Open label phase I/II clinical trial and predicted efficacy of SARS-CoV-2 RBD protein vaccines SOBERANA 02 and SOBERANA Plus in children ======================================================================================================================================== * Rinaldo Puga-Gómez * Yariset Ricardo-Delgado * Chaumey Rojas-Iriarte * Leyanis Céspedes-Henriquez * Misleidys Piedra-Bello * Dania Vega-Mendoza * Noelvia Pestana Pérez * Beatriz Paredes-Moreno * Meiby Rodríguez-González * Carmen Valenzuela-Silva * Belinda Sánchez-Ramírez * Laura Rodríguez-Noda * Rocmira Pérez-Nicado * Raul González-Mugica * Tays Hernández-García * Talía Fundora-Barrios * Martha Dubet Echevarría * Juliet María Enriquez-Puertas * Yenicet Infante Hernández * Ariel Palenzuela-Díaz * Evelyn Gato-Orozco * Yanet Chappi-Estévez * Julio Cesar Francisco-Pérez * Miladi Suarez Martinez * Ismavy C. Castillo-Quintana * Sonsire Fernandez-Castillo * Yanet Climent-Ruiz * Darielys Santana-Mederos * Yanelda García-Vega * María Eugenia Toledo-Romani * Yury Valdés-Balbín * Dagmar García-Rivera * Vicente Vérez-Bencomo * SOBERANA Research Group ## Abstract **Objectives** To evaluate heterologous scheme in children 3-18 y/o using two SARS-CoV-2 r-RBD protein vaccines. **Methods** A phase I/II open-label, adaptive and multicenter trial evaluated the safety and immunogenicity of two doses of SOBERANA02 and a heterologous third dose of SOBERANA Plus in 350 children 3-18 y/o in Havana Cuba. Primary outcomes were safety (in phase I) and safety/immunogenicity (in phase II) measured by anti-RBD IgG ELISA, molecular and live-virus neutralization tests and specific T-cells response. An immunobridging and prediction of efficacy were additional analysis. **Results** Local pain was the unique adverse event with >10% frequency, none was serious or severe. Two doses of SOBERANA 02 elicited humoral immune response similar to natural infection; the third dose increased significantly the response in all children, similar to that achieved in vaccinated young adults and higher than in convalescents children. The neutralizing titer was evaluated in a participant’s subset: all had neutralizing antibodies vs. alpha and delta; 97.9% vs. beta. GMT was 173.8 (CI 95% 131.7; 229.5) vs. alpha, 142 (CI 95% 101.3; 198.9) vs. delta and 24.8 (CI 95% 16.8; 36.6) vs. beta. An efficacy over 90% was estimated. **Conclusion** Heterologous scheme was safe and immunogenic in children 3-18 y/o. Trial registry: []( Keywords * COVID-19 * SARS-CoV-2 * conjugate vaccine * pediatric vaccine * heterologous immunization scheme * subunit vaccine ## Introduction Children protection against COVID-19 is pivotal for controlling virus dissemination and reducing disease incidence. COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations among children and adolescents, firstly driven by the delta variant and recently by omicron, have risen sharply even in countries with high adult vaccination coverage (Delahoy et al., 2021; Elliott et al., 2021). This context has accelerated the clinical trials of anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccines for children (Xia et al., 2021; Han et al., 2021; Ali et al., 202; Frenck et al., 2021; Walter et al., 2021; Wallace et al., 2021). For more than 30 years the Finlay Vaccine Institute has produced tetanus toxoid-conjugated vaccines, applied to children worldwide; their safety has been extensively proved through hundreds of millions of doses (Verez-Bencomo et al., 2004; Huang and Wu., 2010). SOBERANA 02 was designed as an anti SARS-CoV-2 recombinant RBD conjugated to tetanus toxoid (Valdes-Balbin et al., 2021a; 2021b). It is the unique conjugate vaccine in WHO’s vaccine pipeline (WHO COVID-19, 2021). T-cell epitopes present in tetanus toxoid were expected to promote RBD specific B- and T-cell memory, and high affinity, longstanding RBD IgG antibodies. SOBERANA 02 has proved its safety, immunogenic and efficacy in adults 19-80 y/o; after two doses, its efficacy was 71%. Combined with a third dose of SOBERANA Plus (recombinant RBD dimer vaccine) in a three-dose heterologous scheme, efficacy increased to 92.4% (Toledo-Romani et al., 2021a; 2021b; 2021c). On August 2021, the Cuban Regulatory Authority granted their emergency use authorization in adults, being extensively applied nationally for preventing COVID-19 in Cuba (CECMED, 2021). Here, we reported the first results of open label phase I-II clinical trial in children 3-18 years old to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of two doses of SOBERANA 02 and a third dose of SOBERANA Plus. We avoided a placebo-controlled trial in this age group due to ethical concerns (Dal-Ré and Caplan., 2021); alternatively, a recommended comparison or immunobridging with adult’s immunogenicity was established (FDA, 2021) and the clinical efficacy was estimated based on immunological results. ## Method ### Study design We designed a phase I/II study, open-label, adaptive and multicenter to evaluate the safety, reactogenicity and immunogenicity of two doses of SOBERANA02 and a heterologous third dose of SOBERANA Plus in children (3-11 y/o) and teenager (12-18 y/o). Two interim analysis would decide interruption/continuation of the study, depending on serious adverse events (AEs) during phase I. Phase I was conceived as a two-step, incorporating firstly 25 children 12-18 y/o (sequence 1). The first interim report (no serious AE) seven days after vaccinated these children allowed incorporating 25 children aged 3-11 (sequence 2 of phase 1) and started the phase II in 12-18 y/o (n=150). A second interim report seven days after sequence 2 (no serious AE) allowed starting phase II in children 3-11 y/o (n=150). (Figure 1). ![Figure 1.]( [Figure 1.]( Figure 1. Flow chart: recruitment, inclusion, vaccination and follow up of 3-18 years old children in phase I/II trial. Phase I was conducted at “Juan Manuel Marquez” Pediatric Hospital in Havana; phase II was conducted in policlinics “5 de Septiembre” and “Carlos J. Finlay” in Havana, Cuba. Clinical sites were certified by the National Immunization Program. ### Participants Children were recruited at community level across the primary health system. They were included following physical examination, parent interview and, for phase I, clinical laboratory assays. Key inclusion criteria were weight-height nutritional assessment; physical examination without alterations; clinical laboratory results within the range of reference values (only phase I) and microbiology laboratory tests. Key exclusion criteria were any acute infection, previous or current history of SARS CoV-2 infection and being a contact of a positive COVID-19 case. A detailed description of selection criteria appears in Supplementary Material I. ### Ethical issues The trial was approved by the Ethical Committee at the “Juan Manuel Marquez” Pediatric Hospital and endorsed by the Cuban National Pediatric Group. The Cuban National Regulatory Agency (Centre for State Control of Medicines and Medical Devices, CECMED) approved the trial (June10th, 2021, Authorization Reference: 05.010.21BA). Independent Data Monitoring Committees formed by five external members specialized on paediatric clinical practice, immunology and statistics were in charge of two interim analyses during phase I. The trial was conducted according to Helsinki’s Declaration, Good Clinical Practice and the Cuban National Immunization Program. During recruitment, the medical investigators provided to the parents, both orally and written, all information about the vaccine and potential risks and benefits. Written informed consent was obtained from both parents; children ≥over 12 y/o should assent. The decision to participate was not remunerated. The National Clinical Trials Coordinating Centre (CENCEC) was responsible for monitoring the trial in terms of adherence to the protocol, Good Clinical Practice and data accuracy. Trial registry: RPCEC00000374 (Cuban Public Registry of Clinical Trials and WHO International Clinical Registry Trials Platform) (IRCT, 2021) ### Products under evaluation SOBERANA 02 (RBD chemically conjugated to the carrier protein tetanus toxoid) and SOBERANA Plus (RBD dimer), adjuvated in alumina hydroxide were produced at the Finlay Vaccine Institute and the Centre for Molecular Immunology, in Havana, Cuba, under GMP conditions. Both are subunit vaccines based SARS-CoV-2 RBD, sequence Arg319-Phe541 produced in genetically modified CHO cells. Formulations are detailed in Supplementary Material II-Table S1. Product batches used: SOBERANA 02 (E1002S02X, E1002S02); SOBERANA Plus (E1001SP). ### Procedures RT-PCR SARS-CoV-2 was performed to all participants at least 72 hours before each dose. Participants with negative PCR results received the vaccine by intramuscular injections in the deltoid region. *Immunization schedule*: two doses of SOBERANA 02 and a heterologous third dose of SOBERANA Plus 28 days apart (immunization on days 0, 28, 56). After each immunization, participants were on-site evaluated during one hour. Medical controls visits were planned at 24, 48 and 72 hours, and on days 7, 14 and 28 after each dose. AEs were parents-registered daily. Serum samples were collected on day 0 (before vaccination) and 14 days after the second and the third dose (days 42 and 70). Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were obtained before vaccination and after the third dose (day 70) in a participants’ subset of 45 children randomly selected in each age subgroup. ### Outcomes #### Primary outcomes Phase I: occurrence of serious AEs, measured daily during 28 days after each dose. Phase II: % of subjects with seroconversion ≥4 (fold increase of IgG anti-RBD respect to pre-vaccination level), on days 42 and 70. #### Secondary outcomes Phase II: Occurrence of serious AEs, measured during 28 days after each dose. Phase I and Phase II: Solicited local and systemic AEs, measured during 7 days after each dose; unsolicited AEs, measured during 28 days after each dose; neutralizing antibody titres (on days 42 and 70, on a sample subset), inhibition of RBD-hACE2 interaction (on days 42, 70). Outcomes are detailed in Supplementary Material III) ### Safety assessment Pain, erythema, swelling, induration and temperature were local-solicited AEs at the injection site. Fever ≥38 °C, low-grade fever (<38 °C), general discomfort and rash were systemic-solicited AEs. Any other events were parent-recorded throughout the 28 days follow-up period after each dose. Clinical laboratory test included pre-vaccination and post-vaccination biochemical serum analysis (only during phase I). AEs were classified as serious or not serious; severity—according to Brighton Collaboration definition and the Common Terminology Criteria for AE version 5·0—was: mild when AE was transient (not interfering with activities), moderate (when caused mild to moderate limitation in activity), or severe (limitating activity). AEs were reviewed for causality and classified according to WHO: inconsistent causal association to immunization, consistent causal association to immunization, undetermined, unclassifiable (WHO, 2018). ### Immunogenicity assessment A quantitative ultramicro ELISA (UMELISA SARS-CoV-2 anti-RBD, Centre for Immunoassay, Havana, Cuba) determined the concentration of anti-RBD IgG antibodies in sera, expressed as AU/mL. A competitive ELISA determined the inhibitory capacity of antibodies for blocking the RBD-hACE2 interaction, expressed as % inhibition and molecular inhibitory titer (mVNT50). Conventional virus neutralization titer (cVNT50) vs. D614G strain was evaluated in a subset of samples randomly selected from the individuals with seroconversion after two doses (on day 42 n=123) and after three doses (n=131). Other subset of samples (n=48) were randomly selected for neutralizing tests vs alpha, beta, and delta compared with D614G, after the third dose (on day 70). RBD-specific T-cell response producing IFN-γ and IL-4 were quantified by enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISpot) assay using human IFN-γ ELISpotPLUS HRP kit (Mabtech, Sweden) and human IL-4 ELISpotplus HRP kit (Mabtech, Sweden) following the manufacturer’s instructions. A detailed description of immunological assays is described in Supplementary Material IV. All immunological evaluations were performed by external laboratories, except T cell response. ### Children Convalescent Serum Panel A Cuban children convalescent serum panel (CCCSP) was made with sera from 82 patients (3-18 y/o) recovered from COVID-19: five from children with moderate symptomatic disease, 29 with mild disease and 48 asymptomatic; concerning prevalent variant of concern, 21 from delta wave and 61 from pre-delta wave when D614G and beta variants predominated in Havana. Convalescent children were attended by specialized doctors; their parents gave written consent for studying their immunological status after natural infection allowing their use for epidemiological research. This panel was characterized by anti-RBD IgG concentration (UA/ml), inhibition of RBD-hACE2 interaction (% of inhibition and molecular neutralization titre) and virus neutralization titre (cVNT50) as described. ## Statistical analysis For phase I, the calculation of sample size was done considering a two-sided 95% confidence interval for one proportion with a width equal to 0.09 to estimate a serious AE rate <1%. For phase II a similar method was used to estimate a seroconversion around 50%, with a lower bound of the confidence interval >30% (hypothesis work) and a dropout of 20%. This resulted in a sample size of 350 subjects (including subjects from phase I). Safety and reactogenicity endpoints are described as frequencies (%). Quantitative demographic characteristics are reported as mean, standard deviation (SD), median, interquartile range, and range. Seroconversion rate for anti-RBD IgG antibodies (≥4-fold increase in antibody concentration over baseline) was expressed as % with the 95% confidence interval and seroconversion index as median and interquartile range. Anti-RBD IgG concentration and % of inhibition of RBD-hACE2 interaction were expressed as median and interquartile range; mVNT50 and cVNT50 were expressed as geometric mean titer (GMT) and 95% confidence intervals (CI). Spearman’s rank correlation was used to assess relationships among techniques used to evaluate the immune response. ROC curve was used to choose the most appropriate cut-off for humoral tests regarding the cVNT50. The Student t-Test or the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test were used for before-after statistical comparison. A stopping criterion due to unacceptable toxicity (frequency >1%) was evaluated iteratively, with a Bayesian algorithm. As an additional analysis, a non-inferiority of the immune response in 3-11 and 12-18 y/o participants compared with that in 19-39 y/o participants (from not concurrent phase I and phase II studies (Toledo-Romani et al., 2021a; 2021b) was assessed, using the geometric mean ratio of SARS-CoV-2 50% neutralizing titers (cVNT50). The geometric mean ratio and two-sided 95% confidence intervals were calculated by exponentiating the mean difference of the logarithms of the titers and the corresponding confidence intervals (based on the Student’s t distribution). The non-inferiority criterion was met, since the lower boundary of the two-sided confidence interval for the geometric mean ratio was >0.67 (FDA, 2021). A prediction of clinical efficacy was estimated using the regression linear model reported for seven vaccines based on immunogenicity data (Khoury et al 20211; Earle et al., 2021). Statistical analyses were done using SPSS version 25.0; STATISTICA version 12.0, R version 3.2.4, EPIDAT version 3.1 and Prism GraphPad version 6.0. An alpha signification level of 0.05 was used. ## Results Figure 1 and Table 1 describe the study design and demographic characteristics of the participants. From 11th June to 14th July 2021, 426 children (3-18 y/o) were recruited, 350 that accomplished selection criteria were included, and 306 completed the study. There was a balanced ratio on sex and ethnicity; mean age was 11.3 years (SD 4.5). View this table: [Table 1:]( Table 1: Demographic characteristics of subjects included in the clinical trial Phase I started by vaccinating 25 children 12-18 y/o with SOBERANA 02; the first interim analysis done seven days after vaccination indicated absence of serious AEs. In consequence, the trial proceeded to phase I, sequence 2, incorporating 25 children aged 3-11; the second interim analysis showed no serious AE. The trial proceeded to phase II, vaccinating 150 children 12-18 y/o and 150 children 2-11 y/o with SOBERANA 02 first dose. During the vaccination scheme, 86 children (53.1%) suffered at least one AE; frequency was higher (60%) in teenagers than in young children (46.3%). Severe and serious vaccine-associated AEs (VAAE) did not occur (Table 2). Local AE predominated; the most common was local pain (47.7%), all others had frequencies <5%; only 1.1% reported fever. More than >90% of AE were classified as mild and lasted 72 hours or less, and 88.5% were associated with vaccination (Table 3, Supplemental Material V-Table S2). AEs were more frequent after the first dose than after the second and the third dose (Figure 2, Supplemental Material V-Table S3). Few unsolicited adverse events were recorder (Supplemental Material V-Table S4). No clinically relevant changes were observed in hematology and blood chemistry analyses (Supplemental Material V-Table S5) View this table: [Table 2:]( Table 2: General characteristics of adverse events View this table: [Table 3:]( Table 3: Frequency of solicited adverse events ![Figure 2.]( [Figure 2.]( Figure 2. Frequency of solicited adverse events after each doses, by age group and overall. Before vaccination, 97.4 % of children were negative for anti-RBD antibodies. Two doses of SOBERANA 02 induced seroconversion in 95% participants (CI 95% 92.7; 97.6), accomplishing with the study hypothesis: more than 50% of seroconversion with lower boundary of the two-sided 95% confidence interval of >0.3). By age subgroup, seroconversion was 99.4% (CI 95% 96.5; 99.9) in children 3-11 y/o and 91.8% (CI 95% 86.4; 95.6) in 12-18 y/o. Global seroconversion index was 28.3 (42.6 in children 3-11 y/o, 25.3 in 12-18 y/o); the median anti-RBD IgG was 57.0 UA/mL (25th-75th percentile 29.8; 153.4), being higher in younger children (93.3 UA/mL; 25th-75th percentile 39.0; 214.4). Specific antibody response was higher than the elicited by natural infection, evaluated in Cuban children convalescent panel (anti-RBD IgG median 11.5; 25th-75th percentile 5.3; 24.2). The heterologous third dose increased seroconversion to 100% and seroconversion index to 154.5; anti-RBD IgG titers also increased significantly (p<0.005) to 325.7 UA/mL (25th-75th percentile 141.5; 613.8) (Table 4). View this table: [Table 4:]( Table 4: Humoral immune response induced after two doses of SOBERANA 02 and a third heterologous doses with SOBERANA Plus. The capacity of anti-RBD IgG for blocking RBD-hACE2 interaction after two doses of SOBERANA 02 was 67.4 % (25th-75th percentile 42.1; 86.9) and the mVNT50 was 198.5 (CI 95% 168.4; 233.9); both increased significantly (p<0.005) after the third dose to 92.4 % (25th-75th percentile 88.3; 93.5) and 1261 (CI 95% 1105,5; 1438.8) respectively. These values were higher among the youngers (3-11 y/o) after the second dose, but were similar in both age subgroups after the third dose. The mVNT50 of antibodies was higher after both two and three doses than after natural infection (Table 4). After two doses of SOBERANA 02 the neutralizing titer versus D614G variant was higher (GMT 26.4 CI 95% 20.2; 34,5) than the children convalescent panel value (GMT 9.2 CI 95% 6.8; 12.5); and the third dose significantly (p<0.005) boosted the response to GMT 158.4 (CI 95% 123.0; 204.0). The neutralizing titer versus the variants alpha, beta and delta was evaluated in 48 children; 100% had neutralizing antibodies vs. alpha and delta; 97.9% vs. beta (Table 5). GMT was 173.8 (CI 95% 131.7; 229.5) vs. alpha, 142 (CI 95% 101.3; 198.9) vs. delta and 24.8 (CI 95% 16.8; 36.6) vs. beta (a 2.2-fold decrease for delta and 7.0-fold decrease for beta compared to D614G). View this table: [Table 5.]( Table 5. Conventional live-virus neutralization titers against SARS-CoV-2 variants alpha, delta and beta. Sera from 48 children vaccinated with complete schedule (two doses SOBERANA 02 + one dose SOBERANA Plus, 28 days apart) were evaluated against D614G, alpha, delta and beta variants. cVNT50=conventional live-virus neutralization titer. GMT=Geometric Mean Titer. 95% CI= 95% Confidence Interval. * p<0.005 Paired Student t test (cVNT50, log-transformed) respect to D614G variant. There was a good correlation among all humoral immunological variables, with coefficients greater than 0.7 (Supplemental Material VI-Table S6). Predictive cut-off for attaining cVNT50 over 50 was estimated by ROC curve as: 192.2 AU/ml for IgG concentration, 87.1% for the inhibition of RBD:hACE2 and 427 for mVNT50 (Supplemental Material, Table S7, Figure S1) RBD-specific T cell response in a subset of 45 participants fully vaccinated was determined by measuring IFN-γ and IL-4 expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. The number of IFN-γ and IL-4 secreting cells was statistically higher (p<0.001) than their baseline levels (Figure 3), suggesting a mixed Th1/Th2 profile. IFN-γ expression was higher in older children while IL-4 was higher in younger children, evidencing differences in the balance Th1/Th2. ![Figure 3.]( [Figure 3.]( Figure 3. IFN-γ- and IL-4-secreting cells in peripheral blood mononuclear cells stimulated with RBD. Children 3-11 (N=24) and 12-18 years old (N=21) received two doses (on days 0, 28) of SOBERANA 02 and a heterologous third dose (on day 56) of SOBERANA Plus. p value represents the statistic differences as indicated. The safety and immune response in children was compared with all young adults aged 19-39 vaccinated during Phase I and Phase II studies (FDA, 2021) (Supplemental Material VII-Table S8). Safety profile was similar in children respect to young adults (Supplemental Material VII-Table S9, Figure 2). An immunobridging analysis was performed for anti-RBD IgG, mVNT50 and cVNT50 between children and young adults. IgG elicited after two doses of SOBERANA 02 was 57.0 UA/ml (25th-75th percentile 29.8; 153.4), while for young adults it was 46.4 (25th-75th percentile 17.4; 108.8); after the heterologous third dose of SOBERANA Plus these values increased to 325.7 (25th-75th percentile 141.5; 613.8) in children and 228.0 (25th-75th percentile 95.8; 394.3) in young adults. mVNT50 was 198.5 (IC 95% 168.4; 233.9) in children after the second dose and 1261.2 (IC 95% 1105.5; 1438.8) after the third; in young adults were 94.9 (IC 95% 75.0; 120.2) and 503.7 (IC 95% 432.6; 586.6) after two and three doses (Figure 4). We found significant difference (p<0.05) for IgG and mVNT50 between children and young adults, with higher values in the children both after the second and the third dose. Viral neutralization titers after the second dose were measured at different time points in children and young adults (on day 42 in children and day 56 in adults) making their comparison only approximate. ![Figure 4:]( [Figure 4:]( Figure 4: Immunobridging comparison of humoral immune response elicited in children (3-18 y/o) respect to young adults (19-39 y/o from Phase I and II clinical trial), after two doses of SOBERANA 02 (day 42) and a third dose of SOBERANA Plus (day 70). A) anti-RBD IgG median (25th-75th percentile); B) mVNT50 GMT (CI 95%); C) cVNT50 GMT (CI 95%). Bleeding was on day 42 and 70 (14 days after second or third dose), except for cVNT50 adults after second dose was on day 56. Mann-Whitney U test (anti-RBD IgG AU/mL) or Student t test (mVNT50, cVNT50, log-transformed). The non-inferiority analysis was performed by cVNT50, following FDA recommendation (FDA, 2021). After three doses (on day 70), cVNT50 in children was 158.4 (IC 95% 123.0; 204.0) and 122.8 (80.2; 188.0) for young adults (n=43, data available) (Figure 4). The immune response in 3-18 y/o, as well as 3-11 y/o and 12-18 y/o was non-inferior to that observed in 19-39 y/o young adults. The geometric mean ratio of the neutralizing geometric mean titer in 3-18 y/o participants respect to young adults 14 days after third dose was 1.25 (CI 95% 0.77; 2.02) (Table 6), which met the non-inferiority criterion (i.e., a lower boundary of the two-sided 95% confidence interval of >0.67). In summary, both age groups (3-11 y/o and 12-18 y/o) met the non-inferiority criterion View this table: [Table 6:]( Table 6: Immunobridging of cVNT50 in children and young adults after heterologous scheme (two doses of SOBERANA 02 and a third heterologous doses of SOBERANA Plus) Based on immunogenicity data of vaccinated children and the immune response to natural infection (children convalescent panel), a prediction of clinical efficacy was estimated through a regression linear model. By using cVNT50 is the predictive variable, estimated efficacy is 91.3% (CI 95% 84.6; 95.1) after two doses and 97.4 % (IC 95% 91.5; 99.2) after three doses (Figure 5). This study was conducted in Havana during delta wave; after receiving the first dose 29 children (partially vaccinated) (8.2%) of 350 children became PCR-positive, this value dropped down to 13 (4.0%) out of 321 children after completing the two-dose scheme) and no one after the third dose but the follow-up period after third dose was only 28 days. ![Figure 5.]( [Figure 5.]( Figure 5. Prediction of clinical efficacy in children from correlation between antibody responses and efficacy rate. Panels displays correlation of cVNT50 neutralization and ratios, respectively for seven vaccines. The y-axis is estimated log risk ratio reported on the vaccine efficacy scale. The x-axis is log ratio of the peak geometric mean neutralization at 7-28 days post-vaccination, relative to human or children convalescent sera. ## Discussion This study describes, for a first time, the safety and immunogenicity of SOBERANA 02 in children 3-18 y/o, after two doses schedule and heterologous third doses with SOBERANA Plus. The frequency of local and systemic AE was 49 and 2.6% respectively, lower than mRNA COVID-19 (Frenck et al., 2021; Ali et al., 2021). After two doses schedule, BNT162b2 vaccines reported 86% and 66% of children (aged 12-15) with local and systemic AEs; mRNA-1273 reported 94.2% and 68.3% (aged 12-17 y/o) respectively (Frenck et al., 2021; Ali et al., 2021). In our study, local pain was reported in 51.4% of children (12-18 y/o) after first dose, 17% after the second and 17.3% after the third one. BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 vaccine in adolescents reported 86 % and 94.2% with local pain after first dose; 79% and 92.4% after the second, respectively (Frenck et al., 2021; Ali et al., 2021). SOBERANA 02 and SOBERANA Plus caused general discomfort (the most frequent systemic AE) only in 1.7% of children 12-18 y/o, while mRNA vaccines provoked fatigue, headache, chills, muscle pain or fever between 10-68.5% of adolescents (Frenck et al., 2021; Ali et al., 2021). In children aged 3-11 local pain was the unique EA with frequency >10% during this study; children aged 5-11 vaccinated with BNT162b2 reported local pain (74%), redness (19%), swelling (15%), fatigue (39%) and headache (28%) (Walter et al., 2021). Myocarditis and pericarditis have been reported in adolescent after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (Oster et al., 2021; Marshall et al., 2021); these AEs were not observed here. The comparison between humoral immune response elicited by vaccination respect to those elicited by natural infection has been useful for the development of several anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccine (Keech et al., 2020; Yang et al., 2021). Two shots of SOBERANA 02 every 28 days in children induced a robust humoral response, with higher levels of antibodies but similar neutralizing capacity compared with those elicited by natural infection. The third dose with SOBERANA Plus boosted the levels of antibodies and also the neutralizing capacity, surpassing the immune response in convalescent children, similar than occurred during clinical trials in adults (Toledo-Romani et al., 2021a; 2021b). The induction of specific T-cell response is critical for protection of viral infections. The heterologous three doses schedule in children developed a balanced activation of IFN-γ and IL-4-secreting cells from PBMC, indicating a mixed Th1/Th2 response, as reported in adults after the same vaccination scheme (Toledo-Romani et al., 2021a). The SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern alpha, beta, delta and recently omicron have been modifying the pandemic landscape worldwide (Fontane et al., 2021). Here, we reported the capacity of anti-RBD antibodies for neutralizing alpha, beta and delta variant, with a fold-reduction of 2.2 for delta and 7.0 for beta respect to D614G similar to we found in adults (Toledo-Romani et al., 2021b). Official and public communication from the “Pedro Kourí” Tropical Medicine Institute refers the capacity of adults vaccinated with SOBERANA 02 + SOBERANA Plus for neutralizing omicron variant (Portal-Miranda 2022; Carles JM, 2022). Recently, the Pasteur Institute of Iran informed that Pasteurcovac, the Iranian brand of SOBERANA 02, is 100% effective against omicron variant in adults (Biglari 2022). We conducted this clinical trial during the delta wave, the worst period of Cuban epidemic (Rodriguez; 2021); in such a context and due to ethical reasons, a placebo-controlled clinical trial was not ethical. Lacking a control group, two analytical tools complemented the study: immunobridging with the immune response in young adults (FDA, 2021); and prediction of clinical efficacy based on immunological response (Khoury et al., 20211; Kristen et al., 2021). Firstly, we found a non-inferior response for the ratio of SARS-CoV-2 50% neutralizing titers after full three doses scheme in 3-11 and 12-18 year-old participants relative to 19-to-39-year-old as reference population (no concurrent). The comparison met the non-inferiority criterion with ratio 1.43 (CI 95% 0.8 to 2.54) for 3-11 years old and 1.08 (CI 95% 0.68-1.73) for 12-18-year-old, accomplishing with the recommended (FDA, 2021). Similar analysis has been reported by BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 vaccines but using 19-25 years old as reference population (Walter et al., 2022; Ali et al., 2021). We considered young adults upon 39 year as immunocompetent age (Lopez-Sejas 2016; Ventura et al., 2017; Thapa and Farber 2019) allowing us wide-ranging the reference population for having more cVNT50 data available. Secondly, the prediction of clinical efficacy based on immunological response have been used for other vaccines (Khoury et al., 20211; Kristen et al., 2021). Using this model, we anticipated a clinical efficacy in adults aged 19-80 between 58% and 87% (for two doses scheme) and between 81% and 93% for the three-dose scheme (Toledo-Romani et al., 2021b). These results were confirmed during a phase III clinical trial reporting a 71% of efficacy for the two-dose schedule of SOBERANA 02 and 92.4% for the heterologous three-dose schedule (Toledo-Romani et al., 2021c). Here, the model predicts 89.3-91.3% clinical efficacy after two doses of SOBERANA 02 and 95.1-97.4% after the third doses of SOBERANA Plus in children. Children vaccination as 2 y/o is key for controlling the pandemic, cutting the transmission and reducing the emergence of new VOCs (Petersen and Buchy, 2021). The safety and immunological results reported here supported the emergency use authorization of SOBERANA 02 and SOBERANA Plus as heterologous scheme for children between 2-18 y/o. A massive immunization campaign started on 5th September 2021; fully vaccinating 1.8 millions of Cuban children (96% of Cuban 2-18 y/o population (Augustin, 2022). These results support public health vaccination strategies, providing children as young as two years a safe and effective vaccine scheme to prevent COVID-19. ## Supporting information Supplementary Material [[supplements/271313_file03.docx]](pending:yes) ## Data Availability All data produced in the present study are available upon reasonable request to the authors []( ## Funding This work was supported by the Finlay Vaccine Institute, BioCubaFarma and the National Funds for Sciences and Technology from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (FONCI-CITMA-Cuba, contract 2020-20). ## Declaration of Interests The authors R.P.G, Y.R.D, C.R.I, L.C.H. M.P.B, D.V.M, N.P.P, C.V.S, A.P.D, E.G.O, Y.C.E, J.C.F.P, M.S.M, M.D.E, J.M.E.P, Y.I.H, M.E.T.R declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper. The authors B.P.M, M.R.G, B.S.R, L.M.R.N, R.P.N, R.G.M, T.H.G, T.F.B, I.C.Q, S.F.C, Y.C.R, D.S.M, Y.G.V, Y.V.B, D.G.R, V.V.B work at Finlay Vaccine Institute or the Centre of Molecular Immunology, institutions that develop and manufacture the vaccine candidates but they haven’t received an honorarium for this paper B.S.R., S.F.C., Y.C.R, L.R.N., D.S.M., Y.V.B., D.G.R. and V.V.B., have filed patent applications related to the vaccine SOBERANA 02. ## Acknowledgments We especially thanks all the parents and children for participated in the clinical trial. We recognize the contribution of all the medical and nurse staff at clinical site. We thank Dr. Lila Castellanos for scientific advice. * Received March 3, 2022. * Revision received March 3, 2022. * Accepted March 5, 2022. * © 2022, Posted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory This pre-print is available under a Creative Commons License (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International), CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, as described at []( ## References 1. 1.Ali K, Berman G, Zhou H, Deng W, Faughnan V, Coronado-Voges M, et al. Evaluation of mRNA-1273 SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine in Adolescents. N Engl J Med 2021; 385: 2241–51. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2109522 [CrossRef]( [PubMed]( 2. 2.Augustin Ed. Cuba leads the world in vaccinating children as young as two against Covid. The Guardia. February 1st, 2022. []( (accessed February 17th, 2022) 3. 3.Avci FY, Li X, Moriya T, Kasper D. A mechanism for glycoconjugate vaccine activation of the adaptive immune system and its implications for vaccine design. Nature Medicine 2011;17:1602–10. []( [CrossRef]( [PubMed]( 4. 4.Biglari A. 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