The phenotypic spectrum of terminal 6q deletions based on a large cohort derived from social media and literature: a prominent role for DLL1 ============================================================================================================================================ * Aafke Engwerda * Wilhelmina S. Kerstjens-Frederikse * Nicole Corsten-Janssen * Trijnie Dijkhuizen * Conny M. A. van Ravenswaaij-Arts ## Abstract **Background** Terminal 6q deletions are rare, and the number of well-defined published cases is limited. Since parents of children with these aberrations often search the internet and unite via international social media platforms, these dedicated platforms may hold valuable knowledge about additional cases. The Chromosome 6 Project is a collaboration between researchers and clinicians at the University Medical Center Groningen and members of a Chromosome 6 support group on Facebook. The aim of the project is to improve the surveillance of patients with chromosome 6 aberrations and the support for their families by increasing the available information about these rare aberrations. This parent-driven research project makes use of information collected directly from parents via a multilingual online questionnaire. Here, we report our findings on 93 individuals with terminal 6q deletions and 11 individuals with interstitial 6q26q27 deletions, a cohort that includes 38 newly identified individuals. **Results** Using this cohort, we can identify a common terminal 6q deletion phenotype that includes microcephaly, dysplastic outer ears, hypertelorism, vision problems, abnormal eye movements, dental abnormalities, feeding problems, recurrent infections, respiratory problems, spinal cord abnormalities, abnormal vertebrae, scoliosis, joint hypermobility, brain abnormalities (ventriculomegaly/hydrocephaly, corpus callosum abnormality and cortical dysplasia), seizures, hypotonia, ataxia, torticollis, balance problems, developmental delay, sleeping problems and hyperactivity. Other frequently reported clinical characteristics are congenital heart defects, kidney problems, abnormalities of the female genitalia, spina bifida, anal abnormalities, positional foot deformities, hypertonia and self-harming behaviour. The phenotypes were comparable up to a deletion size of 7.1 Mb, and most features could be attributed to the terminally located gene *DLL1*. Larger deletions that include *QKI* (>7.1 Mb) lead to a more severe phenotype that includes additional clinical characteristics. **Conclusions** Terminal 6q deletions cause a common but highly variable phenotype. Most clinical characteristics can be linked to the smallest terminal 6q deletions that include the gene *DLL1* (>500 kb). Based on our findings, we provide recommendations for clinical follow-up and surveillance of individuals with terminal 6q deletions. Keywords * chromosome 6 * terminal 6q deletion * 6q26 * 6q27 * *DLL1* * *QKI* * social media * patient participation * parent-reported phenotype ## Background Terminal 6q deletions are a variable group of chromosome disorders, with the largest deletions extending from 6q25.2 to 6qter (up to 16 Mb in size) and the smallest deletions restricted to the most distal band 6q27 (as small as 390 kb in size)1. As these deletions are rare, there is only limited information about their effect on the clinical phenotype. This lack of knowledge impairs the ability of health professionals to guide these individuals and their families. To date, two large reviews on terminal 6q deletions have been published. Hopkin et al. (1997) described 26 individuals with deletions in the 6q25q27 region. These individuals were diagnosed by conventional cytogenetic methods, and interstitial deletions including only the proximal part of 6q27 were also considered to be terminal2. Lee et al. (2011) described another 28 individuals with pure terminal 6q deletions diagnosed by conventional cytogenetic methods or array CGH, with all findings confirmed by FISH3. The individuals described in these two reviews presented with a variable phenotype including brain abnormalities, hydrocephalus, microcephaly, seizures, intellectual disability, hyperactivity/attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), hypotonia, club feet, genital hypoplasia, retinal abnormalities, cleft palate, dimpling on elbows and knees and facial dysmorphisms including ear anomalies, broad nasal tip, prominent nasal bridge, epicanthic folds and short palpebral fissures2,3. Whereas earlier studies mostly used conventional cytogenetic methods, detailed microarray techniques are now the routine diagnostic method. The robust and detailed microarray technique allows for reliable comparisons of cytogenetic results from all over the world. In contrast, international collection of detailed phenotypes lags behind the collection of genetic data because only a minority of rare chromosomal aberration cases are submitted to international databases like DECIPHER ([](, and case reporting relies on health professionals having the time and willingness to submit information. As a result, clinical information is often incomplete. Nowadays parents of individuals with a rare disorder often start searching the internet for more information, and these parents frequently unite on social media platforms. In 2013, we started the Chromosome 6 Project, a successful collaboration with a Chromosome 6 parent support group on Facebook4. The Chromosome 6 Project allowed us to study detailed clinical information for 35 newly identified individuals with terminal 6q deletions. The addition of information about 58 individuals reported in literature who were diagnosed by a high-resolution cytogenetic technique allowed us to describe the phenotype based on eight subgroups with different sizes of terminal 6q deletions. We could also describe the phenotype of interstitial 6q26 and 6q27 deletions by including three newly identified individuals and eight cases from the literature. Where relevant, we discuss the candidate genes for specific clinical characteristics. Our large cohort of 93 individuals with terminal 6q deletions allowed us to describe the most clinically relevant phenotype and define the effect of deletion size on this phenotype. Based on this data, it appears that deletion of the gene *DLL1* (Delta-Like Canonical Notch Ligand 1, MIM*606582) plays the most prominent causal role in the terminal 6q deletion phenotype. Our clinical description also leads to recommendations for clinical follow-up and surveillance that will enable healthcare professionals to better inform families and provide the best possible guidance to individuals with terminal 6q deletions. ## Methods To describe the terminal 6q deletion phenotype, we collected detailed genotype and phenotype data on as many individuals as possible. The recruitment of individuals via social media, collection of clinical information directly from parents (parent cohort), collection of patients extracted from the literature (literature cohort) and data analysis were performed as described previously4 and are outlined in short below. ### Parent cohort Individuals were informed about the Chromosome 6 Project and approached to participate via Facebook (Chromosome 6 Facebook group), Twitter (@C6study) and our website ([]( Patients or their legal representatives could participate by signing up via our secured website. Participants received a personal account for the online Chromosome 6 Questionnaire if there was an isolated chromosome 6 aberration and a microarray report was available. Informed consent was obtained through the questionnaire. This procedure was ethically waived by the accredited Medical Ethics Review Committee of the University Medical Center Groningen. Genotype data was extracted from the microarray reports, which were uploaded as part of the sign-up procedure. These microarray analyses were performed in diagnostic laboratories using different platforms. The UCSC LiftOver Tool was used to convert the microarray results to GRCh37/hg19, and the UCSC genome browser was used to visualise the results ([]( In the current study we focus on participants with a terminal 6q deletion: a deletion extending to the end of 6q, defined as including the most distally located gene (*PDCD2*, MIM*600866), or an interstitial deletion within the 6q26q27 region (161,000,001–171,115,067). Phenotype information on pregnancy and birth, congenital abnormalities, relevant dysmorphic features, development, behaviour and health of the child was collected via the multilingual online Chromosome 6 Questionnaire, which was constructed with the MOLGENIS toolkit5. Clinical photographs and additional consent for publication were collected. Data collected from individuals in the parent cohort was submitted to the DECIPHER database ([]( IDs 489709–489746. ### Literature cohort Case reports involving terminal 6q deletions were collected using PubMed and the following search criteria: (deletion or monosomy) and (6q26 or 6q27 or terminal 6q). The references were then checked for additional relevant case reports. Publications reporting detailed clinical information and microarray results or comparably detailed breakpoint analyses were included. Clinical information was extracted from the reports using the items of the Chromosome 6 Questionnaire. ### Participant characteristics and genotypes Up to September 2021, the Chromosome 6 Questionnaire was completed and submitted by 129 parents, and this included information on 38 individuals with aberrations in the region of interest for this paper. Of these 38, 35 individuals (27 females and 8 males) had a terminal 6q deletion. Another 3 individuals (2 females and 1 male) had an interstitial deletion within the 6q26q27 region. Our literature cohort comprises 58 terminal 6q deletion cases (34 females and 24 males) and 8 interstitial 6q26q27 cases (2 females and 6 males) derived from 29 published papers1,6–33. In total, 93 terminal 6q deletion cases and 11 interstitial 6q26q27 cases were collected. The median age (years;months) of individuals in the parent cohort was 4;6 (range 0;6–32;9) and 12;0 (range 0;0–57;0) in the literature cohort. Data on foetuses was included both in the parent cohort (1 foetus; 23 weeks gestation) and the literature cohort (7 foetuses; median 24 (range 14–30) weeks gestation). For six out of eight of these cases, it was known that the pregnancy was terminated. For the foetus included in the parent cohort, the parents gave us consent to fill out the Chromosome 6 Questionnaire based on the ultrasound and autopsy results. Since the pregnancy was terminated, not all questions could be completed. Although we focused on isolated terminal and interstitial deletions in the 6q26q27 region, some small additional rearrangements of other chromosomes were included based on their size and gene content. ### Data analysis Clinical and behavioural characteristics were described as being present, absent or unknown. They are presented here as present/known, where known indicates knowledge of presence or absence. The developmental delay (intelligent quotient (IQ)) was categorised as normal (>85), borderline (70– 85), mild (50–70), moderate (30–50) or severe (<30) for individuals above the age of 2 years. This was based on formal IQ tests or, if these were not available, the mean of the developmental quotients for the milestones ‘walking independently’ and ‘using two-word sentences’. The developmental quotients were calculated as the 50th centile of the population age of achievement for that milestone divided by the age of that achievement by the participant times 100. The 50th centiles of the population age of achievement for the milestones ‘walking independently’ and ‘using two-word sentences’ are 1234 and 21 months35, respectively. For specific milestones, the age and range of achievement were presented, and we used a Mann-Whitney U-test to calculate whether there was a significant difference in the age of milestone achievement between individuals with smaller (those not including the gene *QKI*) and larger (those including *QKI*) terminal deletions. The clinical characteristics of all terminal deletions were described as one group, but we also describe subgroups made to provide information on differently sized deletions and interstitial deletions separately. The terminal 6q deletion subgroups were based on the number of genes involved with a predicted haploinsufficiency (HI) effect. To determine whether genes had a predicted HI-effect, we used HI- and loss-of-function intolerance (pLI) scores as described previously4 ([]( ([](, see Table S1. Genes with a HI score <10% and/or a pLI score ≥0.9 were considered HI-genes. The terminal 6q26q27 region contains eight such HI-genes: *TBP, PSMB1, DLL1, AFDN, PDE10A, QKI, PRKN* and *MAP3K4*. This allocation resulted in eight terminal 6q deletion subgroups: T-PSMB1 (including *PSMB1* and *TBP*), T- DLL1, T-AFDN, T-PDE10A, T-QKI, T-PRKN, T-MAP3K4 and a residual group (T-R) that includes deletions extending beyond 6q26 and including the HI-gene *IGF2R* (Figure 1). Two subgroups of interstitial deletions were described: interstitial deletions of 6q26 (I-6q26) and interstitial deletions of 6q27 (I- 6q27) (Figure 1). The phenotypes of individuals with a terminal 6q deletion due to a ring chromosome were compared to those with a simple terminal deletion. We also investigated how often breakpoints in the fragile site *FRAE6* (6q26) were present in terminal 6q deletions in order to explore its involvement in breakpoint occurrence. ![Figure 1.]( [Figure 1.]( Figure 1. Overview of all terminal 6q deletions and interstitial 6q26q27 deletions. Deletions from our parent cohort (black bars) and literature cohort (grey bars) are shown, and their minimum (thick bar) and maximum (thin bar) deletion size are visualised when available. The terminal deletions are divided into eight subgroups (shown on the right hand side) based on the most proximal gene with a predicted haploinsufficiency effect (HI-gene) (vertical light blue lines) involved in the minimum deletion size. T-PSMB1: terminal deletions only including *PSMB1* and *TBP* (breakpoint distal to 170.6 Mb), T-DLL1: terminal deletions including *DLL1* (breakpoint between 168.4 and 170.6 Mb), T-AFDN: terminal deletions including *AFDN* (166.1–168.4 Mb), T-PDE10A: terminal deletions including *PDE10A* (164.0–166.1 Mb), T-QKI: terminal deletions including *QKI* (163.1–164.0 Mb), T-PRKN: terminal deletions including *PRKN* (161.5–163.1 Mb), T-MAP3K4: terminal deletions including *MAP3K4* (160.5–161.5 Mb) and T-R (residual group): terminal deletions including *IGF2R* and larger (breakpoint proximal to 160.5 Mb). Interstitial deletions are divided in two subgroups based on their cytogenetic location: I-6q26: interstitial deletions (mostly) located on chromosome band 6q26 (161–164.5 Mb), I- 6q27: deletions located on chromosome band 6q27 (164.5–171.1 Mb). The deletions are visualised using the UCSC genome browser ([]( The vertical red line marks the location of the common fragile site FRA6E. The literature cases were derived from 29 reports1,6–33. ## Results All individuals were assigned to one of the ten subgroups based on the number of HI-genes present in their terminal 6q deletion or the cytogenetic location of the interstitial deletion. Figure 1 visualises the deletions, subgroups and HI-genes. The main genotype characteristics of the subgroups are summarised in Table 1. The phenotype information is summarised in Table 2 (see supplementary Table S2, for details). Information on development is given in Table 3 and visualised in Figure 2 and Figure S1. Below, we provide a phenotype description for the whole group of terminal 6q deletions, with subgroups highlighted when specific clinical characteristics were only seen in the subgroups with larger terminal deletions. Descriptions of the most prominent characteristics in the interstitial 6q26q27 deletions are given separately. In the Discussion, we briefly consider the role of the deleted genes in the phenotype, if applicable. View this table: [Table 1.]( Table 1. Genotype characteristics of terminal 6q and interstitial 6q26q27 deletions View this table: [Table 2.]( Table 2. Overview of most prominent characteristics seen in individuals with terminal 6q deletions and interstitial 6q26q27 deletions View this table: [Table 3.]( Table 3. Development for different subgroups of terminal 6q deletions ![Figure 2.]( [Figure 2.]( Figure 2. Age of achievement for milestones ‘walking independently’ and ‘using two-word sentences’ in participants who were at least 12 months of age. Deletions smaller than 7.1 Mb include subgroups T-PSMB1, T-DLL1, T-AFDN and T-PDE10A. Deletions larger than 7.1 Mb include subgroups T-QKI, T-PRKN, T-MAP3K4 and T-R. Light grey bars indicate the number of children (x axis) that have reached the milestones ‘walking independently’ (upper panel) and ‘using two-word sentences’ (lower panel) before the given age (y axis, years). The dark grey bars are the children who were not able to perform the milestone at that age. The hatched bars are the children who were not able to perform the milestone, but who have not yet reached the age on the y axis. For example, at age 12 years, 29– 47 (60–98%) participants are able to walk (figure and description adapted from Engwerda, et al. 20184). ### The terminal 6q deletion phenotype The pregnancy was characterised by intrauterine growth restriction in 30% of individuals and reduced foetal movements in 26% of individuals. Prolonged neonatal jaundice was reported in 9/30 new-borns with a terminal deletion including *PDE10A* (larger than 5 Mb). Many individuals had a small head size (7.1 Mb including the gene *QKI*. We recommend that all individuals should be offered a neurological investigation (including an MRI upon indication), a cardiac ultrasound (at least once), an investigation by an ophthalmologist and an annual vision assessment at younger ages and upon indication at older ages. As seizures are seen in a large proportion of the individuals, the threshold should be low for consulting a (paediatric) neurologist and for performing an EEG. Individuals with hypermobility can benefit from physiotherapy and medical aids. For individuals with deletions >7.1 Mb, clinicians should also be aware of the occurrence of cleft palate, anal atresia and sleep apnoea, which are reported in some individuals and can be treated. Some individuals with deletions >7.1 Mb have spina bifida, although vertebral abnormalities that could cause scoliosis are seen for all deletion sizes. Performing an X-ray of the vertebral column can help identify these abnormalities. Besides this specific advice for individuals with a terminal 6q deletion, appropriate support for feeding, behavioural and sleeping problems should also be in place. View this table: [Table 5.]( Table 5. Clinical recommendations for terminal 6q deletions Development was delayed in most individuals, and those with deletions >7.1 Mb needed more time to achieve developmental milestones than those with deletions <7.1 Mb. Nonetheless, all but one individual did achieve the milestones ‘walking independently’ and ‘using two-word sentences’ (Table 4 and Figure 2). As in all neurodevelopmental disorders, the definite aim should be to optimise the developmental abilities and quality of life of the individual with a chromosomal aberration and their family. Having more detailed information available on what to expect is an important step in this process. ### Limitations of the study and suggestions for future research Recruiting parents via social media and collecting phenotypes directly from the parents via the online Chromosome 6 Questionnaire resulted in an extensive dataset for the parent cohort. However, not all clinical characteristics were addressed in literature, resulting in missing data. For example, it was only known for one out of ten (10%) individuals in the T-PDE10A subgroup if they had sleeping problems, while this was known for 14 out of 20 (70%) in the T-PRKN subgroup. The main difference between these subgroups was the ratio of parent cohort versus literature cohort cases, which was 1:9 for T-PDE10a and 15:5 for T-PRKN. In another study, we investigated the availability of data on specific phenotype information in literature case reports compared to data collected directly from parents in the terminal 6q deletion cohort presented here. We show that we collected significantly more data from parents, for almost all phenotypic features, in comparison to the literature60. A risk of not reporting data on absent phenotype features is that incorrect conclusions can be drawn. For example, balance problems were often reported in the whole terminal 6q deletion cohort (25/35, 71%), but vestibular and/or cerebellar dysfunction was only reported as a cause of these balance problems in individuals with a deletion including *PRKN* (larger than 7.9 Mb) (5/16, 31%). It remains unknown whether vestibular and/or cerebellar dysfunctions only cause balance problems in patients with larger deletions, or if the causes of balance problems in those with smaller deletions were simply not investigated or reported. Our phenotype data was collected directly from parents, which might raise questions on the quality of the data. However, in our data consistency study we show that phenotype data collected directly from parents is highly consistent with data extracted from the medical files on the same individual60. Another topic for which information is still very limited is the natural history of disease and adulthood. For two individuals with a terminal 6q deletion smaller than 2.7 Mb, it is known that they did not have developmental delay and could live independently. For another two individuals with a deletion larger than 7.9 Mb (including *PRKN*), it is known that they could not (fully) take care of themselves and could not live independently. However, for most individuals who have reached adulthood, information on their level of performance is very limited and it was unclear whether they could live independently. Follow-up on adults with terminal 6q deletions is needed to give insight into adult functioning and development of new clinical features at older ages. Our recommendations for investigations now focus on two groups – deletions <7.1 Mb and deletions >7.1 Mb including the gene *QKI* – since this was a clear tipping point in the reported phenotypes. However, we cannot be absolutely sure that these clinical characteristics are only seen in the larger deletions and will never be reported in individuals with smaller deletions. Therefore we have tried to be cautious in our recommendations for investigations. Since the phenotype can be very variable, it is important to assess each patient on an individual level. Nonetheless, the general differences we have reported can be helpful in counselling (expecting) parents. For the future, we hope to be able to give more detailed recommendations based on deletion sizes, but this is only possible if detailed information for an even larger study population is collected. ## Conclusions Terminal 6q deletions cause a common phenotype that is broad and highly variable within individuals and within families. The main clinical characteristics are microcephaly, brain abnormalities (ventriculomegaly/hydrocephaly, corpus callosum abnormalities and cortical dysplasia), neurological problems (seizures, hypotonia and ataxia), vision problems, developmental delay, behavioural problems and subtle dysmorphic features. Cardiac, gastrointestinal, urogenital and skeletal anomalies may also occur. Most of the characteristics can be linked to the distally located gene *DLL1* and, probably as a consequence, deletion size has little effect on the phenotype. However, individuals with deletions >7.1 Mb that include *QKI* present with a more severe phenotype that includes severe developmental delay. Based on our findings, we provide recommendations for clinical follow-up and surveillance of individuals with terminal 6q deletions. To further improve these recommendations, more data needs to be collected, especially on clinical follow-up and adult functioning. ## Supporting information Supplementary files [[supplements/282043_file05.pdf]](pending:yes) Supplementary Table S2 [[supplements/282043_file06.xlsx]](pending:yes) ## Data Availability All data produced in the present study are available upon reasonable request to the authors []( ## Declarations ### Ethics approval and consent to participate The accredited Medical Ethics Review Committee of the University Medical Center Groningen waived full ethical evaluation because, according to Dutch guidelines, no ethical approval is necessary if medical information that was already available is used anonymously and no extra tests have to be performed. ### Consent for publication Consent for publication was obtained from all participants, and additional consent was obtained for the use of photographs. ### Availability of data and materials Data collected from individuals in the parent cohort was submitted to the DECIPHER database (, IDs 489709–489746. ### Competing interests The authors declare no competing interests ### Funding This work was supported by a grant from ZonMw (113312101) and by crowd-funding organised by Chromosome 6 parents. AE is recipient of a Junior Scientific Masterclass MD/PhD scholarship of the University Medical Center Groningen. ### Authors’ contributions Conceptualisation: AE, CMAR; Data curation: AE; Funding acquisition: AE, CMAR; Investigation: AE, CMAR; Methodology: AE, CMAR; Project administration: AE; Resources: AE, CMAR; Software: AE; Supervision: CMAR; Visualisation: AE; Writing – original draft: AE; Writing – review & editing: AE, WSK, NC, TD, CMAR. ## Supplementary files Figure S1. Developmental delay in children older than 2 years of age Figure S2. Delayed Myelination Figure S3. Dental problems Table S1. HI and pLI scores Table S2. Phenotypes detailed ## Acknowledgements We would like to thank all the children and families for their participation. We also thank Kate Mc Intyre for editing the manuscript, Nadia Simoes de Souza for helping with data collection and first analysis, Dr. Valerio Conti for providing patient information and Morris Swertz and the members of the MOLGENIS team at the Groningen Genomic Coordination Center for their support on the online Chromosome 6 Questionnaire. Our special thanks go to Pauline Bouman, our contact for the Chromosome 6 Facebook group. ## List of abbreviations ASD : atrial septal defect ADHD : attention deficit hyperactivity disorder CHD : congenital heart defect DGV : database of genomic variance HI : haploinsufficiency pLI : loss-of-function intolerance PNH : periventricular nodular heterotopia * Received November 8, 2022. * Revision received November 8, 2022. * Accepted November 14, 2022. * © 2022, Posted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory This pre-print is available under a Creative Commons License (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International), CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, as described at []( ## References 1. 1.Eash D, Waggoner D, Chung J, Stevenson D, Martin CL. Calibration of 6q subtelomere deletions to define genotype/phenotype correlations. Clin Genet. 2005;67(5):396–403. [CrossRef]( [PubMed]( [Web of Science]( 2. 2.Hopkin RJ, Schorry E, Bofinger M, Milatovich A, Stern HJ, Jayne C, et al. 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