variants in close LD, assuming that only one causal variant exists for the two traits in the specified region. We used conservative priors than the ones set by default (prior for shared causal variant = 5 x 10−6). While we have tried to convey the information without setting a harsh threshold for colocalization, we defined strong evidence of colocalization whenever the posterior probability of colocalization was > 0.9. ## Supporting information Supplementary Table [[supplements/283348_file02.xlsx]](pending:yes) Supplementary Figure [[supplements/283348_file03.pdf]](pending:yes) ## Data availability Summary statistics from the three GWAS of neonatal jaundice can be accessed at []( Data from the Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study and the Medical Birth Registry of Norway used in this study are managed by the national health register holders in Norway (Norwegian Institute of Public Health) and can be made available to researchers, provided approval from the Regional Committees for Medical and Health Research Ethics (REC), compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and approval from the data owners. The consent given by the participants does not open for storage of data on an individual level in repositories or journals. Researchers who want access to data sets should apply through Access to data sets requires approval from The Regional Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics in Norway and an agreement with MoBa. Summary statistics from adult bilirubin levels can be accessed []( ## Conflicts of interest Authors declare no conflicts of interest. ## Author contributions PSN, JJ and BJ conceived and conceptualized the study. PSN, JJ, KY and XW conducted formal analysis. PSN and JJ wrote the original draft. BF participated in writing the methods. JJ, MV, OH, CF and FG performed data curation and quality control. PM, MF, MZ, PL, OA, PN, BF, LJM, SJ, GZ and BJ provided critical resources. BJ, GZ and SJ supervised the project. All authors reviewed, edited and approved the final version of the manuscript. ## Acknowledgements The Norwegian Mother, Father and Child Cohort Study is supported by the Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services and the Ministry of Education and Research. We are grateful to all the participating families in Norway who take part in this on-going cohort study. We thank the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) for generating high-quality genomic data. This research is part of the HARVEST collaboration, supported by the Research Council of Norway (#229624). We also thank the NORMENT Centre for providing genotype data, funded by the Research Council of Norway (#223273), South East Norway Health Authorities and Stiftelsen Kristian Gerhard Jebsen. We further thank the Center for Diabetes Research, the University of Bergen for providing genotype data and performing quality control and imputation of the data funded by the ERC AdG project SELECTionPREDISPOSED, Stiftelsen Kristian Gerhard Jebsen, Trond Mohn Foundation, the Research Council of Norway, the Novo Nordisk Foundation, the University of Bergen, and the Western Norway Health Authorities. B.J. received funding from The Swedish Research Council, Stockholm, Sweden (2019-01004), The Research Council of Norway, Oslo, Norway (FRIMEDBIO #547711), March of Dimes (#21-FY16-121), Agreement concerning research and education of doctors (ALFGBG-965353). This study was in part supported by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute Of Child Health & Human Development of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R01HD101669. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. G.Z. is supported by the Burroughs Wellcome Fund (Grant 10172896), and the March of Dimes Prematurity Research Center Ohio Collaborative. P.S.N received funding from Längmanska Kultufonden. ## Footnotes * We have corrected several typos, and have added three co-authors that attempted to perform wet lab follow-up of the identified fetal variant at the UGT1A4 gene region. Unfortunately, problems with the mass spectrometer made it impossible to measure glucuronidation activity. * Received December 14, 2022. * Revision received October 10, 2023. * Accepted October 10, 2023. * © 2023, Posted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory This pre-print is available under a Creative Commons License (Attribution 4.0 International), CC BY 4.0, as described at []( ## Bibliography 1. 1.Woodgate, P. & Jardine, L. A. Neonatal jaundice. BMJ Clin. Evid. 2011, 0319 (2011). 2. 2.Slusher, T. M. et al. Burden of severe neonatal jaundice: a systematic review and meta-analysis. *BMJ Paediatr*. 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