Pattern, preferences, barriers, and correlates of self-reported physical activity in adults with borderline personality disorder: An online survey in western countries ======================================================================================================================================================================= * Samuel St-Amour * Lionel Cailhol * Josyanne Lapointe * Déborah Ducasse * Gabrielle Landry * Paquito Bernard ## Abstract **Introduction** Borderline personality disorder is characterized by instability of self, relationships, and affect. It is highly comorbid with both mental and somatic disorders. Physical activity (PA) has shown great results in treating and alleviating symptoms of these disorders. PA intervention either for research or clinical purpose should consider the preferences and barriers of the individuals it aims to favor retention. However, to this day no study analyzed the preferences and barriers to PA in individuals with borderline personality disorder. This study aims to be the first to describe these barriers and preferences. **Methods** We used an online survey to interrogate 192 adults with a self-reported diagnostic of borderline personality disorder from Canada, France, the United States, England, Switzerland, and New Zealand. **Results** Our participants completed 165 minutes of PA weekly on average. They preferred walking (66.7%), biking (33.3%), aquatic activities (29.0%), running (24.2%), yoga and weightlifting (equal with 23.7%) in order. The main barriers to PA were having a friend over, having other engagements, recovering from an injury, and having something else more interesting to do. Our participants preferred doing PA alone but supervised, outside, in a long session compared to many short ones and of moderate intensity. Finally, a majority of participants are interested in receiving PA advice but most did not receive any. The favorite professionals from whom to receive advice are trainers, psychiatrists, physical therapists, and psychologists. **Conclusion** These results are important to better tailor future PA interventions for adults with borderline personality disorder. Keywords * Borderline personality disorder * Physical activity * Pattern * Preferences * Barriers * Correlates ## Introduction Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is the fourth most prevalent personality disorder in general population and the most prevalent in clinical setting1,2. It is characterized by an instability of self, goals and interpersonal relationships and affects1,3. The biosocial development model of BPD suggests that emotion dysregulation is among the core component of the disorder and underlies some of its characteristic behaviors4. Moreover, emotion dysregulation has been linked to a lower quality of life and daily functioning and a poorer therapeutic relationship1,5. Individuals with BPD are also highly at risk to commit suicide with 83% having a history of suicide attempt6 and 8 to 10% dying from suicide7. Those individuals also frequently present comorbid disorders making them among the greatest healthcare services consumers8. The most frequent psychiatric comorbid disorders in individuals with BPD include mood, anxiety, and substance use disorders with lifetime prevalence of 96%, 74%, and 65% respectively9. The main physical comorbid disorders in individuals with BPD include obesity, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes with one-year prevalence of 34%, 15%, and 9% respectively10. Moreover, cardiovascular and metabolic disorders are among the greatest mortality causes with over 20% of death in this population8,11. The healthcare for BPD and its comorbid disorders average to more than USD 50,000 annually per patient12. Among the treatments to address these different disorders, physical activity (PA) has been linked to improvements in many of their components and symptoms. Indeed, PA was also suggested as a treatment for many of these comorbid disorders. With a lifetime prevalence of 96%, major depressive disorder is the most prevalent comorbid disorder in adults with BPD9. The last Canadian treatment guidelines for mood disorders included PA as monotherapy for mild to moderate major depression and as an adjunctive therapy for moderate to severe major depression with the highest evidence level13. Moreover, with 65% of lifetime prevalence, substance use disorders are important problems in this population. On this subject, PA sessions have also shown short term major decrease of substance-related craving in adults with a severe substance use disorder14. Furthermore, PA intervention was associated with a reduction of depressive and anxiety symptoms among them. Finally, PA was also found efficient in preventing and reducing risk factors of obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes in individuals with mental health disorder15–19. However, to this day no study analyzed the effect of PA in individuals with BPD either on the disorder itself or on its comorbid disorders. Moreover, no study analyzed the PA patterns in adults with BPD20,21. To efficiently study PA’s effects in individuals with BPD we can learn from the previous research done with individuals with other mental disorders. Among the many challenges of studying PA effects in individuals with mental disorders, dropout and adherence are among the greatest. Indeed, dropout rates in studies analyzing PA’s effect in individuals with mental disorders may be as high as 90% and are heavily influenced by study and intervention characteristics22,23. Moreover, those who completed those studies did not necessarily attend all sessions. Attendance widely varied in these studies ranged from 30% to 100% of the planned seances22. It is therefore important to provide optimal conditions to reach and more importantly keep participants in future PA studies. The latest guidelines for PA interventions in individuals with mental illness suggest tailoring those interventions in light of the preferences and barriers of the individuals or the population aimed24. Therefore, to better study the effects of PA on BPD and its comorbid disorders, it is important to identify those preferences and barriers in this population. Once again, studies already described those preferences and barriers in other populations with mental disorders like substance use25 and psychotic disorders26, but not in individuals with BPD. In adults with mental disorders (substance use or psychotic), walking, cycling, and running have been consistently reported among the most frequently reported favorite PA25,26. Individuals with psychotic disorders tend to prefer exercising outside26 but those with substance use disorder did not have a clear preference regarding the location for practicing PA being outdoor, at home or at a gym25. There is also no clear preference for supervised or unsupervised PA by a healthcare specialist25,26. The main reported barriers to practice PA were lack of motivation, lack of energy, not having the financial resources, and not having a friend to be active with. There is a growing interest in research for PA in individuals with BPD. However, to this day there are very few observational studies20,27 and only one experimental study28. To develop future adapted PA interventions for adults BPD, we need to identify the most important factors associated with a possible good adherence rate. Being the first study in this population, the aims are to: 1- describe the PA level of adults with BPD; 2- describe the main preferences regarding type, location, intensity, supervision, and advice for PA of adults with BPD; 3-describe the main barriers to practice PA of adults with BPD; and 4-examine the main sociodemographic and health variables associated to the level of PA in adults with BPD. ## Methods This international cross-sectional study was performed using the LimeSurvey platform hosted on the Université du Québec à Montréal’s servers. The survey was promoted online in Canada, France, England, the United States, New Zealand, Switzerland, Belgium, and Australia with YouTube videos, a Facebook page and posts on Facebook groups, forums and chat groups dedicated to adults with BPD with the permission of the administrators. Psychiatrists in France and Canada helped promote this survey by sharing it with their patients, their colleagues, and in different networks regrouping patients and professionals working with patients with BPD. To be included, participants had to report: 1-being at least the age of majority in their country, 2-living in Canada, France, England, the United States, New Zealand, Switzerland, Belgium, or Australia, and 3-having received a BPD diagnosis from a healthcare professional. All participants had to read the information and consent form online and were given the opportunity to contact the research team prior the beginning of the survey. This study has been approved by the ethics boards from the Eastern Montreal Integrated University Health and Social Services Centres (2021-2330) and the Université du Québec à Montréal (3997_e_2021). ### Questionnaires Every questionnaire used in this survey has been previously validated in English and in French. All items and questionnaires in French and English are available in open access ([]( #### Sociodemographic characteristics The following sociodemographic characteristics have been collected: country of residence, sex at birth, age, education level, marital status, height, weight, and household income. Participants have also been asked about their psychiatric follow-up duration, their psychotropic medication use, their comorbid disorders and the numbers of past mental illness hospitalization and suicide attempts. Afterward, they had to evaluate their social status with the MacArthur Scale29. #### Clinical characteristics Participants then filled out the *Borderline Symptoms List-Short Form* (BSL-23) validated to measure the presence and severity of symptoms attributed to BPD30. Then, they filled the *Beck Depression Inventory-Short Form* (BDI-SF) validated to measure the clinical depression risk in adults with BPD. A score of 10 and higher indicate the presence of depression31. Difficulties in emotion regulation have been assessed with the *Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale-Short Form* (DERS-18) that have been validated in adults with BPD32. #### Health behaviors Psychoactive substance use and substance use disorders have been assessed with the *Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test* (ASSIST). This questionnaire developed and validated by the World Health Organization measures substance use disorders related to tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, cocaine, amphetamines, inhalants, sedatives, hallucinogens, and opioids. A score is obtained for each substance by adding the individual questions score. A score of 4 and more (11 and more for alcohol) indicate a moderated substance use disorder and a score of 27 and more indicate a severe substance use disorder33. Participants’ insomnia was assessed with the *Insomnia Severity Index* (ISI) with a score higher than 15 indicating higher risk of clinical insomnia34. PA was assessed using the *Global Physical Activity Questionnaire* (GPAQ) developed by the World Health Organization to measure work, leisure, travel, and total PA35. #### Physical activity preferences and barriers Preferences regarding type, intensity, context, supervision, and advice of PA and main barriers to PA have been assessed using questionnaires used in previous studies in individuals with mental health disorders25,26. Neighborhood perception regarding PA and active transportation was assessed using the European Environmental Questionnaire (ALPHA)36. Affects and intentions related to PA was assessed with the Multi-Process Action Control (MPAC) questionnaire37. ### Statistical analysis Descriptive statistics (N, %, mean) are used to describe the characteristics of our sample, the substance use disorder, insomnia and PA level, preferences, and barriers. A multivariate regression was done to identify the main sociodemographic and clinical factors associated with weekly PA level. The age, social level, education level, household income, body mass index, emotion regulation difficulties, BPD symptoms, tobacco and alcohol use disorders, depression, past suicide attempts, psychotropic medication use and self-efficacy were included in the model. Statistical analyses were done with the program R version 4.2 with the libraries “ggstaplot”, “stargazer”, “bestglm”, and “summarytools”38,39. Research materials, data and R codes are available in open access on *Open Science Framework* ([]( ## Results The online survey was completed by 288 participants who reported having a BPD diagnosis, but 192 filled the survey at least up to the GPAQ giving PA data. The description of our sample is presented in Table 1. Additionally, subjects were from Canada (N = 96), France (N = 78), the United States (N = 9), England (N = 7), and Switzerland (N = 2). No resident from New Zealand, Belgium, or Australia filled the survey. Most subjects were single (N = 95), others were united by a civil union (N = 49) or marriage (N = 23), some were divorced (N = 19) or widowed (N = 2) or claimed to be in another type of relationship (N = 4). View this table: [Table 1:]( Table 1: Descriptive data of subjects Among respondents who reported having another mental illness than a BPD, 69 declared having an anxiety disorder (68.3%), 44 a major depressive disorder (43.6%), 33 an eating disorder (32.7%), 25 a post-traumatic stress disorder (24.8%), 25 another personality disorder (24.8%), 22 a substance use disorder (21.8%), 21 a bipolar disorder (20.8%), and 4 schizophrenia (4.0%). Psychotropic medications were reportedly used by 176 participants, of whom 107 used antidepressants (55.7%), 58 used antipsychotics (30.2%), 46 used anxiolytics (24.0%), and 34 used mood stabilizers (17.7%). Among our sample, 25 participants reported being in a mentalization-based therapy (26.3%), 22 in a dialectic behavioral therapy (23.2%), 4 in a transference-focused therapy (4.2%), and 32 in a therapy but did not know which kind (33.7%). ### Levels of PA In our sample, 122 (65.9%) participants declared being physically active according to the guidelines from the World Health Organization (completing at least 150 minutes of PA weekly)40. On average, our sample completed 165.5 (SD = 282.1) minutes of PA related to their travel, 315.2 (SD = 685.7) minutes of PA related to their work, 126.0 (SD = 224.9) minutes of PA related to their leisure, and a total of 606.7 (SD = 766.2) minutes of PA regrouping all domains. Men complete significantly more PA than women (p = 0.002). For detailed results comparing total PA levels according to body mass index, sex, level of education, age, and country, see supplementary material (Figure S1). ### Barriers Barriers refraining participants from doing PA were measured with self-efficacy scales from 0 to 100. For each barrier, participants had to rate their self-efficacy feeling to do PA when encountering said barrier. Therefore, a lower self-efficacy mean indicates a greater barrier. The PA barriers are illustrated in Figure 1. For detailed barriers according to age, education level, sex, body mass index, and country, see supplementary material (Figures S2-S6). ![Figure 1:]( [Figure 1:]( Figure 1: Self-efficacy to do PA when encountering barriers Note: PA = physical activity. The lower the mean indicator (vertical black line) on the abscissa, the greater the barrier. The different curves represent the distribution of data for each barrier. The barriers in order from the top are: “*Being tired*”, “*Feeling pressure at work*”, “*Recovering from an injury*”, “*Being in a bad mood*”, “*Having personal problems*”, “*Having more interesting things to do*”, “*Without the support of friends or family*”, “*Having other engagement*”, “*Feeling unwell*”, “*Having friends at home*”, “*Feeling anxious*”, “*Not reaching previously fixed training goals*”, “*Having family problems*”, “*During vacations*”. ### Preferences The most frequently reported favorite PAs were in order: walking (N = 124; 66.7%), biking (N = 62; 33.3%), aquatic activities (N = 54; 29.0%), running (N = 45; 24.2%), yoga (N = 44; 23.7%), and weightlifting (N = 44; 23.7%). The detailed frequency to which each PA was declared as being among one’s preferred are represented in Figure 2. For detailed PA preferences according to body mass index, sex, country, education level, and age, see supplementary material (Figures S7-S11). ![Figure 2:]( [Figure 2:]( Figure 2: Most frequently preferred PA Preferred modalities of PA are alone, designed for individuals with BPD, supervised, outside, moderate intensity, while being in psychotherapy (compared to before beginning therapy or after therapy is completed), and in one long session. The details for preferred modalities and contexts of PA are presented in Figure 3. ![Figure 3]( [Figure 3]( Figure 3 Preferred modalities and context of PA Note: PA = physical activity; BPD = borderline personality disorder. ### Advice Participants mostly expressed interest in receiving advice regarding PA but also mostly reported not having received such advice. They prefer receiving advice from a trainer, a physical therapist, a psychologist or a psychiatrist and face to face. They expressed on average a level of self-efficacy to practice PA of 75 on a scale of 0 to 100. Finally, they mostly preferred being completely or partly guided during their sessions than being autonomous. The details of the preferences regarding PA advice are presented in Figure 4. ![Figure 4]( [Figure 4]( Figure 4 Preference regarding PA advice Note: PA = physical activity. For the PA advisor, the scores for each professional were calculated by asking participants to indicate which 3 professionals they prefer receiving advice from with the numbers 1 to 3 (1 = 3rd choice; 2 = 2nd choice; 3 = 1st choice). All professional without number were attributed the number 0. The mean score for each professional was computed and reported here. ### Correlates of PA Seven univariate outliers have been excluded because they had an exceptional self-reported PA level (i.e., more than 3500 min per week). The total level of PA is correlated to the age, the social level, the education level, the income, the body mass index, the level of BPD symptoms, having a tobacco use disorder, the level of depression, having attempted suicide, the number of psychotropic medications used and the self-efficacy to PA. For all the details see Table 2. View this table: [Table 2:]( Table 2: Correlates to level of PA ## Discussion This is the first study to describe PA level, preferences, barriers and correlates in an international sample of adults with BPD. Although online studies pose many challenges, they are efficient and doable in adults with BPD41,42. ### Level of PA First, we observe a relatively high level of PA in our sample. With a mean of more than 600 minutes weekly, participants are a lot more active than the general population (about 340 minutes weekly)43 and individuals with mental disorders (about 270 minutes weekly)44. With a little over 60%, the proportion of participants reporting at least 150 minutes of PA weekly (the World Health Organisation guidelines of PA for adults)40, our sample has a similar proportion of active individuals as the general population (about 60%)43 but still more than individuals with mental disorders (about 45%)44. These data are surprising and might indicate that the mean PA level is pulled up by extreme individuals with large PA volume. It is also possible that our study suffered from recruitment bias. Individuals with low PA level might have been less interested in participating in a study about PA. However, the present data are difficult to put in perspective since there is no published study reporting PA level in this population20. ### Barriers The main barriers to PA reported in this study are having friends over, having other engagements, recovering from an injury, having something else more interesting to do and feeling too tired. In comparison, individuals with severe mental illness reported lack of motivation, fatigue, having no one to practice PA with and lack of financial resources as barriers to PA26. In individuals with substance use disorder, the main barriers to PA were not being able to afford it, lack of motivation, not having enough energy, would not be able to keep up and not having anyone to do it with25. The barriers reported here were then somewhat different from those reported in other populations with mental disorders. The lack of energy or feeling tired is the only barrier common to those populations. Surprisingly, lacking support or not having anyone to practice PA with was the least important barrier in adults with BPD but was among the main barriers in other populations with mental disorders25,26. This difference might be explained by the relational nature of the personality disorder. Indeed, one of the main characteristics of BPD is the difficulties in interpersonal relationships45. These difficulties might lead individuals with BPD to prefer practicing PA alone and therefore not considering lacking support or not having someone to do PA with as a major barrier to PA. ### Preferences Speaking of preferences, the most frequently reported favorite PA are somewhat consistent with the findings from populations with other mental disorders25,26. Indeed, walking is the most preferred PA regardless of the studied population being adult in the general population46, adults with substance use disorder25, adults with severe mental illnesses26, or in the present study adults with BPD. The clear preference of walking as a PA might be attributed to it being practical, self-paced and controlled, inexpensive, and does not need a lot of resources25,47. As mentioned before, participants in this study clearly prefer doing PA alone than with other patients, other people their age, or friends and family. This result differs greatly from what is seen in other populations with mental disorder having mostly no preference for doing PA alone or in group and no great difference in proportion of individuals preferring doing PA alone or in group. This preference might also be explained by the interpersonal difficulties experienced by individuals with BPD45. In our sample, a great majority preferred supervised PA compared to unsupervised PA or having no preference regarding supervision. This result is surprising and in opposition to the findings observed in other populations. For example, individuals with substance use disorder mostly preferred unsupervised PA and those with severe mental illness were equally distributed between preferring supervised, unsupervised or having no preference regarding supervision25,26. This result is unexpected considering previously observed results and interpersonal difficulties of individuals with BPD. However, this difference might be explained by the perception of the different relationships in play. Individuals with BPD tend to be closer from those peripheral to their social network and farther from the more central individuals48. Therefore, they might feel closer to an outside individual like a kinesiologist or physical therapist supervising their PA session but would not want to share these moments with friends or relatives. ### Advice An overwhelming majority of our participants declared being interested or maybe interested in receiving PA advice. However, a majority also declared not having received PA advice. Since all of our participants reportedly received BPD diagnosis from a healthcare professional, this lack of advice regarding PA is alarming considering two evidence-based BPD treatment suggest PA in their official guidelines49,50. Moreover, participants declared trusting healthcare professionals in giving them advice about PA, but preferred trainers, psychiatrists and physical therapists. However, mental health professionals in general don’t receive training in PA promotion51. It would therefore be important to include kinesiologists and PA professionals in multidisciplinary teams taking care of individuals with BPD. In absence of kinesiologists and PA professionals, psychiatrists and psychologists are the most trusted professionals in individuals with BPD regarding PA advice. ### Correlates of PA In this study, sociodemographic and clinical variables have some opposite correlation to PA level with what is observed in recent systematic reviews52,53. Indeed, age education level and household income were negatively correlated and social status was positively correlated to PA level. Also, body mass index, BPD symptoms, tobacco use disorder, alcohol use disorder and number of psychotropic medications were positively correlated. Higher level of depression was associated with lower self-reported PA level. Finally, self-efficacy level is also positively linked to PA level which is also observed in a recent meta-analysis54. Among these correlations, the most surprising are those with the education level, the household income, the level of BPD symptoms, the tobacco and alcohol use disorder, and the number of psychotropic medications. The association between lower income and education level, and higher PA level in our sample might be explained by a greater presence of work requiring PA in individuals with lower income and education level55. Moreover, work-related PA is more strongly correlated with the total PA volume than leisure time PA and most studies reporting PA level use questionnaires measuring only leisure time PA52. Health-related surprising correlates (body mass index, BPD symptoms, substance use disorders and medication) might be explained by the nature of psychiatric comorbid disorders in our participants52,53,56. However, this study suffers from some limitations. First, BPD diagnosis was self-reported making it hard to ensure our sample is composed solely of adults with BPD. Our sample is also small for an observational study of this size. This study could have attracted more active participants than inactive due to its theme (i.e., PA) subjecting it to recruitment bias. The online nature of this survey also poses some limitations. Indeed, online surveys are only accessible to those with access to a computer and sufficient informatic literacy to complete them. They are also subject to bias inherent to surveys such as recall and recruitment bias, but can still be somewhat representative of the studied population57. Finally, the cross-sectional design of this study does not allow to establish causality relation between PA and its correlates. ## Conclusion To our knowledge, this is the first study analyzing PA level, preferences, barriers, and correlates in adults with BPD. Moreover, our sample regroups participants from 6 different countries increasing its generalizability. This information is primordial in developing future studies analyzing PA medium- to long-term effect of PA in adults with BPD. It is also important to better develop PA promotion interventions with high attendance and retention rate24. With treatment guidelines already suggesting the use of PA49,50, and indirect evidence indicating potential benefits of PA in alleviating BPD symptoms27, there is an urgent need for data analyzing the effect of PA on the many components of BPD to either support or contradict this hypothesis. To do so, these studies must base their intervention on the specific preferences and barriers of this population24 found here. Pending future results, PA could be used by healthcare professionals (mostly kinesiologists, psychiatrists, and psychologists) to treat or alleviate comorbid disorders in this population. In doing so, they should base their intervention on the present barriers and preferences to ensure greater adherence58. ## Supporting information see supplementary material [[supplements/275513_file02.pdf]](pending:yes) ## Data Availability All data produced are available online at []( ## Footnotes * This study did not receive any financial support. * The authors declare no conflict of interest. * Preprint available: []( * Added link to the preprint. * Received May 24, 2022. * Revision received May 26, 2022. * Accepted May 27, 2022. * © 2022, Posted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory This pre-print is available under a Creative Commons License (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International), CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, as described at []( ## References 1. 1.Gunderson, J. G., Herpertz, S. C., Skodol, A. E., Torgersen, S. & Zanarini, M. C. Borderline personality disorder. Nat. Rev. Dis. Primer 4, 18029 (2018). 2. 2.Volkert, J., Gablonski, T.-C. & Rabung, S. 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