A Comparative Effectiveness Study on Opioid Use Disorder Prediction Using Artificial Intelligence and Existing Risk Models ========================================================================================================================== * Sajjad Fouladvand * Jeffery Talbert * Linda P. Dwoskin * Heather Bush * Amy L. Meadows * Lars E. Peterson * Yash R. Mishra * Steven K. Roggenkamp * Fei Wang * Ramakanth Kavuluru * Jin Chen ## ABSTRACT **Objective** To compare the effectiveness of multiple artificial intelligence (AI) models with unweighted Opioid Risk Tool (ORT) in opioid use disorder (OUD) prediction. **Materials and Methods** This is a retrospective cohort study of deidentified claims data from 2009 to 2020. The study cohort includes 474,208 patients. Cases are prescription opioid users with at least one diagnosis of OUD or at least one prescription for buprenorphine or methadone. Controls are prescription opioid users with no OUD diagnoses or buprenorphine or methadone prescriptions. Cases and controls are matched based on age, sex, opioid use duration and longitudinal data availability. OUD prediction performance of logistic regression (LR), random forest (RF), XGBoost, long short-term memory (LSTM), transformer, our proposed AI model for OUD prediction (MUPOD), and the unweighted ORT were assessed using accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score and AUC. **Results** Data includes 474,208 patients; 269,748 were females with an average age of 56.78 years. On 100 randomly selected test sets including 47,396 patients, MUPOD can predict OUD more efficiently (AUC=0.742±0.021) compared to LR (AUC=0.651±0.025), RF (AUC=0.679±0.026), XGBoost (AUC=0.690±0.027), LSTM (AUC=0.706±0.026), transformer (AUC=0.725±0.024) as well as the unweighted ORT model (AUC=0.559±0.025). **Discussion** OUD is a leading cause of death in the United States. AI can be harnessed with available claims data to produce automated OUD prediction tools. We compared the effectiveness of AI models for OUD prediction and showed that AI can predict OUD more effectively than the unweighted ORT tool. **Conclusion** Embedding AI algorithms into clinical care may assist clinicians in risk stratification and management of patients receiving opioid therapy. Keywords * Opioid use disorder * artificial intelligence * Transformer * Claims Data * Machine Learning ## INTRODUCTION Early prediction and engagement of individuals at risk of developing an opioid use disorder (OUD) is a critical unmet need and public health emergency.1,2 According to latest estimates, 40.3 million people aged 12 and over in the U.S. have a substance use disorder (SUD), with 2.7 million reporting an OUD.3 Individuals with OUD often do not seek treatment or have internalized stigma about OUD that limits treatment.4,5 While there are tools developed currently to predict aberrant behavior when prescribing opioids6 from a general primary care population7, there are only a few clinical tools, such as the Opioid Risk Tool (ORT)8 and the revised unweighted version of ORT (ORT-OUD)9, developed and validated for assessing the risk of OUD. However, these tools have been created based on small and unrepresentative samples (ORT using data from 185 patients and ORT-OUD using 1178 patients) and have limited generalizability and predictive validity with sensitivity and specificity ranging from 0.25 to 0.83 and 0.43 to 0.88, respectively.8,9 Further, due to the social stigma associated with OUD, primary care professionals are often reluctant to screen and diagnose an individual with OUD using these tools as they require the clinicians to ask about stigmatized events in patients’ history such as personal and family history of substance use and mental health disorders10. These complications present barriers for early identification and engagement of individuals at risk for OUD. Since individuals are reluctant to seek treatment, one solution is to identify patients otherwise engaged in the health care system where a majority of ambulatory care is provided.11,12 Available U.S. national administrative and clinical data can be utilized to help clinicians screen and identify high risk patients providing an opportunity for primary care professionals to play a greater role in increasing early detection, treatment, and prevention of OUD. Combining existing and routinely collected administrative data with Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers the potential to understand factors predicting OUD risk and trajectories in a longitudinal framework. To this end, there have been multiple attempts to create OUD prediction tools utilizing healthcare data and AI, machine learning and statistical methods. Classical machine learning and statistical models such as random forests13, gradient boosting machines14 and logistic regressions15 have been used with claims data16–20, electronic health records and lab tests21 as well as national survey data sets.22 Others have produced OUD prediction tools customized for specific cohorts such as lumbar spine surgery patients23 or arthroscopic hip surgery patients.24 Statewide prescription drug monitoring program data is another source of data that have been used in different parts of the country with higher rates of OUD to create population specific OUD prediction tools.25,26 More recently, deep learning models have been applied to solve SUD prediction tasks,27 opioid long term use prediction,28 as well as OUD prediction29–32 and have shown superior performance compared to classical machine learning models. Although the recently developed AI and machine learning models showed promising performance, they still have significant limitations such as using underrepresented data sets or traditional models with low capacity, and none have been compared with the current risk models for OUD prediction. This study is a comprehensive comparison of the state-of-the-art AI and machine learning models, a novel AI model we have specifically developed to solve OUD prediction tasks, and the ORT-OUD tool as a common practice for OUD risk screening among primary care providers. Our proposed model, called **Mu**lti-stream transformer for **P**redicting **O**pioid use **D**isorder (MUPOD), was developed in our prior pilot work29 and is extended in the current study. MUPOD is developed to simultaneously analyze patients’ medications, diagnoses, procedures and demographic records longitudinally by attending to segments within and across these data streams and predicts the onset of OUD. ## METHODS This retrospective study uses over 11 years of deidentified national claims data to train, test and compare state of the art AI and machine learning models and the ORT-OUD tool as a well-stablished OUD prediction tool. Use of this data for this study was approved as an exempt protocol by The University of Kentucky’s Institutional Review Board. ### Data The large-scale IBM Health MarketScan Commercial Claims database33 (formerly known as Truven) including years 2009 to 2020 were used. Data include person-specific clinical utilization, expenditures and enrollment across inpatient, outpatient, prescription drug and carve-out services. The database contains over 3 billion prescriptions, 8 billion diagnoses, and 10 billion procedure records for over 164 million patients. These enrollees are nationally representative of the US population with respect to gender, regional distribution, and age. ### Cohort Selection The study cohort for this work includes patients with 1) at least one OUD diagnosis (ICD-9 of 304.0x, 305.5x or ICD-10 of F11.xx) in their records or at least one prescription for medications used to treat opioid use disorder, buprenorphine or methadone, and 2) at least 3 opioid prescriptions (other than buprenorphine and methadone) filled six months or more prior to the first OUD diagnoses date, and 3) at least 12 months of data availability. The inclusion criteria of at least 3 opioid prescriptions and 12 months of data availability were designed based on domain knowledge and to address data sparsity and outlier issues in the data. This selection resulted in 237,104 cases. The control cohort includes patients who: 1) have never been diagnosed with OUD nor received a buprenorphine or methadone prescription, and 2) have at least 3 opioid prescriptions (other than buprenorphine and methadone) filled six months or more prior to their last record in the data, 3) have at least 12 month of data availability. This selection resulted in 7,755,649 controls. Cases and controls were then matched based on age, sex, opioid use duration and longitudinal data availability using an anchor-based method (refer to section S2 in the supplement for more details on our matching algorithms). The final data includes 474,208 patients with equal number of cases and controls which were used to conduct our experiments. Our experiments include both balanced and imbalanced scenarios (with substantially more controls than cases to assess real world utility of our methods). Note, the prediction window in this study is 6 months meaning that the prediction is performed using data from the first record up to 6 months prior to initial diagnosis/last record date. ### Predictors Predictors included all medications, diagnoses and procedure codes as well as demographic variables including sex and age. Medications were grouped using their root classification based on Medispan generic product identifiers34, and diagnoses and procedures were grouped using clinical classification software (CCS)35 codes. Medications, diagnoses and procedures included 94, 283 and 242 variables, respectively plus the 2 demographic variables. Variable distributions were used to exclude extremely sparse variables (see section S3 in supplemental material). The final variable set contained 269 variables including 50 medications, 138 diagnoses, 79 procedures, and 2 demographic variables. ### AI models Machine learning models used in this study included logistic regression15, random forest13 and xgboost14 methods. Deep learning models include long short-term memory36 model, transformer model37 and an extended version of the novel deep learning model we developed for OUD prediction called MUPOD.29 MUPOD was originally developed for OUD prediction using 22 medications and diagnoses codes for 392,492 patients with spondylosis; intervertebral disc disorders; other back problems (CCS code of 205). Here, we extended this method and trained it using 269 medications, diagnoses, procedures and demographics of 474,208 patients’ data. Section S5 in the supplemental material includes more details on the MUPOD’s architecture and mathematical equations. LR and RF were trained using static data as they are more effective on static and non-longitudinal data. LSTM, Transformer and MUPOD were trained using longitudinal data (see section S1 in the supplemental materials for more details on data formatting). The longitudinal data for each patient *p**i* in a complete list of *n* patients *P* = {*p*1, …, *p**n*} includes tuples ![Graphic][1] Where ![Graphic][2] is the *j*th timestamp for patient *p**i* And ![Graphic][3] is a vector including medications, diagnoses, procedures and demographics information of patient *p**i* at time ![Graphic][4]. To create static date, this format was converted to a matrix Y with *P* = {*p*1, …, *p**n*} rows and *F* ={*f*1, …, *f**n*} columns where *P* is the number of patients, and *F* is the number of static variables including frequency values for medication, diagnosis, procedures features across time steps as well as the demographic features. LSTM models were trained using concatenated medication, diagnoses, procedure and demographic data streams. We dynamically unrolled the LSTM models based on the input sequences’ lengths and applied a fully connected layer and an argmax function on the last output to make the final decisions38. Transformer is the original encoder block of the transformer model37 trained using concatenated medication, diagnosis, procedures and demographics features. Then, a fully connected layer and softmax39 function were used to perform the final classifications. ### Performance assessment Accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score and area under the receiver operating curve (AUC) were used to measure the predictive power of all models. Accuracy measures the ratio of total correct predictions of the models for all samples in the test sets. Precision (also known as positive predictive value) shows how precise a model is when predicting a sample as OUD positive. Recall (or sensitivity) shows how accurate the model is in retrieving all OUD positive samples in the test data. F1 is the harmonic mean of precision and recall and AUC summarizes the model’s predictive modeling capabilities across different settings.40 All models were tested on 100 randomly selected test sets sampled from 47,396 unseen patients’ data. The results presented in this study are averages and standard deviations across these 100 test sets. ## RESULTS ### Sample characteristics In general, demographics in terms of age, sex, months of opioid use prescription, and data availability were similar among cases and controls (Table 1). For example, average age of cases and controls were 56.51 years (25th and 75th percentiles = 46, 66) and 56.95 years (25th and 75th percentiles = 46,66), respectively. The majority were female (56.89% among both cases and controls), cases had a higher average of opioid prescription use (93.54 MME/day among cases vs. 73.22 MME/day among controls). View this table: [Table 1.](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2022/05/20/2022.05.18.22275281/T1) Table 1. Patient Characteristics among Cases and Controls, IBM MarketScan, 2009 – 2020. Demographic variables, and top-5a frequent medications, diagnoses and procedures among cases. The biggest difference between the top-5 medication use frequencies among cases and controls included antidepressant medications (65.57% vs 53.19%, respectively). In terms of top-5 most frequent diagnoses, the “Spondylosis; intervertebral disc disorders; other back problems (CCS code = 205)” was more common among cases compared to controls (82.53% vs 72.27%). For procedures, “Microscopic examination (bacterial smear, culture, toxicology) (CCS code = 206)” was more common among cases than controls (77.06% vs 72.16%). ### OUD prediction on balanced test sets Prediction results for logistic regression, random forest, XGBoost, LSTM, transformer and MUPOD as well as the ORT-OUD9 tool are presented in Table 2. Note, the suggested decision threshold for ORT-OUD is 3; however, the prediction performance results for thresholds 1, 2, 3 and 4 provide a more comprehensive comparison. The models corresponding to each of these thresholds are denoted as ORT-OUD-x where x=1, 2,3, or 4. MUPOD has the highest accuracy (0.652±0.019), recall (0.890±0.021), F1-score (F1=0.718±0.014) and AUC (0.742±0.021) compared to all other AI models and the ORT-OUD tools. Ranking the models in Table 2 from the most efficient to the least with regard to their AUC scores as a primary metric for model evaluation reveals MUPOD > transformer > LSTM > XGBoost > random forest> logistic regression> ORT-OUD. Among all versions of ORT-OUD tools, the highest performing threshold turned out to be 1 instead of 3 in terms of F1-score. As the thresholds increases from 1 to 4, the precision increases while the recall significantly drops leading to a significantly lower F1 score. View this table: [Table 2.](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2022/05/20/2022.05.18.22275281/T2) Table 2. Performance of OUD prediction using AI, machine learning and ORT-OUD models. ### OUD prediction on imbalanced test sets The predictive power of the models was further tested on three imbalanced test sets to estimate the generalizability of the models more efficiently in real world environment (Table 3). We created three imbalanced test sets with the ratio of cases to controls set to 0.5, 0.2, 0.1 and 0.01 and tested the models using these imbalanced test sets. The highest AUC for all imbalanced test sets was obtained by MUPOD. The ORT-4 had the highest precisions (0.517±0.209, 0.304±0.204, 0.156±0.192 and 0.020±0.064 for .5N, .2N, .1N and .01N test sets, respectively) and the MUPOD model had the highest recall (0.888±.029, 0.883±.047, 0.897±.058, and 0.918±0.180 for .5N, .2N., .1N and .01N test sets, respectively). MUPOD had the highest F1 score (0.579±.018) for the .5N test sets, but the highest F1 score for the other three imbalanced test sets were obtained using the LSTM model (0.370±0.031, 0.245±0.030 and 0.035±0.014 for .2N, .1N, and .01N, respectively). View this table: [Table 3.](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2022/05/20/2022.05.18.22275281/T3) Table 3. OUD prediction results for imbalanced test sets. Table 3 also shows the effect of using different decision thresholds for the ORT-OUD tool. Among the ORT-OUD tools, the ORT-OUD-1 had the highest F1 score for two of the imbalanced test sets (0.472±0.020 and 0.288±0.026 for .5N and .2N sets, respectively). ORT-OUD-3, the ORT-OUD tool with the recommended threshold of 3, had the highest F1 score (0.180 ± 0.046) for the most extreme imbalanced test set. However, ORT-OUD-4 would be a more effective tool compared to the other versions of ORT-OUD tools when a more precise decision-making system is desired. Overall, MUPOD with the highest AUC for all balanced and imbalanced test sets had the best performance compared to all other models. ORT-OUD-4 was the most precise model, but with the cost of significantly sacrificing recall and F1scores. Note, similar to ORT-OUD models, all AI models can be configured in favor of producing very high precision using the decision-making threshold in their final neural layer. Precision at recall 0.50 for MUPOD on the 0.5N, 0.2N, 0.1N, and 0.01N sets are 0.557±0.036, 0.326±0.043, 0.205±0.044, and 0.022±0.015, respectively, which are significantly higher than relevant OUD-ORT-4 while recall 0.500 is still higher than the ORT-OUD-4 recalls too. Therefore, MUPO can be set in favor of precision if needed and still performs significantly more effective than all the ORT tools in Table 3. ### Effect of morphine milligram equivalent The effect of opioid dosage prescribed to those patients in the test sets that MUPOD could successfully classify as cases (true positive) and controls (true negative) was explored. Dosage was measured using Morphine Milligram Equivalent (MME) per day41. Table 4 presents MME statistics for true positive and true negative cohorts. Setting A in Table 4 presents the total average MME per day across all records from the first record to the first diagnosis date or last record date. Further, average MME is shown for the records within the 6-month prediction window prior to the first OUD diagnosis/last record date. The total average MME per day for cases was 93.54 (30.72, 25th percentile and 68.45, 75th percentile), while this number for controls was 73.22 (24.67, 25th percentile and 48.91, 75th percentile). This difference is significantly greater the closer to OUD onset (within the 6-month prediction window). For cases, this number was 94.05 (20.32, 25th percentile and 67.50, 75th percentile) versus 55.19 (0, 25th percentile and 39, 75th percentile) for controls. A similar gap between opioid dosage prescription for cases and controls has been reported repeatedly in the literature.42–46 In setting B, accumulated value for all opioid prescription for each patient was computed and averaged across all patients in each cohort. Sum of MME prescribed to cases was 5452.07 while this number for controls was 2906.61 and this difference is significantly greater within the 6-month prediction window; 984.13 for cases versus 433.16 for controls. View this table: [Table 4.](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2022/05/20/2022.05.18.22275281/T4) Table 4. Morphine Milligram Equivalent (MME) per day computed for the true positive and true negative cohorts. The numbers for MME are overall average (25th percentile, 75th percentile). ### Risk factor identification We used the shapely additive explanation (SHAP)47 to perform feature importance assessments using XGBoost model (see section S6 for more details on the XGBoost model’s setting) (Figure 1). SHAP works best with our XGBoost model as our current version of MUPOD is not compatible with SHAP. Blue indicates lower frequencies and red indicates higher frequencies of the variables; negative SHAP values show association with lower risks of OUD and positive values show association with higher risks of developing OUD. The fewer the diagnoses and procedures such as ‘spondylosis; intervertebral disc disorders, other back problems’, ‘other diagnostic procedures (interview, evaluation, consultation)’, the lower the risk of developing OUD; likewise, the fewer the prescriptions for ‘neuromuscular agents’, ‘antidepressants’, ‘central nervous system agents’ and ‘analgesics-opioid’ the smaller the risk for OUD. Increasing age, presence of ‘other screening for suspected conditions’ and ‘essential hypertension’ diagnoses were negatively associated with OUD. These findings is consistent with past related studies.48–50 ![Figure 1.](http://medrxiv.org/https://www.medrxiv.org/content/medrxiv/early/2022/05/20/2022.05.18.22275281/F1.medium.gif) [Figure 1.](http://medrxiv.org/content/early/2022/05/20/2022.05.18.22275281/F1) Figure 1. OUD risk factor identification using shapely additive explanation method. Blue indicates lower frequencies and red indicates higher frequencies of the variables; negative SHAP values show association with lower risks of OUD and positive values show association with higher risks of developing OUD. ## DISCUSSION Using the large-scale national IBM MarketScan data to train and test AI models and compare their performance with the ORT-OUD tool, we found that AI models better predicted OUD 6 months before the onset of the disease. The proposed AI model, MUPOD, had a higher AUC and F1-score compared to the ORT-OUD tool on the balanced test set. Further, MUPOD had a higher AUC and F1 score on all imbalanced test sets compared to the ORT-OUD tools. Our findings suggest that using an AI algorithm to identify OUD in clinical care may be more effective, and less intrusive, than standard clinical pathways. At present, healthcare providers use ORT based tools with the patient in front of them, asking questions interactively about risk for OUD. There are limitations with this current state including willingness of patients to answer sensitive questions due to stigma associated with OUD and with personal and family history. Our study demonstrates that all of the items in ORT-OUD tool can be efficiently extracted from the large-scale data with automatic extraction of pertinent medical history. Therefore, we believe using claims data to assess patients’ risk of developing OUD is still a promising heuristic for using the ORT-OUD tool and could potentially be combined with individual patient encounters and information to inform clinical diagnosis. ## LIMITATION Although AI models were thoroughly evaluated using repeated testing, more studies are needed to assess the current AI model further in two ways. First, testing the current model using claims data sets other than IBM MarketScan. Second, more prospective studies are needed to assess our AI model in a clinical setting where the AI model and the ORT based tools are used to screen the OUD risk and the patients are followed up for OUD diagnoses longitudinally. In this study, we used prescriptions, diagnoses, procedures and demographic features of patients to perform OUD prediction. However, there could be other factors such as socio-economic variables that can increase the predictive power of AI models and may be included in future models. ## Supporting information Supplemental Material [[supplements/275281_file02.pdf]](pending:yes) ## Data Availability The dataset is available from IBM at [https://www.ibm.com/products/marketscan-research-databases](https://www.ibm.com/products/marketscan-research-databases). [https://www.ibm.com/products/marketscan-research-databases](https://www.ibm.com/products/marketscan-research-databases) * Received May 18, 2022. * Revision received May 18, 2022. * Accepted May 20, 2022. * © 2022, Posted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory This pre-print is available under a Creative Commons License (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International), CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, as described at [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) ## References 1. 1.Gostin LO, Hodge JG, Noe SA. Reframing the Opioid Epidemic as a National Emergency. JAMA. 2017;318(16):1539. doi:10.1001/jama.2017.13358 [CrossRef](http://medrxiv.org/lookup/external-ref?access_num=10.1001/jama.2017.13358&link_type=DOI) [PubMed](http://medrxiv.org/lookup/external-ref?access_num=28832871&link_type=MED&atom=%2Fmedrxiv%2Fearly%2F2022%2F05%2F20%2F2022.05.18.22275281.atom) 2. 2.Pitt AL, Humphreys K, Brandeau ML. 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